Missouri Caruthersville Humane Society takes in twenty three more pets that were taken from an abandoned home even though they are overwhelmed from all the flooding which caused them to take in six hundred and four animals just from the floods.
These poor cats and dogs were just left to die in conditions that were sickening. There was even a poor cat left to die with its eye hanging out. How could anyone do something like this to their pets?
Read the article here.
The Caruthersville Humane Society is looking for all the donations they can receive due to being overwhelmed with all that has happened in their state from all the flooding and their support to help the animals in their time of need.
Donations can be made out to:
Dunklin County Rescue
P.O. Box 345
Caruthersville, MO 63830
Calls are only being taken after 11 AM @ 573-333-0100
Toledo police have arrested an animal abuser named Raymond Dean with dog fighting charges along with a few other charges that will probably send his but to jail for a while.
Read the article here.
In Chicago the police have arrested a lowlife that has been charged already with animal cruelty for dog fighting and this time Larue Jackson has been charged with twelve counts of neglect and two counts of cruel treatment to animals.
Hopefully the judge will lock this animal abuser up for a while after the police found twelve pit bulls that was used in fighting that had been scared up on their bodies.
What’s wrong with these people that think it’s OK to have their dogs fight.
Read the article here.
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Hey Cat Lovers: Primal Pet Foods Recalls Feline Chicken & Salmon Formula
Primal Pet Foods Issues Nationwide Voluntary Recall On Feline Chicken & Salmon Formula With A "Best By" Date Code Of 043112-17
Primal Pet Foods has initiated a voluntary recall of their Feline Chicken & Salmon Formula with a "Best By" date code of 043112-17 because this product may be contaminated with Salmonella. The only product affected is limited to Feline Chicken & Salmon Formula with a "Best By" date code of 043112-17. No other Primal Pet Foods products are affected.
The affected product is limited to the Primal Pet Foods Feline Chicken & Salmon Formula packaged in the following forms:
• 4 lb chicken & salmon nuggets (UPC# 8 95135 00025 0) with a "Best By" date code of 043112-17
The “Best By” date code is located on the front of the package on the right side of the product label. The affected product was distributed through retail stores sales in the United States.
If you are a consumer and have purchased the affected product, please contact Primal Pet Foods directly at 866-566-4652 Monday-Friday 8AM-4PM PST and we can assist in getting you a full refund or replacement from your local retailer that it was originally purchased from. You’ll be instructed to bring the unopened package to your local retailer for a full refund or replacement.
If your package has been opened, please dispose of the raw food in a safe manner by securing it in a covered trash receptacle. Then, contact Primal Pet Foods directly at 866-566-4652 Monday-Friday 8AM-4PM PST and we can assist in getting you a full refund or replacement from your local retailer that it was originally purchased from. You’ll be instructed to bring your receipt (or the empty package in a sealed bag) to your local retailer for a full refund or replacement.
No pet or human illnesses have been reported to date in connection with this lot code.
Primal Pet Foods is committed to the health, safety and well-being of pets. Primal Pet Foods is voluntarily issuing this action out of an abundance of caution and sincerely regrets any inconvenience to pet owners that may result because of this announcement.
Salmonella can affect both humans and animals. Even though no illnesses have been reported, consumers should follow the Safe Handling Guidelines published on the Primal Pet Foods package when disposing of the affected product. People handling raw frozen pet foods may become infected with Salmonella, especially if they have not followed safe handling guidelines.
Healthy people infected with Salmonella may experience some or all of the following symptoms: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea or bloody diarrhea, abdominal cramping, or fever. Although rare, Salmonella can result in more serious ailments including arterial infections, endocarditis (inflammation of the lining of the heart), arthritis, muscle pain, eye irritation, or urinary tract symptoms. Consumers exhibiting these signs after having contact with the affected product should contact their health care provider.
Pets with Salmonella infections may become lethargic and have diarrhea or bloody diarrhea, fever, or vomiting. Some pets may experience only a decreased appetite, fever, or abdominal pain. Infected, but otherwise healthy pets can be carriers and infect other animals or humans. If your pet has consumed any of the affected products and is experiencing any of these symptoms, please contact your veterinarian.
Consumers with additional questions can call our dedicated Customer Service line Monday-Friday 8AM-4PM at 866-566-4652 PST.
Monday, May 30, 2011
Can Idaho Get Enough Votes To Make Animal Cruelty A Felony
A group called Stop Torturing Our Pets is trying to get forty seven thousand signatures to help bring a law calling for the people who commit animal cruelty towards animals a felony.
My question is why should it be hard to get that many signatures when everyone in the whole state should be running to sign this petition. We all hate to see an animal abused so why should you say no to signing this petition when, don’t you wish to see an end to the abuse.
I hope that the Stop Torturing Our Pet and the Idaho Humane Society will get every vote from you in Idaho. We need to put a stop to all the abuse these poor animals have received from these animal abusers.
Read the article here.
My question is why should it be hard to get that many signatures when everyone in the whole state should be running to sign this petition. We all hate to see an animal abused so why should you say no to signing this petition when, don’t you wish to see an end to the abuse.
I hope that the Stop Torturing Our Pet and the Idaho Humane Society will get every vote from you in Idaho. We need to put a stop to all the abuse these poor animals have received from these animal abusers.
Read the article here.
What A Way To Honor Our Military Dogs
With so many wars though out the years the soldiers always had a dog or two by their side and now they are finally getting their own museum to help honor their service.
As we all know that a dog is man’s best friend….Woof… Woof
Read the article here.
Sunday, May 29, 2011
Honolulu Puppy Mill Raid Finally Bring Charges To Owners
Back in February the Honolulu police had raided a dog breeder company called Bradley International where some one hundred and fifty three dogs were rescued.
Now the prosecutor has brought a total of one hundred and fifty three charges against the company for second degree animal cruelty. The prosecutor is looking into charging the company officials who’s names are: Shannon Luke, Vernon Luke and David Becker who could be facing up to a year in jail for each charge along with a fine of two grand on each charge for what they did to these poor dogs in their puppy mill.
The president of the Hawaiian Humane Society Pamela Burns said: the Humane Society has been investigating the company's breeding facility for three years but was limited in investigating by law. They come from conditions that were horrific; many of them had to be shaved down because of the terrible matting.
Hopefully with all these charges of animal abuse the judge will follow though and hit these abusers with the maximum fines and give the other puppy mill breeders a wakeup call and put an end to these profiteers.
Read the article by Rob Shikina here.
Now the prosecutor has brought a total of one hundred and fifty three charges against the company for second degree animal cruelty. The prosecutor is looking into charging the company officials who’s names are: Shannon Luke, Vernon Luke and David Becker who could be facing up to a year in jail for each charge along with a fine of two grand on each charge for what they did to these poor dogs in their puppy mill.
The president of the Hawaiian Humane Society Pamela Burns said: the Humane Society has been investigating the company's breeding facility for three years but was limited in investigating by law. They come from conditions that were horrific; many of them had to be shaved down because of the terrible matting.
Hopefully with all these charges of animal abuse the judge will follow though and hit these abusers with the maximum fines and give the other puppy mill breeders a wakeup call and put an end to these profiteers.
Read the article by Rob Shikina here.
Friday, May 27, 2011
This Sure Wasn’t The Good Old McDonald Farm
The Jackson County Sheriff’s have arrested Kimberly and Seth Maher and charged the two with sixty three counts of animal cruelty for what must have looked like a farm from hell.
Chief Deputy Tony Boggs said that while serving a warrant: Trying to knock on the front door we discovered a dead rabbit in a box at our feet. It's horrible to see the folks that can treat animals this way no matter what the conditions, to be able to allow animals to die, to be starved. Deceased animals, burned animals, malnourished animals and just about every size, breed and kind were up there.
There is supposedly some three hundred animals at this farm living in a place called hell and they also found a fire where they were burning the dead dogs. How can anybody do this to the poor animals and not even care.
Read the article by Brooks Jarosz here.
Chief Deputy Tony Boggs said that while serving a warrant: Trying to knock on the front door we discovered a dead rabbit in a box at our feet. It's horrible to see the folks that can treat animals this way no matter what the conditions, to be able to allow animals to die, to be starved. Deceased animals, burned animals, malnourished animals and just about every size, breed and kind were up there.
There is supposedly some three hundred animals at this farm living in a place called hell and they also found a fire where they were burning the dead dogs. How can anybody do this to the poor animals and not even care.
Read the article by Brooks Jarosz here.
Thursday, May 26, 2011
Wall-E the Dog and Ron Burns Team Up to Help Pups Find their Furever Homes
Wall-E and Animal Artist Ron Burns Team Up
To Help Pups Find Their "Furever Homes"
A Miraculous "Tail" Of Survival
"Animals are such agreeable friends -
they ask no questions, they pass no criticisms"
-George Eliot
On February 18, 2011 Wall-E and his siblings were anonymously left in a rusty cage in front of the Sulphur Animal Shelter - a makeshift building housing a small amount of animal pens, fully-occupied by animals in search of their "furever homes" - located in Sulphur, Oklahoma. A decision was made by the staff veterinarian that due to the lack of space and the fear of disease, Wall-E, his siblings (and two other fully-healthy brown labs that couldn't be adopted in time) should all be put to sleep that night. When it was Wall-E's time, his first injection was done through a vein in his leg. He survived. His second injection was done directly through his chest cavity. The staff veterinarian checked for a pulse - none could be found.
The following morning, shelter volunteer and veterinary technician Amanda Kloski arrived to pick up another litter of puppies from Animal Control Officer Scott Prall - they too were scheduled to be euthanized due to over-population. Scott told Kloski, "There's a problem." He continued, "a puppy survived euthanasia last night. I found him this morning." "My heart dropped," says Amanda. "My first thoughts were - is he suffering?" she says. Thankfully, his tail was wagging. He was jumping up and down. He was simply hungry. What transpired over the late hours of February 18th into that early Saturday morning - how and when Wall-E awoke - we will never know. What is known is that Wall-E's survival is unexplainable - a miraculous "tail."
Kloski took Wall-E under her wings. She posted flyers and created a listing on PetFinder.com. She attempted to adopt him at an adoption event in front of a local grocery store to no avail. It was there, however, that he received his now-famous name when a little girl named Michelle, a member of the adoption team with her mother, called him Wall-E because like the Disney character - he too had escaped death. It wasn't long after that, that the story spread - "Despite euthanasia, Wall-E's tail is still wagging," one headline wrote. Another said "Wall-E, the abandoned puppy that survived a death sentence." His story was being told on social networking sites, international press, local evening news stories, internet news sites, Yahoo, the Associated Press - even making an appearance on CBS's Good Morning America. It was but a few days prior that Wall-E sat in front of a grocery store waiting to be adopted to no avail. Now, the adoption applications were almost too much to keep up with - approximately 3000 in total.
Meanwhile, Amanda thought "Why not?" as she stared at a Ron Burns print that hung in the veterinary office she works at. An e-mail came into Ron's inbox the following morning. "I heard the story a few days previous and, doing what I do, it moved me quite a bit," says Burns. Amanda wondered if Ron might be interested in painting a portrait of Wall-E to help benefit the building of a new shelter in the Sulphur / Davis, Oklahoma area - something they were desperately in need of. "How could I say no to helping?," asked Ron. Burns, a professional artist and philanthropist of 20 years who is internationally known for pioneering an art movement that features colorful portraits of dogs and cats, cleared his painting schedule to work on his portrait of Wall-E. "In capturing Wall-E's personality I decided to portray him in his forever home, relaxing on his favorite chair with a pillow that conveys his big heart and love for life," says Ron. It had then been pointed out to Ron by Amanda that Wall-E had a peculiar shamrock-shaped black spot in an even more peculiar place. "Next to him is a bouquet, again representing a "beautiful life", with a shamrock arranged above his head to symbolize his good luck as well as the real shamrock-like image on his behind," he added with a laugh. Two and a half weeks after entering his paint studio, Ron exited with a completed portrait of Wall-E. "When I saw the painting, I couldn't believe how beautiful it was. It's amazing. I said to myself that is Wall-E!" says Amanda. Ron pondered for a moment, then added - "In many ways, Wall-E's portrait is a representation of how I wish to see all animals - in their "furever homes. He may just be one little pup to some, but he has an amazing and powerful story to share. Hopefully... through my art, his story will continue to be told and it will ultimately benefit all animals in need of a home."
The piece truly contains all of the classic elements found in a Burns painting - the bright and vivid colors, the green couch and ornate furniture complete with dog-like features - and of course, a person's best friend. The piece will make you smile - but it also benefits a very important cause - the building of the Murray County Animal Shelter.
An open edition art print of Wall-E by Ron Burns is now available for order. 40% of each order will be donated towards the building of the Murray County Animal Shelter. Details can be found below or by clicking here.
