Moving forward on dog breeding
The veterinary profession was well represented at a meeting of key stakeholders brought together to discuss the next steps on dog breeding. The British Veterinary Association (BVA), British Small Animal Veterinary Association (BSAVA) and Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons (RCVS) together with welfare organisations, the Kennel Club, Defra, and the Scottish Government considered the three major dog breeding reports by APGAW, RSPCA and Professor Bateson.
The group agreed to work on a proposal to set up an Advisory Council on the Welfare Issues of Dog Breeding, as recommended by Professor Bateson.
The group also identified the key areas to be addressed as
* education and publicity
* legislation and regulation
* breeding strategies
* surveillance, research and development
The meeting was chaired by Professor Sheila Crispin PhD FRCVS. After the meeting Prof Crispin said:
“In a highly constructive meeting stakeholders welcomed the three reports and there was broad acceptance of the thrust of the recommendations. A key action agreed was for the formation of an Advisory Council on the Welfare Issues of Dog Breeding. A proposal will be prepared for submission to Ministers.
“The many actions already in hand to address these issues were noted and it was agreed that future work would build on these initiatives through collaboration. We also welcome the interest shown by Defra and the devolved administrations.”
Professor Bill Reilly, President of the BVA, added:
“Clearly the veterinary profession has a key role to play in educating the public about the health and welfare issues of choosing a dog.
“The BVA strongly supports the idea set out in Professor Bateson’s report that an advisory council should be independent and draw on the opinions of experts and we are pleased to be part of the group setting up such a council.”
Notes for editors
1. The three reports considered by the stakeholders are
* Pedigree dog breeding in the UK: a major welfare concern? (RSPCA)
* A healthier future for pedigree dogs (APGAW)
* Independent inquiry into dog breeding (Patrick Bateson)
2. Organisations represented at the meeting were BSAVA, BVA , CAWC, Defra, Dogs Trust, International Sheepdog Society
Kennel Club, PDSA, Scottish Government, RCVS, RSPCA
3. Enquiries about the stakeholder group can be directed to Prof Sheila Crispin 07802 667 235 or 015395 68637 or Heather Peck (secretariat) 07876 681 954 or 01954 210 402
Sunday, February 28, 2010
Friday, February 26, 2010
Canine Assistants Does It Again, This Time A Girl With Cerebral Palsy
Canine Assistants has given another little girl her dreams of hope. That’s what makes Canine Assistants so special because Jennifer Arnold who once had a dream of her own to have a service dog of her own at one time was unable due to the wait. So her father wanted to start his own training program until he was killed and Jennifer decided not to give up and made that dream come true. Not only for her but for many other’s that had the dream and need to have a special dog on their side.
Read the article by Beth Parker here.
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Parvovirus Deadly Dog Virus Hit's Conn. Animal Shelters
A report of the Deadly Virus called Parvovirus in two Animal Shelters in the Stratford and Fairfield, Conn..
Parvovirus is a contagious virus mainly affecting dogs. The disease is highly infectious and is spread from dog to dog by direct or indirect contact with their feces. It can be especially severe in puppies that are not protected by maternal antibodies or vaccination. It has two distinct presentations, a cardiac and intestinal form. The common signs of the intestinal form are severe vomiting and severe haemorrhagic (bloody) diarrhea. The cardiac form causes respiratory or cardiovascular failure in young puppies. Treatment often involves veterinary hospitalization. Vaccines can prevent this infection, but mortality can reach 91% in untreated cases.
Read the article by Keith Kountz here.
Parvovirus is a contagious virus mainly affecting dogs. The disease is highly infectious and is spread from dog to dog by direct or indirect contact with their feces. It can be especially severe in puppies that are not protected by maternal antibodies or vaccination. It has two distinct presentations, a cardiac and intestinal form. The common signs of the intestinal form are severe vomiting and severe haemorrhagic (bloody) diarrhea. The cardiac form causes respiratory or cardiovascular failure in young puppies. Treatment often involves veterinary hospitalization. Vaccines can prevent this infection, but mortality can reach 91% in untreated cases.
Read the article by Keith Kountz here.
New Development In Iams Pet Nutrition, PreBiotic

Because you Never Know Where Your dog Will put his Nose
Your dog is naturally inquisitive - at home, in the park and on the street - scenting, scratching and tasting the world around him every day. His love of exploration puts him in contact with other dogs, animals, soil, litter, and lamp posts! It is the role of his immune system to tackle all these happy experiences.
Now a new development in Iams pet nutrition, PreBiotics, can help support your dog's inner strength. The really good news is that all IAMS dry diets now contain these PreBiotics.
PreBiotics that increase the good bacteria and reduce bad bacteria in the gut can help keep him healthy and support his natural defences. This is exactly the same reason as why we as owners include foods such as yoghurts, which contain good bacteria, in our diets.
Maintaining your dog's inner health is obviously important for his daily happiness and long-term wellbeing. Being able to help do so as part of his regular diet gives you the reassurance that while feeding him a tasty food that satisfies his appetite and nutritional needs, you're also helping support his inner protection each and every day.
Remember, at every stage of your dog's life he will benefit from having a healthy digestive system. When he was a little puppy, his mother's milk provided him with all the nutrition and protection he needed, but as he moved onto solids he had to get this through his diet. Choosing a highly nutritious diet like Iams will help support his developing immune system and long-term wellbeing.
For adult dogs, frequenting familiar home turf and exploring further afield, his adventures demand good gut bacteria and a strong immune system. And did you know that 65% of a dog's immune system is found in his digestive tract?
You can't teach an old dog new tricks, but you can help him. He might have slowed down a bit with age but still has the same sense of adventure. Just like us as we mature his immune system may also decline. Iams with PreBiotics is a 100% complete and balanced diet that supports his inner strength and helps him continue to enjoy an active lifestyle well into his golden years.
Whatever the age of your dog, Iams with PreBiotics helps support his strong defences. So make your dog an IAMS dog today.
Healthy inside, Healthy outside.
Press Contact
Lars C. Ortlieb | External Relations Manager PetCare
EMEA | P&G Int. Ops. SA |
Tel +49-17-2671-7575
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Carrie Underwood & Mars Petcare U.S. Come Together For The Homeless Dogs
Mars Petcare Pedigree Brand have joined with Carrie Underwood to raise the awareness of the homeless shelter dogs
Read the article here.
Dog Comes To The Recued As Surrogate Mother

The Xinjiang Tianshan Zoo in China need a surrogate mother for baby tigers and after reaching out for some help they were able to find a dog named Hei Zi to come and replace the mother to help feed these little cubs.
Read the article by Chris Wilson here.
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
NASCAR Drivers, Owners & Sponsors Helping Out The Pets
NASCAR Champion Greg Biffle Advocates for Animal Spay/Neuter for National Prevent a Litter Month
February is National Prevent a Litter Month, designed to foster public education and bring attention to the life-saving and vital importance of spaying and neutering our pets. When pets aren't spayed and neutered, the results are overwhelming and ultimately tragic.

As spokesperson for Spay/USA, a nationwide network and referral service for affordable spay/neuter services and a program of North Shore Animal League America, NASCAR superstar Greg Biffle is championing spay/neuter practices. With the observation of National Prevent a Litter Month, Biffle is confident that by raising awareness more pet owners will follow his lead and alter their pets, leading to a dramatic decrease in euthanasia. The NASCAR champion, the owner of three dogs, likens his passion for animal welfare to his love of auto racing.
"It's vitally important to control the pet overpopulation. There are thousands of puppies and kittens born each day with millions of healthy, but unwanted, animals put to death as a result of overpopulation," cited Biffle. As the voice of Spay/USA, he believes he can influence pet owners to follow his lead and act responsibly.
Esther Mechler, Founder and Director of SPAY/USA, a program of North Shore Animal League America, the world's largest no-kill animal rescue and adoption organization, emphasizes that when pets are not spayed or neutered, the results can be overwhelming.
"A single unspayed female cat, her mate and all of their offspring, producing two litters per year, with approximately three surviving kittens per litter, adds a dozen kittens to the feline population. While that seems to be a rather benign number, the numbers climb very quickly since these kittens can then have another generation of kittens five months later," said Mechler. In addition, she says, there are several million free-roaming, stray and feral cats that reproduce. The needless suffering and euthanasia of millions of pets each year could be easily diminished if each family spay or neuter their own pets or strays they feed, before litters are born.
The Spay/USA website,, offers a Public Service Announcement, as well as an interview featuring Greg Biffle regarding the impact of spay/neuter practices.
Biffle and his wife Nicole founded the Greg Biffle Foundation. Among the organization's efforts is to help educate individuals and groups dedicated to animal welfare to become more educated about spay/neuter.
Be a responsible pet owner. Learn more about pet well-being and health, the services of Spay/USA, and the importance of saving the lives of shelter animals at
About Spay/USA
Spay/USA has over 1,000 sterilization programs and clinics nationwide with 7,000 veterinarians in its network. Its goal is to make spay/neuter services within the reach of all and to reduce the numbers of healthy, adoptable cats and dogs euthanized in the United States each year because there are not enough homes for them. Spay/USA is a program of North Shore Animal League America, the world's largest no-kill animal rescue and adoption organization, which places more than 20,000 orphaned animals into loving homes annually. To find out more about the Animal League and Spay/USA visit
About The Greg Biffle Foundation
The Greg Biffle Foundation was established by Greg and Nicole Biffle in 2005 to create awareness and serve as an advocate to improve the well-being of animals by engaging the power and passion of the motorsports industry. The Foundation's popular NASCAR Pets Calendar is one of their biggest sources of revenue. For more information about the Foundation, please visit
About North Shore Animal League America
North Shore Animal League America, headquartered in Port Washington, NY, is the world's largest no-kill animal rescue and adoption organization each year adopting approximately 20,000 pets. Since its founding 1944, it has placed close to 1 million dogs, cats, puppies and kittens into carefully screened homes. The Animal League is home to the Alex Lewyt Veterinary Medical Center, providing 24-hour care for the sheltered pets and annually covers over 10,000 outpatient visits and performs over 14,000 free spay/neuter procedures for every adopted animal. For more information on North Shore Animal League America visit
Devera Lynn
Phone: 516.883.7633
Cell: 516.474.5332
Race4Pets Adopt A Pet Today
Race4Pets Campaign at work spreading the message to race fans around the world... Adopt A Pet TODAY!
Why do we need to race to save the lives of Pets finding their way into pet shelters across the US?
In most cases shelters are only required to house these lost Pets for 7 days before they have to take the next step in order to free up space.
Lives are lost daily through no fault of their own simply because shelters need to make room for new Pets coming in.
We are taking our campaign to the 75,000,000 NASCAR fans because we have to reach a mass audience FAST in order to jump start our campaign to save these beautiful creatures.
You can help fuel our Race4Pets Campaign to Save Pets from overcrowded Pet Shelters across the US by purchasing your Certified Race Fan number.
All proceeds go towards helping to promote public awareness of Overcrowded Pet Shelters across the US.
February is National Prevent a Litter Month, designed to foster public education and bring attention to the life-saving and vital importance of spaying and neutering our pets. When pets aren't spayed and neutered, the results are overwhelming and ultimately tragic.

