Up in Anchorage, Alaska there is a group of beaver that have been attacking dogs that go in the water near their nesting area. In the last eight days three dogs have had to go for medical help. It sounds like a movie when you read this. I guess the little guys are just trying to protect their home that they are building.
Police have charged Brad Terrence Simpson from Salisbury, North Carolina with two counts of dog fighting after the police found a tape showing some of the eight pit bulls fighting. Why dose it seem that people just buy these pit bulls just for fighting. They are really a nice dog to have if they are trained right. You can see why people fear these dogs when you walk near them. I hope the judge throws the book at this guy and just maybe owners of these dogs will smarten up and treat them right.
There were two kids that were attacked at different times by a dog that got loose while they were on their way to school in Fenton, Missouri. Over in Fremont, California there was a nine year old that was mauled by his family dog that just only bit someone a few weeks ago. And near Colorado Hills there was a five year old who was attacked by a dog. A little seven year old named Tanner Joshua Monk from Breckenridge, Texas who was mauled to death by two pit bulls now has the owners facing felony charges. Then you have a man named David Scoular from Canada who had his leg bitten to the bone when he approached two dogs and tried to kick at one of the dogs.
That’s a lot of dog biting in the past two days. I have read that dogs that are chained up seem to be the most aggressive, due to not being social with other animals and people. You also need to watch out for dogs that are behind a fence, they are going to protect their turf. Here is a quick 10 point tip on training your dog by Chamois Rose-Wood.
Here's a simple step by step beginners training for your dog by Linda Lombardi.
There are so many different types of training out there for your pet, alls you need to do is a search. And remember why you brought your pet to begin with...Wasn't it for Love and Comfort?
This poor dog just didn’t know when to leave. They say that a Vet had to sedate the dog and remove about 1,347 quills for the dog. That definitely had to hurt and I hope he learned his lesson on this one.
Today’s Honor goes to a fourth grade class from Carmel Elementary in California that work for two months collecting bottles and cans to help make a donation for their local animal shelter.
Thanks for your hard work kids…. Every little bit of donations will help are little friends in need.
Sorry but we’re Praying for all those who have given their life for our Freedom
We walked among the crosses Where our fallen soldiers lay. And listened to the bugle As TAPS began to play. The Chaplin led a prayer We stood with heads bowed low. And I thought of fallen comrades I had known so long ago. They came from every city Across this fertile land. That we might live in freedom. They lie here 'neath the sand. I felt a little guilty My sacrifice was small. I only lost a little time But these men lost their all. Now the services are over For this Memorial Day. To the names upon these crosses I just want to say, Thanks for what you've given No one could ask for more. May you rest with God in heaven From now through evermore. By C W Johnson
Here is an article by Nanette Pearl who runs a Pet Chat column that talks about second hand smoke with your dog that was printed in the May Dogs in Canada and written by Jeff Grognet. This article talks about different dogs with long and short noses and how the short nose dog will have fewer nasal tumors but more lung tumors.
How many times do we read about abandon dogs out there and those poorly run puppy mills. Now we have a company that is bidding five cloned puppies that start at 100 G’s. Do you know how many dogs could be save for that amount. And to think of all the suckers that would pay that much, when is enough, enough!
Did you know that over in Moscow there is a web site called Metrodog.ruthat tracks the stray dogs that make their way though the subways and the back roads. Today though the dogs are a lot smarter and don’t have to beg for food. When I read this article it just shows how these dogs have learned to adapt to the times.
First off we have the top ten dog movies of all time. 1. Old Yeller 2. Best in Show 3. Lassie Come Home 4. Rin Tin Tin 5. Legally Blonde 2 6. The Wizard of Oz 7. Rescued by Rover 8. Cujo 9. Cats & Dogs 10. Beethoven
The National Disaster Search Dog Foundation will be building a one of the first National Training Center in Santa Paula, California on a One Hundred and twenty two acres. Search Dog Foundation Founder Wilma Melville said: I had a vision that one day the Search Dog Foundation would have a permanent home, a place where rescued dogs could become rescuers at the hands of highly skilled and loving trainers. it will be a real challenge to raise the funds needed for the National Training Center, but the nation has given us the confidence to move forward. I hope we'll hear soon from a few special individuals, foundations, and businesses who will lead the way in helping us strengthen America's emergency response network.
While Prairie dog hunting event goes on for the fifth year in Medicine Bow, Wyoming called There Goes the Neighborhood what is a kill feast contest. You have the Laramie-based Biodiversity Conservation Alliance wild species program director named Duane Short saying; it's unfortunate that Wyoming continues to allow "disgraceful" prairie dog shooting contests. It's hard to find any socially or environmentally redeeming qualities to this kind of shoot. The barbarism of this event is enough to turn one's stomach. The Prairie Dog CoalitionExecutive director Lindsey Sterling Crank said; It was important to stop sending the message to our children that it's ok to shoot and kill their heritage. The fact is these practices are cruel and inhumane.