Today, we now know that Wall-E is officially in his "furever" home. The happy ending that Amanda, Ron and thousands of others had all wished for is here. "If this isn't life imitating art, then I don't know what is," Ron says. "We still a lot of work left to do though - there are many more Wall-E's still out there that need our help," he continues. "Hopefully, through his story, my art and the support of others - we can help even more pups and kittens out their find their furever homes as well."
George Eliot once said that "Animals are such agreeable friends. They ask no questions, they pass no criticisms." How right he is. When Wall-E was to be euthanized, he didn't ask why. And when he was found alive the following morning with his tail wagging, jumping up and down at the excitement of simply seeing one of "us", true to his nature - he passed no criticisms. The same holds true for any other instance in the human / animal bond and that is why dogs are a person's best friend - deserving of our love, care and protection.
For more information about Wall-E, his portrait by Ron Burns and how your readership can support the building of the Murray County Animal Shelter, please go to www.ronburns.com/walle
We ask that you please consider helping us tell Wall-E's "tail." On behalf of Wall-E and his four-legged friends, thank you for your time and consideration.
AKC Companion Animal Recovery Makes A Big Donation To Help Fund The Penn Vet Working Dog Center
AKC Companion Animal Recovery Donates $110,000 to Fund Search and Rescue Dog Health Database
AKC Companion Animal Recovery recently donated $110,000 to the University of Pennsylvania School of Veterinary Medicine as part of continuing funding of a health registry for search and rescue and other working detection dogs. This joins an initial grant of $70,000 that was awarded in 2010. The AKC CAR Detection Dog DNA Bank and Health Registry will help search and rescue organizations, law enforcement, breeders and handlers identify factors contributing to the success of these vital dogs.
Detection dogs help find lost or trapped people, human remains, explosive devices, and illicit drugs, and are used to assist human efforts during major disasters, wartime and border protection. Despite the important work these dogs do, however, there are shortages of canines able to perform detection work. Only an estimated 30% of dogs entering detection training programs are successful. Researchers expect that data gleaned from this registry will assist in breeding selection and the creation of more successful working canines.
"Search and rescue as well as detection dogs give so much to us – even recovering human lives, in some cases," said Tom Sharp, CEO of AKC Companion Animal Recovery. "We're pleased to support the development of this database which will track data relating to these animals so that we can ensure the success of future working dogs and keep our current canines healthy and happy."
"We are grateful for this continued support from AKC and AKC CAR," said Dr. Cindy Otto of the Penn Vet Working Dog Center. "The working dog community will benefit from this ground-breaking and far-sighted grant to enhance the breeding, selection and training of detection dogs."
The database is part of the recently established Penn Vet Working Dog Center. The mission of the Penn Vet Working Dog Center is to serve as a consortium for programs that employ dogs to detect threats to local, regional and national security. The overarching goal is to collect and analyze genetic, behavioral and physical data, and integrate the latest scientific information in order to optimize the success and well-being of detection dogs. In order to prepare for future demands for these dogs, the Center is developing a detection dog breeding/training program that will implement, test, and disseminate the knowledge gained.
As part of the mission of the Penn Vet Working Dog Center, data to be collected includes:
* Blood samples for DNA and serum banking for dogs trained to detect live humans, cadaver, explosives or drugs
* Pedigrees, training information, annual behavioral assessments, annual health assessments, training certifications and updates
The Center will use this data to perform genotyping of markers throughout the canine genome in order to detect linkage between health and working traits and specific regions of the genome.
"In addition, our mission to share the knowledge available to improve the health, breeding and performance of working dogs will be actualized with the tremendous support of AKC CAR, our lead sponsor for our upcoming Penn Vet Working Dog Conference," added Otto. "The conference, 'Defining, developing and documenting success in working dogs,' will be held Sept 7-9, 2011 in Pearl River, New York in conjunction with the Finding One Another 9/11 10 year anniversary tribute (www.findingoneanother.org)."
For more information about the project, the conference or to donate please visit www.pennvetwdc.org.
For more information about AKC Companion Animal Recovery visit www.akccar.org.
AKC Companion Animal Recovery
Microchips. Recovery. Giving Back.
AKC Companion Animal Recovery (AKC CAR), an affiliate of the American Kennel Club® and a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization, is the largest non-profit pet identification and recovery service provider in the United States. Established in 1995 to help pet owners reunite with their lost animals via identification and 24/7 pet recovery specialists, the organization has enrolled over 4 million companion animals and recovered more than 400,000 lost pets. AKC CAR microchips are a popular choice of pet professionals throughout the country for permanent pet identification.
The AKC CAR Canine Support and Relief Fund has donated more than $4 million since 2001 to K-9 search and rescue teams as well as disaster preparedness and relief causes that impact our nation's pets. AKC CAR also provides free recovery service enrollment for all active service, military, and law enforcement K-9 dogs. For more information visit www.akccar.org or follow us on Facebook (www.facebook.com/akccompanionanimalrecovery).
SOURCE American Kennel Club
AKC Companion Animal Recovery recently donated $110,000 to the University of Pennsylvania School of Veterinary Medicine as part of continuing funding of a health registry for search and rescue and other working detection dogs. This joins an initial grant of $70,000 that was awarded in 2010. The AKC CAR Detection Dog DNA Bank and Health Registry will help search and rescue organizations, law enforcement, breeders and handlers identify factors contributing to the success of these vital dogs.
Detection dogs help find lost or trapped people, human remains, explosive devices, and illicit drugs, and are used to assist human efforts during major disasters, wartime and border protection. Despite the important work these dogs do, however, there are shortages of canines able to perform detection work. Only an estimated 30% of dogs entering detection training programs are successful. Researchers expect that data gleaned from this registry will assist in breeding selection and the creation of more successful working canines.
"Search and rescue as well as detection dogs give so much to us – even recovering human lives, in some cases," said Tom Sharp, CEO of AKC Companion Animal Recovery. "We're pleased to support the development of this database which will track data relating to these animals so that we can ensure the success of future working dogs and keep our current canines healthy and happy."
"We are grateful for this continued support from AKC and AKC CAR," said Dr. Cindy Otto of the Penn Vet Working Dog Center. "The working dog community will benefit from this ground-breaking and far-sighted grant to enhance the breeding, selection and training of detection dogs."
The database is part of the recently established Penn Vet Working Dog Center. The mission of the Penn Vet Working Dog Center is to serve as a consortium for programs that employ dogs to detect threats to local, regional and national security. The overarching goal is to collect and analyze genetic, behavioral and physical data, and integrate the latest scientific information in order to optimize the success and well-being of detection dogs. In order to prepare for future demands for these dogs, the Center is developing a detection dog breeding/training program that will implement, test, and disseminate the knowledge gained.
As part of the mission of the Penn Vet Working Dog Center, data to be collected includes:
* Blood samples for DNA and serum banking for dogs trained to detect live humans, cadaver, explosives or drugs
* Pedigrees, training information, annual behavioral assessments, annual health assessments, training certifications and updates
The Center will use this data to perform genotyping of markers throughout the canine genome in order to detect linkage between health and working traits and specific regions of the genome.
"In addition, our mission to share the knowledge available to improve the health, breeding and performance of working dogs will be actualized with the tremendous support of AKC CAR, our lead sponsor for our upcoming Penn Vet Working Dog Conference," added Otto. "The conference, 'Defining, developing and documenting success in working dogs,' will be held Sept 7-9, 2011 in Pearl River, New York in conjunction with the Finding One Another 9/11 10 year anniversary tribute (www.findingoneanother.org)."
For more information about the project, the conference or to donate please visit www.pennvetwdc.org.
For more information about AKC Companion Animal Recovery visit www.akccar.org.
AKC Companion Animal Recovery
Microchips. Recovery. Giving Back.
AKC Companion Animal Recovery (AKC CAR), an affiliate of the American Kennel Club® and a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization, is the largest non-profit pet identification and recovery service provider in the United States. Established in 1995 to help pet owners reunite with their lost animals via identification and 24/7 pet recovery specialists, the organization has enrolled over 4 million companion animals and recovered more than 400,000 lost pets. AKC CAR microchips are a popular choice of pet professionals throughout the country for permanent pet identification.
The AKC CAR Canine Support and Relief Fund has donated more than $4 million since 2001 to K-9 search and rescue teams as well as disaster preparedness and relief causes that impact our nation's pets. AKC CAR also provides free recovery service enrollment for all active service, military, and law enforcement K-9 dogs. For more information visit www.akccar.org or follow us on Facebook (www.facebook.com/akccompanionanimalrecovery).
SOURCE American Kennel Club
I Only Keep 46 Dogs In My Home, So What
This is just another sad case of another puppy mill where the owner is in denial thinking that it’s ok to have that many dogs in her house.
After receiving so many complaints about what was going on in her home the Green County Sheriff’s had served a warrant on Kathy Williams and seized all of the forty six dogs that were in her home which after reading most of the comments I will call it a puppy mill.
After receiving so many complaints about what was going on in her home the Green County Sheriff’s had served a warrant on Kathy Williams and seized all of the forty six dogs that were in her home which after reading most of the comments I will call it a puppy mill.
I Only Keep 46 Dogs In My Home,
So What
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
When A Dog Rescue Turns From Bad To Worse
This is one of those heart breaking stories about abandon dogs that had no place to go when a women named Shirley Johnson who lives out in the desert in Tonopah, AZ decided to take them in. Well it all started last year when Shirley had one hundred dogs living out in her property where there is no running water and where the heat can even kill a human when it gets hot enough.
Last summer after receiving a call Marie Peck from Fetch Foundation had tried to help adopt out the dogs Shirley had on her property though a group they started called Arizona Desert Dog Rescue but they were unable to remove them all and now the situation has gotten even worse with the dog kennels being infected with mice.
Shelley Stolz who volunteers for Arizona Desert Dog Rescue said: She had accumulated 101 dogs when we came to help, and we're now down to 24. We need to get the rest of dogs off this property. This is not acceptable for any animal to live in this condition they are trapped in this kennel. Last summer thirty of the dogs died before we could get here and start to help, I've got twenty four left to try to save.
How sad it is to read this about how these poor dog have to live because their owners just abandoned them. It seems like the breeding has gotten out of hand and the so called pet lovers have abandoned their love to just dump off their pets.
Read the article by Lisa Leigh Kelly here.
To see some of the heartbreaking photo’s go here.
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Will Dogs In A Cage Get Help From Celebrity's With Billboards
Billboard Asks Ashton Kutcher and Demi Moore to Tweet and Help Dogs in Puppy Mills
Main Line Animal Rescue is sponsoring billboards in Los Angeles and asking celebrity Tweeters to help spread the word about puppy mills. A billboard on the corner of Lankershim and Moorpark reads "Ashton Kutcher and Demi Moore please tweet all your followers and tell them about puppy mills. The dogs desperately need your help." Ashton Kutcher has almost 7,000,000 followers on Twitter and Demi Moore has over 3,600,000 followers. The pair also share their home with several rescued dogs. "You can see how much they love their dogs from their tweets," said MLAR volunteer Gina Lasky. "A few celebrity tweets could help hundreds of thousands of dogs confined to our nation's puppy mills." A web site supporting the campaign, www.dogsinacage.com provides basic information on the factory farming of puppies in this country. If the Kutchers agree to tweet about puppy mills and the benefits of adopting a shelter pet, a donation of $5000 will be made to the Demi and Ashton Foundation to fight human trafficking.
Animal advocates everywhere were thrilled last month when award winning actress/singer Cher used her Twitter site to let her followers know Missouri's Prop B, a successful ballot initiative designed to improve conditions for dogs in Missouri's commercial dog breeding facilities, was under attack. The legendary performer was clearly outraged by the size of the cages used to house dogs in Missouri's puppy mills. Animal rescue organizations credit the entertainer as one of the first celebrities to use Twitter to educate people to the inhumane treatment of puppy mill dogs and applaud the singer's efforts. It is estimated that one third of the dogs bred in Missouri's notorious puppy mills are sold in pet stores in Southern California.
MLAR and author/animal advocate Jana Kohl decided to sponsor the billboards in light of recent events in Missouri and in response to an audit of the USDA which exposed horrific conditions in many federally licensed dog breeding facilities. In one kennel dogs were so starved they had resorted to cannibalism and federal inspectors did nothing to help them. "When special interest groups manage to overturn laws, and when federal inspectors disregard our existing laws and fail to protect these animals, then all we can do is raise public awareness and hope people do the right thing once they understand how much these animals suffer," said Bill Smith, MLAR founder. "Thousands of puppy mills would close tomorrow if consumers simply adopted dogs from shelters rather than buying dogs bred in puppy mills and then sold in pet stores or over the Internet."
Main Line Animal Rescue sponsored a billboard in Chicago asking Oprah to do a show on puppy mills three years ago. Oprah's groundbreaking puppy mill show led to the passage of new laws designed to improve conditions for breeding dogs in over a dozen states and led to increased adoption rates in animal shelters throughout the United States. MLAR also plans to ask Taylor Swift and Lady Gaga to tweet their fans as well.