As spokesperson for Spay/USA, a nationwide network and referral service for affordable spay/neuter services and a program of North Shore Animal League America, NASCAR superstar Greg Biffle is championing spay/neuter practices. With the observation of National Prevent a Litter Month, Biffle is confident that by raising awareness more pet owners will follow his lead and alter their pets, leading to a dramatic decrease in euthanasia. The NASCAR champion, the owner of three dogs, likens his passion for animal welfare to his love of auto racing.
"It's vitally important to control the pet overpopulation. There are thousands of puppies and kittens born each day with millions of healthy, but unwanted, animals put to death as a result of overpopulation," cited Biffle. As the voice of Spay/USA, he believes he can influence pet owners to follow his lead and act responsibly.
Esther Mechler, Founder and Director of SPAY/USA, a program of North Shore Animal League America, the world's largest no-kill animal rescue and adoption organization, emphasizes that when pets are not spayed or neutered, the results can be overwhelming.
"A single unspayed female cat, her mate and all of their offspring, producing two litters per year, with approximately three surviving kittens per litter, adds a dozen kittens to the feline population. While that seems to be a rather benign number, the numbers climb very quickly since these kittens can then have another generation of kittens five months later," said Mechler. In addition, she says, there are several million free-roaming, stray and feral cats that reproduce. The needless suffering and euthanasia of millions of pets each year could be easily diminished if each family spay or neuter their own pets or strays they feed, before litters are born.
The Spay/USA website,, offers a Public Service Announcement, as well as an interview featuring Greg Biffle regarding the impact of spay/neuter practices.
Biffle and his wife Nicole founded the Greg Biffle Foundation. Among the organization's efforts is to help educate individuals and groups dedicated to animal welfare to become more educated about spay/neuter.
Be a responsible pet owner. Learn more about pet well-being and health, the services of Spay/USA, and the importance of saving the lives of shelter animals at
About Spay/USA
Spay/USA has over 1,000 sterilization programs and clinics nationwide with 7,000 veterinarians in its network. Its goal is to make spay/neuter services within the reach of all and to reduce the numbers of healthy, adoptable cats and dogs euthanized in the United States each year because there are not enough homes for them. Spay/USA is a program of North Shore Animal League America, the world's largest no-kill animal rescue and adoption organization, which places more than 20,000 orphaned animals into loving homes annually. To find out more about the Animal League and Spay/USA visit
About The Greg Biffle Foundation
The Greg Biffle Foundation was established by Greg and Nicole Biffle in 2005 to create awareness and serve as an advocate to improve the well-being of animals by engaging the power and passion of the motorsports industry. The Foundation's popular NASCAR Pets Calendar is one of their biggest sources of revenue. For more information about the Foundation, please visit
About North Shore Animal League America
North Shore Animal League America, headquartered in Port Washington, NY, is the world's largest no-kill animal rescue and adoption organization each year adopting approximately 20,000 pets. Since its founding 1944, it has placed close to 1 million dogs, cats, puppies and kittens into carefully screened homes. The Animal League is home to the Alex Lewyt Veterinary Medical Center, providing 24-hour care for the sheltered pets and annually covers over 10,000 outpatient visits and performs over 14,000 free spay/neuter procedures for every adopted animal. For more information on North Shore Animal League America visit
Devera Lynn
Phone: 516.883.7633
Cell: 516.474.5332
Race4Pets Adopt A Pet Today

Race4Pets Campaign at work spreading the message to race fans around the world... Adopt A Pet TODAY!
Why do we need to race to save the lives of Pets finding their way into pet shelters across the US?
In most cases shelters are only required to house these lost Pets for 7 days before they have to take the next step in order to free up space.
Lives are lost daily through no fault of their own simply because shelters need to make room for new Pets coming in.
We are taking our campaign to the 75,000,000 NASCAR fans because we have to reach a mass audience FAST in order to jump start our campaign to save these beautiful creatures.
You can help fuel our Race4Pets Campaign to Save Pets from overcrowded Pet Shelters across the US by purchasing your Certified Race Fan number.
All proceeds go towards helping to promote public awareness of Overcrowded Pet Shelters across the US.
Dog Whisperer Pit Bull Daddy Has Died

Photo by Mark Theissan
Dog Whisperer Cesar Millan's Beloved Pit Bull, Daddy, Dies at 16
Emergency Animal Rescue Fund Established in Daddy's Honor
Daddy, Cesar Millan's inseparable partner and beloved pet died peacefully surrounded by family at the age of 16. In honor of Daddy's legacy, an Emergency Animal Rescue Fund has been established by the Cesar and Ilusion Millan Foundation.
Daddy, often referred to as America's pit bull ambassador because of his gentle disposition and intelligence, lived with the Millans from the age of four months. He stood as a champion for calm-submissive pit bulls everywhere, and was instrumental in helping to repair their image as violent and uncontrollable.
As fans of Millan's hit National Geographic Channel television series Dog Whisperer know, Daddy was a key fixture in more than 50 episodes, often assisting Millan with his toughest cases, bravely interacting with and calming the most unmanageable dogs with his natural balanced energy. Daddy helped shape the behavior of entire generations of dogs by showing them the way to balance.
Cesar states: "I've always seen Daddy as my teacher of life. He brought my family and me so much joy over the years. Personally, he represented what my grandfather taught me, never work against Mother Nature. He will be greatly missed, but his spirit lives on."
Daddy's Emergency Animal Rescue Fund will provide funding and assistance for dogs who are victims in large-scale disasters (hurricanes, fires, and other natural catastrophes), man-made disasters (hoarder and puppy mill rescues), and one animal victims of abuse or violence.
An initial contribution by the Millans and the Dog Whisperer team has established the fund in Daddy's honor.
If you would like to honor Daddy's memory and the contributions he made to improving the lives of animals, you can make a donation by visiting
In Daddy's memory, National Geographic Channel has a photo gallery posted at
Updated Video
Monday, February 22, 2010
Dog Jumps Off 300’ Cliff And Survives

When you look at the picture of the three hundred foot cliff that a Springer Spaniel named Poppy jumped off in Seaford, East Sussex and survived it will blow you away. Can you even imagine your dog running off the edge of a cliff and knowing he wasn’t going to survive?
Thanks to Lia Markwick and Stephen Winslade fast thinking they were able to get the coastguard to help rescue their dog when they realized he was still alive. Now that one dog story that they will be sharing for many years to come.
Read the article by Jamie Pyatt here.
Thailand On Alert For Fake Rabies Vaccine
There has been some fake rabies vaccination being sold in Thailand that has officials from the World Health Organisation's Collaborating Centre for Research and Training on Viral Zoonoses warning that the vaccination you are buying could be fake or a poor quality.
Dr Thirawat Hemajutha from the World Health Organisation's Collaborating Centre for Research and Training said: The death of a female public health official, who was a dog breeder, might have been caused by fake and poor quality rabies vaccine delivered to her home.
You wonder who is to know if you are getting the real vaccine or not. We put our trust in the Veterinarians and the suppliers that they are giving us the real stuff, but in some countries there might not be any real inspections on the products they are selling.
Read the article here.
Dr Thirawat Hemajutha from the World Health Organisation's Collaborating Centre for Research and Training said: The death of a female public health official, who was a dog breeder, might have been caused by fake and poor quality rabies vaccine delivered to her home.
You wonder who is to know if you are getting the real vaccine or not. We put our trust in the Veterinarians and the suppliers that they are giving us the real stuff, but in some countries there might not be any real inspections on the products they are selling.
Read the article here.
Police Officer Convicted Of Animal Cruelty
A sad day for Pc Mark Johnson who was convicted on animal cruelty when his two German Shepherds died from heatstroke from being left in his truck. The initial report said that the two dogs probably died within twenty minutes from the heat.
We read about this all the time of people just leaving their pets in the car while they run in to do something not thinking about their pet suffering from heatstroke.
The Nottingham Magistrates' Court District Judge said: It was sad and regrettable that the two dogs had died. This has been an extremely difficult case, not only for Pc Johnson and his family but it's also been difficult for me up here.
This just goes to show you that we are all responsible for our actions especially when it comes to protecting our pets.
Read the article here.
We read about this all the time of people just leaving their pets in the car while they run in to do something not thinking about their pet suffering from heatstroke.
The Nottingham Magistrates' Court District Judge said: It was sad and regrettable that the two dogs had died. This has been an extremely difficult case, not only for Pc Johnson and his family but it's also been difficult for me up here.
This just goes to show you that we are all responsible for our actions especially when it comes to protecting our pets.
Read the article here.
Sunday, February 21, 2010
California Thinking About An Online Registry For Animal Abusers
I would say that a bill like that would bring the animal abusers info to the next level. Just think if you were going to sell a pet to someone you could at least check an online registry to see if there name is on the list.
Read the article by Jesse McKinley here.
Read the article by Jesse McKinley here.
Free Dog Training For Deployed Serviceman's Families
Temecula Dog Trainer Offers Free Dog Training for Families of Servicemen Deployed to Iraq and Afghanistan
Dog Pro Inc. a Temecula dog training company today announced the launch of their new program designed to give back to the families of servicemen currently serving in Iraq and Afghanistan. The program will provide a free dog obedience lesson to spouses of servicemen who may need help with their dog(s).
Dog Pro Inc. a Temecula dog training company today announced the launch of their new program designed to give back to the families of servicemen currently serving in Iraq and Afghanistan. The program will provide a free dog obedience lesson to spouses of servicemen who may need help with their dog(s).
Southern California is home to a large population of military personnel and an especially high number of Marines. The increase in Marine Corps deployments to Afghanistan has resulted in a significant number of families needing support in a variety of ways and Dog Pro is interested in applying its expertise to this cause.
“As a former marine myself and having a brother currently serving in the Marine Corps, and with a retired naval officer for a dad, I understand firsthand the stress that a deployment can cause on a family. When a service member is deployed all their day-to-day family responsibilities fall on the shoulders of their spouse. That includes caring for and dealing with the family dog that may have behavior problems which can make life even more stressful,” says Tim Church, a Temecula dog trainer and owner and operator of Dog Pro Inc. “If I can give back a small portion of what these men and women do for our country then I’m happy to do so. I feel honored to be able to do this for them.”
This special program provides the owner with a free dog training lesson valued at $150. The program includes a dog training evaluation which gives the trainer insight into the dog’s individual personality, and what specific training needs it may require, so a training program can be customized to provide the best possible results. The program will address obedience commands as well as behavior problems, and since the training is done individually it is customized to ensure its overall effectiveness. For more information about this program, visit the Dog Pro, Inc. website at
About Dog Pro Inc.
Dog Pro, Inc. is a full service dog training company serving Temecula, Murrieta, and all of San Diego County. Dog Pro specializes in private training for obedience, problem solving/behavior modification and personal protection. Dog Pro, Inc.’s training programs focus on training owners, not just dogs. Dog Pro has more than 20 years professional dog training experience, training over 3,500 dogs nationwide including police K-9 teams, K9 search and rescue groups, as well as for professional athletes and celebrities. For more information, visit or call 951-501-9244.
Dog Pro Inc. a Temecula dog training company today announced the launch of their new program designed to give back to the families of servicemen currently serving in Iraq and Afghanistan. The program will provide a free dog obedience lesson to spouses of servicemen who may need help with their dog(s).
Dog Pro Inc. a Temecula dog training company today announced the launch of their new program designed to give back to the families of servicemen currently serving in Iraq and Afghanistan. The program will provide a free dog obedience lesson to spouses of servicemen who may need help with their dog(s).
Southern California is home to a large population of military personnel and an especially high number of Marines. The increase in Marine Corps deployments to Afghanistan has resulted in a significant number of families needing support in a variety of ways and Dog Pro is interested in applying its expertise to this cause.
“As a former marine myself and having a brother currently serving in the Marine Corps, and with a retired naval officer for a dad, I understand firsthand the stress that a deployment can cause on a family. When a service member is deployed all their day-to-day family responsibilities fall on the shoulders of their spouse. That includes caring for and dealing with the family dog that may have behavior problems which can make life even more stressful,” says Tim Church, a Temecula dog trainer and owner and operator of Dog Pro Inc. “If I can give back a small portion of what these men and women do for our country then I’m happy to do so. I feel honored to be able to do this for them.”
This special program provides the owner with a free dog training lesson valued at $150. The program includes a dog training evaluation which gives the trainer insight into the dog’s individual personality, and what specific training needs it may require, so a training program can be customized to provide the best possible results. The program will address obedience commands as well as behavior problems, and since the training is done individually it is customized to ensure its overall effectiveness. For more information about this program, visit the Dog Pro, Inc. website at
About Dog Pro Inc.
Dog Pro, Inc. is a full service dog training company serving Temecula, Murrieta, and all of San Diego County. Dog Pro specializes in private training for obedience, problem solving/behavior modification and personal protection. Dog Pro, Inc.’s training programs focus on training owners, not just dogs. Dog Pro has more than 20 years professional dog training experience, training over 3,500 dogs nationwide including police K-9 teams, K9 search and rescue groups, as well as for professional athletes and celebrities. For more information, visit or call 951-501-9244.
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Not A Good Day For The Dogs
A woman who went to buy a dog from a Craigslist ad in Spring Hill, Tenn. had seen enough in the seller’s home to call the local animal control who rescued the animals from unsanitary conditions.
The woman who was running a puppy mill from home was charged with operating a business without a license and a few other charges.
There is no excuse when you take a three month old dog and throw it against a wall that resulted in killing the little dog. The Center Township police in Indiana have arrested a lowlife named Benjamin Rodriguez on animal cruelty for killing little Juno when he got mad because the dog pee on the floor.
This kid can make all the excuses he wants, but to me he is a lowlife. It was just a little puppy and yes they pee on the floor. Let’s see what the judge dose to his butt.
You would think that walking your dog would be fun, but not for Krystle Morrow and her dog Koby from Canada. They had a day to remember when the both of them had gotten caught in a trappers trap. The worst part of it was that Krystle had to carry her dog Koby and herself back to her home in extreme pain and wait for someone to show up before they got help.
Just think about it Krystel had a trap wrapped around her hand and the dog had one on his paw. Now that had to hurt and to have no one around to help you made things even harder.
Down in New Zealand a Judge let a guy off easy for feeding little kittens to his pit bull. Seven months in jail is a little lite to me for what he did to these kittens.
The woman who was running a puppy mill from home was charged with operating a business without a license and a few other charges.
There is no excuse when you take a three month old dog and throw it against a wall that resulted in killing the little dog. The Center Township police in Indiana have arrested a lowlife named Benjamin Rodriguez on animal cruelty for killing little Juno when he got mad because the dog pee on the floor.
This kid can make all the excuses he wants, but to me he is a lowlife. It was just a little puppy and yes they pee on the floor. Let’s see what the judge dose to his butt.
You would think that walking your dog would be fun, but not for Krystle Morrow and her dog Koby from Canada. They had a day to remember when the both of them had gotten caught in a trappers trap. The worst part of it was that Krystle had to carry her dog Koby and herself back to her home in extreme pain and wait for someone to show up before they got help.
Just think about it Krystel had a trap wrapped around her hand and the dog had one on his paw. Now that had to hurt and to have no one around to help you made things even harder.
Down in New Zealand a Judge let a guy off easy for feeding little kittens to his pit bull. Seven months in jail is a little lite to me for what he did to these kittens.
Not A Good Day For The Dogs
Friday, February 19, 2010
Sometimes A Dog Is The One Who Brings Comfort

