Worried About Eczema? Get A Dog, But Not A Cat
Children with eczema may benefit from having a dog, while having a cat may have a negative effects, say researchers from the University of Cincinnati (UC) College of Medicine. Eczema, which most commonly occurs during childhood, but can sometimes persist into adulthood, is a chronic (long-term) condition that causes the skin to dry and become irritated. This latest study's findings have been published in the peer-reviewed Journal of Pediatrics.
Corresponding study author, Tolly Epstein, MD, assistant professor at the University of Cincinnati (UC) College of Medicine, said:The number of children with allergic eczema is rising, but the reasons for this are unclear. Our research suggests that exposure to dog allergens early in life may actually have a protective effect against developing future allergies among a high-risk population.
University of Cincinnati researchers, along with investigators from Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center found that a child who tests positive for dog allergies has a much lower risk of developing eczema at the age of 4 years if he/she has had a dog in the household before the age of 1. On the other hand, children who did not have a dog in the household and tested positive for dog allergies were four times more likely to develop the skin condition.
In this study, the investigators collected data related to 636 children who had enrolled in the Cincinnati Childhood Allergy and Air Pollution Study (CCAAPS), an epidemiology study that examined the effects of environmental particulates of allergy and respiratory health of children. The 636 children were considered at high risk for developing allergies because their parents had allergies.
The investigators were looking out for a link between pet ownership - specifically cats and dogs - and the risk of developing eczema. The children were tested every year, from the day they were born, for 17 different allergies, including foods, airborne allergens, and environmental exposures, such as diesel particulates. The children's parents also reported on the child's allergy symptoms and illnesses.
The study revealed that dog ownership tended to have a beneficial effect on the children with dog allergies, while cats had a negative effect on those with cat allergies.
Epstein said:Children who owned a cat before age 1 and were allergic to cats based on allergy skin testing were 13 times more likely to develop eczema by age 4. However, children who were not allergic to cats were not at an increased risk for eczema if they owned a cat.
The researchers hope that this study may help parents of children who are considered at high risk of eventually developing eczema when choosing a pet.
What is an allergy?
When harmful bacteria enter our body, our immune system detects them and attacks them. The bacteria in this case are known as pathogens, a foreign bodies that do us harm and can cause disease. In some cases, the immune system may be misguided, and attacks a harmless substance as if it were a pathogen. For example, pollen is not a pathogen, it is harmless. But some people's immune system attacks the pollen as if it were a pathogen. The person is allergic to pollen.
Put simply, allergy refers to a misguided reaction by the person's immune system to a harmless substance.
A substance that triggers an allergic reaction is called an allergen. Hence, for a person with an allergy to pollen, the allergen is the pollen.
According to the NIH (National Institutes of Health, USA), the risk of developing allergies is genetic. If neither parent has an allergy, their children have a 15% risk of developing an allergy. If one parent has an allergy, the risk for his/her child is 30%. If an allergy exists in both parents, their child's risk is 60%.
People can be allergic to a wide range of allergens, including latex, mold, cosmetics, bee stings, pets, pollen, medications, some foods, the sun, and aspirin.
"Opposing effects of cat and dog ownership and allergic sensitization on eczema in an atopic birth cohort"
Epstein TG, et al
J Pediatr 2010.
Written by Christian Nordqvist
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Dog Dies Having Teeth Cleaned
Photo by news-press.com
So you bring your dog to have their teeth cleaned and it dies? First off I was unaware that the vets put your dog under anesthesia, I guess I will be sticking with a good old tooth brush.
Sadly enough a dog owner named Terry Fry has lost her little dachshund when she took her dog Minnie to have her teeth cleaned to a local pet hospital.
Terry Fry said: What three year old dog dies with teeth cleaning? She was in good health when I dropped her off. We're so upset; we're so angry.
I would be angry too with the loss of one of my dogs too.
The vice president and client advocate for Banfield veterinarian Karen Johnson said: It's tragic for everyone about the death. This isn't anybody's fault.
Did she really say that???? I don’t believe that at all, someone has to be held responsible for the loss of Terry’s dog.
Read the article by Andrea Jackson here.
So you bring your dog to have their teeth cleaned and it dies? First off I was unaware that the vets put your dog under anesthesia, I guess I will be sticking with a good old tooth brush.
Sadly enough a dog owner named Terry Fry has lost her little dachshund when she took her dog Minnie to have her teeth cleaned to a local pet hospital.
Terry Fry said: What three year old dog dies with teeth cleaning? She was in good health when I dropped her off. We're so upset; we're so angry.
I would be angry too with the loss of one of my dogs too.
The vice president and client advocate for Banfield veterinarian Karen Johnson said: It's tragic for everyone about the death. This isn't anybody's fault.
Did she really say that???? I don’t believe that at all, someone has to be held responsible for the loss of Terry’s dog.
Read the article by Andrea Jackson here.
Dog Dies Having Teeth Cleaned
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Declaring 2011 As World Veterinary Year
Senate Bill Lauds 250th Anniversary Of Veterinary Medicine; Designates 2011 As World Veterinary Year
When the first veterinary medical college opened in Lyon, France, 250 years ago, one had to already be a physician to even qualify to study for a degree in veterinary medicine. Today's veterinary medical student is well versed in MRIs, lasers, and graduates with a degree in comparative medicine that impacts the health and welfare of people, animals and the environment worldwide.
"As the Senate's only veterinarian, it's important that we recognize the important role that the veterinary profession plays in our lives," says Senator John Ensign, DVM (R-NV). "Many people in my state and across the country view their pets as important members of their families and look to their veterinarians to ensure that their animals live long, healthy lives. Also, veterinarians play an integral role in food safety. For this reason, I have asked the Senate to officially bring attention to and show appreciation for the veterinary profession by declaring 2011 as World Veterinary Year."
"It is remarkable that 250 years ago, educators clearly understood the link between human and animal health," said Larry Kornegay, DVM, president of the AVMA. "From taking care of our beloved pets to ensuring the safety of the food we eat and working with our Armed Forces to help countries establish healthy productive agricultural systems, American veterinarians here and abroad serve the American public. I would like to thank the United States Senate for recognizing this important link and passing this resolution."
World Veterinary Year will launch internationally with an opening ceremony on Jan. 24, 2011 in Versalles, France. The AVMA, and many partners on the US Vet 2011 National Committee, have planned a number of events across the United States during the year to commemorate World Veterinary Year. A highlight will be a symposium, "World Veterinary Year: 250 years of Improving Animal and Human Health" on July 17, 2011 during the AVMA Convention in St. Louis.
Additional international events will include a World Veterinary Conference on Education from May 12-16, 2011 at VetAgro Sup - Campus Vétérinaire, in Lyon, France. The closing ceremonies will be held in Cape Town, South Africa from Oct. 10-14, 2011. To learn more about World Veterinary Year, visit here.
American Veterinary Medical Association
Environmentally-Friendly Type Of Matting To Protect Against The Spread Of Contagious Animal Diseases
Protecting Against Animal Pandemics - A Biological Solution
EUREKA project E! 4104 ECOPROMAT has developed a novel and environmentally-friendly type of matting for use in protection against the spread of contagious animal diseases such as avian influenza, and for routine hygiene in animal and food production. Soaked with disinfectant solution, the matting can be used for disinfecting vehicle tyres, and the shoes and boots of personnel. As it is made of 100% natural fibres, it is highly absorbent to disinfectant solution; it is also fully biodegradable and therefore avoids the high disposal costs of synthetic alternatives. The under-surface is made of densely woven fabric for strength, and impregnated with natural resin to prevent seepage of disinfectant into the ground, or dilution of disinfectant by ground water.
Outbreaks of contagious animal diseases like avian flu, foot-and-mouth disease and bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE), cause national and regional public health authorities take extensive steps to prevent these diseases from spreading. The economic costs of such outbreaks are hard to estimate, but they can cause major disruption to agricultural production and food distribution, also environmental challenges in disposal of infected animals and contaminated materials; plus widespread public anxiety.
Stopping the spread of disease
Most animal diseases are spread on clothing, footwear or farm tools, equipment or the tyres of vehicles visiting farms with infected animals. When public health measures are imposed, personnel are required to pass through disinfection barriers in order to stop the transportation of bacterial or viral particles.
The various methods in use until now all have disadvantages. Requiring people and vehicles to pass through a shallow bath of disinfectant solution or a trough of sawdust or wood chips soaked in disinfectant is cumbersome, costly and requires labour for replacement. Another approach is a mat with an outer polyester layer, an absorbent layer made of polyurethane and a third PVC layer to prevent disinfectant from penetrating into the ground; or a nylon fibre mat backed with nitrile rubber. However the raw materials used in those mats make disposal difficult and costly, requiring special treatment plants for degradation.
Natural fibres are the solution
The new matting developed by the ECOPROMAT partners is also composed of three layers, but uses only natural materials. The lowest layer is a densely woven hemp, flax or jute fabric chosen for its toughness, resistance and flexibility, and stitched in hemp or jute fibres. This layer is finished by impregnation with natural resins, which prevent seepage of the disinfectant into the ground, and also prevent dilution of the disinfectant by absorption of ground water. The central layer of the mat is highly absorbent, non-woven material which is significantly more hygroscopic than the synthetic alternative. The upper layer is woven, needle-punched jute fabric, which is protective and durable to protect the central reservoir from pressure e.g. from vehicles driven over it. Dr Jerzy Mankowski of the Polish Institute of Natural Fibres & Medicinal Plants explains that unlike the synthetic alternatives, matting made of flax and hemp fibres is completely biodegradable and environmentally friendly.
The Institute of Natural Fibres, which led the ECOPROMAT project, was partnered by the German company, Bioformtex from Zehdenik. The main task of the Institute was to develop the three-layer non-woven product with appropriate strength, thickness and weight, to allow for proper absorption of disinfectant solution but not allowing penetration of the disinfectant into the ground. Various combinations of flax and hemp were tested to determine the mechanical and needling parameters affecting the tensile strength and recovery potential; to determine the most suitable and cost-effective textile material for the lowest layer.
Bioformtex developed the dense, non-woven central layer and the needle-punched jute upper layer. It also investigated the addition of disinfectant in powder form to the nonwoven layer during production, and developed composting accelerators to aid degradation of the natural resin in the matting.
Into production
The matting is now manufactured by Bioformtex and by another company not involved in the original project: Lenkon, from Poland. Total mat production has reached about half a million square metres per year. The Polish animal medicines company BIOWET Drwalew, which supplies disinfectants and related equipment, is supplying the matting to commercial users. Return on the project investment is anticipated within 4-5 years.
The matting is covered by Polish and European patents, and is being used in poultry, pig and cattle production units, dairies, meat processing plants and slaughterhouses, apiaries, and food processing areas. It is also used for more general antibacterial hygiene, e.g. mushroom-growing cellars and greenhouses; agricultural research centres, border crossings and quarantine areas.
The initial cost of the new matting is low - between €10 -12 per square metre, which is a significant saving on synthetic matting at €15-20 per square metre. Cost saving also results from the biodegradability of the new natural-fibre matting, which means that contaminated matting can be disposed of much more readily and cheaply than the synthetic alternatives.
Prizewinning innovation
Participating in the international EUREKA project was felt to be very beneficial to the partners. "The Institute's participation in the project allowed us to use test equipment not previously available in our laboratories," says Jerzy Mankowski. "This resulted in improving the research potential of the Institute." As a result of the project, the new matting material has received numerous awards for innovation, including gold medals at the EUREKA Fair in Brussels and the Salon International des Inventions in Geneva.
Piotr Pogorzelski
Monday, September 27, 2010
Who Keeps Stealing Sheridan Smith Dog Enid
Photo by RJK
For the second time in a month Sheridan Smith has had her dog Enid stolen from her. This time somebody had taken her dog this past Thursday from here house which left her devastated.
Earlier today Sheridan posted on her tweeter site: It's a miracle, Enid was returned to me today! I can't go into detail because of the police investigation but thank you to every single one of you. It is most certainly because of you guys spreading the word that I got her back. You will never know how touched and grateful I am for all your kindness and support. I am overwhelmed and good certainly overcame evil!
It’s nice to see that her dog has been returned and that the dog wasn’t harmed. I wonder if this person who keeps on stealing the poor dog was trying to ransom the dog or not. I guess with everyone knowing about her dog being missing had helped deter the would-be thief.
Read the article here.