CONTACT: Bill Smith, Main Line Animal Rescue, +1-610-933-0606 mainlinerescue@aol.com
Main Line Animal Rescue is sponsoring billboards in Los Angeles and asking celebrity Tweeters to help spread the word about puppy mills. A billboard on the corner of Lankershim and Moorpark reads "Ashton Kutcher and Demi Moore please tweet all your followers and tell them about puppy mills. The dogs desperately need your help." Ashton Kutcher has almost 7,000,000 followers on Twitter and Demi Moore has over 3,600,000 followers. The pair also share their home with several rescued dogs. "You can see how much they love their dogs from their tweets," said MLAR volunteer Gina Lasky. "A few celebrity tweets could help hundreds of thousands of dogs confined to our nation's puppy mills." A web site supporting the campaign, www.dogsinacage.com provides basic information on the factory farming of puppies in this country. If the Kutchers agree to tweet about puppy mills and the benefits of adopting a shelter pet, a donation of $5000 will be made to the Demi and Ashton Foundation to fight human trafficking.
Animal advocates everywhere were thrilled last month when award winning actress/singer Cher used her Twitter site to let her followers know Missouri's Prop B, a successful ballot initiative designed to improve conditions for dogs in Missouri's commercial dog breeding facilities, was under attack. The legendary performer was clearly outraged by the size of the cages used to house dogs in Missouri's puppy mills. Animal rescue organizations credit the entertainer as one of the first celebrities to use Twitter to educate people to the inhumane treatment of puppy mill dogs and applaud the singer's efforts. It is estimated that one third of the dogs bred in Missouri's notorious puppy mills are sold in pet stores in Southern California.
MLAR and author/animal advocate Jana Kohl decided to sponsor the billboards in light of recent events in Missouri and in response to an audit of the USDA which exposed horrific conditions in many federally licensed dog breeding facilities. In one kennel dogs were so starved they had resorted to cannibalism and federal inspectors did nothing to help them. "When special interest groups manage to overturn laws, and when federal inspectors disregard our existing laws and fail to protect these animals, then all we can do is raise public awareness and hope people do the right thing once they understand how much these animals suffer," said Bill Smith, MLAR founder. "Thousands of puppy mills would close tomorrow if consumers simply adopted dogs from shelters rather than buying dogs bred in puppy mills and then sold in pet stores or over the Internet."
Main Line Animal Rescue sponsored a billboard in Chicago asking Oprah to do a show on puppy mills three years ago. Oprah's groundbreaking puppy mill show led to the passage of new laws designed to improve conditions for breeding dogs in over a dozen states and led to increased adoption rates in animal shelters throughout the United States. MLAR also plans to ask Taylor Swift and Lady Gaga to tweet their fans as well.
CONTACT: Bill Smith, Main Line Animal Rescue, +1-610-933-0606 mainlinerescue@aol.com
Discovery Of Canine Hepatitis C Virus
Discovery Of Canine Hepatitis C Virus Opens Up New Doors For Research On Deadly Human Pathogen
In a study to be published online this week in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, researchers report the discovery of a novel hepatitis C-like virus in dogs. The identification and characterization of this virus gives scientists new insights into how hepatitis C in humans may have evolved and provides scientists renewed hope to develop a model system to study how it causes disease.
The research was conducted at the Center for Infection and Immunity (CII) at Columbia University's Mailman School of Public Health, the University of Edinburgh, the Center for the Study of Hepatitis C and Pfizer Veterinary Medicine.
Human hepatitis C virus (HCV) affects approximately 200 million people worldwide. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 3.2 million people in the United States are chronically infected. The majority of these patients do not know they are carrying the virus, thus serving as a source of infection for others. HCV, which can cause liver disease and liver cancer, is most often transmitted following large or repeated exposure to infected blood. Persons who use injection drugs; are HIV-positive; or are children of infected mothers have the highest risk of infection.
The discovery of canine hepatitis C virus (CHV) marks the first known instance of hepatitis-like infection in non-human primates and suggests that the virus may have been introduced into human populations through contact with dogs or some other related species more than 500 years ago, long after the domestication of dogs.
CHV belongs to a group of viruses known as hepaciviruses, which also includes GBV-B, a virus that causes hepatitis in tamarins, small monkeys from Central and South America. Among these viruses, HCV is most closely related to its canine counterpart, a finding that surprised first author Dr. Amit Kapoor, an investigator in the Center for Infection and Immunity and Assistant Professor of Pathology..
"Considering the origin of HIV," Dr. Kapoor explains, "we expected to find the closest homologs, or genetic relatives, of HCV in non-human primates. However, while we were analyzing samples from dogs involved in outbreaks of respiratory disease, we came upon a virus that was more similar to HCV than other viruses of the same family. So far, we have only detected CHV in sick animals, a few of which had died of unknown causes. Because of its close genetic similarity to HCV, we suggested the name of canine hepacivirus."
According to Dr. Charles Rice, Scientific and Executive Director of the Center for the Study of Hepatitis C at The Rockefeller University and one of the collaborators involved in the study, "the origins of HCV remain a mystery. These findings underscore the need to look beyond primates for clues to the origins of HCV."
Viral zoonoses, infections that are transmitted from animals to humans, account for about 70% of human emerging infectious diseases. Although transmission between species is uncommon, sustained contact over time can increase the likelihood that a virus adapted to infect humans will evolve. Since their domestication about 10,000 years ago, dogs have been close human companions. Whether humans and dogs were independently infected with an ancestral virus by another species or whether dogs infected humans (or vice versa) cannot be determined from this study. There is NO current risk that dogs can infect humans with either HCV or CHV.
Using a sequencing platform provided by Roche 454 Life Sciences and state-of-the-art-molecular techniques, Dr. Kapoor, together with scientists at the University of Edinburg, The Rockefeller University and Pfizer, determined that like HCV, CHV's genome contained RNA secondary structures called GORS that allow viruses to chronically infect their natural hosts. Moreover, the sequence of genes that encode proteins involved in virus infection and replication were very similar between HCV and CHV.
Until recently, studies into how hepatitis C causes disease in humans have been limited by the lack of animal and cell culture models. According to CII Director Dr. Ian Lipkin, "The identification and characterization of CHV signals the advent of a new tractable animal model for hepatitis C. This discovery provides new tools for understanding how this virus causes disease, and will facilitate drug and vaccine research and development."
Daniela Hernandez
Columbia University's Mailman School of Public Health
Monday, May 23, 2011
Another Animal Abuser Caught Kicking His Dog In An Elevator
What is wrong with these jerks that go around beating and kicking their dogs. Luckily the elevator had a camera in it and it recorded a lowlife named Irving Sanchez who has been charged with aggravated cruelty to animals by the Manhattan police.
Hopefully the Manhattan ASPCA will be able to find a loving home for this dog and Irving Sanchez will serve time for what he did to this poor little dog.
Read the article by Barry Paddock here.
Hopefully the Manhattan ASPCA will be able to find a loving home for this dog and Irving Sanchez will serve time for what he did to this poor little dog.
Read the article by Barry Paddock here.
Sunday, May 22, 2011
How Many Dogs Has This Dog Trainer Abused Or Killed?
A dog trainer named Craig Wright in Oshawa, CA has been charged with four counts of animal cruelty when a little dachshund had a mysterious illness and died a few hours later. The dog’s owner Brenda Romeo was called by Craig Wright who owns FACW K9 Training and Rehabilitation Center to come and get her dog Cody because he wasn’t feeling well.
But after you read the article you will see how Craig Wright might be charge for other animal abuses due to all the dog owners that used this place have been calling the Durham Humane Society about their dogs.
Hopefully if this guy is an animal abuser they will take his license away before any more dogs die there.
Read the article Raveena Aulakh here.
Here’s a little good news for the dog owner that are in need in the Westchester, Rockland, Putnam and Dutchess counties in New York because they have just opened the Hudson Valley Pet Food Pantry.
But after you read the article you will see how Craig Wright might be charge for other animal abuses due to all the dog owners that used this place have been calling the Durham Humane Society about their dogs.
Hopefully if this guy is an animal abuser they will take his license away before any more dogs die there.
Read the article Raveena Aulakh here.
Here’s a little good news for the dog owner that are in need in the Westchester, Rockland, Putnam and Dutchess counties in New York because they have just opened the Hudson Valley Pet Food Pantry.
Friday, May 20, 2011
Who Would Dump Two Boxers In A Cage To Die
Two boxers that were badly malnourished were found on the side of the road in Story County, Iowa the other day. And now the police and the Story County Animal Control are looking for the person or persons that dump these two dogs off to die.
Photo by the Story County Animal Control
Looking at this photo is so upsetting to see how sickly this dog is due to whoever abused these poor dogs. Hopefully these two dogs will gain back their weight and be adopted to a loving family.
If you have information about who might have owned these dogs or might have seen who dumped these dogs off,you are urged to call Story County Animal Control at 515-382-3338 or e-mail smccaskey@storycounty.com A reward is also being offered.
Read the article here.
Update: The two abused boxers are making a good recovery and the Deputies have found the person responsible for dumping these dogs.
New Update 5/23/2011 - Story County Sheriff’s have charged Larry Gowin with animal neglect and charged Tammy Gowin with animal neglect and abandonment of dogs. My hat goes off to the Story County Sheriff’s Office for catching these animal abusers.... Thanks
Read the article here.
Photo by the Story County Animal Control
Looking at this photo is so upsetting to see how sickly this dog is due to whoever abused these poor dogs. Hopefully these two dogs will gain back their weight and be adopted to a loving family.
If you have information about who might have owned these dogs or might have seen who dumped these dogs off,you are urged to call Story County Animal Control at 515-382-3338 or e-mail smccaskey@storycounty.com A reward is also being offered.
Read the article here.
Update: The two abused boxers are making a good recovery and the Deputies have found the person responsible for dumping these dogs.
New Update 5/23/2011 - Story County Sheriff’s have charged Larry Gowin with animal neglect and charged Tammy Gowin with animal neglect and abandonment of dogs. My hat goes off to the Story County Sheriff’s Office for catching these animal abusers.... Thanks
Read the article here.
Which One Of The 5 Will Be Eukanuba Challenge Champion Winner
Five Canines from All Corners of the Country are in the Hunt to be Named the
Eukanuba 28-Day Challenge Champion
Eukanuba announced this week five exceptional dogs chosen as finalists in the Eukanuba 28-Day Challenge Champion Contest. Since January, owners taking the Challenge were encouraged to submit their dog’s story in 100 words or less explaining their dog’s transformation from good to extraordinary while eating Eukanuba for just 28 days. Each finalist’s story is unique, inspiring and demonstrates noteworthy improvements ranging from increasing a senior service dog’s activity level or helping a dog win its first dog-show competition to drastic digestive changes. Each finalist has received a year’s supply of Eukanuba dog food and the “Challenge Champion” will be announced on Eukanuba’s Facebook page Monday, June 6, 2011. The top dog will receive the pink carpet treatment with a Hollywood-style photo and video shoot, appear in the September issue of Dog Fancy magazine and star in an upcoming Eukanuba print advertisement.
“We created the Eukanuba 28-Day Challenge so dog owners could see first-hand the many benefits of our extraordinary nutrition,” said Manuel Miyar, associate marketing director, Eukanuba. “As a result, we received a lot of amazing testimonials from dog owners about the transformations they saw in just 28 days. Our five incredible Challenge Champion finalists – Holly, Chloe, Gunner, Lucy and Alex – are fantastic examples of how premium nutrition can help a dog go from good to extraordinary.”
Extraordinary Pack of Finalists (in no particular order)
Holly, Westland Sheltie – Magna, UT
Holly is a 10 year-old seizure alert service dog, who recently experienced a transformation so drastic after completing the Eukanuba 28-Day Challenge that she’s now out of retirement. Holly’s owner, Shanna had begun the retiring process with her because Holly was slowing down and having more difficulty walking. At the time she figured it was due to old age, but after switching to Eukanuba Weight Control, she realized it was her weight and diet. She lost the extra weight she’d been carrying and now acts like a young dog again. Holly’s full of energy and is back to her service dog status, helping Shanna live her life confidently and independently. Holly and Shanna are very active in their community – they regularly speak to elementary school children about the proper care of animals, as well as compete in agility, herding and obedience competitions.
Chloe, Shih Tzu – Yardley, PA
Chloe, the year-old Shih Tzu represents small breeds in a big way. Her owner, Joanne took the Challenge to improve Chloe’s digestive health. In just 28 days, Chloe’s coat is shinier, she has increased energy and is no longer a picky eater. As a young adult dog, Chloe regularly participates with Joanne in community charity dog walks and fundraisers and continues to excel in training classes. She’s already mastered more than 13 commands, and is on her way to completing her next extraordinary goal of becoming certified as an American Kennel Club (AKC) Canine Good Citizen.