Photo by David Wallace/ The Arizona Republic
A little five year old girl named Ally Patterson has been living life at its hardest due to having stage four, neuroblastoma a cancer that young kids get. Ally now has a new friend Boots by her side that is there to help comfort the little girl though these days of the unknown.
Ally’s Mom Jennifer Patterson said: She'd wanted a dog for a while, but she was in the hospital so much that we didn't want to get a dog and not be home to take care of it. He fits perfectly into our family . . . I don't know what kind of life he had, but I know what kind of life he has now.
Now Boots who is a Chihuahua and miniature pinscher mix isn’t just any kind of dog, he was rescued from the Arizona Animal Welfare League.
Shannon Blizzard the AAWL Director of Operations said: I just happened to have the perfect dog sitting on my lap that day that was the perfect match, he just needed somebody to hold him.
As heart breaking as this story is I have been going though the same thing as Ally’s mom has, watching your child die and all’s you can do is Pray. This story has a lot a meaning to me as we see just how a little dog can comfort a child to help relieve some of their pain.
Read the touching article by Allie Seligman here.
Who Said A Dog Isn't A Kids Best Friend

Animal Assisted Therapy Proves Successful With Troubled Teens
Troubled teens experiencing emotional and behavioral issues often benefit from animal assisted therapy, according to mental health professionals. Studies such as Redefer and Goodman (1989) and Kogan, Granger, Fitchett, Helmer and Young (1999) document the benefits of interaction with a therapy pet, and Mallon (1994a,b) cites benefits of farm animals and dogs at a residential treatment facility for children with conduct disorders.
Troubled teens experiencing emotional and behavioral issues often benefit from animal assisted therapy, according to mental health professionals. Studies such as Redefer and Goodman (1989) and Kogan, Granger, Fitchett, Helmer and Young (1999) document the benefits of interaction with a therapy pet, and Mallon (1994a,b) cites benefits of farm animals and dogs at a residential treatment facility for children with conduct disorders.
Equine assisted psychotherapy (EAP) is an emerging form of therapeutic intervention beneficial to the mental health and healing of teens undergoing treatment for depression, anxiety, ADD, alcohol or drug abuse and other disorders.
Equine assisted psychotherapy is a treatment program facilitated by a licensed mental health professional with the assistance of an equine professional where a therapist and teen participate in talk therapy and the processing of feelings as the teen takes responsibility for the care, feeding, grooming and exercising of the horse. The goal is to help the teen build skills such as communication, responsibility and self-confidence in a safe environment in which the teen can make mistakes and learn from them.
History of using animals in therapeutic settings
Animal assisted therapy has been used successfully with teens since the 1960s and primarily was used with children experiencing severe medical conditions and other disabilities. Those who are familiar with equine assisted therapy and canine therapy programs recognize and understand the power of horses and dogs to influence young people in incredibly powerful ways. As the troubled teen learns to communicate with an animal, he or she often finds a correlation between the way parents try to communicate and motivate an obstinate teen. Often teens with trust issues develop close bonds with an animal after taking responsibility for its care and well-being.
“Animal therapy has been proven to increase communication skills, confidence, self-discipline and positive behaviors,” noted Debora Waring, Psy.D., Clinical Psychologist with Ironwood School and RTC. “Equine and canine therapy programs are also effective in improving a teen’s self-esteem, as horses, dogs and other animals give the teen unconditional love and acceptance.”
“Working with animals decreases stress, relieves depression and anxiety, and calms and motivates teens that have difficulty focusing. Animal therapy also helps teens learn compassion, leadership, and work ethic,” added Waring.
Equine and canine assisted therapy helps teens develop the ability to work in a group as well as enhance problem-solving abilities, improve concentration and learn to develop trust. By teaching teens how to work with and communicate with animals, therapists show teens how to utilize these same skills in the teens’ own relationships.
Why is animal therapy so effective with troubled teens?
Teens who have emotional and behavioral issues respond well to equine assisted therapy for a number of reasons, according to Waring. For one, caring for a large and powerful horse is demanding and requires focus and determination, allowing the teen to divert attention from his or her own issues.
Secondly, horses may not want to be coaxed, which challenges teens to overcome their fears in order to lead and work with the animals. Horses also mirror teens’ moods and respond negatively to aggression, demonstrating to teens that their behavior can affect others and that gentleness, kindness and positive actions will work successfully with animals. Therapists often draw metaphors between horse behavior and human behavior, helping teens gain insights into their own emotions. When teens become frustrated, for example, therapists use the opportunity to discuss and model appropriate methods of displaying emotions.
A teen who is learning how to give animal commands also learns to appreciate that others feel good if they did what was asked of them because it feels good when the horse or dog follows his directions. Teens learn how to treat animals gently and with kindness, and once they learn how, this behavior can be applied to the way they treat others. As teens become adapt at caring for the animal, confidence increases, they learn patience, compassion, and responsibility, as well as decision-making and leadership skills.
The healing power of animals in the face of negativity
What about the teen who “hates” horses, dogs, or other animals? Waring recalled that some students she has counseled said they “hated horses and would never ride,” but once teens dealt with and overcame their fear, confidence grew, their anger was diffused, and these same teens opted to complete extra chores in order to earn more riding time and sought riding lessons as well as work in barns upon leaving their treatment programs.
“Imagine struggling through a treatment program because you don’t trust humans,” remarked Waring.
Trusting those whom you have been hurt by is difficult. The wall that adolescents often put up is sometimes too strong to break through. Animals, with their quiet patience and infinite listening abilities, are often the first to crack the facade and allow the teens’ emotions to show. Once teens feel safe, they often make tentative steps in the direction of trusting others and begin searching to make productive and rewarding human relationships as well.
“One teen at Ironwood School and RTC was so closed that the only time we saw kindness and caring was when she was working with her horse,” said Waring. “While she lashed out verbally at her peers, the teen would talk softly about her troubles and stand with her arms wrapped around her horse’s neck. Later in reflection she wrote in her journal, ΄Who would have ever thought that the first person I would trust would be a horse!’ This young lady built confidence, communication skills, and an ability to verbalize her needs in a productive manner from working with a horse.”
“It is difficult to name all the benefits of animal assisted therapy, but one of the biggest values is that animals help teens to see outside of themselves, and they learn that giving to others is sometimes the greatest and most fulfilling reward,” stated Waring.
Why animal therapy treatment programs are successful
At certain residential therapeutic boarding schools, animals are utilized as therapeutic facilitators to improve socialization and communication, to decrease boredom and isolation, to increase mood and affect, to lessen depression, to decrease manipulative behavior, to improve memory and recall, and address grieving and loss issues. Treatment is individualized to each teen’s specific needs, and outcomes from equine assisted therapy, canine therapy and working with other animals have been extremely successful.
“Often students ask to spend time in a stall or out in the field with a horse after a rough therapy session or a hard day,” commented Waring. “Young male teens who come to treatment with a ΄gang mentality’ feel the most comfortable opening up and showing their softer side to the animals first. What they get in return from the animals is the positive reinforcement they need to begin to strip away the role they play and learn who they are as an individual.”
Therapists have observed teens lay down beside pigs in the stalls with their arms draped around them and talking about their days and their struggles. To struggling teens, these relationships seem so easy and uncomplicated. Here is a relationship in which they give and get back, in which they talk and feel heard, in which they must listen to the animal’s body language in order to communicate.
Animals have different personalities and teens must learn how to read each animal’s signals and deal with personality quirks. Sometimes teens don’t like working with a certain animals at first; however, after they figure each other out they see how building the relationship is a metaphor for dealing with social situations. Each teen bonds and grows with a different animal. Alpacas, chickens, pigs, dogs, cats, rabbits, horses, mini mules, and mini horses make up the animal population at Ironwood and offer new learning opportunities each day.
“For example, in moving a stubborn pig down to her new living quarters, the pig gave students a run for their money, squirming and running away whenever she got the chance,” recalled Waring. “The entire resident population of Ironwood came together and developed a plan to get the pig safely home. Many of the teens who participated were able to draw a metaphor in relation to the need to come up with their own plans and support for returning home. As a result, they initiated a group where teens shared the metaphors derived from their experience.”
About Ironwood School and Residential Treatment Center. Ironwood is a one-of-a-kind combination of a traditional boarding school and therapeutic treatment program that specializes in working with teens who are struggling, underachieving, and whose behavior is often out of control. For information, call 1-800-476-0708, email, or click
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Has This Shelter Found A New Way To Adopt Dogs
After watching the video you can see that the Anchorage Animal Control staff have taken the training to the shelter dogs to a new level. Where else can you adopt a dog for forty two dollars that comes with training.
My hat goes off to the staff for taken it to the next level in hope to finding these dogs a new home.
Read the article by Steve Brawn here.
Jesse James Get His Missing Dog Cinnabun Back

