Monday, June 29, 2009
Some Good Pet care From NOAH
A regular health care routine helps to keep your pet healthy and happy and is more likely to avoid serious and costly health problems in the future, the National Office of Animal Health (NOAH) advises.
(PRWeb UK/PRWEB ) June 29, 2009 -- Simple steps towards pet health care can prevent expensive vet bills in the future, pet owners are reminded, as everyone continues to watch the pennies.
A regular health care routine helps to keep your pet healthy and happy and is more likely to avoid serious and costly health problems in the future, the National Office of Animal Health (NOAH) advises. If an emergency happens, or a long term health problem develops, unwelcome costs can soon add up.
Three straightforward steps you can take are to ensure regular exercise for your pet, check and treat for fleas to avoid skin problems, and vaccinate against important diseases.
"Walking your dog is absolutely free and helps to avoid obesity and its potential consequences such as diabetes or joint problems - for both you and your pet," says NOAH chief executive Phil Sketchley. "It's also a great de-stressor for both canine and human mind." NOAH advises that it's not just dogs that need their exercise: all pets will live healthier, happier lives if they have appropriate exercise and stimulation for body and mind.
Left untreated, fleas can cause more than a simple itch - they can lead to serious skin problems that can be tricky - and costly - for a vet to deal with.
Vaccination is important to protect pets against some of the more serious health problems, including cat 'flu in cats and parvovirus in dogs. Routine vaccination against preventable disease such as parvovirus is good practice for all dogs.
Yet with reports that more people are choosing to holiday in the UK, this may provide an opportunity to take your pet with you. But even though your dog is not going into kennels, it does not mean you can skip the booster vaccine because, if you do take your dog on holiday, it is likely to come into contact with other dogs. "It's still important to keep your dog's vaccines up-to-date if you are not putting your dog in kennels and are taking it away with you," says Phil Sketchley. "Vets are reporting that vaccination rates are down. Yet there are parvovirus outbreaks throughout the UK - from the Highlands of Scotland to south west England. You don't want to expose your dog to completely unnecessary risk by making what could prove to be a very false economy."
NOAH adds that the best way to identify how best to keep your pet in good health is to seek specific advice from vets and pet care professionals. For help locating your nearest vet and pet shop, plus lots of other news and advice on looking after your pets, is a good 'one stop shop' for information.
One final note of advice is not to be tempted to ignore the renewal notice on your pet insurance, as it could well save you money in the long run. "You can never tell what's around the corner. Insuring your pet leaves you financially equipped to deal with unexpected health problems," Mr Sketchley adds.
Notes to Editors
The National Office of Animal Health represents the UK animal medicines industry: its aim is to promote the benefits of safe, effective, quality medicines for the health and welfare of all animals.
The Pet Health Information website is a 'one stop shop' featuring a wealth of animal health information and advice to help owners and potential owners to make decisions about their pets' healthcare. See
For further information contact Phil Sketchley or Alison Glennon at NOAH on 020 8367 3131, or by email noah(at)noah(dot)co(dot)uk or look at the NOAH website
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Florida Man Arrested For Dog Fighting
A police corporal named Kevin Hickey just happened to come across the dog fitting by accident while on duty. Kevin Hickey said: Several had wounds on them that were fresh. Some were old wounds. They didn't have food or shelter. Some were living in their own feces.
The article said that Jordan has denied that his dogs were fighting, but after reading the article you have to wonder why everybody that was in the yard at the time the officer showed up seemed to have ran away. And officer Hickey even said that he had seen the dogs fighting.
Read the article here.
Saturday, June 27, 2009
This Year’s Ugliest Dog Win Is ?

Photo by ktvu
The worlds ugliest dog winner has been pick at the this year’s World’s Ugliest Dog Champion contest and his name is Pabst a mixed boxer that was a shelter dog. It was nice to read that a shelter dog has beaten the long time champion Rascal in this year’s tournament in Petaluma, CA.
Read the article here.
See the slide show of the dog’s by KTVU here.
Friday, June 26, 2009
Canidae Announces The Four Veterinary Scholarship Winners
CANIDAE® All Natural Pet Foods is pleased to announce that four winners have each been selected to receive the CANIDAE 2009 Doctor of Veterinary Medicine Scholarship Award.
San Luis Obispo, CA (PRWEB) June 26, 2009 -- CANIDAE® All Natural Pet Foods, Inc. is proud to continue supporting the fine young men and women who have chosen to pursue a career path and life dedicated to the health and welfare of our beloved pets and animals. In accordance with its commitment to promote "Responsible Pet Ownership" CANIDAE All Natural Pet Foods has awarded four individual $2,500 Doctor of Veterinary Medicine Scholarships. This is the second year CANIDAE has made these scholarships available.
The four winners for 2009, three from the United States and one from Canada, were selected not just for their outstanding grade point averages and dedication to the well-being of animals, but for the insightful essays they wrote to be eligible for the award.
One of our goals in 2009 is to raise awareness of the responsibilities of pet ownership. In their scholarship essays, these veterinary students wrote about the same areas that are a concern to us: training and exercise, planned breeding, spaying/neutering, supporting reputable breeders and rescue groups, and of course proper veterinarian care and healthy nutrition.
Pets cannot choose what their diet consists of and must rely on the wisdom of their owners to provide adequate quantity and quality of food.
"This is our second year awarding these scholarships and we are once again very impressed with the quality of the applicants," said Jason Castillo, Controller for CANIDAE. "One of our goals in 2009 is to raise awareness of the responsibilities of pet ownership. In their scholarship essays, these veterinary students wrote about the same areas that are a concern to us: training and exercise, planned breeding, spaying/neutering, supporting reputable breeders and rescue groups, and of course proper veterinarian care and healthy nutrition."
As Hannah Byrd, one of this year's four scholarship winners, wrote in her essay, "Pets cannot choose what their diet consists of and must rely on the wisdom of their owners to provide adequate quantity and quality of food."