Gunner, Australian Shepherd – Bloomingburg, NY
Gunner is a 1-year old Australian Shepherd who as a puppy had a very sensitive stomach. After completing the 28-Day Challenge, Gunner’s owner Danielle noticed a drastic change in not only his digestive patterns but his physical appearance. The colors in his coat are now vibrant and his fur is healthier and shinier. Gunner represents the Aussie breed extraordinarily with a lot of athletic prowess. He and Danielle often hit the trails and pavement to go hiking, biking and running together.
Lucy, Labrador Retriever – Cedar Springs, MI
As a representative of America’s most popular breed, Lucy is a fantastic ambassador for Labrador Retrievers. After Lucy’s veterinarian recommended Eukanuba to her owner, Madeline, to help her slim down and stay healthy, she decided to test the dog food during the 28-Day Challenge. Upon completion, Madeline saw extraordinary results in the way Eukanuba kept up with and fueled Lucy’s active lifestyle while helping her lose a couple of unnecessary pounds. She now has extra power in her activities, more muscle in her body and a much softer and shinier coat. Eukanuba helps 2-year old Lucy enjoy her favorite things – swimming in the lake, retrieving and training to duck hunt.
Alex, Dalmatian – Beverly, MA
Alex, the 8-month old Dalmatian, completed the 28-Day Challenge and saw astounding results. After making the switch, he ran further, jumped higher and couldn’t wait until meal time. He is an active, young show dog that physically flourished on Eukanuba and is well on his way to being a top dog in the show world. In fact, on the 28th day of the Challenge, Alex received a five point major reserve during his first weekend competing in show.
Eukanuba 28-Day Challenge
Eukanuba launched the 28-Day Challenge in January asking consumers to feed their dogs any Eukanuba formula for 28 days to see first-hand how a high-quality diet can promote overall well-being. Dog owners can still sign up to take the Challenge on Facebook.com/Eukanuba, and throughout their experience will receive regular posts with customized nutrition, training and health tips. During the trial period, if participants aren’t completely satisfied, Eukanuba will refund 110 percent of the food purchase*.
I will have to say that my Dachshund just love the Eukanuba formula dog food, and I will keep on buying this for him.
Thursday, May 19, 2011
Woodstock, GA Animal Abuser To Be Charged
An animal abuser named Michael Thompson from Woodstock, GA might be facing some twenty counts of animal abuse for what he did to his pets. Thompson had let his apartment be overrun by his cats and dog that it had gotten so bad that the City Building Code Enforcement had to condemn his apartment due to the neglect he had for his pets.
The worst part of the article was reading about all of the fourteen cats that were still alive in there had to be killed and the lone dog was so flea infested where they arrived, not counting the five dead cats.
The code enforcement officer Paul Brown from Woodstock said: he saw a lot of animal feces and beer bottles. Just a giant mess and the smell was unbearable. It's definitely rough.
The Cherokee County Animal Shelter Director Susan Garcia said: Pretty unbelievable that people and animals would have to live in those conditions.
Hopefully the judge will see this though the animals eyes when he hands down a sentence to Michael Thompson for what he did to these animals.
Read the article here.
GA Animal Abuser To Be Charged,
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Blackman Industries Also Recalls Pig Eat Treats
Blackman Industries, Inc. Recalls Primetime Brand 2 CT., and 5 CT. Premium Pig Ears and KC Beefhide Brand 20 CT. Premium Pig Ears Because Of Possible Salmonella Health Risk
Blackman Industries, Inc. of Kansas City, KS is recalling all PrimeTime brand 2 ct. and 5 ct. Premium Pig Ears and all KC Beefhide brand 20 ct. Premium Pig Ears because they have the potential to be contaminated with Salmonella. Salmonella can affect animals and there is risk to humans from handling contaminated pet products. People handling the recalled pig ears can potentially become infected with Salmonella, especially if they have not thoroughly washed their hands after giving them to their pet.
Healthy people infected with Salmonella should monitor themselves for some or all of the following symptoms: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea or bloody diarrhea, abdominal cramping and fever. Rarely, Salmonella can result in more serious ailments, including arterial infections, endocarditis, arthritis, muscle pain, eye irritation and urinary tract symptoms. Consumers exhibiting these signs after having contact with this product should contact their healthcare providers.
Pets with Salmonella infections may be lethargic and have diarrhea or bloody diarrhea, fever and vomiting. Some pets will have only decreased appetite, fever and abdominal pain. Infected but otherwise healthy pets can be carriers and infect other animals or humans. If your pet has consumed the recalled product and has these symptoms, please contact your veterinarian.
These products were distributed in Kansas, Missouri, Iowa, Nebraska and South Dakota and sold through many of the following retail outlets: Price Chopper Stores, Hy-Vee Stores, Hen House Markets, Bag N Save Stores, Dahl’s Food Stores, Baldwin City Market, SunFresh Food Stores, Apple Markets, Brookside Market, Franklin Food Stores, No Frills Food Stores, Alps Food Stores, Big V Food Stores, Country Mart Food Stores, Thriftway Food Stores, County Fair Food Stores, Super Saver Food Stores and Russ’s Food Stores and Feldman’s Farm and Home Stores.
The product was distributed between Jan. 4, 2011 and April 29, 2011. PrimeTime products are in translucent plastic packages with yellow printed headers and are marked with the following UPC codes 7-48976-18316-6 on a 2 ct. package with a $3.49 retail price, 7-48976-09040-2, on a 5 ct. package with a $5.99 retail price and 7-48976-19040-9 on a 5 ct. package with a $6.99 retail price. The KC Beefhide product is packaged in a red mesh nylon bag with a green and white header that says KC Beefhide and has the following UPC code 7-48976-09065-5.
Consumers can tell the difference between the recalled product and the new product by the placement of a production code on the new product located on the back of the product (i.e.2011FBC). A similar code beginning with 2011 and the production run is also printed on the bags under the Made In USA label.
One illness of a dog in Missouri has been reported to date.
The recall is a result of a reported illness of a dog in Missouri who consumed pig ears from the same production lot but from product sold by a different distributor. The distributor has been working with the FDA to identify any products that might contain the bacteria. The company and the FDA is continuing the investigation to determine what caused the problem.
Consumers that have purchased any of the PrimeTime or KC Beefhide pig ear products are urged to return them to the place of purchase for a full refund. Consumers with questions may contact the company at 1-913-342-5010 Monday through Thursday between the hours of 9:00 AM and 4:00 PM.
Blackman Industries, Inc. of Kansas City, KS is recalling all PrimeTime brand 2 ct. and 5 ct. Premium Pig Ears and all KC Beefhide brand 20 ct. Premium Pig Ears because they have the potential to be contaminated with Salmonella. Salmonella can affect animals and there is risk to humans from handling contaminated pet products. People handling the recalled pig ears can potentially become infected with Salmonella, especially if they have not thoroughly washed their hands after giving them to their pet.
Healthy people infected with Salmonella should monitor themselves for some or all of the following symptoms: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea or bloody diarrhea, abdominal cramping and fever. Rarely, Salmonella can result in more serious ailments, including arterial infections, endocarditis, arthritis, muscle pain, eye irritation and urinary tract symptoms. Consumers exhibiting these signs after having contact with this product should contact their healthcare providers.
Pets with Salmonella infections may be lethargic and have diarrhea or bloody diarrhea, fever and vomiting. Some pets will have only decreased appetite, fever and abdominal pain. Infected but otherwise healthy pets can be carriers and infect other animals or humans. If your pet has consumed the recalled product and has these symptoms, please contact your veterinarian.
These products were distributed in Kansas, Missouri, Iowa, Nebraska and South Dakota and sold through many of the following retail outlets: Price Chopper Stores, Hy-Vee Stores, Hen House Markets, Bag N Save Stores, Dahl’s Food Stores, Baldwin City Market, SunFresh Food Stores, Apple Markets, Brookside Market, Franklin Food Stores, No Frills Food Stores, Alps Food Stores, Big V Food Stores, Country Mart Food Stores, Thriftway Food Stores, County Fair Food Stores, Super Saver Food Stores and Russ’s Food Stores and Feldman’s Farm and Home Stores.
The product was distributed between Jan. 4, 2011 and April 29, 2011. PrimeTime products are in translucent plastic packages with yellow printed headers and are marked with the following UPC codes 7-48976-18316-6 on a 2 ct. package with a $3.49 retail price, 7-48976-09040-2, on a 5 ct. package with a $5.99 retail price and 7-48976-19040-9 on a 5 ct. package with a $6.99 retail price. The KC Beefhide product is packaged in a red mesh nylon bag with a green and white header that says KC Beefhide and has the following UPC code 7-48976-09065-5.
Consumers can tell the difference between the recalled product and the new product by the placement of a production code on the new product located on the back of the product (i.e.2011FBC). A similar code beginning with 2011 and the production run is also printed on the bags under the Made In USA label.
One illness of a dog in Missouri has been reported to date.
The recall is a result of a reported illness of a dog in Missouri who consumed pig ears from the same production lot but from product sold by a different distributor. The distributor has been working with the FDA to identify any products that might contain the bacteria. The company and the FDA is continuing the investigation to determine what caused the problem.
Consumers that have purchased any of the PrimeTime or KC Beefhide pig ear products are urged to return them to the place of purchase for a full refund. Consumers with questions may contact the company at 1-913-342-5010 Monday through Thursday between the hours of 9:00 AM and 4:00 PM.
Animal Shelters To The Recue
The Houston SPCA had helped the Waller County Sheriffs rescue what is believed to be over two hundred dogs from a puppy mill in Waller County. There were Boston Terriers, Dachshunds and Shih Tzus that were rescued that had parasites and skin conditions and covered in their waste.
How sad is this for a supposedly dog breeder that I will call another puppy mills to treat these dogs like this. The Houston SPCA is looking for help to clean and groom the dogs so that they may adopt them out.
Read the article here.
While in Huger, SC the Charleston County deputies with the help of the Charleston Animal Society had their hands full when they had to rescue a whole farm worth of animals.
These poor animals were being neglected and were malnourished when the sheriffs went to the home and seen the pitiful site of the conditions these animals had to live in. Apparently one of the dogs had to be putdown which makes this article even sadder to read.
Read the article by Valencia Wicker here.
Another sad note: The Bexar County deputies are looking for possibly four kids who shot a dog to death with BB guns. If anyone lives in that area and you might know something, please help to put these animal abusers in jail for what they did to this poor dog.
Read the article here.
How sad is this for a supposedly dog breeder that I will call another puppy mills to treat these dogs like this. The Houston SPCA is looking for help to clean and groom the dogs so that they may adopt them out.
Read the article here.
While in Huger, SC the Charleston County deputies with the help of the Charleston Animal Society had their hands full when they had to rescue a whole farm worth of animals.
These poor animals were being neglected and were malnourished when the sheriffs went to the home and seen the pitiful site of the conditions these animals had to live in. Apparently one of the dogs had to be putdown which makes this article even sadder to read.
Read the article by Valencia Wicker here.
Another sad note: The Bexar County deputies are looking for possibly four kids who shot a dog to death with BB guns. If anyone lives in that area and you might know something, please help to put these animal abusers in jail for what they did to this poor dog.
Read the article here.
Animal Shelters To The Recue
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Boss Pet Products Recalls Pig Ear Products
Boss Pet Recalls Pig Ear Products Because of Possible Health Risk
Boss Pet Products, Inc. announced that it is recalling its Diggers Natural Treat Pig Ear pet treats because the products have the potential to be contaminated with Salmonella. Boss Pet has been notified by one of its suppliers, Keys Manufacturing Company, Inc., that a batch of Keys’ pig ear treats tested positive for Salmonella. Keys Manufacturing has initiated a voluntary product recall in cooperation with the FDA and has identified several shipments of potentially affected products which Boss Pet shipped out under its Diggers brand in November, 2010 through April, 2011. So far, there has been a report of one dog in Missouri having Salmonella. Salmonella can affect animals eating the product and there is risk to humans from handling contaminated products, especially if they have not thoroughly washed their hands after having contact with the product or any surfaces exposed to these products.
Healthy people infected with Salmonella should monitor themselves for some or all of the following symptoms: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea or bloody diarrhea, abdominal cramping and fever. Rarely, Salmonella can result in more serious ailments, including arterial infections, endocarditis, arthritis, muscle pain, eye irritation, and urinary tract symptoms. Consumers exhibiting these signs after having contact with this product should contact their healthcare providers.
Pets with Salmonella infections may be lethargic and have diarrhea or bloody diarrhea, fever, and vomiting. Some pets will have only decreased appetite, fever and abdominal pain. Infected but otherwise healthy pets can be carriers and infect other animals or humans. If your pet has consumed the recalled product and has these symptoms, please contact your veterinarian.