Do you remember the pet food recall, well Mike Floyd the Executive Director of Defend Our Pets is in need of our support to help fight the cause.
Watch the video’s of Mike Floyd talk at the public hearings regarding the FDA Amendments Act of 2007. The Defend Our Pets was the only consumer group the even showed up to this meeting. If that doesn’t tell you who care’s so much about our pets I don’t know.
So come on and Help Mike and his team out because they are working hard for us and our pets.
There is a new bank out there that is just for Veterinarians that would like to help the Vets start up their own place of business. The Live Oak Bank will now make loans up to 100% to help them with a small business loan.
With Eighty Thousand veterinarians and twenty two thousand places of practices this would help to allow more places that we can bring our pets to. The Pet Food Institute said that there are about 63 million and 81 million dogs and cats out there. Hopefully this will work on helping are pets and the homeless pets too.
I came across a site called the Linkage Project today and did it take me by surprise. I was totally unaware that that when you see an animal being abused that’s it’s a clear sign that there is someone either suffering or being abused in that family. Another article from the site said that there was a link with animal abuse and the battering of women and child sexual abuse. Now that really took me by surprise, who would have thought that.
A National Town Meeting on Advancing Public Policy and Community Coalitions Holiday Inn By the Bay - Portland, Maine June 8-9, 2008 Please join us by the sea for a unique two-day conference in scenic Portland, Maine. The National Town Meeting is so-called because it provides an opportunity to gather as like-minded professionals who want to be part of a national community to advance The Link®. Whether you are part of a regional or state coalition to address the connection between violence to people and violence to animals, a professional who is concerned about this issue and wants practice and policy changes, or someone who simply wants to come and learn more about building multidisciplinary coalitions and sustaining the Link effort, this National Town Meeting is for you. The Town Meeting builds on a New England tradition of the community gathering to hear from experts and to provide feedback to those experts based on your own experience about what’needed to build strong coalitions, change policy or influence practice. At the end of the two-day National Town Meeting, a group of leaders/experts from national organizations will meet to use your feedback to help develop plans for their respective organizations, both individually and collectively.
Why Maine? The Linkage Project, a statewide multidisciplinary coalition, has achieved great success in strengthening Maine’s community response to human violence and animal cruelty, helping to pass crossreporting and pets-in-protection-order legislation and much more. Along with the American Humane Association and the Kenneth A. Scott Charitable Trust, The Linkage Project is hosting this national interactive conference specifically designed to advance public policy and share experiences in community coalition building.
Noted speakers include:
Phil Arkow, Interim Director, Human-Animal Bond, American Humane Association, and Chair, Animal Abuse & Family Violence Prevention Project, The Latham Foundation Frank Ascione, Ph.D., Professor of Psychology, Utah State University, and Adjunct Advisor to American Humane on The Link Barbara Boat, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Department of Psychiatry, University of Cincinnati Howard Davidson, J.D., Director, American Bar Association Center on Children and the Law Mark Kumpf, C.A.W.A., President, National Animal Control Association Randall Lockwood, Ph.D., Senior Vice President, Anti-Cruelty Initiatives and Legislative Services, The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA) Lila Miller, D.V.M., Vice President, ASPCA Veterinary Outreach Gary Patronek, V.M.D., Ph.D., Director of Animal Welfare and Protection, Animal Rescue League of Boston Allie Phillips, J.D., Director of Public Policy, American Humane Association Ken Shapiro, Ph.D., Executive Director, Animals and Society Institute Bernie Unti, Ph.D., Senior Policy Advisor, Special Assistant to the CEO, The Humane Society of the United States
So now our pet food will be going up or you can say the bags will be weighing less. Hill's Science Diet dog chow went up 2 bucks while Pedigree and Purina will be putting less in their bags. It’s just a shame that they are doing the same thing they did to us a few years ago. Do you remember when you got a can of coffee that was a pound? Read the article here.
So after all that when on with the dog food last year, you would think that the manufacturers would be bending over to get us to by their food.
Here is an update on the Salmonella outbreak last year.
Photo by CDC
Multistate Outbreak of Human Salmonella Infections Caused by Contaminated Dry Dog Food --- United States, 2006—2007
During January 1, 2006--December 31, 2007, CDC collaborated with public health officials in Pennsylvania, other states, and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to investigate a prolonged multistate outbreak of Salmonella enterica serotype Schwarzengrund infections in humans. A total of 70 cases of S. Schwarzengrund infection with the outbreak strain (XbaI pulsed-field gel electrophoresis [PFGE] pattern JM6X01.0015) were identified in 19 states, mostly in the northeastern United States. This report describes the outbreak investigation, which identified the source of infection as dry dog food produced at a manufacturing plant in Pennsylvania. This investigation is the first to identify contaminated dry dog food as a source of human Salmonella infections. After handling pet foods, pet owners should wash their hands immediately, and infants should be kept away from pet feeding areas.