The four CANIDAE 2009 Doctor of Veterinary Medicine Scholarship Program winners are: Hannah Byrd of Lenoir City,TN attending the University of Tennessee at Knoxville; Alison Gonsalves of Bryan, TX attending Texas A&M University; Erinn Hilberry of Dunca, British Columbia attending the University of Saskatchewan, Western College of Veterinary Medicine; and Erin Dols of Alcoa, TN attending the University of Tennessee at Knoxville.
About CANIDAE All Natural Pet Foods
Founded out of love for pets and animals, CANIDAE® All Natural Pet Foods manufactures and distributes a complete line of healthy meat based, holistic all natural dog food, cat food, and gourmet pet treats sold world wide through independent pet food retailers including over 6,500 locations throughout the United States and Canada. For more information visit
Thursday, June 25, 2009
WOW 25 Grand To Help Dog Rescue Shelters, a website devoted to providing breed specific training information for dog owners, is offering donations to 500 needy dog rescues.
Los Angeles, CA (PRWEB) June 25, 2009 -- Finding funding for dog rescue shelters is difficult to do, especially in the current economic recession. That's why is offering a total of $25,000 donations to be distributed to 500 needy dog rescues. The donations can be in the form of either cash or dog supplies, depending on what the rescue needs.
"Our world has a serious dog overpopulation problem," said Nipa Roy, spokesperson for "There are tons of rescues out there, making a noble effort to save and re-home dogs, but every day they struggle to get enough funding to stay open another day. Donations are an absolute necessity for these rescues."
"With the current economy, many dog rescues are struggling to survive even if they were doing okay before," Roy said. "Fewer families can afford to care for their dogs, so more dogs are being surrendered and fewer are being adopted out. That is when we decided to donate a total sum of $25,000 for as many as 500 Dog Rescues. We hope that our donations will provide much needed food and supplies to the dogs in these rescues". Roy continued, "Someone has to try and help in whatever way they can and we'd like to do our part."
With more than 875,000 subscribers to their free dog training mini courses, has always held a passion to help the canine community at large. will select 500 of the neediest dog rescues to receive donations. To be considered for the donation, a rescue must fill out the online form on's web site. The form requests contact information for the rescue, allows the rescue to choose whether they want the donation in cash or goods, and asks questions such as what dog breeds they rescue and why they should be chosen as one of the 500 to receive a donation.
To find out how your rescue organization can claim its donation, please visit
In addition to their philanthropic activities, provides dog breed specific information for owners who want to learn more about dog and puppy training. Rescues can link to the website to provide foster and adoptive owners with the information they need to train their dogs. Dogs that are well trained or receive good training are more likely to find a "forever home" with their new owners, keeping them out of rescues so the space can be saved for other needy canines.
More information on Dog and Puppy Training can be found on their website at
Founded 5 years ago by dog enthusiasts, was created with the intention of providing a much-needed resource to help owners train their dogs and puppies, based on their natural breed instincts. Today, the website has more than 875,000 subscribers to their free, breed-specific dog training course. It also has information about all kinds of dog breeds - from small breeds like Italian Greyhounds to large breeds like the Great Dane.
The website's staff is constantly researching, conducting surveys, and experimenting with dog training techniques to ensure that the information provided is the best and most current available. For more information, please visit
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
New Internet Radio Show Called: Special Pets, Special Needs
The nation's first Internet radio show about disabled and chronically ill dogs and cats was launched today by Scout's House™, California's leading physical rehabilitation therapy and boarding facility for special needs animals. Featuring interviews with a wide range of guests, including veterinarians, medical researchers, and attorneys specializing in animal law, "Special Pets, Special Needs" will help pet owners understand the myriad of medical and functional issues their pets face and give them the information they need to help these important family members live more comfortable and more functional lives.
Menlo Park, CA (PRWEB) June 24, 2009 -- The nation's first Internet radio show about disabled and chronically ill dogs and cats was launched today by Scout's House™, California's leading physical rehabilitation therapy and boarding facility for special needs animals.
Special Pets, Special Needs, a 30-minute podcast produced by Small Plate Radio and available for free on iTunes, shines the light on the many unique challenges faced by pets who are geriatric, recovering from injury or surgery, or suffering from chronic or debilitating illnesses or conditions, such as arthritis, hip dysplasia, cancer, obesity, and degenerative myelopathy.
Featuring interviews with a wide range of guests, including veterinarians, medical researchers, and attorneys specializing in animal law, the show will help pet owners understand the myriad of medical and functional issues their pets face, and give them the information they need to help these important family members live more comfortable and more functional lives.
The podcast will air every other week beginning Tuesday, June 23, at 11AM Pacific time. Listeners can hear the live broadcast and ask questions via instant message by going to Scout's House's "Special Pets, Special Needs" podcast on Small Plate Radio, or they can download archived shows via iTunes.
The first show, hosted by Scout's House CEO Lisa Stahr, features Physical Therapist Krista Niebaum, MPT, CCRT, who offers practical advice on how pet owners can modify their homes to accommodate their pets' gradual or sudden disabilities.
Upcoming shows include Advances in Cancer Care with Linda Fineman, DVM, ACVIM, one the nation's top veterinary oncologists, and Understanding Degenerative Myelopathy with Joan Coates, DVM, MS, DACVIM, the foremost authority on and researcher into degenerative myelopathy, a disease similar to Lou Gehrig's Disease (ALS) in humans.
"People whose pets are ill or disabled -- and sometimes even their veterinarians -- often don't know what they can do to help these animals be more comfortable and more functional," explains Niebaum, Director of Rehab Therapy at Scout's House. "With this show, we hope to give them a better understanding of the limitations a pet may face and some ideas on how to cope with them, including what products and services can help."
Special needs pets are a growing segment of the pet care industry, fueled by pet owners' increased demand for highly specialized veterinary treatments, such as rehabilitation therapy, oncology, and dentistry, that can improve the quality--and length--of life for their pets. According to American Pet Products Manufacturers Association, pet owners in the United States spent over $38.4 billion on their companion animals in 2006, with almost half that going to veterinary care, supplies, and over-the-counter medicines for their pets.
A state-of-the-art rehab therapy and boarding facility, Scout's House is the only center in California dedicated to the care of special needs dogs and cats. Since opening in 2005, it has provided rehab therapy to more than 1000 companion animals, and through its online store Scout's House Online Store has helped thousands of people around the world find products specifically designed to help their special needs pets.