The recalled Diggers Natural Chews Pig Ears were sold in the following package sizes:
Bulk Pig Ears in boxes of 100 (UPC #0-72929-00038-6)
Bulk Pig Ears Shrink Wrapped in boxes of 50 (UPC #0-72929-99120-2)
2-Pack Bags shipped in cases of 12 bags (UPC #0-72929-99504-0)
4-Pack Bags shipped in cases of 12 bags (UPC #0-72929-00227-4)
8-Pack Bags shipped in cases of 12 bags (UPC #0-72929-99584-2)
These products have been distributed via truck to distributors in the following states:
MT, CA, WA, OK, TN, NY, KS, OH, TX, MS, AL, OR, UT, IA, MO, IL, IN, LA, and MN.
The recall is a result of a reported illness to one dog in Missouri. Subsequently, Boss Pet has been working with the FDA to identify any products that might contain the bacteria while the manufacturer of the product and the FDA are continuing the investigation to determine what caused the problem.
Consumers who have purchased Diggers Natural Chews Pig Ear products are urged to return them to their place of purchase for a full refund. Consumers with questions may contact Boss Pet at 1-800-445-6347 during normal business hours (9:00 AM – 5:00PM ET) or on our website at www.bosspet.com.
Boss Pet Products, Inc. announced that it is recalling its Diggers Natural Treat Pig Ear pet treats because the products have the potential to be contaminated with Salmonella. Boss Pet has been notified by one of its suppliers, Keys Manufacturing Company, Inc., that a batch of Keys’ pig ear treats tested positive for Salmonella. Keys Manufacturing has initiated a voluntary product recall in cooperation with the FDA and has identified several shipments of potentially affected products which Boss Pet shipped out under its Diggers brand in November, 2010 through April, 2011. So far, there has been a report of one dog in Missouri having Salmonella. Salmonella can affect animals eating the product and there is risk to humans from handling contaminated products, especially if they have not thoroughly washed their hands after having contact with the product or any surfaces exposed to these products.
Healthy people infected with Salmonella should monitor themselves for some or all of the following symptoms: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea or bloody diarrhea, abdominal cramping and fever. Rarely, Salmonella can result in more serious ailments, including arterial infections, endocarditis, arthritis, muscle pain, eye irritation, and urinary tract symptoms. Consumers exhibiting these signs after having contact with this product should contact their healthcare providers.
Pets with Salmonella infections may be lethargic and have diarrhea or bloody diarrhea, fever, and vomiting. Some pets will have only decreased appetite, fever and abdominal pain. Infected but otherwise healthy pets can be carriers and infect other animals or humans. If your pet has consumed the recalled product and has these symptoms, please contact your veterinarian.
The recalled Diggers Natural Chews Pig Ears were sold in the following package sizes:
Bulk Pig Ears in boxes of 100 (UPC #0-72929-00038-6)
Bulk Pig Ears Shrink Wrapped in boxes of 50 (UPC #0-72929-99120-2)
2-Pack Bags shipped in cases of 12 bags (UPC #0-72929-99504-0)
4-Pack Bags shipped in cases of 12 bags (UPC #0-72929-00227-4)
8-Pack Bags shipped in cases of 12 bags (UPC #0-72929-99584-2)
These products have been distributed via truck to distributors in the following states:
MT, CA, WA, OK, TN, NY, KS, OH, TX, MS, AL, OR, UT, IA, MO, IL, IN, LA, and MN.
The recall is a result of a reported illness to one dog in Missouri. Subsequently, Boss Pet has been working with the FDA to identify any products that might contain the bacteria while the manufacturer of the product and the FDA are continuing the investigation to determine what caused the problem.
Consumers who have purchased Diggers Natural Chews Pig Ear products are urged to return them to their place of purchase for a full refund. Consumers with questions may contact Boss Pet at 1-800-445-6347 during normal business hours (9:00 AM – 5:00PM ET) or on our website at www.bosspet.com.
Banfield Pet Hospital Study Shows A Large Increase In Diabetes In Pets
Trupanion Responds to Recent Study Showing a Spike in Pet Diabetes
A recent study by Banfield Pet Hospital shows a large increase in diabetes in pets and Trupanion pet insurance provides supportive evidence after a review of recent claims.
A recent study of 2.1 million dogs and 450,000 cats by Banfield Pet Hospital, titled “State of Pet Health 2011 Report”, showed a 32% increase in diabetes in dogs and a 16% increase of the disease in cats. Trupanion, the nation’s fastest-growing pet insurance provider, saw a whopping 106% increase in diabetes claims from 2009 to 2010, supporting the study’s findings. 120 claims have already been filed with Trupanion in 2011.
Diabetes, or diabetes mellitus, is an endocrine condition in which the pet’s blood sugar is abnormally high. Diabetes can be one of two types. Type 1 diabetes, also known as juvenile diabetes, is a chronic disease where the pancreas is unable to produce enough insulin to help control blood sugar levels. Type 2 diabetes is adult-onset diabetes and is non-insulin dependent. Dogs are more prone to Type 1 while cats are more prone to Type 2.
Breeds prone to diabetes include but are not limited to the American Eskimo, Australian Terrier, Dachshund, Flat-Coated Retriever, Labrador Retriever, Saint Bernard, Samoyed, and Silky Terrier in dogs and the Burmese in cats. However, any breed, purebred or mixed, is susceptible.
This disease can be quite debilitating, causing cataracts, blindness and neuropathy. Neuropathy weakens the pet and can severely impact the pet’s mobility, causing them to walk on the hocks of their back legs or wrists of their front legs (often called a plantigrade stance). They will also often lie down more frequently, and will not be able to jump up and down like normal – potentially leading to injuries as they try. Because of this, it is imperative to treat the pet at the first signs of the disease.
Diabetes is a chronic disease, requiring lifelong treatment and monitoring. Treatment for diabetes often requires blood work and long-term medication and can cost over $10,000 over the life of the pet. If not treated, the pet could experience organ failure, urinary tract infections, hormone disturbances, and weight loss. Trupanion covers diabetes treatment as long as the pet had full policy coverage before the first signs or symptoms of the condition were noted.
Diabetes is often the result of obesity. Banfield’s study ranked obesity in the top five diagnoses in 2010 for young adult, mature adult and geriatric dogs, and was in the top three diagnoses for cats in the same age ranges. Pet obesity is preventable and curable if the following advice is followed:
* Feed pets a healthy diet without excessive treats
* Give pets an appropriate amount of exercise (different breeds have different exercise requirements)
* Have pets weighed periodically
* Visit a veterinarian regularly (veterinarians can properly monitor and evaluate a pet’s weight based on the specific characteristics of the breed)
Armed with this knowledge, pet owners can work to prevent diabetes in their own pets, and strengthen their already strong bond.
About Trupanion™
Trupanion™ pet insurance offers cat insurance and dog insurance in the United States and Canada. Trupanion™ is self-underwritten by the American Pet Insurance Company, allowing Trupanion™ to offer a simple, customizable pet insurance policy with no payout limits and 90% coverage of veterinary bills. Enrolled pets receive lifetime coverage for diagnostic tests, surgeries, and medications if they get sick or are injured, with no incident, annual or lifetime limit. Trupanion’s mission is to deliver fast, simple and user-friendly financial support to pet owners. For more information about Trupanion™, call 800-569-7913 or visit http://www.TrupanionPetInsurance.com.
Monday, May 16, 2011
Updated News On: Has Japan Left The Animals To Die
The Hachiko Coalition Calls for Immediate Evacuation of Animals Inside Japan's Nuclear Exclusion Zone
The Hachiko Coalition is calling for the organized and immediate evacuation of all uncontaminated domestic animals, pets and livestock inside the 20km radiation contaminated exclusion zone Fukushima, Japan.
The Hachiko Coalition has also published a rush translation of a report previously available only in Japanese. A special committee issued this report after their landmark conference on handling animals exposed to radiation. The report contains the opinions of wildlife and radiological experts on how to deal with the animals inside the radiation zone.
On April 22, 2011, Japanese policy makers began enforcing a strict "no-entry" policy into the 20km evacuation area around the destroyed TEPCO nuclear reactor.
Reports state as many as 200,000 people were evacuated to shelters. Many residents left their pets either inside homes, restrained on leashes, or free in the streets after the civilian evacuation took place. Prior to the civilian evacuation, there were estimated 5,800 registered dogs in the nine impacted prefecture areas. Accounting for unregistered dogs, one SPCA estimated there might have been 10,000 dogs within the area.
In the two months that have followed the evacuation, neither the Japanese policy makers nor TEPCO have organized any large-scale animal and pet evacuation. Photos and videos of starving animals have begun to appear on the Internet.
In response to this "no-entry" policy, a protest and vigil for the animals still stranded was held in Tokyo on May 8th at TEPCO offices. Citizens have turned to the Internet to voice their pleas and draw more attention on this ongoing animal emergency.
An evacuee of Minami Soma-shi, Fukushima has posted an emotional video online making a plea to "All the people of Japan" to rescue the animals and pets currently stranded in the TEPCO exclusion zone. The video, dated May 6, 2011, and entitled "SOS Fukushima Animals" is available on YouTube:
The recorded plea concludes: "Everybody in Japan, please help us. Please."
A full English language transcript of this video is available at The Hachiko Coalition website:
The Hachiko Coalition can also provide more video and images from local residents and ad-hoc rescue teams who bypassed checkpoints and entered the hot zone. These pet owners, rescuers, and farmers are also available for interview.
Since the enforcement of the strict "no-entry" policy, many pets and livestock have died of starvation or dehydration. The Hachiko Coalition firmly believes this suffering was preventable simply by conducting an organized evacuation of the animals or permitting the willing and well-trained rescue groups to re-enter the zone and resume the animal evacuations and Search and Rescue (SAR) operations.
On May 12, in a story entitled "Risky Rescue: Saving Pets From Japan Exclusion Zone," National Public Radio (NPR/USA) described animal rescuers who were conducting "clandestine and dangerous trips" into the radiation zone to rescue starving animals. Video footage of these raids has appeared on YouTube.
In one such video, a group of rescuers can be seen inside the zone dropping food in the empty streets -- piles of dog food can be seen lining the streets. Barking dogs can be heard inside the now long-empty apartments along the street:
At 3:51, off-camera, a man says: "There are so many dogs barking..." Apparently urging his team to stay calm in the face of multiple dogs stranded within the apartments and potentially starving, the man says: "Everyone, stay strong... We'll come back again."
A May 15 article appearing in the Washington Times entitled "Thousands of pets left in Japan nuke zone" contains more estimates of the number of animals stranded in the zone and statements from the founder of Nippon SPCA:
Nippon SPCA has resorted to posting an open demand letter addressed to the Japanese Prime Minister and TEPCO on their Facebook page:
While this triple disaster (earthquake, tsunami, radiation) might be unprecedented, it is not unmanageable. The Hachiko Coalition believes immediate animal and pet evacuation is still viable: Japan has vast resources and technical know-how and is capable of raising an organized and immediate evacuation. Japanese policy makers simply need to deploy the resources to solve this problem.
The Hachiko Coalition also urges TEPCO, the operator of the damaged nuclear power plant, to immediately release emergency evacuation funding from their disaster insurance pools to provide for the evacuation and sheltering of the livestock and pets impacted by this nuclear incident.
The Japanese Parliament in 1999 passed a revised Animal Protection Law, which defines criminal prosecution for "cruelty" and "neglect" of animals. The law is promulgated on the Ministry of the Environment website. Radiation exposure isn't specifically addressed but various forms of neglect and starvation are addressed. It is not clear how these laws will be interpreted after this nuclear incident or if disaster declarations supersede the existing animal welfare laws.
On May 10, 2011, the International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW), in conjunction with the Japan Animal Referral Medical Center (JARMeC), released a "special committee" report detailing animal intake protocols for animals exposed to radiation and calling for the immediate evacuation, ongoing monitoring, and long-term management of these animals in the interest of public health.
The report (http://www.jarmec.jp/pdf/IFAW-all.pdf) states:
"Furthermore, we should expedite efforts currently underway in the evacuation area to take external measurements of animal radiation levels, and immediately evacuate animals that are able to survive."
The report contains flowcharts showing the procedure for triage and cleaning of animals evacuated from the "hot zone" with the goal of returning them to normal life. Addressing the implementation of the procedures defined in the report, the committee states: "We hope that those responsible in the Japanese government and in each prefecture will study these proposals promptly for immediate implementation."
The report concludes with this statement:
"Let's save Fukushima. Let us work together for Fukushima and in so doing learn for the future of mankind."
An English language translation of this special committee report is available here:
or shortened:
On May 12, democratic representative Tamaki Yuichiro announced pets would be rescued during two-hour home-visits by evacuees. However, this plan will take weeks to complete, leading to more starvation.
Furthermore, some evacuees have already found they cannot locate their pets in the two-hour window and this plan does not provide for the evacuation of stray dogs and cats.