On May 8, 2007, the Pennsylvania Bureau of Laboratories reported three cases of S. Schwarzengrund infection with indistinguishable PFGE patterns to CDC's PulseNet.* On June 9, 2007, after PulseNet identified cases in Ohio and other states, CDC's OutbreakNet† team was notified of a potential multistate outbreak of S. Schwarzengrund infections. During June 2007, the Pennsylvania Department of Health (PADOH) interviewed persons identified by PulseNet as infected with the outbreak strain of S. Schwarzengrund. These initial interviews suggested exposure to dogs or dry dog food as a possible source of infection. Thirteen infected persons from Pennsylvania were questioned about dog-related exposures: eight (62%) owned one or more dogs, and the other five reported regular contact with a dog. Seven of the eight persons who owned dogs were able to recall the types of dog food they had purchased recently. Several brands had been purchased, but persons in the households of six patients recalled purchasing dog food products made by manufacturer A. These interviews suggested exposure to dogs or dry dog foods as a possible source of infection.
PADOH collected dog stool specimens and opened bags of dry dog food from the homes of the 13 Pennsylvania patients. The outbreak strain of S. Schwarzengrund was isolated from five of 13 dog stool specimens and two of 22 dry dog food specimens collected from the homes. The contaminated dry dog food bags were two different brands (brand A and brand B), both produced by manufacturer A at plant A in Pennsylvania.
In July 2007, the Ohio Department of Health also interviewed persons infected with the outbreak strain of S. Schwarzengrund and collected two dog stool specimens from one patient's home. The outbreak strain of S. Schwarzengrund was isolated from one of the dog stool specimens. The dog recently had been fed brand A dry dog food, but the bag of dog food was no longer available for testing.
Epidemiologic Investigation
A case was defined as a laboratory-confirmed infection with the outbreak strain of S. Schwarzengrund in a person residing in the United States who either had symptoms beginning on or after January 1, 2006, or (if the symptom onset date was unknown) had S. Schwarzengrund isolated from a specimen on or after January 1, 2006. During January 1, 2006--December 31, 2007, a total of 70 human cases of the outbreak strain of S. Schwarzengrund were reported to CDC via PulseNet from 19 states (Figures 1 and 2). The last reported illness onset date was October 1, 2007. No illness was reported in pets.
The largest number of reported cases was in Pennsylvania (29 cases), followed by New York (nine) and Ohio (seven) (Figure 1). Among 61 ill persons whose age was available, the median age was 3 years (range: 1 month--85 years), and 24 (39%) were aged <1 year; of 45 persons whose sex was known, 22 (49%) were female. Of 38 ill persons for whom clinical information was available, 15 (39%) had bloody diarrhea; of 45 persons whose hospitalization status was known, 11 (24%) had been hospitalized. No deaths were reported.
Case-Control Study
To determine the source of infections caused by the outbreak strain of S. Schwarzengrund, the OutbreakNet team coordinated a multistate case-control study during July 17--September 28, 2007. Case-patient households were defined as those with at least one member infected with the outbreak strain of S. Schwarzengrund with an illness onset date or isolation date occurring during January 1, 2006--August 30, 2007. For each case-patient household, one to three geographically matched control households were recruited using a reverse--digit-dialing system. Persons in each case-patient and control household were asked whether they had been exposed to dry dog or dry cat food, which brands they usually purchased, and which brands they purchased in the 2 weeks before illness onset (for cases) or the 2 weeks before interview (for controls). Data were analyzed as a matched case-control study, and a multivariable logistic analysis was conducted to control for confounding from coexposures.
One person was interviewed in each of 43 case-patient households and 144 control households in eight states: Delaware, Maine, Michigan, Minnesota, New York, North Dakota, Ohio, and Pennsylvania. Case-patient and control households were excluded from analysis where questions were not answered. Contact with a dog was reported by 34 (79%) persons in case-patient households compared with 86 (60%) persons in control households (matched odds ratio [mOR] = 2.7) (Table). Dry dog or cat food produced by manufacturer A usually was chosen for purchase by members of 19 (44%) case-patient households compared with 14 (10%) of control households (mOR = 7.8; 95% confidence interval [CI] = 2.6--27.8).
Among the 19 persons in case-patient households who usually purchased manufacturer A pet food, 11 purchased brand A, three brand B, five brand C, and three brand D. All four brands were produced at plant A. Among the four brands, brand A typically was purchased by 11 (26%) persons in case-patient households compared with six (4%) persons in control households. In multivariable analysis, purchase of brand A was associated with illness (mOR = 23.7) (Table). In Pennsylvania alone, purchase of brand A also was associated with human illness in multivariable analysis (mOR = 15.4; CI = 2.1--infinity).