Photo by West Coast Choppers
Jesse James from West Coast Choppers dog Cinnabun who has been missing for over three weeks recieved a call from a woman from LA saying she had found his dog. Looking at the photo you can see the Cinnabun and Jesse are glad to see each other again.
It’s always nice to see a dog owner being united with their best friend.
Read the article by Phillip Zonkel here.
Update: Sandra Bullock said:Someone beat the hell out of her. But I don't care about all that, I'm just glad to have her back.
ASPCA Rescues 25 Allegedly Fighting Dogs
ASPCA Rescues 25 Dogs from Horrific Conditions in Ga.
Alleged fighting dogs left to starve
The ASPCA® (The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals®), under the authority of the Washington County, Ga. Sheriff’s Office, today removed 25 alleged fighting and breeding dogs from a 25-acre property near Sandersville, Ga.
Working in conjunction with teams from United Animal Nations and Sumter DART (Disaster Animal Response Team), the ASPCA’s Field Investigations and Response team removed 25 dogs from the property at 1750 Ohoopee Church Rd., approximately 130 miles southeast of Atlanta. At least 25 emaciated dogs were discovered, chained to tire axles and posts that dotted the property, and another 27 were found dead and in various stages of decomposition.
“It’s bad enough that these dogs were treated cruelly and raised in horrible conditions,” said Tim Rickey, the ASPCA’s Senior Director of Field Investigations and Response. “But to leave them like this to starve is incomprehensible and speaks exactly to the kinds of heinous crimes the ASPCA fights day in and day out.”
Washington County authorities intend to arrest the caretaker of the animals, who claims that the original owner of the dogs did not provide them with adequate food and other necessities. Other arrests and animal cruelty charges are anticipated.
“This has been going on for much too long,” said Washington County Sheriff Thomas Smith. “We are committed to fighting animal cruelty in all its forms.”
“We are grateful to be able to respond to this situation, and for the agencies assisting us,” said Deputy Lynn Schlup of the Washington County Sheriff’s Office, who contacted the ASPCA approximately three weeks ago for assistance. She said none of the dogs were current on vaccinations.
The dogs were transferred to an emergency shelter at an undisclosed location in Washington County provided by Vanguard Associates. They will be triaged by ASPCA veterinarians Dr. Melinda Merck and Dr. Robert Reisman, along ASPCA veterinary technicians, and assisted by Dr. Jason Byrd, Associate Director of the Center for Forensic Medicine at the University of Florida in Gainesville. The dogs will be cared for at the temporary shelter by volunteers of United Animal Nations until a forfeiture hearing.
All of the dogs are emaciated and undernourished; some are suffering from untreated injures, respiratory problems and open wounds. Tethered by log chains, the dogs were discovered without food, water or adequate shelter, shivering in the freezing temperatures.
Authorities believe that the dogs rescued were used for fighting. “They bear the battle scars consistent with those of fighting dogs,” Rickey said. “Being on log chains 24/7 is no way to live,” he added. “These dogs have lived a miserable life, and are just as starved for human contact.”
On-Scene Media Contacts:
Anita Kelso Edson; (646) 522-5056; anitae(at)aspca(dot)org
Alison Zaccone; (347) 578-2242; alisonz(at)aspca(dot)org
Washington County Sheriff’s Office Contacts:
Sheriff Thomas Smith or Major Calvin Hatcher; 478-552-4795
Deputy Lynn Schlup; 478-247-3536
About the ASPCA®
Founded in 1866, the ASPCA® (The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals®) is the first humane organization established in the Americas and serves as the nation’s leading voice for animal welfare. One million supporters strong, the ASPCA’s mission is to provide effective means for the prevention of cruelty to animals throughout the United States. As a 501 [c] [3] not-for-profit corporation, the ASPCA is a national leader in the areas of anti-cruelty, community outreach and animal health services. The ASPCA, which is headquartered in New York City, offers a wide range of programs, including a mobile clinic outreach initiative, its own humane law enforcement team, and a groundbreaking veterinary forensics team and mobile animal CSI unit. For more information, please visit
Alleged fighting dogs left to starve
The ASPCA® (The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals®), under the authority of the Washington County, Ga. Sheriff’s Office, today removed 25 alleged fighting and breeding dogs from a 25-acre property near Sandersville, Ga.
Working in conjunction with teams from United Animal Nations and Sumter DART (Disaster Animal Response Team), the ASPCA’s Field Investigations and Response team removed 25 dogs from the property at 1750 Ohoopee Church Rd., approximately 130 miles southeast of Atlanta. At least 25 emaciated dogs were discovered, chained to tire axles and posts that dotted the property, and another 27 were found dead and in various stages of decomposition.
“It’s bad enough that these dogs were treated cruelly and raised in horrible conditions,” said Tim Rickey, the ASPCA’s Senior Director of Field Investigations and Response. “But to leave them like this to starve is incomprehensible and speaks exactly to the kinds of heinous crimes the ASPCA fights day in and day out.”
Washington County authorities intend to arrest the caretaker of the animals, who claims that the original owner of the dogs did not provide them with adequate food and other necessities. Other arrests and animal cruelty charges are anticipated.
“This has been going on for much too long,” said Washington County Sheriff Thomas Smith. “We are committed to fighting animal cruelty in all its forms.”
“We are grateful to be able to respond to this situation, and for the agencies assisting us,” said Deputy Lynn Schlup of the Washington County Sheriff’s Office, who contacted the ASPCA approximately three weeks ago for assistance. She said none of the dogs were current on vaccinations.
The dogs were transferred to an emergency shelter at an undisclosed location in Washington County provided by Vanguard Associates. They will be triaged by ASPCA veterinarians Dr. Melinda Merck and Dr. Robert Reisman, along ASPCA veterinary technicians, and assisted by Dr. Jason Byrd, Associate Director of the Center for Forensic Medicine at the University of Florida in Gainesville. The dogs will be cared for at the temporary shelter by volunteers of United Animal Nations until a forfeiture hearing.
All of the dogs are emaciated and undernourished; some are suffering from untreated injures, respiratory problems and open wounds. Tethered by log chains, the dogs were discovered without food, water or adequate shelter, shivering in the freezing temperatures.
Authorities believe that the dogs rescued were used for fighting. “They bear the battle scars consistent with those of fighting dogs,” Rickey said. “Being on log chains 24/7 is no way to live,” he added. “These dogs have lived a miserable life, and are just as starved for human contact.”
On-Scene Media Contacts:
Anita Kelso Edson; (646) 522-5056; anitae(at)aspca(dot)org
Alison Zaccone; (347) 578-2242; alisonz(at)aspca(dot)org
Washington County Sheriff’s Office Contacts:
Sheriff Thomas Smith or Major Calvin Hatcher; 478-552-4795
Deputy Lynn Schlup; 478-247-3536
About the ASPCA®
Founded in 1866, the ASPCA® (The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals®) is the first humane organization established in the Americas and serves as the nation’s leading voice for animal welfare. One million supporters strong, the ASPCA’s mission is to provide effective means for the prevention of cruelty to animals throughout the United States. As a 501 [c] [3] not-for-profit corporation, the ASPCA is a national leader in the areas of anti-cruelty, community outreach and animal health services. The ASPCA, which is headquartered in New York City, offers a wide range of programs, including a mobile clinic outreach initiative, its own humane law enforcement team, and a groundbreaking veterinary forensics team and mobile animal CSI unit. For more information, please visit
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
SURFice Dog Donates A Year Of Dog Food To Animal Center

Ricochet, (”Rip Curl Ricki,”) the Surfin’ for Paws-abilities SURFice dog, who raised almost $20,000 for charitable causes in the last six months, and more notably has been inspiring millions of people with her YouTube video, will be accepting a Dogswell "Wag" award on February 18th at the LeDeux Hotel in Hollywood, California. One of the prizes is a years supply of Dogswell dog food that Ricochet is donating to the AniMeals program at the Helen Woodward Animal Center.
It's that time of year when celebrities hit the red carpet at the Oscars, Golden Globes and SAG Awards, so Dogswell, a natural pet food company is celebrating California's top dogs with "Wag" awards. The charity event will honor five top dogs who are heroic, funny, talented, and inspirational with a big night on the red carpet. Ricochet won the award for "most charitable story".
The event will be held at Les Deux in Hollywood, 1638 N. Las Palmas Av. Tickets can be purchased online at, and includes complimentary cocktails and hors d'oeuvres, a silent auction, and awards presentation.
Ricochet began fundraising and creating awareness for charitable causes in August of 2009. Her first fundraiser was for 15 year old quadriplegic surfer, Patrick Ivison. She raised over $10,000 for Patrick, and her sponsor, the Rose Foundation awarded a grant to cover three years of his physical therapy.
Afterwards a video was posted to YouTube which showcased her inspirational journey "From service dog to SURFice dog". The video went viral, and has almost 2 million views, which increases daily. The video has touched people all over the world with folks tweeting, Facebooking, blogging, and emailing with "kleenex alert" warnings.
The video has also generated more than $8570 in donations (so far) from all over the world including Canada, The UK, Taiwan, Japan, The Netherlands, and New Zealand. $3550 went toward Ricochet's Surfin' Santa Paws toy drive which helped purchase toys for over 638 children in hospitals, and domestic violence shelters. The remainder of the funds is going toward her newest cause, six year old Ian McFarland who suffered a traumatic brain injury in a horrific car accident that claimed the lives of his parents.
When Ricochet heard one of the prizes that goes along with the "Wag" award is a years supply of Dogswell dog food, she immediately thought of her friends at the Helen Woodward Animal Center (HWAC) in Rancho Santa Fe, California. Ricochet supports HWAC throughout the year by attending several of their fundraising events, including the surf dog surf-a-thon (she won 2nd place overall at their 2009 event). But, for Ricochet the biggest prize is when she can help raise funds or increase awareness for a charitable cause. So, in the spirit of the "Wag" award, Ricochet wants to make Helen Woodward a bigger part of her "charitable story" and is kicking it off by donating her years supply of dog food to their AniMeals program.