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Pennsylvania DOA Shuts Down Despicable Puppy Mill
The department of Agriculture has finally shut down a puppy mill called Almost Heaven. Well it sure wasn’t any type of haven for these dogs that were living in little wired cages that were filthy and sick.
The state’s special deputy secretary for dog law enforcement Jessie Smith said: Mr. Eckhart will never again operate a dog kennel in Pennsylvania, and we will see that the dogs removed from the kennel today are cared for before they are offered for adoption.
The Pennsylvania state director of HSUS Sarah Speed said: These animals were subjected to years of constant confinement and denied loving human care and socialization. The Humane Society of the United States is grateful to the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture for enforcing the commonwealth's Dog Law and coming to the aid of man's best friend.
So finally one of these despicable puppy mills gets shut down, let hope it doesn’t stop here. If more states would start looking at the way some of these places are ran we would be reading more great stories like this one.
Read the article by Walter Perez here.
Monday, June 22, 2009
So You’re Wondering Who’s The Loudest Dog In The World Is ?
Let’s just say that a level of 90-95 can make you sustain hearing loss and it’s louder then motorcycle. You can even turn your old walkman radio all the way up and Daz’s bark is louder. So in other words that sure makes Daz one load dog.
Daz’s owner Peter Lucken said: To me his barking is just normal, run of the mill dog barking It's a powerful bark but I didn't think it was that powerful until now.
Read the article here.
Infectious Superbug From Dogs & Cats
Bites to the hands, forearms, neck, and head have the potential for the highest morbidity,the scientists warn. They conclude; Much more remains to be learned about MRSA and pet-associated human infections.
Read the article here.
Sunday, June 21, 2009
So Who Will Be This Year's Ugliest Dog
New Breeds May Shake the Chinese Crested Hold on Title; Fanfare includes YouTube Shoots, Celebrity Judge Autograph Sessions, Dog Adoptions, and the Ugly is the New Beautiful Fashion Show; Media Credentials and Interviews Available
Petaluma, CA (PRWEB) June 21, 2009 -- This is the year the Chinese Cresteds may be unseated in their hold on the World's Ugliest Dog Contest scheduled for Friday, June 26 at 6 p.m. at the Sonoma-Marin Fair in Petaluma. A boxer, shepherd, Shar Pei, Chinese Pug, and a mutt or two are all vying for the title this year. The stakes are high with the purse for the winner doubled.
Of the 15 contestants, only four participated the previous year. The new breeds are largely local California dogs and include Mojo, the Shar Pei from Pleasanton; Pabst, the boxer from Citrus Heights; Winston, the shepherd mix from Santa Rosa; and Kaiya, the Chinese Pug, also from Santa Rosa. Returning contenders include Princess Chelsea from Fairfield, Reggie and Veronica, both from Phoenix. The only returning champion is Rascal, a 7-pound purebred Chinese Crested from Sunnyvale who won the title of the World's Ugliest Dog in 2002. In the competition, whoever wins the runoff between the pedigree and mutt classes will go up against Rascal for the title.
Since winning his title, Rascal has gone on to become a movie star, appearing in a number of horror movies. Naturally and completely hairless except for his Mohawk and a little hair on his tail and feet, he sports dog warts and freckles and no teeth, which gives his face a crooked look. He has appeared on the NBC Tonight Show with Jay Leno, The View with Barbara Walters, and the Jane Pauley show.
In addition to the fame that comes with the title, the World's Ugliest Dog Contest winner walks away with $1,000 from the Fair and a trophy. This year, House Of Dog, a manufacturer of sophisticated dog accessories favored by celebrities, is awarding a year long modeling contract to the winner, along with another $1,000. Additionally, the winner will receive a prize package of collars, leashes, bowls, toys and a carrier from House Of Dog and another prize from Animal Planet. The winner will also have a professional photo shoot the next day at the Sheraton Petaluma conducted by the Official World's Ugliest Dog Event Photographer Grace Chon of Shine Pet Photos. Animal Planet will return for the third year to film the show for a Dogs 101 segment.
Celebrity Judge Karen "Doc" Halligan is committed to animal welfare and pet-owner education and will conduct the screening of contestants in a Vet Check at 4 p.m. Contestants this year must provide veterinarian releases documenting the health of their dogs. As Judge and Fair Board Member Brian Sobel says, "We are looking for dogs who are naturally ugly." Dog owners may enter their dog up to the last hour before the contest, although walk-ups that day will pay a $20 fee (no charge before June 26).
The hoopla that surrounds the contest will kick off at 3 p.m. on Friday, June 26 with a number of special events. Fairgoers can participate in YouTube Video Shoots with contestant dogs, autograph sessions with celebrity judges, and consider adopting a "hard to adopt" dog at the TailWaggin' brought by the Sonoma County Humane Society. During the contest itself, the fair will introduce the "Ugly is the New Beautiful Fashion Show" featuring rescue dogs escorted by models, both wearing the latest in dog fashion attire and accessories provided by House Of Dog.
Adding more fun, the contest has a new panel of celebrity judges this year including Halligan, known for her appearances on Animal Rescue 911, Dog Tales, Groomer Has It, and Dogs 101. Doc Halligan will autograph her book, Doc Halligan's What Every Pet Owner Should Know: Prescriptions for Happy, Healthy Cats and Dogs. She will be joined by local celebrity Jon Provost, who played Timmy in Lassie. Provost will sign his book Timmy in the Well. The third judge position will be filled by Brian Sobel, Fair Board Member who as served as judge for the last several years. Autographing will take place from 4:30 to 5:30 p.m.
YouTube videos featuring fairgoers and the ugly dogs will be produced and aired on the fair's website and on its YouTube site
For more information on the World's Ugliest Dog Contest, the Ugly is the New Beautiful Fashion Show, and the celebrities who will be judging the 2009 contest, please visit The Sonoma-Marin Fair is now in its 21st year of producing the World's Ugliest Dog Contest and has trademarked the World's Ugliest Dog name and logo.