On May 13, 2011, the Japanese Prime Minister's Office announced a plan to euthanize much of the livestock within the TEPCO exclusion zone. This option was apparently forced by the lack of previous animal evacuation efforts. Many pets have already starved to death as a result of inaction and blocking access to the radioactive zone. Speaking to this situation, an official from the Ministry of the Environment (MOE) stated:
"Since the zone is blocked, we have no idea how many pets are still alive."
Given the special committee report procedures and the fact that a group of veterinarians has recently created a proposal to create an animal sanctuary, alternatives to mass-euthanasia exist and, as the special committee report states, study of these animals may provide long-term benefits.
The Hachiko Coalition believes the current "starve them out" plan to deal with these animals is unacceptable and reprehensible to the many people witnessing the events as they unfold. Each day that passes risks more unnecessary pet and livestock starvation, suffering, and death.
To prevent further suffering, and to comply with the special committee recommendations, an organized rescue operation of companion and farm animals must be implemented immediately. As the special committee report concluded: Let's save Fukushima. Let us work together for Fukushima and in so doing learn for the future of mankind.
The Hachiko Coalition calls on the Prime Minster's Office to issue an order and conduct this evacuation in accordance with the procedures set forth by the special committee immediately.
About The Hachiko Coalition:
Informally created during Hurricane Katrina to provide contract support to the US Air Force for civilian emergency evacuation, The Hachiko Coalition was regrouped and renamed following the triple catastrophe in Japan. Currently, the Coalition is working to draw attention to the plight of animals and pets left behind within the TEPCO radioactive exclusion zone.
Contact Information:
The Hachiko Coalition
SOURCE The Hachiko Coalition
The Hachiko Coalition is calling for the organized and immediate evacuation of all uncontaminated domestic animals, pets and livestock inside the 20km radiation contaminated exclusion zone Fukushima, Japan.
The Hachiko Coalition has also published a rush translation of a report previously available only in Japanese. A special committee issued this report after their landmark conference on handling animals exposed to radiation. The report contains the opinions of wildlife and radiological experts on how to deal with the animals inside the radiation zone.
On April 22, 2011, Japanese policy makers began enforcing a strict "no-entry" policy into the 20km evacuation area around the destroyed TEPCO nuclear reactor.
Reports state as many as 200,000 people were evacuated to shelters. Many residents left their pets either inside homes, restrained on leashes, or free in the streets after the civilian evacuation took place. Prior to the civilian evacuation, there were estimated 5,800 registered dogs in the nine impacted prefecture areas. Accounting for unregistered dogs, one SPCA estimated there might have been 10,000 dogs within the area.
In the two months that have followed the evacuation, neither the Japanese policy makers nor TEPCO have organized any large-scale animal and pet evacuation. Photos and videos of starving animals have begun to appear on the Internet.
In response to this "no-entry" policy, a protest and vigil for the animals still stranded was held in Tokyo on May 8th at TEPCO offices. Citizens have turned to the Internet to voice their pleas and draw more attention on this ongoing animal emergency.
An evacuee of Minami Soma-shi, Fukushima has posted an emotional video online making a plea to "All the people of Japan" to rescue the animals and pets currently stranded in the TEPCO exclusion zone. The video, dated May 6, 2011, and entitled "SOS Fukushima Animals" is available on YouTube:
The recorded plea concludes: "Everybody in Japan, please help us. Please."
A full English language transcript of this video is available at The Hachiko Coalition website:
The Hachiko Coalition can also provide more video and images from local residents and ad-hoc rescue teams who bypassed checkpoints and entered the hot zone. These pet owners, rescuers, and farmers are also available for interview.
Since the enforcement of the strict "no-entry" policy, many pets and livestock have died of starvation or dehydration. The Hachiko Coalition firmly believes this suffering was preventable simply by conducting an organized evacuation of the animals or permitting the willing and well-trained rescue groups to re-enter the zone and resume the animal evacuations and Search and Rescue (SAR) operations.
On May 12, in a story entitled "Risky Rescue: Saving Pets From Japan Exclusion Zone," National Public Radio (NPR/USA) described animal rescuers who were conducting "clandestine and dangerous trips" into the radiation zone to rescue starving animals. Video footage of these raids has appeared on YouTube.
In one such video, a group of rescuers can be seen inside the zone dropping food in the empty streets -- piles of dog food can be seen lining the streets. Barking dogs can be heard inside the now long-empty apartments along the street:
At 3:51, off-camera, a man says: "There are so many dogs barking..." Apparently urging his team to stay calm in the face of multiple dogs stranded within the apartments and potentially starving, the man says: "Everyone, stay strong... We'll come back again."
A May 15 article appearing in the Washington Times entitled "Thousands of pets left in Japan nuke zone" contains more estimates of the number of animals stranded in the zone and statements from the founder of Nippon SPCA:
Nippon SPCA has resorted to posting an open demand letter addressed to the Japanese Prime Minister and TEPCO on their Facebook page:
While this triple disaster (earthquake, tsunami, radiation) might be unprecedented, it is not unmanageable. The Hachiko Coalition believes immediate animal and pet evacuation is still viable: Japan has vast resources and technical know-how and is capable of raising an organized and immediate evacuation. Japanese policy makers simply need to deploy the resources to solve this problem.
The Hachiko Coalition also urges TEPCO, the operator of the damaged nuclear power plant, to immediately release emergency evacuation funding from their disaster insurance pools to provide for the evacuation and sheltering of the livestock and pets impacted by this nuclear incident.
The Japanese Parliament in 1999 passed a revised Animal Protection Law, which defines criminal prosecution for "cruelty" and "neglect" of animals. The law is promulgated on the Ministry of the Environment website. Radiation exposure isn't specifically addressed but various forms of neglect and starvation are addressed. It is not clear how these laws will be interpreted after this nuclear incident or if disaster declarations supersede the existing animal welfare laws.
On May 10, 2011, the International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW), in conjunction with the Japan Animal Referral Medical Center (JARMeC), released a "special committee" report detailing animal intake protocols for animals exposed to radiation and calling for the immediate evacuation, ongoing monitoring, and long-term management of these animals in the interest of public health.
The report (http://www.jarmec.jp/pdf/IFAW-all.pdf) states:
"Furthermore, we should expedite efforts currently underway in the evacuation area to take external measurements of animal radiation levels, and immediately evacuate animals that are able to survive."
The report contains flowcharts showing the procedure for triage and cleaning of animals evacuated from the "hot zone" with the goal of returning them to normal life. Addressing the implementation of the procedures defined in the report, the committee states: "We hope that those responsible in the Japanese government and in each prefecture will study these proposals promptly for immediate implementation."
The report concludes with this statement:
"Let's save Fukushima. Let us work together for Fukushima and in so doing learn for the future of mankind."
An English language translation of this special committee report is available here:
or shortened:
On May 12, democratic representative Tamaki Yuichiro announced pets would be rescued during two-hour home-visits by evacuees. However, this plan will take weeks to complete, leading to more starvation.
Furthermore, some evacuees have already found they cannot locate their pets in the two-hour window and this plan does not provide for the evacuation of stray dogs and cats.
On May 13, 2011, the Japanese Prime Minister's Office announced a plan to euthanize much of the livestock within the TEPCO exclusion zone. This option was apparently forced by the lack of previous animal evacuation efforts. Many pets have already starved to death as a result of inaction and blocking access to the radioactive zone. Speaking to this situation, an official from the Ministry of the Environment (MOE) stated:
"Since the zone is blocked, we have no idea how many pets are still alive."
Given the special committee report procedures and the fact that a group of veterinarians has recently created a proposal to create an animal sanctuary, alternatives to mass-euthanasia exist and, as the special committee report states, study of these animals may provide long-term benefits.
The Hachiko Coalition believes the current "starve them out" plan to deal with these animals is unacceptable and reprehensible to the many people witnessing the events as they unfold. Each day that passes risks more unnecessary pet and livestock starvation, suffering, and death.
To prevent further suffering, and to comply with the special committee recommendations, an organized rescue operation of companion and farm animals must be implemented immediately. As the special committee report concluded: Let's save Fukushima. Let us work together for Fukushima and in so doing learn for the future of mankind.
The Hachiko Coalition calls on the Prime Minster's Office to issue an order and conduct this evacuation in accordance with the procedures set forth by the special committee immediately.
About The Hachiko Coalition:
Informally created during Hurricane Katrina to provide contract support to the US Air Force for civilian emergency evacuation, The Hachiko Coalition was regrouped and renamed following the triple catastrophe in Japan. Currently, the Coalition is working to draw attention to the plight of animals and pets left behind within the TEPCO radioactive exclusion zone.
Contact Information:
The Hachiko Coalition
SOURCE The Hachiko Coalition
Holly Eukanuba Challenge Champion Finalist
Local Salt Lake City Sheltie Named Eukanuba Challenge Champion Finalist
WHO: Westland Sheltie – Holly – from Magna, UT was just named a finalist in the Eukanuba 28-Day Challenge Champion Contest; there will be a total of five finalists. As a finalist, Holly and four other canines from around the U.S. have each won a year's supply of Eukanuba food.
WHAT: Between Feb. 15 and April 30, 2011, dog owners taking the 28-Day Challenge were encouraged to enter the Challenge Champion Contest by submitting 100 words or less to explain their dog's transformation from good to extraordinary while eating Eukanuba for just 28 days. The winning "Challenge Champion" will be announced on Eukanuba's Facebook page Monday, June 6, 2011. The top dog will receive the pink carpet treatment with a Hollywood-style photo and video shoot, appear in the September issue of Dog Fancy magazine and star in an upcoming Eukanuba print advertisement.
ABOUT HOLLY: Holly is a 10 year-old seizure alert service dog, who recently experienced a transformation so drastic after completing the Eukanuba 28-Day Challenge that she's now out of retirement. Holly's owner, Shanna had begun the retiring process with her because Holly was slowing down and having more difficulty walking from what her owner thought was due to old age. But after simply switching Holly to Eukanuba Weight Control, Shanna saw an amazing transformation – Holly dropped the extra weight she'd been carrying and now acts like a young dog again. Holly's full of energy and is back to her service dog status, helping Shanna live her life confidently and independently. Holly and Shanna are very active in their community – they regularly speak to elementary school children about the proper care of animals, as well as compete in agility, herding and obedience competitions.
SOURCE Eukanuba
Sunday, May 15, 2011
Chained Dog And Fighting Dogs Are Rescued
What is believed as an extreme animal abuser who had wrapped his dog up in a chain and dumped his dog out of his moving truck to die. Well luckily someone had seen this and called the Greenville County Sheriff’s and had the dog taken to the Greenville County Animal Control for medical attention.
Hopefully this poor dog will make it and the creep that did this will be charged for what he did to this dog.
Read the article here.
While over in Africa the Western Cape police had raided a dog fighting ring at a farm in Plettenberg today where they were able to rescue eight pit bulls. The Police also arrested ten animal abusers and charged them with contradicting the Animal Protection Act for conducting illegal animal fights.
Western Cape police Captain Malcolm Pojie said: When they arrived at the entrance of the farm, they found that the gate was locked. They had to remove the heavy lock and chain that was used to lock the gate. It was evident that something very suspicious was happening inside the boundaries of the farm. The two dogs were already badly injured. These two dogs, as well as another six dogs that were lined up on chains outside the house for the next fights were confiscated.
It always good to hear about a dog fighting ring being broken up and hopefully the two dogs will be alright after some medical attention.
Read the article here.
Hopefully this poor dog will make it and the creep that did this will be charged for what he did to this dog.
Read the article here.
While over in Africa the Western Cape police had raided a dog fighting ring at a farm in Plettenberg today where they were able to rescue eight pit bulls. The Police also arrested ten animal abusers and charged them with contradicting the Animal Protection Act for conducting illegal animal fights.
Western Cape police Captain Malcolm Pojie said: When they arrived at the entrance of the farm, they found that the gate was locked. They had to remove the heavy lock and chain that was used to lock the gate. It was evident that something very suspicious was happening inside the boundaries of the farm. The two dogs were already badly injured. These two dogs, as well as another six dogs that were lined up on chains outside the house for the next fights were confiscated.
It always good to hear about a dog fighting ring being broken up and hopefully the two dogs will be alright after some medical attention.
Read the article here.
Friday, May 13, 2011
Did You Enter The Second Dream Dog Park Contest
BENEFUL® Brand Asks America’s Dog Owners: HOW BIG CAN YOU DREAM?
Second Dream Dog Park Contest to Award another $500,000 Dog Park Makeover;
Design Expert and TV Personality Jason Cameron to Help Bring the Beneful Dream Dog Park to Life
Millions of dog owners agree that life is best enjoyed with the company of their four-legged friends, and a trip to the local dog park is one of the greatest ways to spend quality time together. To recognize and celebrate these special moments, Beneful® brand dog food is announcing its Dream Dog Park Contest that invites dog owners to share ideas for the ultimate dog park for their daily adventures with their best buddy.