Environmental Investigation
During 2007, plant A produced approximately 25 brands of dry pet food; specific distribution information for brands produced in plant A was not available. Plant A labeled these dry pet foods with a 1-year shelf life (i.e., sell-by date). On July 12, 2007, PADOH staff members visited plant A and collected 144 swabs of specimens from environmental surfaces; the outbreak strain of S. Schwarzengrund was isolated from one sample. FDA tested previously unopened bags of seven brands (brands E, F, G, H, I, J, and K) of dry dog food produced at plant A. Two brands of dry dog food (E and F) yielded the outbreak strain of S. Schwarzengrund. On August 21, 2007, manufacturer A announced a voluntary recall of 50-pound bags of brand E dry dog food and 5-pound bags of brand F dry dog food. On July 26, 2007, manufacturer A suspended operations at plant A for cleaning and disinfection. In mid-November 2007, plant A resumed normal operations.
Reported by: A Ferraro, PhD, M Deasy, V Dato, MD, M Moll, MD, C Sandt, PhD, J Tait, B Perry, MS, L Lind, MPH, N Rea, PhD, R Rickert, MPH, C Marriott, MPH, C Teacher, MSN, P Fox, MS, K Bluhm, V Urdaneta, MD, S Ostroff, MD, Pennsylvania Dept of Health. E Villamil, MPH, P Smith, MD, Regional Epidemiology Program, New York State Dept of Health. Ohio Dept of Health. JL Austin, PulseNet; T Ayers, MS, S Alexander, DVM, RM Hoekstra, PhD, I Williams, PhD, Div of Foodborne, Bacterial, and Mycotic Diseases, National Center for Zoonotic, Vector-Borne, and Enteric Diseases; C Barton Behravesh, DVM, EIS Officer, CDC.
Editorial Note:
The laboratory and epidemiologic evidence in this investigation indicates that dry dog food produced by manufacturer A at plant A in Pennsylvania and sold under several brand names caused human illness during 2006--2007. Although previous reports in North America have associated Salmonella infection with certain pet treats, this report is the first to associate Salmonella with contaminated dry dog food. The case-control study found an association between infections in households and use of dry dog food or dry cat food produced by manufacturer A. In addition, the outbreak strain was isolated from 1) opened bags of dry dog food (brands A and B) that were produced in plant A by manufacturer A, 2) stool specimens from dogs in case-patient households that ate dry dog food produced in plant A, 3) an environmental sample from plant A, and 4) two bags (brands E and F) of previously unopened dry dog food produced in plant A.
A voluntary recall of specific-sized bags of two brands of dry dog food issued by the manufacturer in August 2007 was based only on lot-specific testing of finished unopened bags found to be positive for Salmonella by official FDA testing. Other sizes of bags of the two brands of dry dog food, although produced at plant A, were not recalled. Other brands of dry dog or cat food produced at plant A, including brands associated epidemiologically and microbiologically with illness, also were not included in the recall.
Plant A ceased operations during July--November 2007 to allow for cleaning and disinfection. However, because dry pet food has a 1-year shelf life and all contaminated products were not recalled, contaminated dry pet food might still be found in homes and could provide the potential for causing illness. Only an estimated 3% of Salmonella infections are laboratory-confirmed and reported to surveillance systems (2); therefore, this outbreak likely was larger than the 70 laboratory-confirmed cases identified.
Most Salmonella infections are acquired by handling or consuming contaminated food products, particularly foods of animal origin. Infections also are acquired by direct and indirect contact with farm animals, reptiles, and occasionally pets. Investigations are ongoing to determine how persons might acquire Salmonella infections from dry pet food. Factors under review include the handling and storage of dry pet food, hand-washing practices, exposure of children to dry pet food, and location in the home where pets are fed. Although a specific source of contamination for the pet food from plant A was not identified, the plant equipment might have been contaminated, or contaminated ingredients might have been delivered to plant A. Dry pet foods typically are extruded, and production includes heat treatment, but the extruded food also is spray-coated with a taste enhancer, usually an animal fat.
Outbreaks of human illness associated with animal-derived pet treats have been described previously in North America (3--6). These include outbreaks of Salmonella Infantis infection caused by contaminated pig ear pet treats (3,4), Salmonella Newport infection caused by contaminated pet treats containing dried beef (5), and Salmonella Thompson infections associated with contact with contaminated pet treats made from of beef or seafood (6). Follow-up investigations of these outbreaks demonstrated that pet treats were frequently contaminated with Salmonella organisms. After a 1999 outbreak in Canada, Salmonella organisms were isolated from 48 (51%) of 94 samples of pig ear pet treats purchased from local retail stores (5). During 1999--2000 in the United States, Salmonella strains were isolated from 65 (41%) of 158 samples of pig ear and other animal-derived pet treats purchased from retail stores (7).
FDA regulates pet foods, treats, and supplements. If Salmonella is present, these products are considered adulterated under the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic (FDC) Act.§ During January 1--July 27, 2007, at least 15 pet food products were recalled because of Salmonella contamination (8). On November 2, 2007, a single brand of pet vitamin was recalled voluntarily by the manufacturer because of possible Salmonella contamination (9). Salmonella contamination has not been identified in canned pet food, probably because the manufacturing process eliminates contamination. However, Salmonella contamination has been associated with raw pet food diets (10).