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Family Arrest For Dog Fighting
Robin Starr from Richmond SPCA said: It has put serious teeth into the penalties for dog-fighting, which Mr. Robinson is about to find out.
Richard Robinson sister Connie Robinson said: He stopped that a long time ago, being involved in any kind of criminal activity with dogs when he was originally prosecuted for that about three years ago.
So I guess that the local animal control and the SPCA just made this up, we all know that by reading this article you don’t treat dogs like this for no reason. And why would a mother stand by and let this happen on her property and not stop her son from abusing these poor dogs.
Read the article by Ryan Nobles & Terry Alexander here.
Pennsylvania Animal Cruelty Bill Being Held Hostage
Over in Pennsylvania the chairman of the Judiciary Committee Rep. Thomas Caltagirone has been trying to get his animal cruelty bill passed where there is a lot of hold up in the senate committee.
Rep. Thomas Caltagirone said: They are playing games with me. They're impounding my dog bill, which would bar anyone except veterinarians from performing certain surgical procedures on dogs.
Why is it so hard to just vote on this bill, and not try and bring in some other kind of bill that you have to vote on to get your bill passed. Wonder why are government is so messed up. Just vote Yes.
Read the article by Amy Worden here.
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Do You Want To Become A Professional Dog Walker
The Dog Walking Academy, a comprehensive 4-day professional dog walking certification program taught by business consultancy dogTEC, will for the first time be offered on the East Coast this Fall.
Sixes, OR (PRWEB) June 18, 2009 -- dogTEC has added a New Hampshire location to its seminar schedule for the sought-after Dog Walking Academy, a comprehensive 4-day professional dog walking certification program aimed at anyone wanting to start a successful dog walking business and existing dog walking businesses wanting to grow. The first workshop will be November 12-15, 2009.
In the past five years, dogTEC has certified hundreds of dog walkers through workshops in the San Francisco Bay Area, meaning a very long trip for anyone on the right-hand side of the country, not to mention European, Australian, and Asian dog professionals. Adding an East Coast location makes the sought-after workshop accessible to more people.
The Dog Walking Academy covers technical subjects like canine body language, pack composition and management, trail etiquette, dog screening, how to handle and prevent aggression, First Aid certification, etc., plus gives attendees a solid overview of the small business practices and marketing necessary for long-term financial stability and success.
The program is designed by veteran trainer and walker Kim Moeller, the San Francisco SPCA's resident dog-dog socialization and rehabilitation expert, and Veronica Boutelle, the dog pro industry's leading business consultant and author of How To Run A Dog Business. The East Coast workshop will be taught by Denise Mazzola, Director of the Monadnock Canine Academy at Monadnock Humane Society in New Hampshire.
For more information or to sign up for the Dog Walking Academy, visit
dogTEC is a full-service business and marketing consultancy. The company helps dog professionals set up, operate, and prosper in their chosen field, be that dog training, dog walking, pet sitting, dog day care, or dog boarding. They offer one-on-one business and marketing consulting, business tools and services tailored to dog pros, workshops, dog walking certification, and more.
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
More Cruel Dog Owners
While over in King Williams County in Virginia a guy named Cary Longest had gotten off easy for starving his eleven hound dogs, where four of these poor dogs had died.
When are there going to be some strict laws out there to help stop these cruel puppy mills.
Over in New Jersey the guy named Yavuz Atalay who dumped his dog with her nine puppies seems to have no friends when the public defender told the judge that he wouldn’t represent the bum because of his personal beliefs.
Now that is one nice lawyer to stand up and say NO. The guy should defend himself and try and explain why he dump his dogs….Tell us Yavuz, how could you do that to your dog and her babies…… And the rest of you cruel dog owners, come on tell us why?????
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Stress Relief For Your Dog
Natural Pet Remedies help with pet anxiety, fear of fireworks and other sounds associated with summer
NORTH ANDOVER, Mass., June 16 /PRNewswire/ -- For many people, the sounds of summer are music to their ears. But for your pet, the louder noises that accompany warm weather -- thunderstorms, fireworks, unfamiliar guests -- are often a source of pet anxiety.
While the trend toward the use of pharmaceutical drugs to deal with pet anxiety and other complex stress-related emotions is on the rise, many pet owners are turning to all-natural alternative solutions, including RESCUE(R) Remedy Pet.
This new variation of the original stress relieving remedy available for more than 70 years contains a blend of the same five flower remedies found in RESCUE Remedy in an alcohol free formula, ideal for sensitive pets.
Dr. Margo Roman, DVM, recommends RESCUE(R) Remedy Pet to treat pet anxiety caused by loud noises, fear of fireworks, separation, new surroundings, vet visits and more. Dr. Roman, a board member of the American Holistic Veterinary Medical Association, explains, "If left untreated, these intense feelings can lead to negative, unwanted behaviors - a dog with a propensity to bite, a cat who continually urinates on the carpet, a bird who pulls out his feathers each time his owner leaves the house."
Dr. Roman recommends pet owners consider flower remedy therapy should their pets experience any of the following:
* Fear of thunderstorms, fear of fireworks or other loud noises
* Excessive barking or hissing
* Shock, trauma or mistreatment
* Travel anxiety
* Separation anxiety
* Adapting to new surroundings
* Visits to the vet or groomer
* Constant licking or nibbling
RESCUE(R) Remedy Pet is available in dropper format, allowing pet owners to easily administer it to their pets. Alcohol-free, it is suitable for use on pets of all shapes and sizes, including reptiles, fish (add to water), birds, cats, dogs, horses and rabbits.
RESCUE(R) Remedy Pet is available nationally in Whole Foods and anywhere natural products are sold. It can also be purchased online (10 ml drops -- $12.95 MSRP) at
Look for Rescue Remedy Pet on Facebook for the latest information, tips, and contests.
About Nelsons: Nelsons is a wholly owned subsidiary steeped in 140 years of homeopathic excellence, of Nelsons, London, England and the sole US distributor of the Bach(R) Original Flower Remedies and RESCUE(R) Remedy.
CONTACT: Lynn Federico of Nelsons,
Has anybody used this product on their pet, let us know if it works or not.