This Years Meet The Breeds, Don't Miss It
American Kennel Club and Cat Fanciers' Association Name Your Neighborhood Cats and Dogs
- AKC and CFA Uncover What Your Neighborhood Really Says About You -
From the affluent ladies who lunch on the Upper East Side to the authentic Italian culture of Little Italy, the various neighborhoods of New York City have very distinct characteristics.
Inspired by New York City's October 16 & 17 Meet the Breeds event™, the world's largest showcase of cats and dogs, the American Kennel Club (AKC®) and the Cat Fanciers' Association (CFA®) searched through the unique personalities and traits of more than 200 dog and cat breeds to determine the best fit for the personality and character of each New York City neighborhood. Weigh in and cast your vote now at www.meetthebreeds.com by clicking "Vote Now," or go to AOL PawNation and make your voice heard. Among them:
Upper East Side – Affluent residents, "ladies who lunch," high society, style-conscious.
Dog Breed: The Poodle is known for its glamorous looks and the serious grooming needed to maintain them. While their coat does require frequent grooming, their intelligence more than makes up for the extra care.
Cat Breed: The American Curl, with fancy curled ears perched on its head, just screams "I am style-conscious!" Their aloof look with walnut-shaped eyes, and their silky coat, will fit in purr-fectly at any high society luncheon.
Upper West Side – Family-oriented people who take advantage of Central Park.
Dog Breed: The English Springer Spaniel thrives on exercise and training, as those who go running in Central Park do. They are light, lean, and fast, as most sporty types are, and love to chase the birds found in the park. They learn quickly, remember well and make excellent family companions.
Cat Breed: The sleek Oriental needs to exercise to keep its body trim, muscular and hard as a rock! Chasing toys keeps them happy – almost as happy as when they are curled up in your lap for a long nap.
The Village - Bohemian, struggling artists-types.
Dog Breed: The Brussels Griffon is known for being highly intelligent and sensitive, with a very expressive face. The breed is also known as a bearded dog which can be compared to the unshaven, struggling artist.
Cat Breed: Selkirk Rex, with their plush and loosely curled coats, fit right into a Bohemian lifestyle. Especially the longhairs, who look like they are always having a bad hair day and are definitely not for the uptight and organized pet owner.
Chelsea - Effeminate nature, stylish and groomed to perfection.
Dog Breed: The Dandie Dinmont Terrier's structured appearance requires professional grooming to keep him looking perfect. But don't let his big dark eyes and fluffy head of curls fool you. This is a confident, intelligent and independent little Terrier.
Cat Breed: Minimal grooming is necessary for the Cornish Rex. Their soft coat automatically falls into meticulous "Marcel" waves. Looks shouldn't deceive you, though, as this breed is very alert and active.
Little Italy – Known for its authentic Italian culture.
Dog Breed: The Italian Greyhound makes the name "Little Italy" true to life. The breed is very small and a native of Italy. This breed is very affectionate and loves being with his family, which is reminiscent of Italian family life.
Cat Breed: The Singapura is about as far from being "Little Italy" as one can get, yet their small stature and ticked coat is much admired. Singapuras are well-known to love their people and if you own more than one, they are often found curled up all together in a heap.
Brooklyn – The 94-year-old Coney Island institution, Nathan's Hot Dogs.
Dog Breed: The Dachshund is commonly known as a "hot dog" because of its long and low body which resembles a frankfurter.
Cat Breed: The Havana Brown has a glistening mahogany-toned coat color. They'd just as soon eat your hot dog as let you have it! The Havana Brown can be called a "chocolate delight without the calories."
Staten Island - Best known for the Staten Island Ferry.
Dog Breed: The Newfoundland is at home in the water and has always worked hauling in heavy fishing nets and carrying life lines to sinking ships in dangerous waters to save lives.
Cat Breed: The Turkish Van loves the water! In their native region they are commonly called 'the swimming cats." Their coloring is unique because of the always white body with colored markings confined to the head and tail.
Long Island - The lavish life of the wealthy who summer in the Hamptons.
Dog Breed: The Shih Tzu is elegant, charming, aristocratic and was cherished by royals. They also need plenty of grooming. Shih Tzus have a long, flowing, beautiful coat that requires daily brushing.
Cat Breed: The Birman is well suited to the lifestyle of the rich and famous. Believed to have originated in Burma, the Birman was the sacred, the companion cat of the Kittah priests.
Learn more about these breeds and place your vote online at www.meetthebreeds.com by clicking "Vote Now" or at AOL PawNation for the dog and cat breed that best represents your New York neighborhood. Polls close October 4. Log onto www.meetthebreeds.com to find out what dog and cat America chose as the best match for New York. Take the Meet the Breeds Survey and tell us what your dog or cat means to you.
The Meet the Breeds event will give pet lovers a chance to meet all of these breeds and more this October 16th and 17th. The family-friendly event will feature more than 200 dog and cat breed booths individually decorated depicting the history of the breed—Giant Mastiffs in a medieval castle, Norwegian Elkhounds on a Viking ship, and Russian Blue cats in an Imperial Palace are only a few of the booths that were at last year's event—and give potential pet owners the chance to play with dogs and cats in person and learn about responsible ownership from the experts.
Tickets allow admittance for one day and can be purchased online at www.meetthebreeds.com.
Get social with the AKC! Join us on Facebook and Twitter.
About Meet the Breeds -- With 160 dog breeds and 41 cat breeds, plus demonstrations, shopping and children's activities, no pet lover will want to miss Meet the Breeds. Each breed will be presented in its own designated space, decorated to reflect its heritage, characteristics and unique attributes as a pet, while allowing attendees to literally "Meet the Breeds" by petting dogs, cats, puppies and kittens and learning about them directly from the experts. The event is proudly presented by PetPartners, Inc., a leading pet healthcare provider, and will feature more than 120,000 square feet of dog and cat festivities. Sponsors include Invisible Fence® Brand; Pet Brands, Inc.; P&G Pet Care, Iams; Motel 6; ADT Security Services, Inc.; LubriSyn CA; AOL PawNation; Hill's Science Diet Small & Toy Breed dog food; TD Bank, N.A.; American Pet Products Association; Dog.com; GoPetFriendly.com; Dr. Elsey's Precious Cat Litters; Paramount Chemical Specialties, Inc.; Royal Canin; Petmate; Pet Airways®; JAKKS Pacific, Inc.; Sturdi Products and World's Best Cat Litter. For more information visit www.meetthebreeds.com.
The American Kennel Club, founded in 1884, is a not-for-profit organization which maintains the largest registry of purebred dogs in the world and oversees the sport of purebred dogs in the United States. The AKC is dedicated to upholding the integrity of its registry, promoting the sport of purebred dogs and breeding for type and function. Along with its nearly 5,000 licensed and member clubs and its affiliated organizations, the AKC advocates for the purebred dog as a family companion, advances canine health and well-being, works to protect the rights of all dog owners and promotes responsible dog ownership. More than 20,000 competitions for AKC-registered purebred dogs are held under AKC rules and regulations each year including conformation, agility, obedience, rally, tracking, herding, lure coursing, coonhound events, hunt tests, field and earthdog tests. Affiliate AKC organizations include the AKC Humane Fund, AKC Canine Health Foundation, AKC Companion Animal Recovery and the AKC Museum of the Dog. For more information, visit www.akc.org.
The Cat Fanciers' Association, Inc. (CFA) was founded in 1906 as a non-profit association of member clubs and is the world's largest registry of pedigreed cats. CFA's mission is to preserve and promote the pedigreed breeds of cats and to enhance the well-being of ALL cats. CFA promotes education, responsible cat ownership and proper care to the owners of millions of cats worldwide. CFA and its affiliate clubs work nationally with local shelters, at a grassroots level, to help humanely reduce homeless and feral cat populations, and to encourage voluntary neuter/spay of pet cats. To learn more about the Cat Fanciers' Association, the pedigreed breeds of cats, or to find the nearest CFA cat show, visit their web site at www.cfa.org.
- AKC and CFA Uncover What Your Neighborhood Really Says About You -
From the affluent ladies who lunch on the Upper East Side to the authentic Italian culture of Little Italy, the various neighborhoods of New York City have very distinct characteristics.
Inspired by New York City's October 16 & 17 Meet the Breeds event™, the world's largest showcase of cats and dogs, the American Kennel Club (AKC®) and the Cat Fanciers' Association (CFA®) searched through the unique personalities and traits of more than 200 dog and cat breeds to determine the best fit for the personality and character of each New York City neighborhood. Weigh in and cast your vote now at www.meetthebreeds.com by clicking "Vote Now," or go to AOL PawNation and make your voice heard. Among them:
Upper East Side – Affluent residents, "ladies who lunch," high society, style-conscious.
Dog Breed: The Poodle is known for its glamorous looks and the serious grooming needed to maintain them. While their coat does require frequent grooming, their intelligence more than makes up for the extra care.
Cat Breed: The American Curl, with fancy curled ears perched on its head, just screams "I am style-conscious!" Their aloof look with walnut-shaped eyes, and their silky coat, will fit in purr-fectly at any high society luncheon.
Upper West Side – Family-oriented people who take advantage of Central Park.
Dog Breed: The English Springer Spaniel thrives on exercise and training, as those who go running in Central Park do. They are light, lean, and fast, as most sporty types are, and love to chase the birds found in the park. They learn quickly, remember well and make excellent family companions.
Cat Breed: The sleek Oriental needs to exercise to keep its body trim, muscular and hard as a rock! Chasing toys keeps them happy – almost as happy as when they are curled up in your lap for a long nap.
The Village - Bohemian, struggling artists-types.
Dog Breed: The Brussels Griffon is known for being highly intelligent and sensitive, with a very expressive face. The breed is also known as a bearded dog which can be compared to the unshaven, struggling artist.
Cat Breed: Selkirk Rex, with their plush and loosely curled coats, fit right into a Bohemian lifestyle. Especially the longhairs, who look like they are always having a bad hair day and are definitely not for the uptight and organized pet owner.
Chelsea - Effeminate nature, stylish and groomed to perfection.
Dog Breed: The Dandie Dinmont Terrier's structured appearance requires professional grooming to keep him looking perfect. But don't let his big dark eyes and fluffy head of curls fool you. This is a confident, intelligent and independent little Terrier.
Cat Breed: Minimal grooming is necessary for the Cornish Rex. Their soft coat automatically falls into meticulous "Marcel" waves. Looks shouldn't deceive you, though, as this breed is very alert and active.
Little Italy – Known for its authentic Italian culture.
Dog Breed: The Italian Greyhound makes the name "Little Italy" true to life. The breed is very small and a native of Italy. This breed is very affectionate and loves being with his family, which is reminiscent of Italian family life.
Cat Breed: The Singapura is about as far from being "Little Italy" as one can get, yet their small stature and ticked coat is much admired. Singapuras are well-known to love their people and if you own more than one, they are often found curled up all together in a heap.
Brooklyn – The 94-year-old Coney Island institution, Nathan's Hot Dogs.
Dog Breed: The Dachshund is commonly known as a "hot dog" because of its long and low body which resembles a frankfurter.
Cat Breed: The Havana Brown has a glistening mahogany-toned coat color. They'd just as soon eat your hot dog as let you have it! The Havana Brown can be called a "chocolate delight without the calories."
Staten Island - Best known for the Staten Island Ferry.
Dog Breed: The Newfoundland is at home in the water and has always worked hauling in heavy fishing nets and carrying life lines to sinking ships in dangerous waters to save lives.
Cat Breed: The Turkish Van loves the water! In their native region they are commonly called 'the swimming cats." Their coloring is unique because of the always white body with colored markings confined to the head and tail.
Long Island - The lavish life of the wealthy who summer in the Hamptons.
Dog Breed: The Shih Tzu is elegant, charming, aristocratic and was cherished by royals. They also need plenty of grooming. Shih Tzus have a long, flowing, beautiful coat that requires daily brushing.
Cat Breed: The Birman is well suited to the lifestyle of the rich and famous. Believed to have originated in Burma, the Birman was the sacred, the companion cat of the Kittah priests.
Learn more about these breeds and place your vote online at www.meetthebreeds.com by clicking "Vote Now" or at AOL PawNation for the dog and cat breed that best represents your New York neighborhood. Polls close October 4. Log onto www.meetthebreeds.com to find out what dog and cat America chose as the best match for New York. Take the Meet the Breeds Survey and tell us what your dog or cat means to you.