Helen Woodward Animal Center is a unique, private, non profit organization dedicated to saving the lives of animals and enriching the lives of people. For more than 37 years, the no-kill Center has provided humane care and adoption for orphaned animals, as well as animal-centered educational and therapeutic programs for people.
The AniMeals program offers free pet food for the dogs and cats of elderly or disabled people throughout San Diego County. AniMeals helps keep people and their companion pets together by removing logistical and financial obstacles to ensure that clients will always be able to provide nutritious meals for their beloved pets. The program, which works in cooperation with Meals-on-Wheels, and other organizations, began in 1984 and is one of only several like it in the United States. The AniMeals program currently feeds approximately 235 pets per week.
Ricochet is thrilled to donate her one year supply of Dogswell dog food to such a wonderful organization as Helen Woodward. She also sincerely thanks Dogswell for honoring her with a "Wag" award. See you on the red carpet!
Note: For more information, contact Judy Fridono at 707-228-0679, or
Ricochet's inspirational video:
Ricochet's website:
Ricochet on Facebook & Twitter: "Surf Dog Ricochet"
Helen Woodward Animal Center
Les Deux, 1638 N. Las Palmas Avenue, Hollywood, CA, 323-462-7674
Dog Thieves Finally Get Caught
Maryland Dog Snatcher Gets Arrested
The police have arrested Najie Walker from Silver Spring, Maryland for kidnapping two dogs that he tried to sell back to the owner. The bas side of the story is that one of the dogs named Scooby had died when he tried to escape and was hit by a car.
Read the article by Jay Mishkin here.
It Took Over A Year But These Dog Thieves Finally Got Caught
Two guys named Jason Leroy Miller and Michael R McFarland from Mechanicsburg, PA have finally been caught for stealing two French bulldogs, Boston terrier, Yorkshire terrier and a Shih Tzu along with other pets from the Petz Unlimited store in Silver Springs back in February two thousand nine .
Jason Leroy Miller and Michael R McFarland have been charged with theft, trespassing, burglary and mischief for what they did. I will say that the police work has done their job in finally finding these dog thieves.
Read the article here.
The police have arrested Najie Walker from Silver Spring, Maryland for kidnapping two dogs that he tried to sell back to the owner. The bas side of the story is that one of the dogs named Scooby had died when he tried to escape and was hit by a car.
Read the article by Jay Mishkin here.
It Took Over A Year But These Dog Thieves Finally Got Caught
Two guys named Jason Leroy Miller and Michael R McFarland from Mechanicsburg, PA have finally been caught for stealing two French bulldogs, Boston terrier, Yorkshire terrier and a Shih Tzu along with other pets from the Petz Unlimited store in Silver Springs back in February two thousand nine .
Jason Leroy Miller and Michael R McFarland have been charged with theft, trespassing, burglary and mischief for what they did. I will say that the police work has done their job in finally finding these dog thieves.
Read the article here.
Dog Thieves Finally Get Caught
What's The Real Breed Of Your Dog
Unlock the Mystery of Your Dog's DNA with the New Lower-Priced Canine Heritage(R) Breed Test
The leader of the pack in dog DNA breed testing today announces a lower-priced DNA breed composition test. Due to recent technology advances, the previously $99.95 Canine Heritage® breed test will be just $79.95 (inc. shipping)!
"Our test led the way in determining a dog's breed composition, helping dog owners better understand their pet's behavior. Your dog knows what she is and why she does what she does. With our test, you too will know now what she has always known," explains Tom Russo, EVP of MetaMorphix, Inc.
The at-home dog DNA test uses sophisticated DNA analysis to match the profile of a mixed-breed dog to a database of more than 100 recognizable AKC pedigree breeds. The user-friendly test kit includes a simple cheek swab that customers gently rub along the inside of their pet's cheek to collect cells. The swab is placed in a special envelope and mailed to the company's in-house lab for DNA analysis. Unlike other companies, all testing of dog DNA is performed by specially trained staff in the U.S. In about four weeks, customers receive a frame-quality Certificate of DNA Breed Analysis. As the primary DNA testing provider for the AKC since the inception of its Canine DNA Programs, MMI Genomics has been the leader in canine DNA testing since 1995.
To learn more and to order the test, visit our website at, or call our knowledgeable Customer Service Department, Monday through Friday, 9:00 am – 5:00 pm, PST, at (800) DNA-DOGG (800-362-3644).
About MetaMorphix, Inc.
MetaMorphix, Inc. is a life sciences company that uses DNA to improve animal wellness. Certain statements in this press release are forward-looking and may be identified by the use of a word such as "will." These statements are based on MetaMorphix's current expectations, but a variety of factors could cause actual results to differ materially from the anticipated results. The Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 provides a "safe harbor" for such forward-looking statements and the risks and uncertainties that may affect the operations and results of MetaMorphix's business include, but are not limited to, factors that might be described from time to time in MetaMorphix's periodic filings with the SEC.
Tom Russo
The leader of the pack in dog DNA breed testing today announces a lower-priced DNA breed composition test. Due to recent technology advances, the previously $99.95 Canine Heritage® breed test will be just $79.95 (inc. shipping)!
"Our test led the way in determining a dog's breed composition, helping dog owners better understand their pet's behavior. Your dog knows what she is and why she does what she does. With our test, you too will know now what she has always known," explains Tom Russo, EVP of MetaMorphix, Inc.
The at-home dog DNA test uses sophisticated DNA analysis to match the profile of a mixed-breed dog to a database of more than 100 recognizable AKC pedigree breeds. The user-friendly test kit includes a simple cheek swab that customers gently rub along the inside of their pet's cheek to collect cells. The swab is placed in a special envelope and mailed to the company's in-house lab for DNA analysis. Unlike other companies, all testing of dog DNA is performed by specially trained staff in the U.S. In about four weeks, customers receive a frame-quality Certificate of DNA Breed Analysis. As the primary DNA testing provider for the AKC since the inception of its Canine DNA Programs, MMI Genomics has been the leader in canine DNA testing since 1995.
To learn more and to order the test, visit our website at, or call our knowledgeable Customer Service Department, Monday through Friday, 9:00 am – 5:00 pm, PST, at (800) DNA-DOGG (800-362-3644).
About MetaMorphix, Inc.
MetaMorphix, Inc. is a life sciences company that uses DNA to improve animal wellness. Certain statements in this press release are forward-looking and may be identified by the use of a word such as "will." These statements are based on MetaMorphix's current expectations, but a variety of factors could cause actual results to differ materially from the anticipated results. The Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 provides a "safe harbor" for such forward-looking statements and the risks and uncertainties that may affect the operations and results of MetaMorphix's business include, but are not limited to, factors that might be described from time to time in MetaMorphix's periodic filings with the SEC.
Tom Russo
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
USDA Approves ONCEPT™ Canine Melanoma Vaccine
MERIAL Receives Full License Approval for ONCEPT(TM) Canine Melanoma Vaccine
ONCEPT is the First and Only USDA-Approved, Therapeutic Vaccine for the Treatment of Cancer
Merial, a world-leading animal health company, has gained full-licensure from the U.S. Department of Agriculture for ONCEPT™ Canine Melanoma Vaccine, DNA. ONCEPT is a breakthrough vaccine indicated for aiding in extending survival of dogs with stage II or stage III oral canine melanoma, a common yet deadly form of cancer in dogs.
ONCEPT is the first and only USDA-approved, therapeutic vaccine for the treatment of cancer – in either animals or humans.
Traditionally, dogs with stage II or stage III malignant melanoma survive less than five to six months when treated with surgery alone.(1) Clinical studies of ONCEPT demonstrated significantly longer life spans even in dogs with stage II or stage III of oral melanoma. In fact, median survival time of dogs treated with ONCEPT could not be determined because more than 50 percent of the treated dogs were still living melanoma-free at the conclusion of the study or died of unrelated illness.(2)
Canine oral melanoma is a common type of cancer in dogs and is the most common malignant tumor of the dog's mouth. It can also be seen in the nail and footpad.(3) Canine melanoma may be seen in any breed and is a highly aggressive cancer that frequently spreads throughout the body, including the lymph nodes, liver, lungs and kidneys.(4) To date, the most common treatments for this form of cancer have been radiation and surgery to establish local tumor control. Canine oral melanoma, however, has a high propensity to metastasize to other parts of the body and is often resistant to chemotherapy.(2,3)
"Canine melanoma spreads readily, and, unfortunately, existing treatments have not succeeded in controlling the disease," said Dr. Bob Menardi, a veterinarian and spokesperson for Merial. "ONCEPT is a new adjunct treatment option for dogs that have been diagnosed with this often fatal disease."
The vaccine was developed through a partnership between Merial and Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center. While Memorial Sloan-Kettering was testing a human melanoma vaccine, they received an inquiry from Dr. Philip Bergman – who at the time was with Animal Medical Center, and currently with Brightheart Veterinary Center – seeking novel treatments for canine melanoma. The discussions resulted in clinical trials of the Memorial Sloan-Kettering melanoma vaccine, and subsequent parallel trials by Dr. Bergman and Memorial Sloan-Kettering refined the dosage and protocol to the current therapeutic regimen for dogs. Dr. Bergman completed the initial clinical work on ONCEPT at Animal Medical Center in New York.
"We're very excited about continuing research into this vaccine to explore the potential implications it has for humans. We hope this will result in improved cancer treatment for all," explained Jedd D. Wolchok, MD, PhD, a medical oncologist who specializes in immunotherapy on the Melanoma and Sarcoma Service at Memorial Sloan-Kettering and also Associate Director of the Ludwig Center for Cancer Immunotherapy.
The USDA issued a conditional U.S. Veterinary Biological Product License for ONCEPT in 2007. During the period of conditional licensure, ONCEPT was available to veterinary oncologists as Merial conducted additional research to further support the safety and efficacy of the vaccine.
The results of that research led to the full licensure of ONCEPT. Merial obtained licensing rights from Memorial Sloan-Kettering and Dr. Philip Bergman, and, using their access to and experience with DNA vaccine technology licensed from Vical Incorporated (Nasdaq: VICL), completed the industrialization and regulatory requirements for full licensure. The vaccine will be administered via a Canine Transdermal Device, which delivers the vaccine without the use of a needle.(5) The device was developed in conjunction with Bioject, Inc., a Portland-based drug delivery company (OTC Bulletin Board: BJCT).
"The Canine Transdermal Device makes administration of the vaccine easy and quick for oncologists and their patients, leaving one less worry for dog owners dealing with their pet's cancer treatment" said Dr. Richard Stout, executive vice president and chief medical officer of Bioject. "We are proud to work with Merial in bringing this breakthrough product to market."
"The approval of ONCEPT is a milestone in the cancer vaccine field and a significant advancement for our DNA delivery technology platform," said Vijay B. Samant, Vical's President and Chief Executive Officer. "Therapeutic vaccines -- the holy grail of vaccinology -- are delivered after disease onset to impede disease progress for the patient's benefit. We believe this achievement is a major step toward the initial approvals of therapeutic vaccines for humans."
ONCEPT is available for use by specialists practicing veterinary oncology, so pet owners will want to ask their veterinarians about how best to access this treatment option.
Merial is a world-leading, innovation-driven animal health company, providing a comprehensive range of products to enhance the health, well-being and performance of a wide range of animals. Merial employs approximately 5,700 people and operates in more than 150 countries worldwide. Its 2009 sales were $2.6 billion. Merial is the Animal Health subsidiary of sanofi-aventis. For more information, please see
Bioject Medical Technologies Inc., based in Portland, Oregon, is an innovative developer and manufacturer of needle-free injection therapy systems (NFITS). NFITS provide an empowering technology and work by forcing medication at high speed through a tiny orifice held against the skin. This creates a fine stream of high-pressure fluid penetrating the skin and depositing medication in the tissue beneath. The Company is focused on developing mutually beneficial agreements with leading pharmaceutical, biotechnology, and veterinary companies. For more information about Bioject, visit
Vical researches and develops biopharmaceutical products based on its patented DNA delivery technologies for the prevention and treatment of serious or life-threatening diseases. Potential applications of the company's DNA delivery technology include DNA vaccines for infectious diseases or cancer, in which the expressed protein is an immunogen; cancer immunotherapeutics, in which the expressed protein is an immune system stimulant; and cardiovascular therapies, in which the expressed protein is an angiogenic growth factor. Additional information on Vical is available at
(1) Bergman PJ, Wolchok JD. Of Mice and Men (and Dogs): development of a xenogeneic DNA vaccine program for canine malignant melanoma. Cancer Therapy 2008;6:817-826.
(2) Data on file at Merial. Study 05-171. 2009.
(3) Bergman PJ, et al. Development of a xenogeneic DNA vaccine program for canine malignant melanoma at the Animal Medical Center. Vaccine 2006;24:4582-4585.
(4) Liao JCF, et al. Vaccination with human tyrosinase DNA induces antibody responses in dogs with advanced melanoma. Cancer Immunity 2006;6:8-17.
(5) ONCEPT product label.
ONCEPT™ is a trademark of Merial.
Monday, February 15, 2010
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Who Ransomed The Dog