Evanger's Dog and Cat Food Co., Inc. Wants To Be Reinstated
In response to the recent Food and Drug Administration action, Evanger's Dog and Cat Food Co., Inc. has filed a formal request, as allowed by FDA regulations, for reinstatement based on documentation that the company is operating in full compliance with mandatory requirements.
Wheeling, IL (PRWEB) June 16, 2009 -- In response to the recent Food and Drug Administration action, Evanger's Dog and Cat Food Co., Inc. has filed a formal request, as allowed by FDA regulations, for reinstatement based on documentation that the company is operating in full compliance with mandatory requirements.
"Our company has been working closely with the FDA and we have already addressed many of their questions," says Joel Sher, Vice President of Evanger's. "No Evanger's product has been recalled, nor is there any indication that Evanger's products are unsafe or contaminated in any way. Only our canned products have been affected by this action and, again, the FDA has not issued a recall as some blogs have incorrectly stated."
The FDA action appears to be based on a misunderstanding regarding paperwork updating the company's processing protocols that was submitted last year. Joel comments, "Our FDA consultants are in the process of re-submitting these files. The safety and quality of all Evanger's products is our number one concern and we are working closely with FDA to ensure that all record keeping and processes have met, and will continue to meet their strict guidelines."
"As our customers, retailers and distributors know, Evanger's takes the quality and safety of its pet foods very seriously," says Holly Sher, President of Evanger's. "Evanger's has a long history of using the finest human grade ingredients prepared under strict manufacturing procedures. We have been producing safe, wholesome and natural products for over 75 years and continue to feed them daily to our own pets."
Consumers and distributors may contact Evanger's customer service department at (800) 288-6796. In addition, all new or updated information will be posted to as soon as it becomes available.
Evanger's Dog & Cat Food Company, Inc. is the oldest natural dog food company in the United States. Today, the suburban Chicago company is as innovative as when Fred Evanger first established it in 1935. Manufactured in the U.S.A., all Evanger's products are made with U.S. sourced ingredients.
Monday, June 15, 2009

Hi, all you animal lovers!
This is pretty simple... Please tell ten friends to each tell a further ten today!
The Animal Rescue Site is having trouble getting enough people to click on it daily so they can meet their quota of getting free food donated every day to abused and neglected animals. It takes less than a minute (about 15 seconds) to go to their site and click on the purple box 'fund food for animals for free'. This doesn't cost you a thing.
Their corporate sponsors/advertisers use the number of daily visits to donate food to abandoned/neglected animals in exchange for advertising.
Here's the web site! Please pass it along to people you know.
Did You Hear What The Dogs Had To Say
I was offered this video though a site called Wild Reiki and Shamanic Healing LLC to help spreed the dogs words.
I like to Thank Rosa who has a nice site that has a lot of info on animals, Reiki and Shamanic Healing.
Sunday, June 14, 2009
FDA Tells Evanger's Dog & Cat Food Co. To Stop Production
FDA Suspends Temporary Emergency Permit of Pet Food Maker
June 12, 2009
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration announced today it was suspending the temporary Emergency Permit issued to Evanger's Dog & Cat Food Co., Inc.
Evanger's, operating in Wheeling, Illinois, deviated from the prescribed process, equipment, product shipment, and recordkeeping requirements in the production of the company's thermally processed low acid canned food (LACF) products. The deviations in their processes and documentation could result in under-processed pet foods, which can allow the survival and growth of Clostridium botulinum (C. botulinum), a bacterium that causes botulism in some animals as well as in humans.
In April 2008, Evanger’s was issued an “Order of Need for Emergency Permit” after the agency determined that the company had failed to meet the regulatory requirements to process a product that does not present a health risk. In June, 2008, FDA issued Evanger’s a temporary Emergency Permit. During inspections conducted between March 2009 and April 2009, FDA determined Evanger’s was not operating in compliance with the mandatory requirements and conditions of the Temporary Emergency Permit.
“The FDA is stopping Evanger's ability to ship pet food in interstate commerce,” said Dr. Bernadette Dunham. “Today’s enforcement action sends a strong message to manufacturers of pet food that we will take whatever action necessary to keep unsafe products from reaching consumers.”
In order for Evanger's to resume shipping in interstate commerce, the company must document that corrective actions and processing procedures have been implemented to ensure that the finished product will not present a health hazard.
Botulism is a powerful toxin that affects the nervous system and can be fatal. The disease has been documented in dogs and cats. Signs of botulism in animals are progressive muscle paralysis, disturbed vision, difficulty in chewing and swallowing, and progressive weakness to the body. Death is usually due to paralysis of the heart or the muscles used in breathing.
While FDA’s Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition is responsible for regulating all human and animal LACF processing, FDA's Center for Veterinary Medicine has authority over animal feed and foods. The two centers are collaborating on this enforcement action.
Couple Rescue A Dog And Now They Have A Deer Too

Photo by the Oakland Press
A couple named Kirsten and Kevin Hartig from Troy, Michigan had rescued a dog named Louie from a shelter called Canine Castle as a pet. Now they seen to have a deer as a pet who likes to come out and play with Louie when he’s in the yard.
The article talks about how this is a one of a kind relationship, I remember posting another article when a deer walked up to a couple and their dog. So again to me it just shows the innocents of the two animals that are unaware of the fear that we have made in this society.
How many things happen like this that we don’t ever get to see with wild animals. And why do we think this is supposed to be unusual for two different types of animals to get along. We as humans learn to get along, why not animals.
Read the article by Stephanie Steinberg here.
Thursday, June 11, 2009
A Lot Of Heart Breaking Dog Abuse News Today
Now how dose someone just kill a dog like that, there must be something really wrong with this guy.
Over in Rome, GA a guy named Kenyatta Towers was charged with animal cruelty and dog fighting for having eighteen Pit Bulls that were used for dog fighting.
Lt. Dana Collum of the Floyd County police department said: Some of the dogs were padlocked to the ground. Now if that isn’t sick for someone to put a dog though that.
A guy named Simon Jerome Putmon from Belle Glade, FL has been charged with nine counts of abandoning or neglecting animals and one count of causing cruel death, pain or sufferings for starving nine of his dogs.
As I read these articles it is so upsetting to think what these poor dogs had gone though.
