Thursday, August 27, 2009

Pennsylvania Governor Signs Bill On Strict Dog Surgical Procedures

We all know that Pennsylvania is well known for the puppy mills of America, well now comes a time where the dogs will have more rights in who is the one to be cutting their tails and ears off. With this new law to be signed by Governor Ed Rendell today, there will be some new strict guide lines on who is allowed to perform surgical procedures on these dogs.

Rep. Thomas Caltagirone said: Some of the procedures dog owners and breeders performed on the animals are barbaric. We take it for granted when we go to the hospital that you are anesthetized so you don't feel the pain. Does anybody think that animals have pain and suffering too? Cases of surgical procedures that border on torture have been investigated time and again, but what law enforcement needed most are clear and concise definitions outlining when procedures can be done and who can do them.

Hopefully this will start a trend with other states following these laws to help protect our buddies. A big Thanks goes out to Rep. Thomas Caltagirone and all the people that have helped him on getting this bill signed into law.

Read the article by Tim Darragh here.

1 comment:

Life With Dogs said...

As a former PA resident I am happy to see this! :)