Photo by Egan-Chin/News
That's what a family would like to know about their missing French bulldog-basset hound mix dog who ran away. The owner Drucie Belman has said that someone called her asking for money in return for her dog.
Times have gotten bad when you can't even walk your dog for fear of it being taken.
Read the article by Michael Daly here.

Who Ransomed The Dog
Can We Have A Valentine's Day Too

All's we ask for is a little love and kindness
We will be your friend for life.....
Please give us a home too.....
So Adopt
Saturday, February 13, 2010
How Many More Dogs Are Going To Be Abused
A Westmoreland County, PA dog owner has left another dog to starve to death again in his trailer. This is the thirteenth dog that had to be rescued from this guy and you would think that he would have been charged a long time ago. Thanks to the Humane Society for rescuing the poor dog.
Read the article & see the video here.
A Mom And Son from Cortland, NY are being charged with animal cruelty for not feeding and providing shelter for their three dogs that were left out in the cold.
How could anybody just leave their dogs out in the cold when it’s been around 20 degrees out and not even feed them.
Read the article by Robert A Baker here.
The Cook County Sheriff’s Department raided a puppy mill that sold unhealthy dogs online in St. Anne, Ill. . There were a total of fifty two dogs that were rescued from different sheds outside in the cold. And the owner will be being charged with felony cruelty charges when they find her.
Read the article here.
When will people stop buying dogs online and though the newspapers. There are many legit breeders out there and the animal shelters could really use your help on adopting a dog though them. Remember that there are many fine dogs of all different kinds of breeds just sitting in an animal shelter just waiting to find a loving home…… So spread the Love and Adopt ……
Read the article & see the video here.
A Mom And Son from Cortland, NY are being charged with animal cruelty for not feeding and providing shelter for their three dogs that were left out in the cold.
How could anybody just leave their dogs out in the cold when it’s been around 20 degrees out and not even feed them.
Read the article by Robert A Baker here.
The Cook County Sheriff’s Department raided a puppy mill that sold unhealthy dogs online in St. Anne, Ill. . There were a total of fifty two dogs that were rescued from different sheds outside in the cold. And the owner will be being charged with felony cruelty charges when they find her.
Read the article here.
When will people stop buying dogs online and though the newspapers. There are many legit breeders out there and the animal shelters could really use your help on adopting a dog though them. Remember that there are many fine dogs of all different kinds of breeds just sitting in an animal shelter just waiting to find a loving home…… So spread the Love and Adopt ……
Friday, February 12, 2010
What Rachael Ray To Put Down Her Pit Bull
Rachael Ray’s pit bull called baby has been on a terror spree again and attacked another dog so Rachael has been upset with the thought of putting down her baby.
Now why would you do that when you could get a professional dog trainer to teach her dog. As a pet owner, putting down your dog is one hard chose to make especially when there are options that could be taken to help train your dog.
Read the article here.
Now why would you do that when you could get a professional dog trainer to teach her dog. As a pet owner, putting down your dog is one hard chose to make especially when there are options that could be taken to help train your dog.
Read the article here.
PEDIGREE & Carrie Underwood Team Up To Help Homeless Dogs
Become a Fan, Help a Dog
The PEDIGREE(R) Adoption Drive Partners with Dog Lover Carrie Underwood to Help Homeless Dogs
The PEDIGREE® Brand is launching its sixth annual Adoption Drive to help shine a spotlight on the plight of homeless dogs in America. The program focuses on helping dogs in need through a variety of efforts that help generate awareness, food and funding.
This year, PEDIGREE® Brand is thrilled to be teaming up with country music star Carrie Underwood to rally dog lovers nationwide. Because of their shared belief that all dogs deserve a loving home and Underwood's outstanding advocacy for adoptable dogs, the PEDIGREE® Brand is serving as a sponsor of her "Play On Tour," offering an ideal way to highlight the cause that's close to Underwood's heart: dog adoption.
"I can't imagine life without my dog, Ace," said Underwood. "I've had a passion for animals my entire life. They're such sweet and gentle souls that love you just because you love them back. That's why I'm really excited about the opportunity to partner with The PEDIGREE® Adoption Drive to help get other people involved in this important cause. Showing your support is easy, just become a fan, help a dog."
Getting Involved
Every year nearly four million dogs end up in shelters and breed rescue organizations. Dog lovers who want to do their part to help can become a fan of The PEDIGREE® Adoption Drive on Facebook. For each new fan, the PEDIGREE® Brand will donate a bowl of food to help feed shelter dogs nationwide+.
While on the Facebook page, dog lovers can also show their support by donating money to help find dogs loving homes, a portion of which will be matched by the Brand up to $500,000. All donations go to The PEDIGREE Foundation, a non-profit, organization benefiting 501(c)(3) status animal shelters and breed rescues nationwide.
"At PEDIGREE® Brand, everything we do is for the love of dogs, and we are very proud that we've been able to donate millions of dollars over the past six years to support dogs in need," said John Anton, marketing director of The PEDIGREE® Brand, Mars Petcare US, the makers of PEDIGREE® Food for Dogs. "Our effort this year is particularly exciting because in addition to funds, our goal is to try and help feed as many homeless dogs as possible. For people that share our passion for this cause, helping couldn't be easier – simply become a fan and help a dog at"
Responsible Pet Ownership
It's important to note that adopting a pet is a decision that should not be taken lightly. Caring for a pet is a big responsibility, but most dog lovers will tell you that adding a dog to your family will bring a great deal of joy and happiness.
To help educate potential dog owners, offers a special dog adoption area that provides a wealth of information about dogs, from how the adoption process works to training tips to guidelines for everyday care and nutrition. A downloadable Adoption Guide is also available and details handy checklists for first-time animal shelter visits, vet trips and even shopping. To learn more about adoption and find a shelter near you, visit
Play On Tour
PEDIGREE® Brand is a proud sponsor of Carrie Underwood's "Play On Tour," hitting 54 cities across North America from March – June, 2010. The Tour is in support of her third chart-topping album of the same name. For more information on the tour, log onto
About PEDIGREE® Brand
PEDIGREE® Brand is the number one brand of dog food in the world, offering a wide variety of products for different dog life stages. As an innovative market leader, PEDIGREE® Brand is at the forefront of pet nutrition and understands pet owner needs by providing a range of innovative products and resources.
About Mars Petcare U.S.
Mars Petcare U.S. is the U.S. petcare operations of Mars, Incorporated, one of the world's leading food manufacturers. Headquartered in Franklin, TN, Mars Petcare U.S. employs more than 3,000 associates in the United States, with 20 facilities nationwide and owns some of the world's favorite pet care brands, including PEDIGREE® Brand Food for Dogs, CESAR® Canine Cuisine, WHISKAS® Brand Food for Cats, and THE GOODLIFE RECIPE® Brand. In addition, Mars, Incorporated owns the portfolio of brands produced by ROYAL CANIN USA Inc., NUTRO Products, Inc. and GREENIES® Brand.
+ January 1, 2010 through December 31, 2010, for every fan of The PEDIGREE® Adoption Drive at, PEDIGREE® Brand will donate 8 oz. of PEDIGREE® Brand dry food for dogs to animal shelters selected by PEDIGREE® Brand up to a total of $1,000,000 (aggregate retail value).
Total donations from PEDIGREE® Consumer and Trade programs to local shelters in 2010: Minimum of $250,000 up to $2,000,000.
The PEDIGREE(R) Adoption Drive Partners with Dog Lover Carrie Underwood to Help Homeless Dogs
The PEDIGREE® Brand is launching its sixth annual Adoption Drive to help shine a spotlight on the plight of homeless dogs in America. The program focuses on helping dogs in need through a variety of efforts that help generate awareness, food and funding.
This year, PEDIGREE® Brand is thrilled to be teaming up with country music star Carrie Underwood to rally dog lovers nationwide. Because of their shared belief that all dogs deserve a loving home and Underwood's outstanding advocacy for adoptable dogs, the PEDIGREE® Brand is serving as a sponsor of her "Play On Tour," offering an ideal way to highlight the cause that's close to Underwood's heart: dog adoption.
"I can't imagine life without my dog, Ace," said Underwood. "I've had a passion for animals my entire life. They're such sweet and gentle souls that love you just because you love them back. That's why I'm really excited about the opportunity to partner with The PEDIGREE® Adoption Drive to help get other people involved in this important cause. Showing your support is easy, just become a fan, help a dog."
Getting Involved
Every year nearly four million dogs end up in shelters and breed rescue organizations. Dog lovers who want to do their part to help can become a fan of The PEDIGREE® Adoption Drive on Facebook. For each new fan, the PEDIGREE® Brand will donate a bowl of food to help feed shelter dogs nationwide+.
While on the Facebook page, dog lovers can also show their support by donating money to help find dogs loving homes, a portion of which will be matched by the Brand up to $500,000. All donations go to The PEDIGREE Foundation, a non-profit, organization benefiting 501(c)(3) status animal shelters and breed rescues nationwide.
"At PEDIGREE® Brand, everything we do is for the love of dogs, and we are very proud that we've been able to donate millions of dollars over the past six years to support dogs in need," said John Anton, marketing director of The PEDIGREE® Brand, Mars Petcare US, the makers of PEDIGREE® Food for Dogs. "Our effort this year is particularly exciting because in addition to funds, our goal is to try and help feed as many homeless dogs as possible. For people that share our passion for this cause, helping couldn't be easier – simply become a fan and help a dog at"
Responsible Pet Ownership
It's important to note that adopting a pet is a decision that should not be taken lightly. Caring for a pet is a big responsibility, but most dog lovers will tell you that adding a dog to your family will bring a great deal of joy and happiness.
To help educate potential dog owners, offers a special dog adoption area that provides a wealth of information about dogs, from how the adoption process works to training tips to guidelines for everyday care and nutrition. A downloadable Adoption Guide is also available and details handy checklists for first-time animal shelter visits, vet trips and even shopping. To learn more about adoption and find a shelter near you, visit
Play On Tour
PEDIGREE® Brand is a proud sponsor of Carrie Underwood's "Play On Tour," hitting 54 cities across North America from March – June, 2010. The Tour is in support of her third chart-topping album of the same name. For more information on the tour, log onto
About PEDIGREE® Brand
PEDIGREE® Brand is the number one brand of dog food in the world, offering a wide variety of products for different dog life stages. As an innovative market leader, PEDIGREE® Brand is at the forefront of pet nutrition and understands pet owner needs by providing a range of innovative products and resources.
About Mars Petcare U.S.