So now we go to El Paso County, Texas where a cruel women named Elva Ortega walked around with her four month old that had a collar so small that it had been embedded into the dogs neck until someone reported her.
How do you just walk around with your little dog knowing that it’s collar has lacerated the dogs neck, you can’t say I didn’t see it can you.
Well anyway Elva was charged with cruelty.
Up in North Bend, Wash. there has been a reward posted to find out who shot a four year old Rottweiler and left it tied up on the side of the road.
My day has been so sadden after reading these articles that makes me want to love my dogs even more. So please if you are unable to care for your dog, bring it to a shelter where it might have a chance to a new life. And don’t hurt your pet; they are your friend who will always show you love when treated right.
So I had to try and cheer myself up so I found a link that shows a video of the dogs that star in Legally Blonde, The Musical. I recommend this after reading about what these sick people did to our buddies.
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Jennifer Aniston Voted Most Trusted Pet Sitter
Celebrity voted most trusted pet sitter in poll.
King, NC (Vocus/PRWEB ) June 10, 2009 -- Who is America's choice for celebrity pet sitter? Pet Sitters International (PSI), the educational association for professional pet sitters that established the industry's standards for excellence in pet sitting, salutes actress Jennifer Aniston.
In a recent poll on AOL's PawNation, pet owners voted Aniston as the celebrity they would trust to watch their favorite four-legged friends.
As Marley's "mom" in the hit movie, "Marley and Me," Aniston put the spotlight on the depth of the human-animal bond between people and their pets.
In the real world, she shares her life with a pair of pampered pooches, a Corgi-terrier cross named Norman, and Dolly, a white German shepherd. Lucky dogs!
Loving pet owners want the very best care for their furred, feathers and finned family members when they are away from home for vacations or business trips. And that means professional pet care.
Founded in 1994, PSI is the organization that literally put the term "pet sitter" in the dictionary. Its 8,000 member businesses service more than 1.5 million clients and deliver more than 17.4 million pet-sitting engagements per year.
Membership in PSI is considered the "Good Housekeeping Seal of Approval" among pet owners.
In its real-life version of "the world's celebrity pet sitter," PSI takes nominations from pet owners each year in a competition to identify the best of the best--the PSI Pet Sitter of the Year™. PSI's Pet Sitter of the Year typifies the professionalism--and passionate dedication--of the individuals who make up the ranks of PSI membership.
Professional pet sitters are trained, experienced and dedicated to providing the very best care possible to their clients' pets. In recognition of Jennifer Aniston's dedication to her own beloved canines, PSI has awarded her honorary membership in Pet Sitters International.
Congratulations to Aniston and her love for her companion animals. She will be honored at PSI's 15th Quest for Excellence Convention in San Diego, CA, in February 2010.
PSI invites pet owners looking for in-home pet care to visit to find professional pet sitters in their local areas.
Anyone interested in pet sitting as a career or in learning more details about PSI events and activities will also find that information at the Web site. Or call (336) 983-9222, ext. 1, for more information.
About Pet Sitters International
Established in 1994, Pet Sitters International (PSI) is the world's largest educational association for professional pet sitters, representing more than 8,000 independent professional pet-sitting businesses in the United States, Canada and abroad. PSI provides members with access to affordable bonding and liability insurance and educational resources such as PSI's Accreditation Program, The Pet Sitter's WORLD magazine and PSI's annual Quest convention. PSI provides pet owners with The Pet Owner's WORLD magazine and For more information, visit PSIStoreOnline to select from more than 2,000 pet sitter and pet owner products.
Contact: Courtney Klein
Phone: (336) 983-9222 ext. 318
E-mail: courtneyklein @
Web site:
Contact: Terry Chance
Phone (336) 983-9222 ext. 314
E-mail: terrychance @
Veterinarians Utilizing Stem-Cell Therapy For Dogs
Veterinarian in Huntington Station, New York, cites advances in veterinary medical care and professional interests in preventative medicine for business growth, as well as growth of a relatively rare stem-cell therapy. He is one of a small handful of veterinarians on Long Island who performs endoscopic diagnostic and laparoscopic surgical procedures, orthopedic surgery, ultrasound diagnostics and ultrasound guided surgery.
Huntington Station, NY (PRWEB) June 10, 2009 -- Veterinarian in Huntington Station, New York, cites advances in veterinary medical care and professional interests in preventative medicine for business growth, as well as growth of a relatively rare stem-cell therapy. He is one of a small handful of veterinarians on Long Island who performs endoscopic diagnostic and laparoscopic surgical procedures, orthopedic surgery, ultrasound diagnostics and ultrasound guided surgery.
"Dogs age faster than humans; lucky for them, some areas of medicine are more advanced for veterinary care due to less stringent regulations," Dr. Michel Selmer said. "I am now accredited in Stem Cell Therapy and utilizing stem-cell therapy for the treatment of dogs."
Conditions such as hip-dysplasia and arthritis are being treated with fat cells taken from the patient's own body. Using cells from the dog's own body eliminates the risk of rejection, and the ethical dilemma raised by using embryonic stem cells.
The procedure seems simple enough; fat cells are removed from the dog, sent to the lab where they go through a concentration process, and then are returned to the Advanced Animal Care Center for insertion within 48 hours. The cells are injected near the site of the injury, or degeneration. Pet owners have reported significant improvement in their dogs within the first month.
"I personally am amazed by the stem-cell procedure and I hope that the stiff regulations governing human medicine will either relax somewhat, or embrace this treatment," Dr. Selmer said. "Imagine if we could help our dysplastic dogs run without pain and our arthritic friends could have pain-free mobility. The implications are huge! I know that I'd rather have an injection of my own cells to treat a degenerative joint, rather than an invasive surgery to replace it. I hope that we'll see these medical advancements continue to become more mainstream for our pets and spill over into traditional human medicine - soon!"