The Meet the Breeds event will give pet lovers a chance to meet all of these breeds and more this October 16th and 17th. The family-friendly event will feature more than 200 dog and cat breed booths individually decorated depicting the history of the breed—Giant Mastiffs in a medieval castle, Norwegian Elkhounds on a Viking ship, and Russian Blue cats in an Imperial Palace are only a few of the booths that were at last year's event—and give potential pet owners the chance to play with dogs and cats in person and learn about responsible ownership from the experts.
Tickets allow admittance for one day and can be purchased online at www.meetthebreeds.com.
Get social with the AKC! Join us on Facebook and Twitter.
About Meet the Breeds -- With 160 dog breeds and 41 cat breeds, plus demonstrations, shopping and children's activities, no pet lover will want to miss Meet the Breeds. Each breed will be presented in its own designated space, decorated to reflect its heritage, characteristics and unique attributes as a pet, while allowing attendees to literally "Meet the Breeds" by petting dogs, cats, puppies and kittens and learning about them directly from the experts. The event is proudly presented by PetPartners, Inc., a leading pet healthcare provider, and will feature more than 120,000 square feet of dog and cat festivities. Sponsors include Invisible Fence® Brand; Pet Brands, Inc.; P&G Pet Care, Iams; Motel 6; ADT Security Services, Inc.; LubriSyn CA; AOL PawNation; Hill's Science Diet Small & Toy Breed dog food; TD Bank, N.A.; American Pet Products Association; Dog.com; GoPetFriendly.com; Dr. Elsey's Precious Cat Litters; Paramount Chemical Specialties, Inc.; Royal Canin; Petmate; Pet Airways®; JAKKS Pacific, Inc.; Sturdi Products and World's Best Cat Litter. For more information visit www.meetthebreeds.com.
The American Kennel Club, founded in 1884, is a not-for-profit organization which maintains the largest registry of purebred dogs in the world and oversees the sport of purebred dogs in the United States. The AKC is dedicated to upholding the integrity of its registry, promoting the sport of purebred dogs and breeding for type and function. Along with its nearly 5,000 licensed and member clubs and its affiliated organizations, the AKC advocates for the purebred dog as a family companion, advances canine health and well-being, works to protect the rights of all dog owners and promotes responsible dog ownership. More than 20,000 competitions for AKC-registered purebred dogs are held under AKC rules and regulations each year including conformation, agility, obedience, rally, tracking, herding, lure coursing, coonhound events, hunt tests, field and earthdog tests. Affiliate AKC organizations include the AKC Humane Fund, AKC Canine Health Foundation, AKC Companion Animal Recovery and the AKC Museum of the Dog. For more information, visit www.akc.org.
The Cat Fanciers' Association, Inc. (CFA) was founded in 1906 as a non-profit association of member clubs and is the world's largest registry of pedigreed cats. CFA's mission is to preserve and promote the pedigreed breeds of cats and to enhance the well-being of ALL cats. CFA promotes education, responsible cat ownership and proper care to the owners of millions of cats worldwide. CFA and its affiliate clubs work nationally with local shelters, at a grassroots level, to help humanely reduce homeless and feral cat populations, and to encourage voluntary neuter/spay of pet cats. To learn more about the Cat Fanciers' Association, the pedigreed breeds of cats, or to find the nearest CFA cat show, visit their web site at www.cfa.org.
Don't Miss It,
This Years Meet The Breeds
Sunday, September 26, 2010
American Legion Help Raise Funds For Service Dogs For Vets
American Legion Auxiliary Raising Funds for Service Dog for Disabled Idaho Veteran
A disabled Idaho veteran will soon have his or her own service dog, thanks to a new affiliation between Positive Partners Assistance Dogs, Inc. and the Women’s Auxiliary of the American Legion David Ketchum Post 15.
A disabled Idaho veteran will soon have his or her own service dog, thanks to a new affiliation between Positive Partners Assistance Dogs, Inc. and the Women's Auxiliary of the American Legion David Ketchum Post 15.
Positive Partners Assistance Dogs trains four types of service or assistance dogs: mobility dogs for people who need balance and assistance climbing stairs or bending over, hearing assistance dogs, guide guides for the visually impaired, and wheelchair assistance dogs. Each service dog is custom-trained for the individual.
The cost of training a service dog is approximately $25,000, and the auxiliary already has raised more than half.
“We have learned how valuable a service dog can be to disabled veterans with a wide range of disabilities,” said Mary Stratton, auxiliary president.
“For example, if a disabled veteran has lost a leg, a service dog can pick up a dropped sock or go get a ringing telephone. All of these things make a huge difference in the day-to-day qualify of life. We are fortunate that we have a nationally recognized service dog training program based in the Wood River Valley.”
Positive Partners differs from most service dog training programs in several respects. In addition to custom-training service dogs for individuals with special needs that are not accommodated by most of the larger assistance dog training programs, Positive Partners uses “clicker” training, perhaps best known for its use in training whales and dolphins.
Assistance dogs also go directly from the “puppy raiser” to the handler, eliminating the difficult and expensive kennel phase of most service dog training programs. Positive Partners’ costs for training a service dog are as much as $10,000 below those of many other organizations.
Positive Partners will be responsible for the application process, training and placement of the service dog. To qualify, the applicant must be an American military wounded veteran. Interested disabled veterans can contact Positive Partners at ppadi@sunvalley1.com or call 208-721-1309. The entire placement process, which includes interviews and selection of the applicant and selection and training of the assistance dog, take approximately two years.
For more information or to make a donation to the service dog training program for a disabled veteran, contact Stratton at sunvalleymary(at)aol(dot)com or 720-0370. Additional information is available at the Positive Partners Assistance Dogs website at www.ppadi.org.
Saturday, September 25, 2010
So You Got Your Dog Micro Chipped Will It Work
There’s a company called Anibase that said the dog owner has no right to know where his missing dog is due to not reporting his dog stolen. Can you imagine that you spend the money to have the chip put in, in the first place knowing that it’s suppose to help you find your dog if it becomes missing and the company says: sorry you out of luck.
Well this has happened to a dog owner named Dave Moorhouse from Huddersfield, West Yorkshire who lost his Jack Russell called Rocky back in two thousand and seven. Dave only received a call from Anibase in regarding info about his dog a few months ago and Dave wanted to know where his dog was and that’s when Anibase refused to tell him.
Dave Moorhouse said: I would love to get my dog back but Anibase and the police won't tell me where he is. He was a gorgeous, lovely dog who would lick you to death. Rocky was great with kids, he was great with everyone.
So because Dave didn’t report his dog stolen back then Anibase’s Rep said: that Anibase could only release the details of the dog's location if ordered to by certain courts or if the police request it.
I don’t know about you, but the first thing I would do is contact the company that monitors your dogs chip to see if their rules are the same as Anibase’s rules. And if you use this company I would think about getting a new company if they aren’t going to help you find your dog in the first place.
Hopefully Dave Moorhouse finds a good lawyer to help him get his dog back.
Read the article here.
Friday, September 24, 2010
UK Survey Of Medicines Brought Online Verses Vet's Prices
Response To A Survey Carried Out By Online Pharmacy Vet-Medic
he British Veterinary Association (BVA) has responded to a survey carried out on behalf of the online pharmacy Vet-Medic which found that internet pharmacies charge on average half the price for medicines when compared to veterinary practices.
Commenting, BVA President-Elect Harvey Locke said:
"Vet-Medic claim that veterinary practices are over-inflating the price of veterinary medicines is an unfair accusation.
"Veterinary practices will mark up the cost of the medicines they supply in order to cover the costs of keeping and dispensing them. This includes having trained staff available, buying the necessary equipment, and storage facilities that are governed by strict rules, and covering the cost of wasted medicines that have a short shelf life.
"Online pharmacies have similar overheads but are able to buy in much larger quantities than the average veterinary practice due to the much higher volumes sold. Many of the internet prices revealed in the survey are around the same cost as veterinary practices can buy the medicines from wholesalers suggesting that some of the internet companies are sourcing cheaper drugs abroad.
"The BVA would therefore urge caution when buying from internet pharmacies and recommend that pet owners spend time finding out where the medicines are sourced from. While we certainly wouldn't want to imply that all medicines on the internet are counterfeit, there are cases of fake medicines that look genuine being sold. These medicines are placebos at best and dangerous at worst.
"As with many products buying online can be cheaper and consumers have a choice. Many pet owners choose to use the veterinary practice pharmacy because a lot of advice and assistance is available, including demonstrations on how to administer the treatments.
"Vet-Medic's assertion that pet owners don't know that they can obtain a prescription from their veterinary surgeon is also false. Over 50% of UK practices are registered under the RCVS Practice Standards Scheme. One of the conditions of the scheme is that a notice must be displayed in the waiting room informing clients that prescriptions are available on request, the price of a prescription, and the price list of the top ten medicines that the practice has dispensed in the last three month period.
"It's important to remember that under the law veterinary practices are not allowed to fix the price of medicines. As they are independent businesses this means that it is up to each practice to charge according to their own circumstances to cover their individual overheads."
British Veterinary Association
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Who Said You Can't Teach A Dog Good Manners
Video by: unknown
We All Know Dogs Love To Dig Holes
Most dogs love digging holes looking for whatever is there due to their curiosity, but sometimes they might find more than they were looking for.
A young kid named Nathan Poland from Seaton was walking his Springer Spaniel when the dog started to dig a hole and found a priceless pot that dates back to the Romans. What a find for this dog and we complain when are dogs dig holes, you never know what they might find.
The curator named Jane Laskey at the Maryport’s Senhouse Roman Museum said: the pot was a piece of Samianware from the late second century or early third. It was a remarkable find because, although the Romans brought a lot of Samianware to Britain, this piece was in very good condition and had a lot of decoration.
So what’s the bottom line….don’t stop your dog from digging, you never know what they may find.
Read the article here.
A young kid named Nathan Poland from Seaton was walking his Springer Spaniel when the dog started to dig a hole and found a priceless pot that dates back to the Romans. What a find for this dog and we complain when are dogs dig holes, you never know what they might find.
The curator named Jane Laskey at the Maryport’s Senhouse Roman Museum said: the pot was a piece of Samianware from the late second century or early third. It was a remarkable find because, although the Romans brought a lot of Samianware to Britain, this piece was in very good condition and had a lot of decoration.
So what’s the bottom line….don’t stop your dog from digging, you never know what they may find.
Read the article here.
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
A Special Honor To A Man Who Has Donated So Much To Help Rescue Dogs

I would like to Honor on this blog the Golden Heart Award to a special couple named Cheryl & David Duffield for all they have done over the years to help save our buddies.
David who is a billionaire from his hard dedication had made a promise that he has keep to give back which has become the Maddie’s Fund that has donated over one hundred million dollars and save some six hundred thousand dogs.
Now if that isn’t amazing I don’t know, but I know that David and his wife Cheryl have a Heart of Gold.
Thank you for helping our buddies find real homes.
Was That Dog You Brought Really Vaccinated
Well the Humane Society of Utah is concerned that puppy mill owners have been selling puppies with phony paperwork stating that the dogs were vaccinated. So how many people have brought a dog that really wasn’t vaccinated is the question.
I’ll bet this happens all over the world with all the sales online and on craigslist. So are you really getting the dog you thought that you were buying?
Read the article by Lynn Arave here.
I’ll bet this happens all over the world with all the sales online and on craigslist. So are you really getting the dog you thought that you were buying?
Read the article by Lynn Arave here.
So Who Left The Dogs To Fend For Themselves?
That’s what the Cameron County authorities would like to know when they found seventeen dogs left to fend for themselves in a flooded out building at Green Valley Farms.
How could anybody just leave these little dogs when they knew there was going to be some flooding in the area?
The Director Johnny Cavazos from the Emergency Management said: They were left abandoned in their kennels. They were up to their neck in water with no food and drinking water. The poodle-mix dogs had been locked inside kennels and were unable to escape the water. One of the dogs was found unconscious, a county animal control officer was able to perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation and the dog responded.
Luckily these guys came around to search for people in the flooded area or these dogs might not of made it though the flooding.
Read the article by Laura B Martinez here.
How could anybody just leave these little dogs when they knew there was going to be some flooding in the area?
The Director Johnny Cavazos from the Emergency Management said: They were left abandoned in their kennels. They were up to their neck in water with no food and drinking water. The poodle-mix dogs had been locked inside kennels and were unable to escape the water. One of the dogs was found unconscious, a county animal control officer was able to perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation and the dog responded.
Luckily these guys came around to search for people in the flooded area or these dogs might not of made it though the flooding.
Read the article by Laura B Martinez here.