Mars Petcare U.S. is the U.S. petcare operations of Mars, Incorporated, one of the world's leading food manufacturers. Headquartered in Franklin, TN, Mars Petcare U.S. employs more than 3,000 associates in the United States, with 20 facilities nationwide and owns some of the world's favorite pet care brands, including PEDIGREE® Brand Food for Dogs, CESAR® Canine Cuisine, WHISKAS® Brand Food for Cats, and THE GOODLIFE RECIPE® Brand. In addition, Mars, Incorporated owns the portfolio of brands produced by ROYAL CANIN USA Inc., NUTRO Products, Inc. and GREENIES® Brand.
+ January 1, 2010 through December 31, 2010, for every fan of The PEDIGREE® Adoption Drive at, PEDIGREE® Brand will donate 8 oz. of PEDIGREE® Brand dry food for dogs to animal shelters selected by PEDIGREE® Brand up to a total of $1,000,000 (aggregate retail value).
Total donations from PEDIGREE® Consumer and Trade programs to local shelters in 2010: Minimum of $250,000 up to $2,000,000.
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Nature's Variety Issues Voluntary Dog Food Recall
Nature’s Variety has initiated a voluntary recall of their
Chicken Formula Raw Frozen Diet for dogs and cats with a “Best If Used By” date of 11/10/10 because these products may be contaminated with Salmonella. The only products affected are limited to chicken medallions, patties, and chubs with a “Best If Used By” date of 11/10/10. No other Nature’s Variety products are affected.
The affected products are limited to the Nature’s Variety Chicken Formula Raw Frozen Diet packaged in the following forms:
• 3 lb chicken medallions (UPC# 7 69949 60130 2) with a “Best If Used By” date of 11/10/10
• 6 lb chicken patties (UPC# 7 69949 60120 3) with a “Best If Used By” date of 11/10/10
• 2 lb chicken chubs (UPC# 7 69949 60121 0) with a “Best If Used By” date of 11/10/10
The “Best If Used By” date is located on the back of the package above the safe handling instructions. The affected product was distributed through retail stores and internet sales in the United States, and in limited distribution in Canada.
If you are a consumer and have purchased one of the affected products, please return the unopened product to your retailer for a full refund or replacement. If your package has been opened, please dispose of the raw food in a safe manner by securing it in a covered trash receptacle. Then, bring your receipt (or the empty package in a sealed bag) to your local retailer for a full refund or replacement.
Nature’s Variety became aware of a potential problem after receiving a consumer complaint.Subsequent testing indicated that the lot code related to the consumer complaint tested negative for Salmonella. However, additional subsequent testing found the “Best If Used By” date of 11/10/10 to be contaminated with Salmonella.
No pet or human illnesses have been reported to date in connection with this lot code.
Reed Howlett, Nature’s Variety CEO, stated, “Because pet health and safety are our top priority,Nature’s Variety takes every step necessary to ensure the quality and safety of our products. In addition to our industry best manufacturing practices, and in an abundance of caution, all Nature’s Variety raw frozen products now will undergo a ‘test and hold’ period before being released for sale.”
Salmonella can affect both humans and animals. Even though no illnesses have been reported,consumers should follow the Safe Handling Guidelines published on the Nature’s Variety package when disposing of the affected product. People handling raw frozen pet foods may become infected with Salmonella, especially if they have not followed the safe handling guidelines set forth by the company.
Healthy people infected with Salmonella may experience some or all of the following symptoms:nausea, vomiting, diarrhea or bloody diarrhea, abdominal cramping, or fever. Although rare,Salmonella can result in more serious ailments including arterial infections, endocarditis(inflammation of the lining of the heart),arthritis, muscle pain, eye irritation, or urinary tract symptoms. Consumers exhibiting these signs after having contact with the affected product should contact their health care provider.
Pets with Salmonella infections may become lethargic and have diarrhea or bloody diarrhea, fever,or vomiting. Some pets may experience only a decreased appetite, fever, or abdominal pain.Infected, but otherwise healthy pets can be carriers and infect other animals or humans. If your pet has consumed any of the affected products and is experiencing any of these symptoms, please contact your veterinarian.
Consumers with additional questions can call our dedicated Customer Care line 24 hours a day,7 days a week at 800‐374‐3142. Or, consumers can email Nature’s Variety directly by visiting
About Nature’s Variety
Nature’s Variety specializes in natural, holistic dog and cat food. The line of premium products was developed by families who have been practicing sustainable agriculture for more than 140 years,raising quality livestock and growing crops in America’s heartland. Nature’s Variety offers the purest forms of pet nutrition – including a wide variety of protein choices in every pet food form(raw frozen diets, dry kibble diets, canned diets, and treats). For more information about Nature’s
Variety, visit
Nature’s Variety has initiated a voluntary recall of their
Chicken Formula Raw Frozen Diet for dogs and cats with a “Best If Used By” date of 11/10/10 because these products may be contaminated with Salmonella. The only products affected are limited to chicken medallions, patties, and chubs with a “Best If Used By” date of 11/10/10. No other Nature’s Variety products are affected.
The affected products are limited to the Nature’s Variety Chicken Formula Raw Frozen Diet packaged in the following forms:
• 3 lb chicken medallions (UPC# 7 69949 60130 2) with a “Best If Used By” date of 11/10/10
• 6 lb chicken patties (UPC# 7 69949 60120 3) with a “Best If Used By” date of 11/10/10
• 2 lb chicken chubs (UPC# 7 69949 60121 0) with a “Best If Used By” date of 11/10/10
The “Best If Used By” date is located on the back of the package above the safe handling instructions. The affected product was distributed through retail stores and internet sales in the United States, and in limited distribution in Canada.
If you are a consumer and have purchased one of the affected products, please return the unopened product to your retailer for a full refund or replacement. If your package has been opened, please dispose of the raw food in a safe manner by securing it in a covered trash receptacle. Then, bring your receipt (or the empty package in a sealed bag) to your local retailer for a full refund or replacement.
Nature’s Variety became aware of a potential problem after receiving a consumer complaint.Subsequent testing indicated that the lot code related to the consumer complaint tested negative for Salmonella. However, additional subsequent testing found the “Best If Used By” date of 11/10/10 to be contaminated with Salmonella.
No pet or human illnesses have been reported to date in connection with this lot code.
Reed Howlett, Nature’s Variety CEO, stated, “Because pet health and safety are our top priority,Nature’s Variety takes every step necessary to ensure the quality and safety of our products. In addition to our industry best manufacturing practices, and in an abundance of caution, all Nature’s Variety raw frozen products now will undergo a ‘test and hold’ period before being released for sale.”
Salmonella can affect both humans and animals. Even though no illnesses have been reported,consumers should follow the Safe Handling Guidelines published on the Nature’s Variety package when disposing of the affected product. People handling raw frozen pet foods may become infected with Salmonella, especially if they have not followed the safe handling guidelines set forth by the company.
Healthy people infected with Salmonella may experience some or all of the following symptoms:nausea, vomiting, diarrhea or bloody diarrhea, abdominal cramping, or fever. Although rare,Salmonella can result in more serious ailments including arterial infections, endocarditis(inflammation of the lining of the heart),arthritis, muscle pain, eye irritation, or urinary tract symptoms. Consumers exhibiting these signs after having contact with the affected product should contact their health care provider.
Pets with Salmonella infections may become lethargic and have diarrhea or bloody diarrhea, fever,or vomiting. Some pets may experience only a decreased appetite, fever, or abdominal pain.Infected, but otherwise healthy pets can be carriers and infect other animals or humans. If your pet has consumed any of the affected products and is experiencing any of these symptoms, please contact your veterinarian.
Consumers with additional questions can call our dedicated Customer Care line 24 hours a day,7 days a week at 800‐374‐3142. Or, consumers can email Nature’s Variety directly by visiting
About Nature’s Variety
Nature’s Variety specializes in natural, holistic dog and cat food. The line of premium products was developed by families who have been practicing sustainable agriculture for more than 140 years,raising quality livestock and growing crops in America’s heartland. Nature’s Variety offers the purest forms of pet nutrition – including a wide variety of protein choices in every pet food form(raw frozen diets, dry kibble diets, canned diets, and treats). For more information about Nature’s
Variety, visit
A Cure For Dog's Skin Infections?
Connecticut Pet Supplement Manufacturer Solves Common Skin Infections in Dogs
Over the last 25 years, a family owned nutritional supplement manufacturer in Milford, Connecticut, has been developing pet supplements to promote good health in dogs and cats all over the world. Scott Brown, owner, has finally solved common skin infection in dogs with his new supplemenets. The nutritional supplement has helped dogs such as Laika (a Samoyed) regain all of her lost hair due to allergies.
Scott Brown, President of IN® Pet Supplements for the last 25 years, has developed a daily nutritional supplement to provide dogs and cats with the live enzymes, essential fatty acids, antioxidants, minerals and vitamins that they require to enhance their immune system and to help keep their coat and skin in top condition. It’s in the form of a semi-soft nugget that can be given as a treat, and is designed to be taken by dogs and cats of all breeds, sizes and ages and can safely be administered each day for the life of the animal.
“Hair loss in dogs, otherwise known as Alopecia, can be caused by several different reasons,” Scott Brown said. “The hair loss is typically due to seasonal allergies, allergies to the food they are eating, or sensitivity to insect bites like fleas or mosquitoes. We have discovered that using IN® Pet Supplements will help treat their dog’s hair loss with great success.”
One customer has a Samoyed named Laika that experienced hair loss, which was quite frightening at first. “She had lost her hair and once on the supplement, within months has her hair back. If we didn’t see it ourselves, we would never have believed it”, said Linda, her owner. “Her hair is now fully grown back and looks beautiful.” These pictures of Laika show the severity of the condition, and the vast improvement after using IN® Pet Supplements.
Hot spots, or pyotraumatic dermatitis, is usually caused by excessive licking and scratching behavior. It creates a lesion that appears suddenly and grows quickly. “Redness, oozing, pain, and itchiness are the most frequently seen signs of hot spots,” Scott Brown said. “We have posted on our website the testimonials of customers from around the world that have relieved the itching and scratching by using our supplements.”
One customer, Loretta Drown, has a 3 year old Staffordshire Bull Terrier named Rocky with severe oozing and swollen skin. “After three weeks, a diet with an emphasis on IN diet supplement, you can see the difference! Swelling gone, and what we thought were dead hair follicles, the fur came back to life! What a miracle! In 25 years of breeding Staffordshire Bull Terriers, we have never seen such a remarkable improvement in such a short time! Thank you, you have truly saved Rocky's life!”