Dr. Michel Selmer attended Long Island University (graduating Cum Laude with a BA in Psychology) and earned his Doctorate of Veterinary Medicine in 1995 from Michigan State University. Dr. Selmer owns and operates the Advanced Animal Care Center in Huntington since 1996. In his hospital, Dr. Selmer focuses on minimally invasive diagnostic and surgical techniques, laparoscopic surgeries, ultrasounds, orthopedic surgeries, and endoscopies. Dr. Selmer is an accredited member of the New York State Veterinary Medical Society, as well as the American Animal Hospital Association, and currently is the Vice President of the Long Island Veterinary Medical Society. He is recognized as one of America's top veterinarians by Consumer's Research Council of America for 2006 and 2007. More information is available by calling 631-FOR-PETS or visiting his website at
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Puppy Mill Owner Dumps Off Sick Dogs ?

Photo by Kirotv
Some one from the Bainbridge Island, Wash. area had dumped off six sick dachshunds off in front of the Bainbridge Island Furrytale Farm that is a rescue place. The manager Suzannah Sloan said; the dogs were dropped off by a woman who claimed she'd found them in Mason County. Suzannah also said; she believes they came from a puppy mill.
Some of the poor dogs had tumors on them and were showing signs of neglect. How cruel is that, to just keep on using these dogs to breed and them dump them off when they are used up. At least they didn’t just kill the dogs and maybe they have a good chance to live a decent life if they get adopted.
I don’t know what the laws are in Washington but this is an abuse that is on called for and the owners should be charged for their actions.
Read the article here.
Warning the video is heart breaking
Own A Dog/ Need A Job
Dog News Daily, publisher of the fast growing website, provides $1 million dollars in advertising space to help unemployed dog owners get back to work. Dog News Daily's Help Find a Dog Owner a Job program provides dog owners with two ways to find a job for free in the $44 billion pet industry.
Los Angeles, CA (PRWEB) June 9, 2009 -- Dog News Daily announced, today, the launch of its Help Find A Dog Owner A Job employment assistance program to help unemployed dog owners get back to work.
Funded with $1 million worth of advertising space, this nationwide program will enable unemployed dog owners to search for jobs within the $44 billion pet industry in two different ways. They can either post a one-page resume on Dog News Daily's popular blog for free; or they can review and respond to job openings that have been posted on the blog by hundreds of companies from within the pet industry.
According to Alan Siskind, the publisher of, "As one of the leading websites for both dog owners and the $44 billion pet industry, Dog News Daily is in a unique position to help dog owners find a job in this recession proof industry."
To have their resume published, all a dog owner has to do is go to,, click on the "Post a Resume" tab, and follow the simple instructions.
Once a job seeker's resume is approved, it will immediately be made available to the thousands of prospective employers from within the pet industry who visit both and each week.
Siskind goes on to say "There are an estimated 4 million unemployed dog owners in the US many of whom visit Dog News Daily. Unfortunately, a growing number of them are finding it increasingly more difficult to care for their pets. If our program finds even one dog owner a job so that they don't have to give up their pet, we will consider this program to be a huge success."
To further help dog owners find a job, Dog News Daily will, also, allow businesses of all sizes from within the pet industry to post jobs for free on its blog. Job seeker's can, also, review and respond to these jobs for free.
Because of Dog News Daily's strong commitment to help find loving homes for the million of shelter dogs in this country, it will neither accept nor post job listings from breeders, puppy mills, or retail stores that sell dogs.
About Dog News Daily LLC
Dog News Dailly LLC, publisher of, launched its fast growing website in December, 2008 after 18 months of research and development. Funded and managed by a group of dog loving investors and marketing professionals, will be comprised of 4 separate yet interconnected sections - the Product Section and blog which are currently running; an eco-friendly and natural products store which opens online in late June; and a service provider section which launches in July.
For more information, please contact Alan Siskind at 310.479.3999 or at Alan at
Monday, June 8, 2009
The Case Of The $10,000 Dog
So after offing a reward for the ten grand Debby was finally able to get little Lexi back. It just shows how much love this women had for her little friend. It’s just a shame that she had to pay all that money for the dog. The executive director of the Walnut Creek based Animal Rescue Foundation said; Small breeds like a chorkie may be especially vulnerable, given their size and increased popularity.
Well at least the dog was returned and it just makes you wonder if your dog is next.
Read the article by Sam Richards here.
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Australian Pet Food Pulled From The Shelf’s

A company called Virbac has asked veterinarians to stop selling their product called VeggieDent Chews due to another outbreak of an illness that might have come the product that was made in Vietnam as a precaution.
It’s nice to see that a company would go out of their way to help stop an outbreak even if it wasn’t from their product. One good thing is that you can only by this product from a Vet. Hopefully they will find out what is really making the dogs sick and correct whatever it is.
Read the article by Kelly Burke here.
Saturday, June 6, 2009
Did You Buy A Dog From Broc’s Puppies

Broc’s Puppies is in South Lake Tahoe, NV and the owner was possibly selling sick dogs when an animal control officer looked over the records of Denis Franks store. There were some forged medical documents that were supposed to have been signed by a veterinarian named Henry Kostecki saying these dogs were healthy.
Was this guy that desperate to sell these sick dogs that he risked everything he had built. So if you own a dog from this place you just might want to have you dog checked out and let the local authority know.
Read the article by Elaine Goodman here.
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Pfizer Animal Health Inc. Get's OK For Dog Cancer Treatment
For Immediate Release: June 3, 2009
Media Inquiries: Siobhan DeLancey, 301-796-4668
Consumer Inquiries: 888-INFO-FDA
FDA: First Drug to Treat Cancer in Dogs Approved
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration today announced the approval of Palladia (toceranib phosphate), the first drug developed specifically for the treatment of cancer in dogs.
Palladia is approved to treat canine cutaneous (skin-based) mast cell tumors, a type of cancer responsible for about 1 out of 5 cases of canine skin tumors. The drug is approved to treat the tumors with or without regional lymph node involvement.
All cancer drugs now used in veterinary medicine originally were developed for use in humans and are not approved for use in animals. Cancer treatments used in animals are used in an “extra-label” manner as allowed by the Animal Medicinal Drug Use Clarification Act of 1994.