Persons who suspect that contact with dry dog food has caused illness should consult their health-care providers. Most persons infected with Salmonella develop diarrhea, fever, and abdominal cramps 12--72 hours after infection, and Salmonella infection usually is diagnosed by culture of a stool sample. Illness typically lasts 4--7 days, and most persons recover without treatment. Infants, elderly persons, and persons with impaired immune systems are more likely than others to develop severe illness. To prevent Salmonella infections, persons should wash their hands for at least 20 seconds with warm water and soap immediately after handling dry pet foods, pet treats, and pet supplements, and before preparing food and eating. Infants should be kept away from pet feeding areas. Children aged <5 years should not be allowed to touch or eat pet food, treats, or supplements.¶
This report is based, in part, on contributions by LS Kidoguchi, MPH, LM Gross, Bur of Communicable Disease; L Kornstein, PhD, B Tha, MS, Public Health Laboratory, New York City Dept of Health and Mental Hygiene. G Johnson, M Fage, Regional Epidemiology Program; D Nicholas, MPH, A Mears, MS, Food Protection; T Quinlan, Y Khachadourian, D Schoonmaker-Bopp, MS, L Armstrong, T Root, T Passaretti, K Musser, PhD, Wadsworth Center Laboratory, New York State Dept of Health. Food and Drug Admin.
1. CDC. Salmonella annual summary 2005. Atlanta, GA: US Department of Health and Human Services, CDC; 2007. Available at http://www.cdc.gov/ncidod/dbmd/phlisdata/salmtab/2005/salmonellaannualsummary2005.pdf. 2. Voetsch AC, Van Gilder TJ, Angulo FJ, et al. FoodNet estimate of the burden of illness caused by nontyphoidal Salmonella infections in the United States. Clin Infect Dis 2004;38:S127--34. 3. Laboratory Centre for Disease Control, Public Health Agency of Canada. Human health risk from exposure to natural dog treats. Can Commun Dis Rep 2000;26:41--2. 4. Clark C, Cunningham J, Ahmed R, et al. Characterization of Salmonella associated with pig ear dog treats in Canada. J Clin Microbiol 2001;39:3962--8. 5. Pitout JD, Reisbig MD, Mulvey M, et al. Association between handling of pet treats and infection with Salmonella enterica serotype Newport expressing the AmpC ß-Lactamase, CMY-2. J Clin Microbiol 2003;41:4578--82. 6. CDC. Human salmonellosis associated with animal-derived pet treats---United States and Canada, 2005. MMWR 2006;55:702--5. 7. White DG, Datta A, McDermott P, et al. Antimicrobial susceptibility and genetic relatedness of Salmonella serovars isolated from animal-derived dog treats in the USA. J Antimicrob Chemother 2003;52:860--3. 8. Food and Drug Administration. CVM update: FDA tips for preventing foodborne illness associated with pet food and pet treats. Rockville, MD: Food and Drug Administration; 2007. Available at http://www.fda.gov/cvm/cvm_updates/foodbornetips.htm. 9. Food and Drug Administration. The Hartz Mountain Corporation recalls Vitamin Care for Cats because of possible health risk. Rockville, MD: Food and Drug Administration; 2007. Available at http://www.fda.gov/oc/po/firmrecalls/hartz10_07.html. 10. Finley R, Reid-Smith R, Weese JS. Human health implications of Salmonella-contaminated natural pet treats and raw pet food. Clin Infect Dis 2006;42:686--91.
* PulseNet is the national molecular subtyping network for foodborne disease surveillance.
† OutbreakNet is a national network of epidemiologists and other public health officials who investigate outbreaks of foodborne, waterborne, and other enteric illnesses in the United States.
§ Available at http://www.fda.gov/opacom/laws/fdcact/fdcact4.htm.
¶ Additional information available at http://www.cdc.gov/salmonella/schwarzengrund.html.
I came across a web site today that was started back in 1996 by a man named Walter J Cheney called Seniors-Site.com who has not only put up a site about the things of being a senior citizen but Walter has included an area just about pets. One page that talked about the healing powers of pets. I can relate to that, because every time I’m around my dogs I feel great knowing that they are by my side. As I read the story of healing powers it talked about the loneliness and how a pet will fill that empty void in their hearts and help cope with life.
I guess being alone up in Churchill, Manitoba would get a little lonely when you are a Polar Bear. Just when you think he would have ate these Huskies, he showed us that we were wrong.
This is an amazing set of pictures that show the bond that animals have for each other when the loneliness concurs the feeling of fear. It also shows that when we humble we can make friends with anyone.
They say that the Polar Bear came back every day for a week to play with his new friends… It’s just a shame that the Polar Bear species are being threatened. Photo's by unknown
Did you know that there were about a thousand pets that died? With a recall of one hundred and fifty different brands being recalled the FDA had received more then eighteen thousand calls. That was the most calls they have ever received on any recall.