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Weymouth, Dorset … Have You Seen This Dog Dumper

Photo by BNPS.CO.UK
Hopefully someone will identify this guy who dumped his Shetland-cross terrier in a field in Weymouth, Dorset. Luckily a guy named Steve Sudworth had seen this guy dump his dog on the video and was able to rescue the poor dog.
If you have seen this guy please contact the Weymouth and Portland Borough Council or the local authorities.
Read the article here.
Monday, September 20, 2010
Dog Owner Rally To Help Find Who Ever Is Poising Their Dogs
Down in Balmain, Australia the locals are still looking for whoever is baiting the dogs in the parks. They have now formed together to rally and raise money for a reward to help find out who ever is poisoning their dogs.
Whoever it was better hope the law finds them first before the dogs do.
Read the article by Josephine Tovey here.
Whoever it was better hope the law finds them first before the dogs do.
Read the article by Josephine Tovey here.
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Lab Dogs That PETA Help Show The World Were Abused And Had Chemical Burns
We all know that researchers use animal for their research but to abuse them and to find some type of chemicals that burned their paws is not called for.
The top video is real graphic on showing the abuse by the employees at Professional Laboratory and Research Services Incorporated in NC. While the second video shows how the beagles have had some kind of trauma that will stick with these poor dog for life.
The animal shelter director Marsha Williams said: If you touch them they flinch or tense up, they're afraid that there's going to be something that we're going to do to them that would hurt. I don't know if that comes from the testing or the abuse but it's not normal.
I can only imagine how many other pets are out there being abused like this. Where have we gone wrong when an employee will become heartless and abuse an animal with no feeling at all.
Read the article by Tracey McCain here.
Friday, September 17, 2010
World Rabies Awareness Day
World Rabies Day: Awareness Is The Best Defence Against Rabies
September 28, 2010 marks the fourth World Rabies Day. This annual event, led by the Global Alliance for Rabies Control, provides a unique platform for individuals and organisations to raise awareness and understanding about the importance of rabies prevention.
Rabies remains one of the most serious viral zoonoses presently encountered worldwide. Despite being 100 per cent preventable, it is estimated that 55,000 people die worldwide from rabies each year, approximately one person every ten minutes: half are children under the age of 15.
The British Veterinary Association (BVA) is proud to support World Rabies Day by once again urging UK veterinary surgeons to raise their staff and clients' awareness of the implications of rabies when they travel abroad. The BVA Overseas Group has produced some simple advice, available on the BVA website, on reducing the risk of contracting the disease, which gives guidance on vaccination and wound cleansing.
Zoe Belshaw, a member of the BVA Overseas Group, commented:
"You do not need to be engaged in any particular activity to be exposed to rabies as rabid animals will bite unprovoked and can show up almost anywhere. It is also important to remember that a lick on broken skin or mucous membranes or a scratch is as dangerous as a deep bite from an infected animal.
"Pre-exposure vaccination should be considered for those travellers at particular risk and should be mandatory for all veterinary professionals and students who are planning to work with animals in an affected country.
"Thorough wound cleansing along with post-exposure immunisation is crucially important."
Dr Tony Fooks of the Veterinary Laboratories Agency cited the case of the death from rabies of a young woman in Northern Ireland early last year: it is believed she acquired the disease following a bite from a dog whilst working as a volunteer at an animal sanctuary in South Africa. There was no history of pre- or post-exposure rabies vaccination.
Dr Fooks commented:
"In the future clinicians may encounter rabies with increasing frequency as a consequence of a traveller having a chance contact with a rabid animal through increased excursions to rabies-endemic countries.
"Rabies is invariably fatal after the appearance of neurological disease, but is eminently preventable with appropriate and timely post-exposure prophylaxis. It is critical therefore that anyone bitten or exposed to a suspect animal in a rabies-endemic region seeks medical advice immediately," he stressed.
Since the first World Rabies Day in 2007, more than 1000 rabies awareness and prevention activities have been held in 125 countries, educating 100 million people and vaccinating three million dogs worldwide. The veterinary profession plays an important role in protecting domestic animals and the general public from rabies.
As Dr Sarah Cleaveland of the Boyd Orr Centre for Population and Ecosystem Health at the University of Glasgow highlighted in a recent Viewpoint article in the Veterinary Record, "If mass dog vaccination campaigns can be implemented effectively, canine rabies can be eliminated throughout most of Africa and Asia, and the vast majority of the human rabies deaths that occur worldwide will be prevented."
1. The BVA Overseas Group's guidance is available on the website.
2. World Rabies Day is promoted by the Alliance for Rabies Control. It aims to prevent human rabies deaths and to alleviate the burden of rabies in animal species.
3. The Blueprint for Rabies Prevention and Control brings together information on rabies prevention from global rabies experts.
4. Dr Sarah Cleaveland's Viewpoint 'Catalysing action against rabies' was published in the Veterinary Record of September 11, 2010 - see link from the Rabies Control page of the BVA website.
British Veterinary Association
World Rabies Awareness Day
Thursday, September 16, 2010
I Feel Sorry For These Kids Who Blow Off A Dogs Jaw
Not only are the Dublin SPCA looking for a group of kids that thought it was fun to light a fireworks off in a poor dogs mouth. The locals are on the lookout for these kids too and on the SPCA’s Facebook page things are starting to heat up too.
It’s a shame that the poor dog had to be put down due to these kids.
Read the article here.
It’s a shame that the poor dog had to be put down due to these kids.
Read the article here.
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Pinal County Remove 171 Pets From Despicable Home

Photo by Pinal County
Can you only imagine having that many animals running around in your home. To top it off by looking at this photo you can see how bad the place was with no running to even clean or feed the poor animals.
The Pinal County Animal Care Control Director in Arizona named Ruth Stalter said: The findings were startling, there were layers of feces on the floor throughout the trailer.
Hopefully this animals will find a new home where they will be loved and cared for.
Read the story by Kate Jacobs here.
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Kennel Owner Uses Homemade Gas Chamber To Kill His Dogs
The owner of Black Diamond Acres Kennel in Romulus, NY named David Yoder will most likely be facing a lot of charges of animal cruelty for gassing some ninety three dogs. Apparently the state Health Department had asked David Yoder to get medical help for his dogs who had Brucellosis and instead he made a homemade gas chamber and started killing his dogs.
The Seneca County SPCA director Jenny McWhorter said: I was sick, just sick to think about the horrors the animals went through and I was pretty angry it happened. I was horrified. That must have been a very painful and long death.
A USDA spokesman named Dave Sacks said: It’s against state Agriculture and Markets law for any person to poison a dog or cat with exhaust fumes from a gasoline engine, a state official said. Also, the federal Animal Welfare Act only allows for licensed veterinarians to destroy dogs.
How cruel can you get to do something like this to your dogs, it just shows that he didn’t even care for the dogs and was in business for the money.
Read the article by Scott Rapp here.
The Seneca County SPCA director Jenny McWhorter said: I was sick, just sick to think about the horrors the animals went through and I was pretty angry it happened. I was horrified. That must have been a very painful and long death.
A USDA spokesman named Dave Sacks said: It’s against state Agriculture and Markets law for any person to poison a dog or cat with exhaust fumes from a gasoline engine, a state official said. Also, the federal Animal Welfare Act only allows for licensed veterinarians to destroy dogs.
How cruel can you get to do something like this to your dogs, it just shows that he didn’t even care for the dogs and was in business for the money.
Read the article by Scott Rapp here.
Monday, September 13, 2010
Luxurious Pet Hotel Opens It's Second Place In Westlake Village, CA

Late-Barking News: America's Premier Pet Hotel & Day Spa, THE BARKLEY Announces Grand Opening
The World's Finest Pet Hotel Will Be Opening Its Doors in Westlake Village, California On October 25, 2010
After years of international research and planning, The Barkley Pet Hotel & Day Spa and the new Westlake Village Animal Hospital have announced they’ll be open for business on October 25th, 2010! The long awaited grand opening has been in ‘paw’pular demand since the media started reporting on it over two years ago. That’s because The Barkley is the only upscale boarding, grooming and day camp facility of its kind for dogs, cats, birds & exotics in Los Angeles. With overnight accommodations in uber-luxurious suites along Rodeo Drive and Hollywoof Boulevard, and full-service day spa services (offering spa baths, body massages, mud-masks and "pawdicures”), every inch of The Barkley’s unique and proprietary designs were micromanaged by pet care consultants, architects, psychologists, behaviorists, and contractors worldwide.
“There is really nothing like this in the entire world! We aren’t even open yet and our phones are already ringing off the hook!”” says General Manager and creator of The Barkley concept, Howard Perlmuter. “Since opening the first location in Cleveland, Ohio, we’ve had our eye on launching another in Southern California. Being offered an opportunity to fill the niche along with the best veterinary practice in California was a natural fit!”
Described as a pet's paradise for relaxation, socialization, exercise or just sheer enjoyment, The Barkley is undoubtedly a “Five-Paw Property.” The custom-designed facility offers overnight accommodations, grooming and spa services, day camp, obedience training, and even A-List trans’paw’tation via pick-up and delivery service in The Barkley’s VIP PET limousine! With an extensive guest service menu featuring bedtime tuck-in service, tummy rubs, and Skype® sessions, The Barkley is sure to be the “bark” of the canine community. Not to leave other species out in the cold; felines, birds and exotics are also welcome.
Kitty City, designed to be the “cats meow”, provides each feline guest with a private tri-level condo (living area, bedroom and private bathroom) with amazing views of a salt-water aquarium, bird feeders and flat-screen television entertainment. Regardless of the time and day, pet owners can always share in their pet’s excitement via webcam technology.
Though The Barkley prides itself on its unique amenities, it is the top quality care from its professional staff which really sets them apart from the competition. All Barkley Pet Hotel employees are animal lovers who are certified Level 1 Pet Care Technicians by the Pet Care Services Association. The expansive pet care campus is staffed 24-hours a day, every day for the maximum comfort and safety of each pet guest. Add the services and expertise of the onsite, award-winning Westlake Village Animal Hospital and clients achieve a 100% peace-of-mind that their best friends are in the best possible hands!
The Barkley has been dubbed the “Ritz-Carlton” for pets but guests don’t need to be from ‘high-society’ to afford a reservation. The Barkley is designed to provide both daytime and overnight care in a safe and comfortable environment while offering a wide variety of accommodations at affordable prices. Leisure Suites start at just $45 per night with themed suites running $65 and up - for 24-hour care. At these prices, any pet can be a VIP at The Barkley Pet Hotel & Day Spa!
The 32,000 square foot pet care campus will be offering “sneak-preview” tours to the public from 8 a.m. – 5 p.m. on Saturday, October 23rd and Sunday, October 24th. Entertainment, auctions, raffles, food and fun will be provided with all proceeds from the event benefiting local pet charities. Advance tickets are free by registering at westlakepet.com. Everyone is invited however, due to the facility’s strict vaccination standards, pets will not be allowed inside the controlled environment.
To learn more about The Barkley, come join us for fun, food and entertainment, including a silent auction and raffle prizes during our pre-grand opening festivities. All proceeds will support local animal charities. Register your tour spot today at westlakepet.com
Schedule of Grand Opening Events
Saturday, October 23rd – Public Sneak Preview Day 8 am – 5 pm
Sunday, October 24th –Public Sneak Preview Day 8 am- 5 pm
The Barkley is housed alongside the brand new, technologically-advanced Westlake Village Animal Hospital. Providing 24-hour (on-call), 7 day a week, emergency veterinary service, Dr. Daniel Slaton and Dr. Steven Rosenstein provide the highest level of veterinary care. For more information on vet care, call 805-497-4900 or visit: www.westlakevet.com.
Now taking reservations, The Barkley Pet Hotel & Day Spa is located across from The Four Seasons Hotel at 31166 Via Colinas in Westlake Village, California. For more information call 818-889-BARK (2275) or go online at www.thebarkleypethotel.com.
Sunday, September 12, 2010
I Locked My Dog In The Truck To Teach It A Lesson?
Did I read this right? A girl named Emilia Szymborska from the Tullytown area in Pennsylvanian did just that when she was unable to control her little Cockapoo.
I have heard many dumb things that dog owners have done to their dogs but this one takes the cake. Emilia Szymborska said: It was to teach her something, to teach her a lesson. I didn't leave the dog for a few hours. I just left it for fifteen minutes; she can be without water for hours. She wasn't hungry either. I don't know what to say. It's ridiculous what happened.