Now in its second year, the contest challenges dog owners to get creative and Dream Big as they answer the question: If you had $500,000 to spend to create the ultimate dream dog park, what would you do? Functional or just plain fun, one lucky Grand Prize winner’s idea will help serve as inspiration for a half-million dollar makeover of a dog park that the entire community can enjoy. Dog owners can enter the contest from now through June 21 at BenefulDreamDogPark.com.
“I’m thrilled to be part of a contest that lets dog owners dream about ways to spend even more quality time with their four-legged friends,” said Jason Cameron, TV personality, dog owner and head designer for the Beneful® Dream Dog Park Contest. “I was amazed by the creative ideas dog owners dreamed up for last year’s contest and can’t wait to see what they come up with this year. Don’t hold back, because $500,000 can build one amazing dog park in your area.”
How the Contest Works
To enter the Beneful Dream Dog Park Contest, dog owners are asked to complete an online entry form and submit a 250-word (or less) essay that answers the question: If you had $500,000 to create a dream dog park for you and your best buddy, what would you do? Entrants must also include a photo of them with their dog showing how life is better when they are together.
In addition to having his or her idea(s) help serve as inspiration for a $500,000 makeover of a dog park, the Grand Prize winner will receive a $10,000 cash award and a year’s supply of Beneful® brand dog food. In addition, nineteen runners-up will each receive a year’s supply of Beneful® brand dog food. The Beneful Dream Team, which includes Cameron and pet expert and bestselling author Arden Moore, will serve as judges to help select the winner. Cameron will also manage the transformation of the park, with Moore providing expertise from the dog’s point of view.
Beneful Dream Dog Park Contest Timeline
· May 12 - June 21, 2011 – Contest entry period (Round 1: essay of 250 words or less and photo)
· June/July 2011 – Key B Messages
Independent judging panel selects up to 20 finalists based on: creativity of the idea(s) (60%); feasibility of bringing the idea(s) to life (20%); and whether the idea(s) effectively demonstrate how life is better with your dog (20%)
· July 2011 – August 1, 2011 – Finalists submit an up to two minute video showcasing their dream dog park ideas (Round 2)
· August 8 - September 8, 2011 – Public votes on the finalists’ videos; Beneful Dream Team judges them using the same criteria as Round 1 to help select the Grand Prize winner (judging is 90% of final score; assigned public voting rank is 10%)
· September 2011 – Grand Prize Winner announced
· Spring 2012 – Newly-renovated dog park unveiled
To excite and inspire dog owners even further, Beneful brand dog food will unveil America’s first Dream Dog Park in Johns Creek, GA, on June 15, 2011. The $500,000 renovation was inspired by last year’s Grand Prize winner, Johns Creek resident Pat McNeely and his lovable Siberian Husky named Koda.
“Once dog owners across the country get a look at the inaugural Dream Dog Park in Johns Creek, Ga., complete with a giant bone-shaped ramp with tunnels and water splash pads, they will be even more motivated to enter this year’s contest. One lucky winner’s idea will help serve as inspiration for a $500,000 renovation of a dog park in his/her area,” said Ken Wilhelm, Beneful Brand Director.
For more information on the contest, official rules and to enter, visit BenefulDreamDogPark.com.
About the Beneful® Brand
Manufactured by Nestle Purina PetCare Company, Beneful brand dog food offers a full line of wet, dry and treats formulas that offer a perfect balance of taste and nutrition. Introduced in 2001, Beneful is one of the most successful dog food brands in the Company’s history. The North American headquarters for the Nestle Purina PetCare Company is located at Checkboard Square in St. Louis, Missouri, where Ralston Purina Company was founded more than a century ago. Nestle Purina PetCare promotes responsible pet care, humane education, community involvement and the positive bond between people and their pets. One of the leading global players in the pet food industry, Nestle Purina PetCare is part of the Swiss-based Nestle S.A.- the world’s largest food company.
Second Dream Dog Park Contest to Award another $500,000 Dog Park Makeover;
Design Expert and TV Personality Jason Cameron to Help Bring the Beneful Dream Dog Park to Life
Millions of dog owners agree that life is best enjoyed with the company of their four-legged friends, and a trip to the local dog park is one of the greatest ways to spend quality time together. To recognize and celebrate these special moments, Beneful® brand dog food is announcing its Dream Dog Park Contest that invites dog owners to share ideas for the ultimate dog park for their daily adventures with their best buddy.
Now in its second year, the contest challenges dog owners to get creative and Dream Big as they answer the question: If you had $500,000 to spend to create the ultimate dream dog park, what would you do? Functional or just plain fun, one lucky Grand Prize winner’s idea will help serve as inspiration for a half-million dollar makeover of a dog park that the entire community can enjoy. Dog owners can enter the contest from now through June 21 at BenefulDreamDogPark.com.
“I’m thrilled to be part of a contest that lets dog owners dream about ways to spend even more quality time with their four-legged friends,” said Jason Cameron, TV personality, dog owner and head designer for the Beneful® Dream Dog Park Contest. “I was amazed by the creative ideas dog owners dreamed up for last year’s contest and can’t wait to see what they come up with this year. Don’t hold back, because $500,000 can build one amazing dog park in your area.”
How the Contest Works
To enter the Beneful Dream Dog Park Contest, dog owners are asked to complete an online entry form and submit a 250-word (or less) essay that answers the question: If you had $500,000 to create a dream dog park for you and your best buddy, what would you do? Entrants must also include a photo of them with their dog showing how life is better when they are together.
In addition to having his or her idea(s) help serve as inspiration for a $500,000 makeover of a dog park, the Grand Prize winner will receive a $10,000 cash award and a year’s supply of Beneful® brand dog food. In addition, nineteen runners-up will each receive a year’s supply of Beneful® brand dog food. The Beneful Dream Team, which includes Cameron and pet expert and bestselling author Arden Moore, will serve as judges to help select the winner. Cameron will also manage the transformation of the park, with Moore providing expertise from the dog’s point of view.
Beneful Dream Dog Park Contest Timeline
· May 12 - June 21, 2011 – Contest entry period (Round 1: essay of 250 words or less and photo)
· June/July 2011 – Key B Messages
Independent judging panel selects up to 20 finalists based on: creativity of the idea(s) (60%); feasibility of bringing the idea(s) to life (20%); and whether the idea(s) effectively demonstrate how life is better with your dog (20%)
· July 2011 – August 1, 2011 – Finalists submit an up to two minute video showcasing their dream dog park ideas (Round 2)
· August 8 - September 8, 2011 – Public votes on the finalists’ videos; Beneful Dream Team judges them using the same criteria as Round 1 to help select the Grand Prize winner (judging is 90% of final score; assigned public voting rank is 10%)
· September 2011 – Grand Prize Winner announced
· Spring 2012 – Newly-renovated dog park unveiled
To excite and inspire dog owners even further, Beneful brand dog food will unveil America’s first Dream Dog Park in Johns Creek, GA, on June 15, 2011. The $500,000 renovation was inspired by last year’s Grand Prize winner, Johns Creek resident Pat McNeely and his lovable Siberian Husky named Koda.
“Once dog owners across the country get a look at the inaugural Dream Dog Park in Johns Creek, Ga., complete with a giant bone-shaped ramp with tunnels and water splash pads, they will be even more motivated to enter this year’s contest. One lucky winner’s idea will help serve as inspiration for a $500,000 renovation of a dog park in his/her area,” said Ken Wilhelm, Beneful Brand Director.
For more information on the contest, official rules and to enter, visit BenefulDreamDogPark.com.
About the Beneful® Brand
Manufactured by Nestle Purina PetCare Company, Beneful brand dog food offers a full line of wet, dry and treats formulas that offer a perfect balance of taste and nutrition. Introduced in 2001, Beneful is one of the most successful dog food brands in the Company’s history. The North American headquarters for the Nestle Purina PetCare Company is located at Checkboard Square in St. Louis, Missouri, where Ralston Purina Company was founded more than a century ago. Nestle Purina PetCare promotes responsible pet care, humane education, community involvement and the positive bond between people and their pets. One of the leading global players in the pet food industry, Nestle Purina PetCare is part of the Swiss-based Nestle S.A.- the world’s largest food company.
Looks Like Burger King Doesn’t Know The ADA Rules For Service Dogs
It’s hard enough to be a blind person but for this woman named Helen Arnold and her service dog learned the reality of a cruel employee at a Burger King Restaurant has shown that some people just don’t care about people with disabilities when they told Helen that she had to leave with her dog.
Helen Arnold was told: Get out of my restaurant and I was taken aback by that statement. I was totally humiliated to be told to leave this restaurant. When I told her he was not a pet, he was a working service dog, she said: No that's a pet!
I feel bad for Helen Arnold to have gone though this due to this employee as if it not bad enough to try and live a life with the help of her dog.
Read the article by Valerie Boey here.
Blind woman, guide dog kicked out of Burger King: MyFoxORLANDO.com
Helen Arnold was told: Get out of my restaurant and I was taken aback by that statement. I was totally humiliated to be told to leave this restaurant. When I told her he was not a pet, he was a working service dog, she said: No that's a pet!
I feel bad for Helen Arnold to have gone though this due to this employee as if it not bad enough to try and live a life with the help of her dog.
Read the article by Valerie Boey here.
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Dog Bites Sure Ad Up, Just Look What State Farm Paid Out
It’s Not the Breed, It’s the Bite
State Farm Lists Top Ten States for Dog Bite Claims
Each year, almost five million people are bitten or attacked by dogs. Dog bites are a serious public health problem that can cause both physical and emotional damage to victims and considerable cost to communities.
Top 10 states for State Farm Dog Bite Claims in 2010
State Number of claims Claims paid (estimated)
1. California 369 $11.3 million
2. Illinois 317 $9.7 million
3. Ohio 215 $5.7 million
4. Texas 202 $3.7 million
5. Michiga 166 $5.2 million
6. Pennsylvania 155 $3.9 million
7. Florida 146 $5.6 million
8. Minnesota 139 $3.4 million
9. New York 119 $4.3 million
10. Indiana 114 $1.8 million
State Farm® paid more than $90 million as a result of the nearly 3,500 dog bite claims in 2010. This is one of the reasons that State Farm recognizes National Dog Bite Prevention Week, sponsored by the American Veterinary Medical Association during the week of May 15 - 21.
The Insurance Information Institute (III) estimates that in 2009, insurers across the country paid more than $412 million in dog bite claims.
A dog’s tendency to bite depends on such factors as heredity, obedience training, socialization, health, and the victim’s behavior. There are good dogs and bad dogs within every breed, just as there can be responsible and irresponsible owners of each breed. State Farm *does not refuse insurance based on the breed of dog a customer owns but does require policyholders to answer questions about their dogs’ history on a homeowner insurance application.
*The state of Ohio has determined that the pit bull meets the definition of a "vicious dog”.As a result, the owners of pit bulls or any American Staffordshire terrier mix are subject to specific requirements to protect the public from injury by these animals. State Farm does not provide coverage under its homeowner’s policy in the state for this breed of dog.
Children are frequent victims of dog bites. In fact, 60 percent of all dog bite victims are children under the age of 12. Tragically, of the 33 dog bites that resulted in death last year, 20 of these fatalities were young children.
In addition to stressing responsible pet ownership, State Farm encourages responsible behavior and caution around dogs, including family pets. Under the right circumstances, any dog might bite.
* NEVER leave a baby or small child alone with a dog.
* Be on the lookout for potentially dangerous situations.
* Start teaching young children -- including toddlers -- to be careful around pets.
* Children must be taught NOT to approach strange dogs.
* Always ask permission from a dog's owner before petting any dog.
For more information about dog bite prevention, visit the State Farm Learning Center or the American Veterinary Medical Association.
Monday, May 9, 2011
Has Japan Just Left The Animals To Die
Newly Released Videos Shed Light on Conditions Inside the Fukushima Exclusion Zone
Three new videos discovered by the Hachiko Coalition show the situation in Fukushima is dire -- wide-spread animal starvation.
Three videos recently published on Youtube indicate a wide-spread animal and pet emergency is still taking place inside the Fukushima exclusion zone.
April 22, the government has implemented a “no-go” law punishable by fines or imprisonment [1].
This policy has reportedly blocked access by private Animal Search and Rescue teams — many of which have documented wide-spread starvation of the companion animals, pets, and livestock within the TEPCO exclusion zone.
Concerned citizens held a protest in Tokyo on May 8th, starting in the "Hachiko" Square and ending at TEPCO offices [2].
Photos available on the Angels 2005 Animal Rescue Team "Action Report Blog" show many pets have already starved to death [3].