I guess that just shows you the concern that we have for are pets. Did you know that there were other recalls back in two thousand and four and two thousand and six. Here is a link to a public meeting with the FDA, I hope they all get there heads together and put a stop to these foreign countries that will ship anything to our county to make a buck.
Here is a little of what is being said:
The commercial pet food industry faces minimal substantive regulation, despite navigating several layers of regulation from various groups including the FDA, the American Association of Feed Control Officials (AAFCO), and state regulators. The FDA entrusts AAFCO to issue regulations governing ingredients, feeding trials, labels and nutritional claims. But AAFCO’s rules fall short of ensuring that America’s pets receive adequate nutrition, or even foods that won’t cause chronic digestive, skin, eye, and coat problems.
• Trusting, but uneducated, consumers purchase these commercial pet foods under the assumption that the FDA or some other regulatory body has ensured that the foods contain “balanced” meals, and “complete” nutrition. These consumers naively believe veterinarians that endorse and sell pet foods from their offices while neglecting to mention that these “pet doctors” are often “on the take” and can earn up to 20% of their total income from such sales. • Interestingly, CVM “has used regulatory discretion and not required food additive petitions for substances that do not raise any safety concerns.” • One has to wonder how closely the CVM monitors the “intended use” of the additive considering they have already chosen not to use their resources for pre-market approval as mandated by Congress in the FFDCA. Moreover, it is unclear from where the CVM expects to “receive” data that calls into question the “safety” of the additive. Certainly, it will not be provided by the pet food manufacturer. • The omission of a request for proof that the food has undergone testing for effectiveness is striking. • It is important for pet owners to recognize that the FDA has made a choice: to focus its attention on human foods, and leave the pet foods to someone else. • Today, AAFCO claims that protecting the consumer remains its primary goal. Yet by falling under the overwhelming influence of the $13 billion pet food industry, AAFCO turns a blind eye to dangerous ingredients and the vagaries of the manufacturing process in general. • AAFCO has no enforcement authority and does not perform any analytical testing on pet food. A pet food manufacturer is only required to comply with the pet food regulations of the state in which it manufactures or sells its products. • But AAFCO does not determine permissible sources of protein or other essential nutrients – AAFCO’s only requirement is that the manufacturer comply with AAFCO’s extensive list of ingredient definitions. • The nutrient profile method does not test nutrient bioavailability in the same way as the “feeding test” method. Nor does it test the palatability of the foods. In contrast, the “feeding test” method doesn’t always test the actual product sold. Because of the AAFCO “family member” rule, products that are nutritionally similar to other products tested under the “feeding test” method do not need to be tested themselves. Since these family member products aren’t directly tested, they suffer the same problems as those undergoing the nutrient profile method: uncertain nutrient bioavailability and palatability. • One has to wonder, if PFI is serving as the voice of the industry, who is serving as the voice of the consumer? • If the CVM will not, or cannot, fulfill its responsibilities regarding pet food and if AAFCO continues to lack enforcement power, then the industry has no one to fear except the consumer. Unfortunately for pets, the industry has proven effective at confusing their owners to the point of insuring that few consumers possess the information necessary to challenge the industry’s shoddy practices. • Only about 50% of every food producing animal is used in human foods. All components not ingested by humans (bones, blood, intestines, lungs, ligaments etc.) are used in pet foods, animal feed, and other products. • Unfortunately, also included in these “other parts” are the so-called 4D tissues, or “meat that came from animals that were dead, dying, diseased or disabled before they reached the packing plant.” Such animals are rejected for human consumption and shipped to rendering plants where they are made into bone and meat meals. More importantly, the inclusion of such tissues in pet foods violates the FFDCA. Such items are diseased and therefore “adulterated” under 21 U.S.C. § 342. So why doesn’t the FDA bring an enforcement action for the industry’s blatant violation of the FFDCA? Most likely, the pet food industry uses such ingredients because they are cheap and while consumers remain oblivious to the inclusion of these diseased ingredients into their pets’ foods, the industry faces no opposition. Until the FDA feels external pressure, either from consumers or the industry itself, the FDA lacks incentive to enforce its own regulations. Comparatively, the FDA stringently enforces its human food regulations where it faces informed and vocal consumers and industries fearful of negative publicity. • Basically, rendering separates the fat soluble ingredients from water soluble and solid materials. The process kills most bacterial contaminants, but the valuable natural enzymes and proteins contained in the raw materials are also destroyed or altered. • Cancerous tissue, tumors, contaminated blood, injection sites and any tissues treated with a substance not permitted by or in excess of FDA or EPA limits is also rendered. The inclusion of such items in pet food violates the FDA’s requirement regarding unadulterated food. Recall that foods containing “any part of a diseased animal” is deemed adulterated. With an understanding of the rendering process and its ingredients, it is then unclear how AAFCO (and thereby the FDA) approves ingredients such as meat and bone meal for use in pet foods. • It is difficult to see how the FDA can continue to allow AAFCO and the pet food industry to self-regulate when they encourage pet owners to buy their products because most of the