Again why do people gets pets if they aren’t going to treat them right. Now Emilia is being charged with animal abuse and you would think that the dog should have been taken away from her.
Read the article by Ben Finiley here.
I have heard many dumb things that dog owners have done to their dogs but this one takes the cake. Emilia Szymborska said: It was to teach her something, to teach her a lesson. I didn't leave the dog for a few hours. I just left it for fifteen minutes; she can be without water for hours. She wasn't hungry either. I don't know what to say. It's ridiculous what happened.
Again why do people gets pets if they aren’t going to treat them right. Now Emilia is being charged with animal abuse and you would think that the dog should have been taken away from her.
Read the article by Ben Finiley here.
Saturday, September 11, 2010
So Do You Know What Canine Influenza Is
It;s always good to know what to look out for when dealing with Canine Influenza.
Canine Influenza
Frequently Asked Questions by Dog Owners
Dr. Cynda Crawford, Clinical Assistant Professor in the Maddie’s Shelter Medicine Program at the University of Florida College of Veterinary Medicine, prepared this fact sheet to answer the 10 most popular questions from dog owners about canine influenza.
1. What is canine influenza? Canine influenza is a highly contagious respiratory infection of dogs caused by a novel influenza A subtype H3N8 virus that was first discovered in 2004.
2. Where does canine influenza occur? Canine influenza has been documented in 30 states and the District of Columbia. At this time, the canine influenza virus (CIV) is very prevalent in many communities in Colorado, Florida, New York,and Pennsylvania.
3. What type of infection does CIV cause?
Similar to influenza viruses that infect other mammals, canine influenza virus causes an acute respiratory infection in dogs. It is one of several viruses and bacteria that are associated with canine infectious respiratory disease, or what’s commonly referred to as “kennel cough”. CIV infection can cause respiratory disease by itself or along with other canine respiratory pathogens.
Unlike human influenza, canine influenza is not a “seasonal” infection. Infections can occur year round.
4. What are the clinical signs of canine influenza?
Like influenza viruses for other species, CIV causes flu‐like illness consisting of cough, sneezing, and nasal discharge. Virtually all exposed dogs become infected; about 80% develop flu‐like illness,while another 20% do not become ill.
Fortunately, most dogs recover within 2 weeks without any further health complications. However,some dogs progress to pneumonia, which is usually due to secondary bacterial infections. While the overall mortality rate for canine influenza is low,the secondary pneumonia can be life‐threatening.There is no evidence for age or breed susceptibility for developing pneumonia during canine
5. Who is susceptible to canine influenza?
Because canine influenza is due to a virus that is novel to the canine population, dogs lack preexisting immunity to the virus. Dogs of any breed,age or health status are therefore susceptible to infection. Although studies have not verified,it is likely that dogs that have recovered from infection retain immunity to re‐infection for an undetermined time period.
Canine influenza is most likely to spread in facilities where dogs are housed together and where there is a high turnover of dogs in and out of the facility. Dogs in shelters, boarding and training facilities, day care centers, dog shows, veterinary clinics, pet stores and grooming parlors are at highest risk for exposure to CIV, especially if these facilities are located in communities where the virus is prevalent. Dogs that mostly stay at home and walk around the neighborhood are at low risk.
CIV does not infect people, and there is no documentation that cats have become infected by exposure to dogs with canine influenza.
6. How is canine influenza transmitted?
As with other respiratory pathogens, the most efficient transmission occurs by direct contact with infected dogs and by aerosols generated by coughing and sneezing. The virus can also contaminate kennel surfaces, food and water bowls, collars and leashes, and the hands and clothing of people who handle infected dogs. Fortunately,the virus is easily inactivated by washing hands,clothes and other items with soap and water.
7. How is canine influenza diagnosed?
Canine influenza cannot be diagnosed by clinical signs because all of the other respiratory pathogens cause similar signs of coughing, sneezing, and nasal discharge. For dogs that have been ill for less than 4 days, veterinarians can collect swabs from the nose or throat and submit them to a diagnostic laboratory that offers a validated PCR test for canine influenza virus. The most accurate test recommended for confirmation of infection requires the collection of a small blood sample from the dog during the first week of illness, followed by collection of another sample 10 to 14 days later.The paired serum samples are submitted to a diagnostic laboratory for measurement of antibodies to CIV that were formed in response to infection.
8. How is canine influenza treated?
Since canine influenza is a viral infection, treatment consists mainly of supportive care while the virus runs its course, much like for human influenza. Dog owners should consult with their veterinarians if they think their dog has canine influenza. The veterinarian can determine what type of supportive care is needed, including whether antibiotics should be given for secondary bacterial infections. Dogs with pneumonia most likely require more intensive care provided in a hospital setting under the supervision of a veterinarian.
9. Is canine influenza contagious?
Like influenza infections in other species, canine influenza is highly contagious. Infected dogs shed virus in their respiratory secretions for 7 to 10 days, during which time the dog is contagious to other dogs. Infected dogs that do not show clinical signs are also contagious. Once the virus has run its course, the dog is no longer contagious. Therefore, we recommend that dogs with canine influenza be isolated from other dogs for two weeks to err on the conservative side. CIV does not cause a permanent infection.
10. Is there a vaccine for canine influenza?
In May 2009, the USDA approved the licensure of the first influenza vaccine for dogs developed by Intervet/Schering Plough Animal Health Corporation. The canine influenza vaccine contains inactivated whole virus, so there is no chance that the vaccine itself can cause respiratory infections. During tests to evaluate vaccine performance, there were no side effects or safety issues in a field trial including more than 700 dogs ranging in age from six weeks to 10 years and representing 30 breeds.The vaccine is intended as an aid in the control of disease associated with CIV infection. Although the vaccine may not prevent infection, efficacy trials have shown that vaccination significantly reduces the severity and duration of clinical illness, including the incidence and severity of damage to the lungs. In addition, the vaccine reduces the amount of virus shed and shortens the shedding interval. This means that vaccinated dogs that become infected have less illness and are not as contagious to other dogs. These benefits are similar to those provided by influenza vaccines used in other species, including humans.
The canine influenza vaccine is a “lifestyle” vaccine, in that it is intended for dogs at risk for exposure to CIV, including those that participate in activities with many other dogs or are housed in communal facilities, particularly in communities where the virus is prevalent. Dogs that may benefit from canine influenza vaccination include those that are already receiving the kennel cough vaccine for Bordetella because the risk groups are the same. Dog owners should consult with their veterinarian to determine whether their dog’s lifestyle includes risk for exposure to CIV, and the protection provided by the canine influenza vaccine.
Canine Influenza
Frequently Asked Questions by Dog Owners
Dr. Cynda Crawford, Clinical Assistant Professor in the Maddie’s Shelter Medicine Program at the University of Florida College of Veterinary Medicine, prepared this fact sheet to answer the 10 most popular questions from dog owners about canine influenza.
1. What is canine influenza? Canine influenza is a highly contagious respiratory infection of dogs caused by a novel influenza A subtype H3N8 virus that was first discovered in 2004.
2. Where does canine influenza occur? Canine influenza has been documented in 30 states and the District of Columbia. At this time, the canine influenza virus (CIV) is very prevalent in many communities in Colorado, Florida, New York,and Pennsylvania.
3. What type of infection does CIV cause?
Similar to influenza viruses that infect other mammals, canine influenza virus causes an acute respiratory infection in dogs. It is one of several viruses and bacteria that are associated with canine infectious respiratory disease, or what’s commonly referred to as “kennel cough”. CIV infection can cause respiratory disease by itself or along with other canine respiratory pathogens.
Unlike human influenza, canine influenza is not a “seasonal” infection. Infections can occur year round.
4. What are the clinical signs of canine influenza?
Like influenza viruses for other species, CIV causes flu‐like illness consisting of cough, sneezing, and nasal discharge. Virtually all exposed dogs become infected; about 80% develop flu‐like illness,while another 20% do not become ill.
Fortunately, most dogs recover within 2 weeks without any further health complications. However,some dogs progress to pneumonia, which is usually due to secondary bacterial infections. While the overall mortality rate for canine influenza is low,the secondary pneumonia can be life‐threatening.There is no evidence for age or breed susceptibility for developing pneumonia during canine
5. Who is susceptible to canine influenza?
Because canine influenza is due to a virus that is novel to the canine population, dogs lack preexisting immunity to the virus. Dogs of any breed,age or health status are therefore susceptible to infection. Although studies have not verified,it is likely that dogs that have recovered from infection retain immunity to re‐infection for an undetermined time period.
Canine influenza is most likely to spread in facilities where dogs are housed together and where there is a high turnover of dogs in and out of the facility. Dogs in shelters, boarding and training facilities, day care centers, dog shows, veterinary clinics, pet stores and grooming parlors are at highest risk for exposure to CIV, especially if these facilities are located in communities where the virus is prevalent. Dogs that mostly stay at home and walk around the neighborhood are at low risk.
CIV does not infect people, and there is no documentation that cats have become infected by exposure to dogs with canine influenza.
6. How is canine influenza transmitted?
As with other respiratory pathogens, the most efficient transmission occurs by direct contact with infected dogs and by aerosols generated by coughing and sneezing. The virus can also contaminate kennel surfaces, food and water bowls, collars and leashes, and the hands and clothing of people who handle infected dogs. Fortunately,the virus is easily inactivated by washing hands,clothes and other items with soap and water.
7. How is canine influenza diagnosed?
Canine influenza cannot be diagnosed by clinical signs because all of the other respiratory pathogens cause similar signs of coughing, sneezing, and nasal discharge. For dogs that have been ill for less than 4 days, veterinarians can collect swabs from the nose or throat and submit them to a diagnostic laboratory that offers a validated PCR test for canine influenza virus. The most accurate test recommended for confirmation of infection requires the collection of a small blood sample from the dog during the first week of illness, followed by collection of another sample 10 to 14 days later.The paired serum samples are submitted to a diagnostic laboratory for measurement of antibodies to CIV that were formed in response to infection.
8. How is canine influenza treated?
Since canine influenza is a viral infection, treatment consists mainly of supportive care while the virus runs its course, much like for human influenza. Dog owners should consult with their veterinarians if they think their dog has canine influenza. The veterinarian can determine what type of supportive care is needed, including whether antibiotics should be given for secondary bacterial infections. Dogs with pneumonia most likely require more intensive care provided in a hospital setting under the supervision of a veterinarian.
9. Is canine influenza contagious?
Like influenza infections in other species, canine influenza is highly contagious. Infected dogs shed virus in their respiratory secretions for 7 to 10 days, during which time the dog is contagious to other dogs. Infected dogs that do not show clinical signs are also contagious. Once the virus has run its course, the dog is no longer contagious. Therefore, we recommend that dogs with canine influenza be isolated from other dogs for two weeks to err on the conservative side. CIV does not cause a permanent infection.
10. Is there a vaccine for canine influenza?
In May 2009, the USDA approved the licensure of the first influenza vaccine for dogs developed by Intervet/Schering Plough Animal Health Corporation. The canine influenza vaccine contains inactivated whole virus, so there is no chance that the vaccine itself can cause respiratory infections. During tests to evaluate vaccine performance, there were no side effects or safety issues in a field trial including more than 700 dogs ranging in age from six weeks to 10 years and representing 30 breeds.The vaccine is intended as an aid in the control of disease associated with CIV infection. Although the vaccine may not prevent infection, efficacy trials have shown that vaccination significantly reduces the severity and duration of clinical illness, including the incidence and severity of damage to the lungs. In addition, the vaccine reduces the amount of virus shed and shortens the shedding interval. This means that vaccinated dogs that become infected have less illness and are not as contagious to other dogs. These benefits are similar to those provided by influenza vaccines used in other species, including humans.
The canine influenza vaccine is a “lifestyle” vaccine, in that it is intended for dogs at risk for exposure to CIV, including those that participate in activities with many other dogs or are housed in communal facilities, particularly in communities where the virus is prevalent. Dogs that may benefit from canine influenza vaccination include those that are already receiving the kennel cough vaccine for Bordetella because the risk groups are the same. Dog owners should consult with their veterinarian to determine whether their dog’s lifestyle includes risk for exposure to CIV, and the protection provided by the canine influenza vaccine.
Friday, September 10, 2010
San Antonio Woman Caught On Tape Abusing Her Dog
I could only imagine how many times this poor dog was abused by this woman from San Antonio before she was caught on video. Luckily her neighbor had look at her video from her surveillance camera and seen the woman hitting her dog with a rake a few different times.