"This cancer drug approval for dogs is an important step forward for veterinary medicine," said Bernadette Dunham, D.V.M., Ph.D., director of FDA's Center for Veterinary Medicine. "Prior to this approval, veterinarians had to rely on human oncology drugs, without knowledge of how safe or effective they would be for dogs. Today's approval offers dog owners, in consultation with their veterinarian, an option for treatment of their dog's cancer."
While canine mast cell tumors often appear small and insignificant, they can be a very serious form of cancer in dogs. Some mast cell tumors are easily removed without the development of any further problems, while others can lead to life threatening disease.
Palladia is a tyrosine kinase inhibitor and works in two ways: by killing tumor cells and by cutting off the blood supply to the tumor. In a clinical trial, Palladia showed a statistically significant difference in tumor shrinkage when compared with an inactive substance (placebo).
The most common side effects associated with Palladia are diarrhea, decrease or loss of appetite, lameness, weight loss, and blood in the stool.
Palladia is manufactured by Pfizer Animal Health Inc., New York City.
For more information:
Palladia approval summary
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
ChemNutra Inc. Co-Owner Pleads Guilty For Toxic Pet Food
No matter how long Steven goes to jail and all the fines he will pay, it’s not enough to bring back all those dogs that died. Let along all the people that went though the hardship of not knowing why their dogs were sick.
Read the article here.
Hey Texas Have You Seen Tim’s Service Dog Named Jake

Photo by KTVT / KTXA
A guy named Tim from Arlington who has Lou Gehrig’s Disease has lost his service dog named Jake when he jumped the fence a week ago. So if anybody in the Arlington or Cedar Hills Texas area, please be on the lookout for this dog.
Read the article by Carol Cavazos here.
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
It Says Unique & Healthy Grain Free For Dogs, But Is It Really Healthy?
So tell me why would a company say that these treats are healthy for your dog but not for you? What's wrong with this picture..... I know that what ever my dogs eat I eat too, this way I know that it's good and healthy and safe.
Here is the article
Pets With Grain Allergies Do Tail Spins: No Grainers 100% Grain-Free Dog Treats Offer A Unique & Healthy Alternative To Grain While Giving Them What They Really Want... Protein
Allergies are the number one reason veterinarians treat dogs nationwide, according to the Veterinary Pet Insurance Company, costing Americans approximately $16 million in vet bills each year. Many pet owners do not know most dog treats contain inexpensive corn and wheat fillers. In fact, grain-based treats can cause increased allergic reactions in dogs. With dog happiness in mind, HBH Pet Products carefully formulated No Grainers Dog Biscuits and Treats as a unique 100% grain-free alternative.
Springville, UT (Vocus/PRWEB ) June 2, 2009 -- Allergies are the number one reason veterinarians treat dogs nationwide, according to the Veterinary Pet Insurance Company (as posted by the American Veterinary Medical Association), costing Americans approximately $16 million in vet bills each year. Many pet owners do not know most dog treats contain inexpensive corn and wheat fillers. In fact, grain-based treats can cause increased allergic reactions in dogs that have sensitivities to corn and wheat. With dog health and happiness in mind, HBH Pet Products carefully formulated No Grainers® Dog Biscuits and Treats as a unique 100% grain-free alternative specifically for pet owners who want to give their dogs a natural reward.
“As more and more pet owners become aware of the type of grains used to make their own food, they are taking a second look at their dog’s food. Ask any dog owner and they will likely tell you their dogs prefer protein-based treats,” explains Colette Dahl, manager of new product development at HBH Pet Products. “Some dogs have trouble processing foods that are grain based, which can wreak havoc on their systems. Because No Grainers understands the importance of having protein as a staple in a dog’s diet, we developed these delicious beef, chicken and pork treats.”
No Grainers Biscuits and Treats have the highest protein content in their category. In fact, to get the same amount of protein found in one bag of No Grainers Biscuits, a dog would need to eat approximately 2 1/2 boxes of the competing biscuit.
No Grainers chicken-bacon flavored biscuits come in small, medium and large sizes to suit any size dog. No Grainers are also offered as a semi-soft treat in three gourmet flavors: Hickory Smoked Pork, BBQ Chicken and Tender Beef. The treats are available at Wal-Mart for $1.50 per 7 oz. package and the biscuits are $3.50 for a 20 oz. bag. Based on cost and health factors, it is easy to see why, “Choosing No Grainers® is a definite no brainer!”
About HBH Pet Products
HBH Pet Products began in 1988 with just four aquarium foods and has quickly grown over the last decade into one of the industry’s leading manufacturers. HBH Pet Products now offers products for just about every type of aquatic animal, including a large selection of species-specific diets. The company’s Betta Bites® fish food has been the best-selling Betta formula on the market for over a decade. In addition, HBH Pet Products offers the only pellet foods specifically designed for the delicate digestive systems of newts, salamanders, and fully aquatic frogs and tadpoles. In 2004 the firm introduced a new line of dog safe chocolate flavored treats called Chocolicks which led to entry into new markets for dogs and cats and to the current release of grain free, No Grainers® line.
So let us know what your thoughts are on the products.
Monday, June 1, 2009
Fetch Dog To Help Injured Soldiers
New Dog Toy To Benefit Injured American Soldiers
New Dog Toy To Benefit Injured American Soldiers
Chewy Shoe is a program designed to provide financial assistance to soldiers injured in Iraq or Afghanistan. a Portland, Maine based catalogue and internet pet products company has recently introduced the "Chewy Shoe" pet toy for purchase.
A portion of the proceeds from "Chewy Shoe" sales will be contributed to the Dog Tags program for training service Dogs to assist injured veterans. The new toy will be available for purchase exclusively at and through FetchDog's catalogue. Fetch Dog's "Chewy Shoe" features a red, white and blue shoe sole with a tough throwing/pulling cord for maximum playtime fun. It is made of rugged natural rubber and made exclusively in the United States. Fetch Dog will donate 2.00$ for every sale of the new Chewy Shoe to support Dog Tags a program that provides service dogs for disabled veterans who have served in Iraq or Afghanistan. Proceeds of the sales of the toys will help support the training of approximately 20 dogs per year. NAPPS ( America's only non-profit pet sitting association has been the leading innovator in the field of training professional pet sitters and continues to lead the nation in both educating and certifying pet sitting members across the country.