disease causing agents are dead. Shouldn’t the standard at least be a food that contains no agents of disease? If they’re not going to sell the most nutritious product, it would be nice if they adhered to consistent quality control regulations that protected our pets from disease. • Labeling rules require that the ingredients be listed in descending order of predominance by weight (not overall % dry matter content) so that the heaviest ingredient, determined before the ingredient is cooked or processed, is listed first. This means that even if a label lists “chicken” first and “corn” second, it is possible that the product contains far more corn than chicken. This is because chicken is very high in moisture (75% water) and therefore heavier than corn. Thus, despite all the labeling rules, the average consumer has no idea how much chicken serves as the main protein source for the product. • The rise in the use of grain and carbohydrate products over the last decade further contributes to the nutritional imbalance in commercial pet foods. “Once considered a filler by the pet food industry, cereal and grain products now replace a considerable proportion of the meat that was used in the first commercial pet foods.” Why the change? Cost. Corn is a much cheaper energy source than meat. But the change in pet food formulas has a real impact on a pet’s health. “Dogs have little evolved need for carbohydrates and cats have no need for this source of energy.” • Most pet owners select one pet food and feed it to their pets for a prolonged period of time, if not for the pet’s entire life. This means the pet is eating a diet consisting primarily of carbohydrates (some of which they can’t digest) with little to no variety. “[U]ndigested food arriving in the bowel provides nutrients for a teeming population of harmful bacteria.” Thus, “chronic digestive problems, such as chronic diarrhea, and inflammatory bowel disease” often result from such repetitive and indigestible diets. • Feeding low-quality commercial pet foods for a pet’s entire life is comparable to feeding a child McDonald’s three meals a day, every day, for the child’s entire life. No parent would believe that this is a nutritious diet, or capable of sustaining a child’s health. Yet regulatory choices made by FDA, CVM, and AAFCO, combined with efforts by the pet food industry to avoid stringent ingredient and processing regulations result in pet owners unknowingly feeding junk food to their furry friends. • As Dr. Wysong points out, this “food could cause disease and destroy long term health, yet not be harmful and be 100% complete” because it managed to sustain a dog for 6 months. Shouldn’t the sustainability goal of the pet food industry be much longer than 6 months? • The most honest solution would be to cease the “complete and balanced” claims and start to educate the consumers about nutrition and their pets’ specific needs. • There are virtually no long term studies showing the adequacies and inadequacies of the nutrient profiles. One of AAFCO’s own panel experts admits that some of the foods which pass the feeding trials are “inadequate for long term nutrition.” Current regulations provide no way of knowing which foods can potentially harm pets in the long run. • Additionally, commercial pet food labels are nothing if not cryptic. One FDA veterinary nutritionist says it takes him three hours to explain pet food labels to veterinary students. These are veterinary students who have gone through years of science classes and education. Imagine how long it would take to explain a label to the average pet owner to the point that they would be capable of comparing products and making a sound decision concerning their pet’s health. • AAFCO regulations also require that labels not contain graphics or pictorial representations that misrepresent the package’s contents. Yet manufacturers violate this regulation every time they place a plump chicken on their box or bag of food. The pet food industry’s continued use of rendered products ensures that no plump chickens make their way into the commercial pet foods. Until such violations are identified and the manufacturers sanctioned, the pet food industry remains one of the most misleading. Meanwhile, virtually every article or website dedicated to discussing commercial pet foods concludes with the standard blanket statement telling the consumer to consult their veterinarian. While it may be true that the veterinarian is more educated than the consumer, the section above details why trusting a vet with 100% of your pet’s care is as fallible as trusting complete and balanced labels on pet foods. The better conclusion to these articles is a call to action for consumers to educate themselves and persuade their vets to work with them in creating a diet suitable for their pet’s nutritional needs.
Peggy is her name and with her friend Karen Pryor who found her in agony walking down the highway one day and having to have a vet remove one of her legs.
Well that hasn’t stopped this dog as they were able to compete in the Port Stephens Dog Obedience Competition. She came in three points behind the winner out of twenty nine other dogs.
Now if that isn’t some will to survive I don’t know what is.
These Poor dog's don't get a day off they are being worked around the clock.
Committed to educating the public about the connection between consumers and commercial breeding facilities.
ADDRESS: Intercourse Community Park
Location: Old Philadelphia Pike, 500 yards east of
Intercourse on right side
Free Food, Free Gifts, Our Famous Dog Walk, many Speakers (including AnneMarie Lucas of Animal Planet Local rescue groups with pets for adoption. Don’t miss this fun filled day.
Sponsored by Adopt A Pet, Inc., Last Chance for Animals, Inc., and Best Friends Animal Society.
For more information and to register for the dog walk,
We all know that beer is no good for a dog’s liver and Macadamia and Walnuts can cause paralysis. Then you have chocolate which can definitely kill a dog and caffeine is no better. There are a few other things like avocados, onions, which are toxic along with grapes and raisins. The raisins can kill a dog in just one serving. This is pretty scary when you think about all the house hole items that are laying around in your house.