I wonder why some people ever get a pet in the first place when I read stuff like this. Now let’s see if the local animal control will bring charges against this person for abusing her dog.
Read the article here.
I wonder why some people ever get a pet in the first place when I read stuff like this. Now let’s see if the local animal control will bring charges against this person for abusing her dog.
Read the article here.
Halo, Purely for Pets® Becomes Official Sponsor For Freekibble
Halo, Purely For Pets® and Freekibble.com Join Forces to Feed Shelter Pets!
Freekibble.com Chooses Wholesome Halo, Purely For Pets® As Their Official Sponsor to Feed Shelter Pets Across the Country
Halo, Purely for Pets® (www.halopets.com), a leading producer of natural pet care products, announced today that it will be the official sponsor of Freekibble.com and Freekibblekat.com. Created in 2008 by 14-year-old Mimi Ausland when she was just 11 years old, Freekibble.com and Freekibblekat.com are online dog and cat trivia games whose mission is to feed shelter pets in need. By simply answering the daily trivia questions on Freekibble.com or Freekibblekat.com, right or wrong, 10 pieces of kibble are donated to homeless dogs and cats. Freekibble.com and Freekibblekat.com are 2 of the top 5 most trafficked animal rescue sites in the world with over 100,000 combined daily visits. To date, the websites’ daily visitors have helped Freekibble donate 3,846,737 nutritious meals to hungry pets in shelters, rescues and food banks across the country. As official sponsor, Halo’s Spot’s Stew will now be the exclusive food donated by Freekibble.
“We are thrilled to partner with such an amazing young woman and her organization,” said Steve Marton, CEO, Halo, Purely for Pets®. “Her desire to keep shelter pets fed, not with just any food, but with natural, healthy food, is commendable. We at Halo are honored to be able to help Freekibble fulfill their mission of feeding shelter pets in the best possible way.”
“Just like us, the quality of food that pets eat is so important,” said Mimi Ausland, creator of Freekibble.com and Freekibblekat.com. “We are really excited to be working with Halo to feed shelter dogs and cats the very best, all natural and nutritious food – it will make them happier and healthier while they wait to find a family of their own!”
Halo, Purely For Pets® uses wholesome, natural, quality ingredients and only real meats in all of their pet food as they believe nutrition is the single most important factor in the quality of a pet’s life. Halo is the only pet food honored with the National Canine Cancer Foundation Seal of Excellence. Recently, Halo supported the United States Postal Service campaign to promote its 2010 social awareness stamp “Animal Rescue: Adopt a Shelter Pet” to raise awareness of pet adoption. In conjunction with this campaign, Halo, Purely For Pets® made a commitment to donate 1 million meals of Halo’s Spot’s Stew in 2010 to shelter pets awaiting adoption. They will continue this wonderful initiative with Freekibble.com to keep feeding hungry shelter pets across the country.
For more information, please visit www.halopets.com, or www.freekibble.com and www.freekibblekat.com.
For over 20 years, Halo, Purely for Pets® has created holistic pet products of uncompromising quality. Halo believes nutrition is the single most important factor in the quality of a pet’s life. Halo’s natural pet food, treats, supplements and grooming products - including the award-winning Halo Spot’s Stew, Dream Coat and Liv-a-Littles treats - are available at Petco and Whole Foods, at thousands of independent pet specialty and natural food stores, and online at www.halopets.com.
Ellen DeGeneres – a long time Halo customer -- became a part-owner of Halo in 2008, saying, “because I think Halo is incredible, I decided to become part owner in hopes that all animals have the chance to be the healthiest they can be. And I'm anxious to spread the word so that everybody knows about Halo.”
Freekibble.com was created by 14-year-old Mimi Ausland, when she was 11 years old, to help feed the homeless dogs and cats at her local animal shelter. “There are 10’s of thousands of dogs and cats in animal shelters across the country, all needing to be fed a good meal… and they deserve it!”. Mimi was named the ASPCA and Humane Society of the United States Kid of the Year because of the impact Freekibble has had on feeding animals in need, and for the awareness she has created for shelter pets.
Freekibble.com and Freekibblekat.com receive more visitors than any other animal rescue non-profit website. With the help of Freekibble’s 400,000 loyal monthly followers, they have donated over 3.7 million nutritious meals to over 100 shelters, rescues and food-banks across the country. At the end of each month, Mimi personally delivers all of the donated food to the Humane Society of Central Oregon and will be working with Halo, Purely For Pets® to distribute the pet food to all the other animal shelters they are assisting. Freekibble is played in 137 countries.
Freekibble.com Chooses Wholesome Halo, Purely For Pets® As Their Official Sponsor to Feed Shelter Pets Across the Country
Halo, Purely for Pets® (www.halopets.com), a leading producer of natural pet care products, announced today that it will be the official sponsor of Freekibble.com and Freekibblekat.com. Created in 2008 by 14-year-old Mimi Ausland when she was just 11 years old, Freekibble.com and Freekibblekat.com are online dog and cat trivia games whose mission is to feed shelter pets in need. By simply answering the daily trivia questions on Freekibble.com or Freekibblekat.com, right or wrong, 10 pieces of kibble are donated to homeless dogs and cats. Freekibble.com and Freekibblekat.com are 2 of the top 5 most trafficked animal rescue sites in the world with over 100,000 combined daily visits. To date, the websites’ daily visitors have helped Freekibble donate 3,846,737 nutritious meals to hungry pets in shelters, rescues and food banks across the country. As official sponsor, Halo’s Spot’s Stew will now be the exclusive food donated by Freekibble.
“We are thrilled to partner with such an amazing young woman and her organization,” said Steve Marton, CEO, Halo, Purely for Pets®. “Her desire to keep shelter pets fed, not with just any food, but with natural, healthy food, is commendable. We at Halo are honored to be able to help Freekibble fulfill their mission of feeding shelter pets in the best possible way.”
“Just like us, the quality of food that pets eat is so important,” said Mimi Ausland, creator of Freekibble.com and Freekibblekat.com. “We are really excited to be working with Halo to feed shelter dogs and cats the very best, all natural and nutritious food – it will make them happier and healthier while they wait to find a family of their own!”
Halo, Purely For Pets® uses wholesome, natural, quality ingredients and only real meats in all of their pet food as they believe nutrition is the single most important factor in the quality of a pet’s life. Halo is the only pet food honored with the National Canine Cancer Foundation Seal of Excellence. Recently, Halo supported the United States Postal Service campaign to promote its 2010 social awareness stamp “Animal Rescue: Adopt a Shelter Pet” to raise awareness of pet adoption. In conjunction with this campaign, Halo, Purely For Pets® made a commitment to donate 1 million meals of Halo’s Spot’s Stew in 2010 to shelter pets awaiting adoption. They will continue this wonderful initiative with Freekibble.com to keep feeding hungry shelter pets across the country.
For more information, please visit www.halopets.com, or www.freekibble.com and www.freekibblekat.com.
For over 20 years, Halo, Purely for Pets® has created holistic pet products of uncompromising quality. Halo believes nutrition is the single most important factor in the quality of a pet’s life. Halo’s natural pet food, treats, supplements and grooming products - including the award-winning Halo Spot’s Stew, Dream Coat and Liv-a-Littles treats - are available at Petco and Whole Foods, at thousands of independent pet specialty and natural food stores, and online at www.halopets.com.
Ellen DeGeneres – a long time Halo customer -- became a part-owner of Halo in 2008, saying, “because I think Halo is incredible, I decided to become part owner in hopes that all animals have the chance to be the healthiest they can be. And I'm anxious to spread the word so that everybody knows about Halo.”
Freekibble.com was created by 14-year-old Mimi Ausland, when she was 11 years old, to help feed the homeless dogs and cats at her local animal shelter. “There are 10’s of thousands of dogs and cats in animal shelters across the country, all needing to be fed a good meal… and they deserve it!”. Mimi was named the ASPCA and Humane Society of the United States Kid of the Year because of the impact Freekibble has had on feeding animals in need, and for the awareness she has created for shelter pets.
Freekibble.com and Freekibblekat.com receive more visitors than any other animal rescue non-profit website. With the help of Freekibble’s 400,000 loyal monthly followers, they have donated over 3.7 million nutritious meals to over 100 shelters, rescues and food-banks across the country. At the end of each month, Mimi personally delivers all of the donated food to the Humane Society of Central Oregon and will be working with Halo, Purely For Pets® to distribute the pet food to all the other animal shelters they are assisting. Freekibble is played in 137 countries.
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Another Great Video By Ginger The Dog
I just love these video's
We Have A Winner For The Dream Dog Park Contest
Georgia Dog Owner Wins Dream Dog Park Contest
- Beneful® Brand Awards $500,000 Makeover to Johns Creek Dog Park -
Pat McNeely Crowned Grand Prize Winner of the Beneful® WagWorld® Dream Dog Park Contest
For Atlanta-area resident Pat McNeely and his dog Koda, doggie dreams really can come true. Today, McNeely and his four-legged best friend were crowned Grand Prize Winner of the Beneful® WagWorld® Dream Dog Park Contest.
To celebrate the special relationships we have with our dogs, the first-of-its-kind contest invited dog owners across America to answer the question: If you had $500,000 to create the ultimate dream dog park for you and your best buddy, what would you do? In addition to submitting a video that showed the many creative ways they would create their dream dog park, contest entrants were asked to write a short essay explaining how the makeover of a neighborhood dog park would enhance their daily adventures with their dog.
McNeely's winning entry will help serve as inspiration for a $500,000 renovation of the Newtown Dog Park in Johns Creek, Ga. In addition, McNeely won $5,000 cash and a year's supply of Beneful® brand dog food. The Beneful WagWorld Dream Team, led by dog lover, design expert and television host Jason Cameron, will manage the transformation of the dog park to create a dream dog park for the entire Johns Creek community to enjoy. Also on the team is pet expert and bestselling author Arden Moore, who will help manage the renovation from the dog's point of view. Plans will be reviewed and approved by the City.
"We were amazed by the creativity and quality of the entries we received in this contest – dog owners really know how to dream big," said Cameron. "While we received many outstanding entries, Pat McNeely's entry rose to the top and I am excited to manage the transformation of his neighborhood dog park into the WagWorld Dream Dog Park for his entire community to enjoy."
At a hometown celebration event today in Johns Creek, Ga., Cameron unveiled a preliminary blueprint design for the dog park renovation in front of a local gathering that included: McNeely and Koda; Johns Creek city officials; Mayor Mike Bodker; and members of the local dog community. A climbing structure, plastic tunnels, a doggie splash pad, lots of grass and shade trees, and running trails are some of the exciting features that will be included in the Newtown Dog Park makeover.
The contest entries were narrowed down to 10 finalists by an independent judging panel based on the following criteria: creativity of the dream idea (60%); feasibility of bringing the idea to life (20%); and demonstration of how life is better together with your dog (20%). Cameron and Moore then judged the 10 finalists using the same criteria, with their judging accounting for 90% of the final total score. In addition, the public was invited to vote for their favorites among the 10 finalists with the voting rank accounting for the remaining 10% of the final score. The nine runners' up each received a year's supply of Beneful® brand dog food.
"The Beneful brand recognizes that life is better when we are with our best buddies and we are delighted that so many dog owners across the country wanted to share their dreams for the ultimate dog park," said Joe Chatman, Beneful brand manager. "Going to the dog park is a fun adventure for many dog owners and their four-legged friends, and for one lucky community this adventure just got even better."
The much-anticipated unveiling of the renovated Newtown Dog Park will take place in Spring 2011. For more information on the contest and winning entry, please visit benefuldreamdogpark.com.
About the Beneful® Brand
Manufactured by the Nestle Purina PetCare Company, Beneful® brand dog food offers a full line of wet and dry formulas that offer a perfect balance of taste and nutrition. Also available is Beneful® brand Snackin Slices® dog snacks. Beneful brand was introduced in 2001 and is one of Purina's most successful food brands in the Company's history. In 2009, the brand introduced WagWorld.com, an online destination where dog lovers can find and share everyday adventures with their dogs. The North American headquarters for the Nestle Purina PetCare Company is located at Checkerboard Square in St. Louis, Missouri, where Ralston Purina Company was founded more than a century ago. Nestle Purina PetCare promotes responsible pet care, humane education, community involvement and the positive bond between people and their pets. One of the leading global players in the pet food industry, Nestle Purina PetCare is part of the Swiss-based Nestle S.A. - the world's largest food company.
About Johns Creek, Ga.