Scott Brown is the Founder and President of IN® Pet Supplements. For the last 25 years, his family run business has developed pet supplements to promote good health in dogs and cats all over the world. More information is available by calling 203-877-8526 or visiting their website at
Over the last 25 years, a family owned nutritional supplement manufacturer in Milford, Connecticut, has been developing pet supplements to promote good health in dogs and cats all over the world. Scott Brown, owner, has finally solved common skin infection in dogs with his new supplemenets. The nutritional supplement has helped dogs such as Laika (a Samoyed) regain all of her lost hair due to allergies.
Scott Brown, President of IN® Pet Supplements for the last 25 years, has developed a daily nutritional supplement to provide dogs and cats with the live enzymes, essential fatty acids, antioxidants, minerals and vitamins that they require to enhance their immune system and to help keep their coat and skin in top condition. It’s in the form of a semi-soft nugget that can be given as a treat, and is designed to be taken by dogs and cats of all breeds, sizes and ages and can safely be administered each day for the life of the animal.
“Hair loss in dogs, otherwise known as Alopecia, can be caused by several different reasons,” Scott Brown said. “The hair loss is typically due to seasonal allergies, allergies to the food they are eating, or sensitivity to insect bites like fleas or mosquitoes. We have discovered that using IN® Pet Supplements will help treat their dog’s hair loss with great success.”
One customer has a Samoyed named Laika that experienced hair loss, which was quite frightening at first. “She had lost her hair and once on the supplement, within months has her hair back. If we didn’t see it ourselves, we would never have believed it”, said Linda, her owner. “Her hair is now fully grown back and looks beautiful.” These pictures of Laika show the severity of the condition, and the vast improvement after using IN® Pet Supplements.
Hot spots, or pyotraumatic dermatitis, is usually caused by excessive licking and scratching behavior. It creates a lesion that appears suddenly and grows quickly. “Redness, oozing, pain, and itchiness are the most frequently seen signs of hot spots,” Scott Brown said. “We have posted on our website the testimonials of customers from around the world that have relieved the itching and scratching by using our supplements.”
One customer, Loretta Drown, has a 3 year old Staffordshire Bull Terrier named Rocky with severe oozing and swollen skin. “After three weeks, a diet with an emphasis on IN diet supplement, you can see the difference! Swelling gone, and what we thought were dead hair follicles, the fur came back to life! What a miracle! In 25 years of breeding Staffordshire Bull Terriers, we have never seen such a remarkable improvement in such a short time! Thank you, you have truly saved Rocky's life!”
Scott Brown is the Founder and President of IN® Pet Supplements. For the last 25 years, his family run business has developed pet supplements to promote good health in dogs and cats all over the world. More information is available by calling 203-877-8526 or visiting their website at
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
55th Annual Show Dogs of the Year Awards
Top Show Dogs to Take Manhattan at Purina(R) Pro Plan(R) 55th Annual Show Dogs of The Year(R) Awards Presented By Dogs In Review(R)
The top show dogs of 2009 will be honored at Purina® Pro Plan®'s 55th Annual Show Dogs of the Year® Awards presented by Dogs In Review® during the weekend prior to the famous Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show. The awards recognize the dogs with the largest number of Group-Firsts in their respective categories. The "Best in Show" dog of the year, the dog that won the most Best-in-Shows in 2009, will also be honored, as well as the top obedience dog.
The Winkies® for Annual Achievement sponsored by Cherrybrook® will pay tribute to the Dog Show of the Year, Judge of the Year, Outstanding Breeder, Best Professional Handler and Best Owner-Handler of 2009.
Additionally, the following industry awards will also be presented that evening:
* Groomer of the Year Award presented by Cardinal Labs®,
* Veterinarian of the Year presented by Summit VetPharm®,
* Shelter of the Year presented by North Shore Animal League America® and
* Trainer of the Year presented by Dog World® magazine.
Show Dogs of the Year® Awards attendees include owners, breeders, handlers, judges, media and representatives of the American Kennel Club and numerous VIPs of the fancy. For more information, visit, and for year-round news and information, read the current issue of Dogs In Review® magazine.
Grand Hyatt New York, Park Avenue at Grand Central
Saturday, February 13, 2010
About BowTie, Inc.
BowTie, Inc. is the leader in special interest pet magazines, trade magazines, books and websites dedicated to pet-loving consumers, pet-supply retailers, veterinarians, breeders, and pet professionals worldwide. Divisions of BowTie, Inc. include BowTie Magazines, BowTie Press, BowTie News, Thoroughbred Times Company, Global Distribution Services, and AnimalNetwork.Com.
About Nestle Purina®
Nestle Purina Pet Care Company is a leader in the pet products industry, dedicated to improving the lives of cats and dogs through quality nutrition care. Core philosophies include promoting responsible pet care, humane education, community involvement and the positive bond between people and their pets.
Nestle Purina PetCare Company is part of Nestle USA, which is part of Nestle S.A. of Vevey, Switzerland—the world's largest food company.
About Purina® Pro Plan®
Purina Pro Plan® brand dog and cat foods are manufactured by Nestle Purina PetCare, which promotes responsible pet care, community involvement and the positive bond between people and their pets. A premier global manufacturer of pet products, Nestle Purina PetCare is part of Swiss-based Nestle S.A., the world's largest food company.
SOURCE BowTie, Inc.
The top show dogs of 2009 will be honored at Purina® Pro Plan®'s 55th Annual Show Dogs of the Year® Awards presented by Dogs In Review® during the weekend prior to the famous Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show. The awards recognize the dogs with the largest number of Group-Firsts in their respective categories. The "Best in Show" dog of the year, the dog that won the most Best-in-Shows in 2009, will also be honored, as well as the top obedience dog.
The Winkies® for Annual Achievement sponsored by Cherrybrook® will pay tribute to the Dog Show of the Year, Judge of the Year, Outstanding Breeder, Best Professional Handler and Best Owner-Handler of 2009.
Additionally, the following industry awards will also be presented that evening:
* Groomer of the Year Award presented by Cardinal Labs®,
* Veterinarian of the Year presented by Summit VetPharm®,
* Shelter of the Year presented by North Shore Animal League America® and
* Trainer of the Year presented by Dog World® magazine.
Show Dogs of the Year® Awards attendees include owners, breeders, handlers, judges, media and representatives of the American Kennel Club and numerous VIPs of the fancy. For more information, visit, and for year-round news and information, read the current issue of Dogs In Review® magazine.
Grand Hyatt New York, Park Avenue at Grand Central
Saturday, February 13, 2010
About BowTie, Inc.
BowTie, Inc. is the leader in special interest pet magazines, trade magazines, books and websites dedicated to pet-loving consumers, pet-supply retailers, veterinarians, breeders, and pet professionals worldwide. Divisions of BowTie, Inc. include BowTie Magazines, BowTie Press, BowTie News, Thoroughbred Times Company, Global Distribution Services, and AnimalNetwork.Com.
About Nestle Purina®
Nestle Purina Pet Care Company is a leader in the pet products industry, dedicated to improving the lives of cats and dogs through quality nutrition care. Core philosophies include promoting responsible pet care, humane education, community involvement and the positive bond between people and their pets.
Nestle Purina PetCare Company is part of Nestle USA, which is part of Nestle S.A. of Vevey, Switzerland—the world's largest food company.
About Purina® Pro Plan®
Purina Pro Plan® brand dog and cat foods are manufactured by Nestle Purina PetCare, which promotes responsible pet care, community involvement and the positive bond between people and their pets. A premier global manufacturer of pet products, Nestle Purina PetCare is part of Swiss-based Nestle S.A., the world's largest food company.
SOURCE BowTie, Inc.
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
DogTime Media Teams Up With National Canine Cancer Foundation
DogTime Media Partners With National Canine Cancer Foundation to Keep Dog Owners Aware and Prepared
Newly-established Champ Fund gives DogTime's 28 million pet enthusiasts an opportunity to help fund a cure for canine cancer
DogTime Media, the largest vertical media community focused exclusively on pet owners, today announced it has partnered with the National Canine Cancer Foundation, a nationwide 501 (c)(3) non-profit corporation dedicated to eliminating cancer as a major health issue in dogs, to help disseminate information from their comprehensive canine cancer library.
"It's the National Canine Cancer Foundation hope that in sharing the canine cancer library with DogTime Media it will help to educate more dog owners and increase awareness of a disease that affects one out of every three dogs, and kills half of those affected," said Gary D. Nice, president and CEO, National Canine Cancer Foundation, Inc. "DogTime shares our mission, and, through this partnership, we are able to reach a very large audience of knowledgeable and influential dog owners."
More than 40 articles from the NCCF's library containing descriptions, symptoms, treatments and prognosis have been added to DogTime's consumer-facing site, In addition these articles will be distributed across the DogTime Media community via the popular Media Center content syndication tool, which distributes videos, photos, articles and blogs to publishers in the network.
DogTime has also partnered with the NCCF to establish The Champ Fund, which provides visitors to an opportunity to contribute to the cause, as well as learn about how canine Cancer affected the DogTime family.
"When a member of the DogTime staff lost a loved one to canine Cancer in 2009 he turned to the NCCF for information and a better understanding of what happened to his dog Champ," said Leslie Smith, editor of "It became clear to all of us how important it is to share this information and to do what we can to help find a cure."
In 2009 DogTime Media donated nearly $40,000 to animal shelters and animal welfare organizations through grant programs, events, and their popular Facebook applications Save a Dog and Save a Cat.
For more information about DogTime Media please visit
About The National Canine Cancer Foundation:
The National Canine Cancer Foundation is a nationwide 501 (c)(3) non-profit corporation dedicated to eliminating Cancer as a major health issue in dogs by funding grants directly to Cancer researchers who are working to save lives, find cures, better treatments and accurate, cost effective diagnostic methods in dealing with canine Cancer.
About DogTime Media:
DogTime Media is the largest vertical media community focused exclusively on pet owners and the 45.4 billion dollar annual pet market. DogTime Media reaches 27.8 million monthly users via its community of 500 leading pet-focused websites, 420 pet bloggers and more than 2,000 rescue groups, anchored by its own, the premier destination for dog owners.
DogTime Media actively supports the efforts of rescue groups and shelters nationwide to significantly reduce the number of homeless and neglected pets in the country by providing authoritative advice to both novice and experienced pet guardians. Founded in 2007, DogTime Media is a privately held company based in San Francisco, Calif.
Media Contact:
Emily Scherberth
Symphony PR & Marketing
(310) 442-2892
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