The ASPCA said they received over one hundred and thirty thousand calls in two thousand and seven. That sure is a lot of calls.
Finish reading the article by Sloan Barrett to learn some of the good foods.
For Help Call the ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center @ 888-426-4435
Ok now we have a few toys that carry lead yes lead it’s not only in kid toys it is also in dog toys. This is what a news 5 investigation came up with.
Four Paws Rough and Rugged Ball
Penn-plax Puppy Toy Slipper Squeaky Play Dog Toy Hammer Squeaky play yell jack
Hartz Percival Platypus
Spot Toyshoppe Playables Donut Toyshoppe Playables Hot Dog Red Twist Spotbites Newspaper
Blue Petstages Colored Ball Spot Hamburger Petstages Donkey
This test was only on fourteen toys. I wonder if all their toys that were made were tested. Could you imagine what the number would be.
Earl Simmons was only arrested last week for speeding and now when the police went and raided his house for other reasons they found 12 pit bulls that were dehydrated and malnourished. What a mercilessness low life this guy is, you would think that a guy with all his money would at least take care of his pets. To top it off they found three dogs buried in his back yard. I can only say I hope the judge throws the book at him so hard that he will be unable to get up. I hope all you rappers burn all his CD’s that you have. I know I would… What the hell one of the dead dogs was burned…
What’s it going to take to get people to stop animal cruelty.
Melissa Utech of Scottsboro, Alabama has been chosen by Cheryl Bauman who is the host of Biking and Barking: Girls Just Want To Have Fun With Their Dogs for her work on helping to find homes for abandoned pets.
What an honor that is and it just shows you that the love and caring of just one person has the power to touch so many.
Over in Australia they are trying to get a bill passed that will make it illegal to sell pets from a pet shop. The bill will help to stop the puppy mills from mass-producing these dogs and make it where you have to by your pet though a breeder. Australia kills around sixty thousand dogs a year, that is a lot of poor pets that don’t have a say for their own life. When you buy your dog though a breeder you know that you are getting a well taken care of dog. These shops don’t take care of these puppies; they just sit in these little cages like a prisoner.
When you say go fetch to a dog they usually fetch a toy or stick, but this dog fetched a women that was unconscious in a river. Wow now that’s one proud owner and dog that helped save this women’s life.
They say that there are about some fifty to sixty million dogs here in America, now if you add up the worldwide I couldn’t even imagine how many are out there. I wonder how many are homeless or stuff in some animal shelter.
So just alone in the USA there is around eight hundred thousand people that get bit by a dog and most of them are little kids.
Some of the reasons are because a little child will wander in a neighbors yard seeing a dog that looks pretty in a child’s eye. Did you ever try and pet a dog in a car? A I know most of the time the dog will try and take your arm off.
Another good approach is to put your hand out and let him smell the top of your hand first, but always remember not to look straight into his eyes. If he is waving his tail that is a good sign that he is friendly. And don’t wave your arms and attempt to grab a dog and even if he looks a little mean just walk away. Remember we only get one set of hands and a bite made on the face will be with you a long time.
I personally watch out for these type dogs that can be very vicious:
It seems like when kids graduated from collage or the semester is over they just abandon their pets an go home. I didn’t know that they teach you that animals are disposable items. Can you imagine 600 animals just in May being picked up by one animal shelter?
Pima County Supervisor Ray Carroll said: Amongst the debris, they leave their animals. It's a shame. Ray Carroll also has written to the UA about the issue but said he has gotten no response. You don't have to be a dog lover to have some compassion for these little things that are left to fend for themselves.
A spokeswoman for the Humane Society of Southern Arizona named Jenny Rose said: the shelter takes more animals in during the summer, but it's impossible to say how many of the pets come from students. It's really hard to track.
If this is happening in Arizona I wonder how bad it really is if you add all the colleges together. It just shows you what they are teaching in colleges these days.
Just picture this: You hear about a man who is dying in the hospital and his poor dog is being locked up in the dog pound waiting to be put a sleep.
Well these three kids tried to break the dog out of the pound to be with his owner, but they got caught. The story said that the man had died the next day.
This story is what the real America is all about, the love of one to another even if we don’t know the other person. And just think about the poor dog that was only lost walking around because his owner lay dying in the hospital. So two of the kids have been charged and sit in the county jail.
Here is the question:
If you were the Judge would you charge these kids or would you tell them that it was wrong to break in , but what they were attempting to do was an Honor and a great privilege to know three kids that would risk their own butt for someone else.
So just when you think the day is shot with all the bad news you come across an article about a little boy who’s dog need to have an operation but his family is unable to afford to pay for it.
Little Clint Bingham was not going to give up and wanted to save his dog named Rex who is a Golden Retriever with the help from his friends.
Now after reading a story like that it just gives you hope and allows you to appreciate your pet animal even more. As they say : A dog is a man’s best friend