Founded in 2006, Johns Creek, Ga., is a proud city of about 70,000 people along the Chattahoochee River northeast of Atlanta. The city is home to the Atlanta Athletic Club, which is hosting the 2011 PGA Championship, and was the site of the 2010 Atlanta Tennis Championships. It also is headquarters of several Fortune 500 companies, and is known for its white-collar work force and superlative schools.
- Beneful® Brand Awards $500,000 Makeover to Johns Creek Dog Park -
Pat McNeely Crowned Grand Prize Winner of the Beneful® WagWorld® Dream Dog Park Contest

For Atlanta-area resident Pat McNeely and his dog Koda, doggie dreams really can come true. Today, McNeely and his four-legged best friend were crowned Grand Prize Winner of the Beneful® WagWorld® Dream Dog Park Contest.
To celebrate the special relationships we have with our dogs, the first-of-its-kind contest invited dog owners across America to answer the question: If you had $500,000 to create the ultimate dream dog park for you and your best buddy, what would you do? In addition to submitting a video that showed the many creative ways they would create their dream dog park, contest entrants were asked to write a short essay explaining how the makeover of a neighborhood dog park would enhance their daily adventures with their dog.
McNeely's winning entry will help serve as inspiration for a $500,000 renovation of the Newtown Dog Park in Johns Creek, Ga. In addition, McNeely won $5,000 cash and a year's supply of Beneful® brand dog food. The Beneful WagWorld Dream Team, led by dog lover, design expert and television host Jason Cameron, will manage the transformation of the dog park to create a dream dog park for the entire Johns Creek community to enjoy. Also on the team is pet expert and bestselling author Arden Moore, who will help manage the renovation from the dog's point of view. Plans will be reviewed and approved by the City.
"We were amazed by the creativity and quality of the entries we received in this contest – dog owners really know how to dream big," said Cameron. "While we received many outstanding entries, Pat McNeely's entry rose to the top and I am excited to manage the transformation of his neighborhood dog park into the WagWorld Dream Dog Park for his entire community to enjoy."
At a hometown celebration event today in Johns Creek, Ga., Cameron unveiled a preliminary blueprint design for the dog park renovation in front of a local gathering that included: McNeely and Koda; Johns Creek city officials; Mayor Mike Bodker; and members of the local dog community. A climbing structure, plastic tunnels, a doggie splash pad, lots of grass and shade trees, and running trails are some of the exciting features that will be included in the Newtown Dog Park makeover.
The contest entries were narrowed down to 10 finalists by an independent judging panel based on the following criteria: creativity of the dream idea (60%); feasibility of bringing the idea to life (20%); and demonstration of how life is better together with your dog (20%). Cameron and Moore then judged the 10 finalists using the same criteria, with their judging accounting for 90% of the final total score. In addition, the public was invited to vote for their favorites among the 10 finalists with the voting rank accounting for the remaining 10% of the final score. The nine runners' up each received a year's supply of Beneful® brand dog food.
"The Beneful brand recognizes that life is better when we are with our best buddies and we are delighted that so many dog owners across the country wanted to share their dreams for the ultimate dog park," said Joe Chatman, Beneful brand manager. "Going to the dog park is a fun adventure for many dog owners and their four-legged friends, and for one lucky community this adventure just got even better."
The much-anticipated unveiling of the renovated Newtown Dog Park will take place in Spring 2011. For more information on the contest and winning entry, please visit benefuldreamdogpark.com.
About the Beneful® Brand
Manufactured by the Nestle Purina PetCare Company, Beneful® brand dog food offers a full line of wet and dry formulas that offer a perfect balance of taste and nutrition. Also available is Beneful® brand Snackin Slices® dog snacks. Beneful brand was introduced in 2001 and is one of Purina's most successful food brands in the Company's history. In 2009, the brand introduced WagWorld.com, an online destination where dog lovers can find and share everyday adventures with their dogs. The North American headquarters for the Nestle Purina PetCare Company is located at Checkerboard Square in St. Louis, Missouri, where Ralston Purina Company was founded more than a century ago. Nestle Purina PetCare promotes responsible pet care, humane education, community involvement and the positive bond between people and their pets. One of the leading global players in the pet food industry, Nestle Purina PetCare is part of the Swiss-based Nestle S.A. - the world's largest food company.
About Johns Creek, Ga.
Founded in 2006, Johns Creek, Ga., is a proud city of about 70,000 people along the Chattahoochee River northeast of Atlanta. The city is home to the Atlanta Athletic Club, which is hosting the 2011 PGA Championship, and was the site of the 2010 Atlanta Tennis Championships. It also is headquarters of several Fortune 500 companies, and is known for its white-collar work force and superlative schools.
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Researchers Are Closer To Lymphoma Treatment In Dogs
Promising New Lymphoma Treatment Effective In Dogs
Researchers have identified a new target for the treatment of lymphoma and are testing a potential new drug in pet dogs afflicted with the disease. At low doses, the compound, called S-PAC-1, arrested the growth of tumors in three of six dogs tested and induced partial remission in a fourth.
The results of the study, conducted by researchers at the University of Illinois, appear this month in the journal Cancer Research.
The new compound targets a cellular enzyme, procaspase-3, that when activated spurs a cascade of reactions that kill the cell, said chemistry professor Paul Hergenrother, who co-led the study with Tim Fan, a professor of veterinary clinical medicine.
Procaspase-3 offers an attractive target for cancer therapy, in part because cancers often interfere with normal cell death, and in part because many tumors - including those found in breast cancer, colon cancer, lung cancer, lymphoma, melanoma and liver cancer - contain high levels of procaspase-3.
"In my lab, we try to think of novel targets and novel approaches to cancer and other diseases," Hergenrother said. "We think about the pathways that lead to those diseases, and we try to intervene at spots where others have not."
The new compound is a modified version of a drug the researchers previously tested in mice and one dog.
The original compound, called PAC-1, was found to cause neurological excitation (neurotoxicity) even at low doses, the researchers said. Fan and his colleagues hypothesized that PAC-1, which works in part by grabbing zinc away from other molecules, was crossing the blood/brain barrier and latching onto zinc in the brain.
To prevent the compound from passing into the brain, Hergenrother's laboratory made a derivative of PAC-1 with an added chemical group, called a sulfonamide. Tests in pet dogs with spontaneously occurring lymphoma showed that the new compound, S-PAC-1, stabilized or reduced the size of tumors in a majority of the animals, without neurotoxicity. Other side effects were mild, and recent adjustments to the treatment protocol have minimized or eliminated them, the researchers report.
If S-PAC-1 proves to be effective and safe as a lymphoma treatment and is approved by the FDA for use in dogs and/or humans (a process that could take years, the researchers emphasized), it will likely be added to the arsenal of drugs already used to combat lymphoma in both dogs and humans. It could be used in combination with other drugs as a first treatment option or serve as a second line of defense if the cancer returns.
Cancer drug combinations must be carefully tailored to avoid "overlapping toxicities," Fan said, so a drug that effectively treats lymphoma with minimal side effects is very desirable.
The study in pet dogs is also unusual, Fan said, as most studies look at effects in mice and then, if a compound is promising and appears safe, it is tested in clinical trials in humans. The six dogs used in this study were veterinary patients that had spontaneously developed lymphoma, he said.
The similarities between human and canine lymphoma also add to the desirability of this approach, Hergenrother said.
"If you look at the genetic signatures of canine lymphoma and human lymphoma, they're very, very similar and their response to therapy is very, very similar," he said. "So there's lots of reasons to be optimistic about a compound that has some effect in the canines, that it could have a similar effect in humans."
This study was supported by funding from the National Cancer Institute at the National Institutes of Health. A new $525,000 grant from the NCI will support a clinical trial of S-PAC-1 in companion animal dogs.
More information about the upcoming trial is available online here.
The paper:
"Discovery and Canine Preclinical Assessment of a Nontoxic Procaspase-3-Activating Compound"
Diana Yates
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Have Things Gotten So Out Of Hand For An Animal Rescue Group And Facebook Posting
That what seems to be going on with the Liberty Humane Society in Jersey City, NJ which is supposed to be a no-kill shelter. Apparently the posting on their Facebook page called Liberty Humane Society Uncensored has the new staff feeling that they are being threatened by some of the posting which now has found its way to the court system.
Due to the shelter killing some twenty six dogs since the new staff has taken over the posting has been upsetting for the employees. One of the posts said: Wherever you go we will find you!! You are the hunted now. We played nice and you wanted to play hard. Now We Will Hunt You! And then there was the president of Pets Alive Matt DeAngelis who said: It's unfortunate that people are allegedly making threats, but this is a very emotional issue," he said. "They (board members) do condone violence against the dogs and cats we're trying to protect. (But) I don't think fighting violence with violence is the answer.
A board member named Althea Bernheim said: even if the people who posted the threats aren't serious, others have responded that they are willing to protest outside board members' homes and harm them. They've called for the board members' euthanization, its death threats and we're really upset.
If you read the lawsuit it seems like things really have gotten out of hand. I can only say is: how did it get to that point? Well we read every day about pets being dumped off or abandon on the streets by people that wanted a pet but when things got bad for them they just dump their pet. Yes I know there are a lot of people losing their homes but would you dump you child in the street too? These animals are the ones that you said in the first place that you wanted and would give your love to. So when I read this article, I thought about it and this all comes down to too many pets are being dumped off.
Read the article by Melissa Hayes here.
Due to the shelter killing some twenty six dogs since the new staff has taken over the posting has been upsetting for the employees. One of the posts said: Wherever you go we will find you!! You are the hunted now. We played nice and you wanted to play hard. Now We Will Hunt You! And then there was the president of Pets Alive Matt DeAngelis who said: It's unfortunate that people are allegedly making threats, but this is a very emotional issue," he said. "They (board members) do condone violence against the dogs and cats we're trying to protect. (But) I don't think fighting violence with violence is the answer.
A board member named Althea Bernheim said: even if the people who posted the threats aren't serious, others have responded that they are willing to protest outside board members' homes and harm them. They've called for the board members' euthanization, its death threats and we're really upset.
If you read the lawsuit it seems like things really have gotten out of hand. I can only say is: how did it get to that point? Well we read every day about pets being dumped off or abandon on the streets by people that wanted a pet but when things got bad for them they just dump their pet. Yes I know there are a lot of people losing their homes but would you dump you child in the street too? These animals are the ones that you said in the first place that you wanted and would give your love to. So when I read this article, I thought about it and this all comes down to too many pets are being dumped off.
Read the article by Melissa Hayes here.
Monday, September 6, 2010
It’s Sad When You Have Lost Your Dog

Jessica Simpson in one who knows about losing her dog Daisy Mae a year ago by what she thinks was a coyote in her yard. With all the sadness and the thoughts of other dog owners Jessica had make a comment on her twitter page saying: This day last year my life changed because I lost my baby Daisy Mae - the best pup of all time... Give your dog some extra love today!"
I just thought that it was so nice to share her sadness to others so that you will care about your pet too.
Read the article here.
Heart Broken Woman Finds Her Dog Hanging From A Tree
Why in the world would anyone ever do something like this to a dog?
A woman named Brenda Looney from Independence, MO came outside and seen her little Jack Russell hanging from a tree in her yard. Just a sad day for Brenda to see her dog like this and it makes you wonder why anyone would do this to her little dog.
Read the article and see the video by Maria Antonia here.
A woman named Brenda Looney from Independence, MO came outside and seen her little Jack Russell hanging from a tree in her yard. Just a sad day for Brenda to see her dog like this and it makes you wonder why anyone would do this to her little dog.
Read the article and see the video by Maria Antonia here.
Saturday, September 4, 2010
Grandma Said She Save The Puppy In The River , Do You Believe Her ?
The updated article shows the dogs being held by the grandmother of the girl who threw them in the river. But as the article states the dogs don’t look like the same ones that were in the bucket.

To top it off I wonder how the grandmother could have jumped in the river and saved all of those poor dogs.
Read the article here.
Here is my video article about this.

To top it off I wonder how the grandmother could have jumped in the river and saved all of those poor dogs.
Read the article here.
Here is my video article about this.
Friday, September 3, 2010
Hartz Mountain Naturals Real Beef Dog Treats Recall
The Hartz Mountain Corporation Recalls Hartz Naturals Real Beef Treats Because of Possible Salmonella Health Risk
The Hartz Mountain Corporation is voluntarily recalling one specific lot of Hartz Naturals Real Beef Treats for Dogs due to concerns that one or more bags within the lot may have been potentially contaminated with Salmonella. Hartz is fully cooperating with the US Food and Drug Administration in this voluntary recall.
Salmonella is an organism which can cause serious infections in young children, frail or elderly people, and others with weakened immune systems, all of whom are at particular risk from exposure and should avoid handling these products.
Salmonella symptoms may include fever, diarrhea, abdominal pain, and nausea in both dogs and humans. Anyone experiencing the symptoms of Salmonella infection should seek immediate medical attention. Owners of dogs exhibiting these symptoms should also seek veterinary assistance.
Hartz Mountain Corporation is recalling 74,700 8-oz bags of Hartz Naturals Real Beef Treats for Dogs, lot code BZ0969101E, UPC number 32700-11519, which were imported by Hartz from a Brazilian supplier, Bertin S.A., and which were distributed to a number of customers in the United States. While regular testing conducted by Bertin (prior to shipment to the US) did not detect the presence of Salmonella in any packages of this product, random sample testing conducted by FDA did indicate the presence of Salmonella. Hartz is aggressively investigating the source of the problem.
Although Hartz has not received any reports of animals or humans becoming ill as a result of coming into contact with this product, Hartz is taking immediate steps to remove the product from all retail stores and distribution centers. Dog owners having purchased this product should check the lot code on their bag, and, if the code is not visible, or if the bag has lot code BZ0969101E imprinted thereon, they should immediately discontinue use of the product and discard it in a proper manner.
Consumers can contact Hartz at 1-800-275-1414 at any time with any questions they may have and for information on how to obtain reimbursement for purchased product.
The Hartz Mountain Corporation is voluntarily recalling one specific lot of Hartz Naturals Real Beef Treats for Dogs due to concerns that one or more bags within the lot may have been potentially contaminated with Salmonella. Hartz is fully cooperating with the US Food and Drug Administration in this voluntary recall.
Salmonella is an organism which can cause serious infections in young children, frail or elderly people, and others with weakened immune systems, all of whom are at particular risk from exposure and should avoid handling these products.
Salmonella symptoms may include fever, diarrhea, abdominal pain, and nausea in both dogs and humans. Anyone experiencing the symptoms of Salmonella infection should seek immediate medical attention. Owners of dogs exhibiting these symptoms should also seek veterinary assistance.
Hartz Mountain Corporation is recalling 74,700 8-oz bags of Hartz Naturals Real Beef Treats for Dogs, lot code BZ0969101E, UPC number 32700-11519, which were imported by Hartz from a Brazilian supplier, Bertin S.A., and which were distributed to a number of customers in the United States. While regular testing conducted by Bertin (prior to shipment to the US) did not detect the presence of Salmonella in any packages of this product, random sample testing conducted by FDA did indicate the presence of Salmonella. Hartz is aggressively investigating the source of the problem.
Although Hartz has not received any reports of animals or humans becoming ill as a result of coming into contact with this product, Hartz is taking immediate steps to remove the product from all retail stores and distribution centers. Dog owners having purchased this product should check the lot code on their bag, and, if the code is not visible, or if the bag has lot code BZ0969101E imprinted thereon, they should immediately discontinue use of the product and discard it in a proper manner.
Consumers can contact Hartz at 1-800-275-1414 at any time with any questions they may have and for information on how to obtain reimbursement for purchased product.
Dog Owners Fined And Banned For Dog Eating Panties & Bras
At first the article sounded funny but in reality the dog had nearly died from eating so many bras and panties that by the time she was taken to the vet it was malnourished.
The Vet. Michael Jeffreson said: She was like a hat rack when she came in and was almost skeletal. I've never seen anything like it. Her stomach was so distended it took up her whole abdomen. We pulled out around a dozen under garments which were very large and can only be described as for a lady of a fuller figure. Within days Molly was like a new dog. In my opinion the owners of this dog by their negligence caused her unnecessary suffering over a considerable period of time in not seeking veterinary attention for her obvious emaciation and vomiting.
So now the dogs owners Rebecca Danville and Stuart Lane from Grimsby have been fined and banned from owning another animal for five years.
Read the article here.
The Vet. Michael Jeffreson said: She was like a hat rack when she came in and was almost skeletal. I've never seen anything like it. Her stomach was so distended it took up her whole abdomen. We pulled out around a dozen under garments which were very large and can only be described as for a lady of a fuller figure. Within days Molly was like a new dog. In my opinion the owners of this dog by their negligence caused her unnecessary suffering over a considerable period of time in not seeking veterinary attention for her obvious emaciation and vomiting.
So now the dogs owners Rebecca Danville and Stuart Lane from Grimsby have been fined and banned from owning another animal for five years.
Read the article here.
I Hope The Bosian Police Arrest This Girl For Throwing Puppies In The River
This video contains scenes of repeated animal cruelty
This video is so sickening to view so view with care.
Thursday, September 2, 2010
It’s A Bird, It’s A Plane, No It was A Dog To The Rescue
What a story of a dog named Baxter coming to the rescue of two little three year old's that were caught in a canal drainage area in West Ashley, SC.
Thank God the two little girls didn’t drowned and the dog was able to help with the rescue before things got worst. That sure is one special dog in my book and I’ll bet the parents of these two little girls are probably thinking the same thing. I just love reading an article with a good ending.
Read the article here.
Thank God the two little girls didn’t drowned and the dog was able to help with the rescue before things got worst. That sure is one special dog in my book and I’ll bet the parents of these two little girls are probably thinking the same thing. I just love reading an article with a good ending.
Read the article here.
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
PETCO Teams Up For National Guide Dog Month
September is National Guide Dog Month at PETCO
PETCO has teamed with Actress Nicollette Sheridan and Natural Balance® Pet Foods in their goal to raise $1M to support guide dog organizations
Throughout September, pet parents can visit any of PETCO's more than 1000 locations to help PETCO and Natural Balance Pet Foods achieve their goal to raise $1M for guide dog organizations across the country. Customers may contribute at the register by either rounding up their purchase amount or making a donation of $1, $5, $10 or $20. In addition, $1 of any $25 purchase or greater of bags of Natural Balance dog food featuring Nicolette Sheridan's photo will also go to funding guide dog training and support. Donations may also be made online at www.petco.com/naturalbalance through September 24.
"I've always loved dogs, and supporting National Guide Dog Month is a special way to celebrate the unique bond between dogs and their owners," said Nicollette Sheridan. "Together, we can help make a difference for this important cause."
"The facts around legal blindness are compelling; every seven minutes someone in America becomes blind or visually impaired, additionally recent statistics show that thirteen percent of our military return from war with eye injuries," said Elisabeth Charles, Senior Vice President and Chief Marketing Officer for PETCO. "Guide dogs are given to the visually impaired for free, yet it costs over $40,000 to train a guide dog team. PETCO is very proud to support the education of guide dogs. These animals are a gift of independence for someone who cannot see."
For more than two years, a potential guide dog puppy learns, practices and trains for the day when it graduates as a certified guide dog. A puppy is raised with a trainer for 18-20 months before it is given to a guide dog school for four to six months of formal training work with a harness. For the last month, the dog is matched with a blind person and they train together at the facility.
100% of proceeds from these National Guide Dog Month fundraising activities will be donated to several participating guide dog facilities, including:
* Guide Dogs for the Blind, Inc. (Oregon)
* Guide Dogs for the Blind, Inc. (California)
* Guide Dog Foundation for the Blind
* Freedom Guide Dogs for the Blind, Inc.
* Fidelco Guide Dog Foundation
* The Seeing Eye, Inc.
* Guide Dogs of Texas, Inc.
* Guide Dogs of the Desert
* Guiding Eyes for the Blind
* Southeastern Guide Dogs, Inc.
* Leader Dogs for the Blind
PETCO is a privately held specialty retailer that provides products, services and advice that make it easier for our customers to be great pet parents. We operate more than 1,000 stores in 50 states and the District of Columbia, as well as a leading pet products and information destination at PETCO.com. Our nonprofit organization, The PETCO Foundation, has raised more than $55 million since its inception in 1999 to help promote and improve the welfare of companion animals. In conjunction with the foundation, we work with and support more than 6,200 local animal welfare groups across the country to help find homes for more than 200,000 adoptable animals every year.
About Natural Balance Pet Foods:
Since 1989, Dick Van Patten and his partner Joey Herrick have been supplying the public with premium quality dog and cat foods. Today Natural Balance Pet Foods, Inc has grown into an international company providing pet foods throughout the United States, Canada, The Pacific Rim and Europe. The Natural Balance ultra premium line of pet foods for dog and cats, includes: Ultra Premium Dry and Canned Dog and Cat food, Dog Food Rolls in 3 varieties: Lamb, Beef and Turkey, Treats for Dogs, Organic Dog Food, Allergy Formulas, Eatables for dogs, gourmet canned dog foods made in a USDA approved plant that makes food for people, and Zoological Formulas made for lions, tigers, cheetahs, polar bears, snakes and carnivorous birds. Natural Balance is headquartered in Pacoima, CA and is available at PETCO and local independent pet stores. More information is available at www.naturalbalance.net.
PETCO has teamed with Actress Nicollette Sheridan and Natural Balance® Pet Foods in their goal to raise $1M to support guide dog organizations
Throughout September, pet parents can visit any of PETCO's more than 1000 locations to help PETCO and Natural Balance Pet Foods achieve their goal to raise $1M for guide dog organizations across the country. Customers may contribute at the register by either rounding up their purchase amount or making a donation of $1, $5, $10 or $20. In addition, $1 of any $25 purchase or greater of bags of Natural Balance dog food featuring Nicolette Sheridan's photo will also go to funding guide dog training and support. Donations may also be made online at www.petco.com/naturalbalance through September 24.
"I've always loved dogs, and supporting National Guide Dog Month is a special way to celebrate the unique bond between dogs and their owners," said Nicollette Sheridan. "Together, we can help make a difference for this important cause."
"The facts around legal blindness are compelling; every seven minutes someone in America becomes blind or visually impaired, additionally recent statistics show that thirteen percent of our military return from war with eye injuries," said Elisabeth Charles, Senior Vice President and Chief Marketing Officer for PETCO. "Guide dogs are given to the visually impaired for free, yet it costs over $40,000 to train a guide dog team. PETCO is very proud to support the education of guide dogs. These animals are a gift of independence for someone who cannot see."
For more than two years, a potential guide dog puppy learns, practices and trains for the day when it graduates as a certified guide dog. A puppy is raised with a trainer for 18-20 months before it is given to a guide dog school for four to six months of formal training work with a harness. For the last month, the dog is matched with a blind person and they train together at the facility.
100% of proceeds from these National Guide Dog Month fundraising activities will be donated to several participating guide dog facilities, including:
* Guide Dogs for the Blind, Inc. (Oregon)
* Guide Dogs for the Blind, Inc. (California)
* Guide Dog Foundation for the Blind
* Freedom Guide Dogs for the Blind, Inc.
* Fidelco Guide Dog Foundation
* The Seeing Eye, Inc.
* Guide Dogs of Texas, Inc.
* Guide Dogs of the Desert
* Guiding Eyes for the Blind
* Southeastern Guide Dogs, Inc.
* Leader Dogs for the Blind
PETCO is a privately held specialty retailer that provides products, services and advice that make it easier for our customers to be great pet parents. We operate more than 1,000 stores in 50 states and the District of Columbia, as well as a leading pet products and information destination at PETCO.com. Our nonprofit organization, The PETCO Foundation, has raised more than $55 million since its inception in 1999 to help promote and improve the welfare of companion animals. In conjunction with the foundation, we work with and support more than 6,200 local animal welfare groups across the country to help find homes for more than 200,000 adoptable animals every year.
About Natural Balance Pet Foods:
Since 1989, Dick Van Patten and his partner Joey Herrick have been supplying the public with premium quality dog and cat foods. Today Natural Balance Pet Foods, Inc has grown into an international company providing pet foods throughout the United States, Canada, The Pacific Rim and Europe. The Natural Balance ultra premium line of pet foods for dog and cats, includes: Ultra Premium Dry and Canned Dog and Cat food, Dog Food Rolls in 3 varieties: Lamb, Beef and Turkey, Treats for Dogs, Organic Dog Food, Allergy Formulas, Eatables for dogs, gourmet canned dog foods made in a USDA approved plant that makes food for people, and Zoological Formulas made for lions, tigers, cheetahs, polar bears, snakes and carnivorous birds. Natural Balance is headquartered in Pacoima, CA and is available at PETCO and local independent pet stores. More information is available at www.naturalbalance.net.
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