On May 5th, PETA has issued an action alert which in part states [4]:
"Please urge the Japanese government to take immediate action to transfer farmed animals inside the 20-kilometer no-go zone to facilities where they can be cared for or to euthanize any animals who are suffering."
PETA also provides a form email for readers to send:
"I was shocked to learn that the Japanese government has yet to take action to end the suffering of the estimated hundreds of thousands of farmed animals in the no-go zone around the Fukushima power plant."
"Individuals entering Fukushima no-go zone to feed and rescue dogs" (not suitable for children):
@0:00: The video opens in a parking lot with a skittish dog looking cautiously at the rescuers.
A geiger counter sounds a warning, not just of detected radiation particles, but a warning that the animal rescue team is being over exposed to radiation.
The skittish dog approaches food scattered on the ground and begins eating.
Behind the car, a team member can be seen kneeling down to calm yet another dog on a leash.
A man says: “66.33mSv, then 68…It’s going to exceed 70 [mSv/hour]. Oh, it has exceed 70…it’s already 71.16 mSv/hour. It gets really strong in the 2km zone. But this is still not too bad.”
Speaking of the leashed dog: “We’ll take you with us and hope we’ll find the owner.”
The team takes note of the dog and GPS location in order to find the owner.
Referring back to the skittish dog: “Ok then…See you next time then. You have to stay alive, ok?”
@3:49: The team stops on a street in the middle of town. Piles of dog food can be seen in the street. Barking dogs can be heard inside the empty apartments along the street.
“There are so many dogs barking.” Urging his team to stay calm in the face of twenty or more dogs stranded in houses and potentially starving, the man says: “Everyone, stay strong… We’ll come back again.”
@5:54: The team is back in the car driving through town. Dogs are wandering past on the street. “Let’s throw out lots of food. Everyone [the dogs] are waiting look. Stay strong…You too…Poor dogs…”
Other passenger: “Throw the food out..More and more…”
Woman: “Give a lot of food, we won’t be able to feed them for a while…We don’t know when we can come back again in this situation…Just give everything out.”
The camera pans to the back seat, past the driver who is wearing a white radiation protective suit and googles. There are three dogs sitting in the back seat. “Hey you guys…We are taking you guys with us, ok?”
Fukushima no-go zone to feed and rescue
The scrolling title indicates this video was taken on April 22, 2011.
SOS Fukushima Animals:
In yet a third video entitled "SOS Fukushima animals," a Fukushima prefecture citizen has released a desperate plea of help, worried the animals may be starving and pleading for the government to provide rescue and shelter.
0:00: The video opens: "[SOS] Fukushima animals"
[The citizen bows to the camera. Reading from prepared notes, the citizen begins:]
Hello to everyone all over Japan. I am Meiko Yoshida, living in Odaku-ku, Minami Soma-shi, Fukushima-ken. My residence is at 17 km of the power plant.
March 11, 2011, the area was hit by the Eastern Japan mega earthquake as well as the tidal wave, followed by a series of accidents at TEPCO. The entire area of Odaka-ku, where we live, is within the 20 km radius. On March 12, the next day of the earthquake, TEPCO issued a voluntary evacuation order to Odaku-ku, which I was not aware of at the time.
The following day, on Sunday, March 13, I went to Odaka Ward Office, where I was told to evacuate immediately. The faces of the personnels then at the office were all devoid of expression like zombies while they worked. They knew what really happened in the power plant, that something horrible [had] happened, that is why their faces became like zombies.
Even though I was told to evacuate immediately, since I had nine cats to take care of at home, I had not been able to evacuate immediately. Several days later, on March 19, the Self-Defense Force members and the Ward Office personnels visited my home to persuade me to evacuate. I was told to leave the pets behind, and I left without them. At the time, I made a mistake of releasing my inside-living cats outdoors. I didn’t have a mobile phone. I regret not having been able to consult with others who were in the same situation as myself.
Even at the evacuation center though, I was worried about my cats at home, so from March 19 until the midnight of April 21, I went back home every other day or two days to feed them food and water. During that period, six out of nine cats I released [had] been found and I have asked animal protection groups to look after them. One of the nine [has] died of a disease, and still now there are two remaining whom I have not been able to protect yet.
In the a.m. of April 21 – it was just so sudden – I heard that the 20 km area would become a severe cautionary zone. Before when I asked around when the off-limit will take effect, no one ever told me, but a bad news like that happened suddenly. Out of excessive worry, at around 23:00 on April 21, I went home but I was unable to provide them for protection. The cautionary zone became effective starting April 22, so I could no longer go back to my house. I had been asking the police officers at the checkpoint how I can get inside, [and they] told me that I need to obtain a permit from the city mayor, so I also went and appealed directly to the city mayor. So I went back and forth between the city’s municipal office and the public health department, and asked to be permitted inside the zone, but it just could not be done.
The other day, on April 28, the public health department went inside the 20 km zone for the purpose of doing research; however this was for inspection only, so they could pick up wandering animals from the road. But no helping hand was extended for the cats and dogs who were left inside homes. When you rescue animals, time allowance is needed to carry out the task, but being told “it starts tomorrow” so suddenly, I was not able to carry out rescue.
At evacuation centers, there are MANY people who were told the same way and could not even prepare for evacuation, nor could they take their pets with them to evacuate. Those people are so worried about their pets living without them, their heartache is so severe that they can’t sleep for nights; they can’t even eat [and] many of them are emaciated. Please help those of us who are worried about our animals and our pets.
Twelve many days have already passed since the off-limit zone order took effect on April 22. Pets also have lives, so I worry at the possibility of them not being protected in time. Please help to remove the disaster victims’ worries and heartache. I felt nothing would become of just being quiet, so I made a picket sign by myself and stood in front of the municipal office and collected this from those in similar circumstances.
[Holding up papers:] I started this on April 30 and it’s been three days since. I collected accounts from fourteen people suffering similar problems, right here with information of their pets they had to leave behind.
[Holding up copies of the news papers:] This activity has been featured in the local newspapers, here is Mainichi newspaper and Fukushima Min-Yuu.
There are people who are in trouble deep as you [can] see, because they had to leave their pets behind. Their faces look different now even. What I'd like to ask of you to help us, is to make it possible for us pet guardians to be able to visit our pets periodically,
accompanied by the SDF [Self-Defense Force] or policemen, so that we can go to provide them food and water.
Concurrently with that process, I'd like the government [to] do two things: Rescue the animals and keep the rescued animals under protection [shelter].
Those who believe that animals' lives are also precious, please, we are the cohabitants of the planet earth that we share. Please help us. And please support the animal protection groups who have been hard at work.
Hasn't Japan been progressing towards the country which is respectable? Just standing by and watching animals die when we have the chance to save them, how could this country become a nation that the world looks [upon] with respect?
It is hoped that Japan embraces the little lives of our animals too and aspire to become a country that is truly respected. Everybody in Japan, please help us. Please. That is all. Yes.
[Citizen bows head.]
The Hachiko Coalition is repeating our previous request and calling for the organized, and immediate evacuation of all uncontaminated domestic animals and livestock inside the exclusion zone.
While this triple disaster (earthquake, tsunami, radiation) may be unprecedented that does not mean it is unmanageable. Japan has vast resources and technical know-how, it simply needs to exercise the resolve and solve this problem and demand emergency evacuation funding from TEPCO disaster insurance pools.
The Hachiko Coalition believes the current "starve them out" plan to deal with these animals is unacceptable and reprehensible to the many people witnessing the events as they unfold.
To follow the most recent developments of this ongoing emergency, please visit the website:
Persons wishing to sign a petition requesting rescue of these animals should see:
To voice your concerns to the Prime Minister of Japan and His Cabinet, please use this form:
Three new videos discovered by the Hachiko Coalition show the situation in Fukushima is dire -- wide-spread animal starvation.
Three videos recently published on Youtube indicate a wide-spread animal and pet emergency is still taking place inside the Fukushima exclusion zone.
April 22, the government has implemented a “no-go” law punishable by fines or imprisonment [1].
This policy has reportedly blocked access by private Animal Search and Rescue teams — many of which have documented wide-spread starvation of the companion animals, pets, and livestock within the TEPCO exclusion zone.
Concerned citizens held a protest in Tokyo on May 8th, starting in the "Hachiko" Square and ending at TEPCO offices [2].
Photos available on the Angels 2005 Animal Rescue Team "Action Report Blog" show many pets have already starved to death [3].
On May 5th, PETA has issued an action alert which in part states [4]:
"Please urge the Japanese government to take immediate action to transfer farmed animals inside the 20-kilometer no-go zone to facilities where they can be cared for or to euthanize any animals who are suffering."
PETA also provides a form email for readers to send:
"I was shocked to learn that the Japanese government has yet to take action to end the suffering of the estimated hundreds of thousands of farmed animals in the no-go zone around the Fukushima power plant."
"Individuals entering Fukushima no-go zone to feed and rescue dogs" (not suitable for children):
@0:00: The video opens in a parking lot with a skittish dog looking cautiously at the rescuers.
A geiger counter sounds a warning, not just of detected radiation particles, but a warning that the animal rescue team is being over exposed to radiation.
The skittish dog approaches food scattered on the ground and begins eating.
Behind the car, a team member can be seen kneeling down to calm yet another dog on a leash.
A man says: “66.33mSv, then 68…It’s going to exceed 70 [mSv/hour]. Oh, it has exceed 70…it’s already 71.16 mSv/hour. It gets really strong in the 2km zone. But this is still not too bad.”
Speaking of the leashed dog: “We’ll take you with us and hope we’ll find the owner.”
The team takes note of the dog and GPS location in order to find the owner.
Referring back to the skittish dog: “Ok then…See you next time then. You have to stay alive, ok?”
@3:49: The team stops on a street in the middle of town. Piles of dog food can be seen in the street. Barking dogs can be heard inside the empty apartments along the street.
“There are so many dogs barking.” Urging his team to stay calm in the face of twenty or more dogs stranded in houses and potentially starving, the man says: “Everyone, stay strong… We’ll come back again.”
@5:54: The team is back in the car driving through town. Dogs are wandering past on the street. “Let’s throw out lots of food. Everyone [the dogs] are waiting look. Stay strong…You too…Poor dogs…”
Other passenger: “Throw the food out..More and more…”
Woman: “Give a lot of food, we won’t be able to feed them for a while…We don’t know when we can come back again in this situation…Just give everything out.”
The camera pans to the back seat, past the driver who is wearing a white radiation protective suit and googles. There are three dogs sitting in the back seat. “Hey you guys…We are taking you guys with us, ok?”
Fukushima no-go zone to feed and rescue
The scrolling title indicates this video was taken on April 22, 2011.
SOS Fukushima Animals:
In yet a third video entitled "SOS Fukushima animals," a Fukushima prefecture citizen has released a desperate plea of help, worried the animals may be starving and pleading for the government to provide rescue and shelter.
0:00: The video opens: "[SOS] Fukushima animals"
[The citizen bows to the camera. Reading from prepared notes, the citizen begins:]
Hello to everyone all over Japan. I am Meiko Yoshida, living in Odaku-ku, Minami Soma-shi, Fukushima-ken. My residence is at 17 km of the power plant.
March 11, 2011, the area was hit by the Eastern Japan mega earthquake as well as the tidal wave, followed by a series of accidents at TEPCO. The entire area of Odaka-ku, where we live, is within the 20 km radius. On March 12, the next day of the earthquake, TEPCO issued a voluntary evacuation order to Odaku-ku, which I was not aware of at the time.
The following day, on Sunday, March 13, I went to Odaka Ward Office, where I was told to evacuate immediately. The faces of the personnels then at the office were all devoid of expression like zombies while they worked. They knew what really happened in the power plant, that something horrible [had] happened, that is why their faces became like zombies.
Even though I was told to evacuate immediately, since I had nine cats to take care of at home, I had not been able to evacuate immediately. Several days later, on March 19, the Self-Defense Force members and the Ward Office personnels visited my home to persuade me to evacuate. I was told to leave the pets behind, and I left without them. At the time, I made a mistake of releasing my inside-living cats outdoors. I didn’t have a mobile phone. I regret not having been able to consult with others who were in the same situation as myself.
Even at the evacuation center though, I was worried about my cats at home, so from March 19 until the midnight of April 21, I went back home every other day or two days to feed them food and water. During that period, six out of nine cats I released [had] been found and I have asked animal protection groups to look after them. One of the nine [has] died of a disease, and still now there are two remaining whom I have not been able to protect yet.
In the a.m. of April 21 – it was just so sudden – I heard that the 20 km area would become a severe cautionary zone. Before when I asked around when the off-limit will take effect, no one ever told me, but a bad news like that happened suddenly. Out of excessive worry, at around 23:00 on April 21, I went home but I was unable to provide them for protection. The cautionary zone became effective starting April 22, so I could no longer go back to my house. I had been asking the police officers at the checkpoint how I can get inside, [and they] told me that I need to obtain a permit from the city mayor, so I also went and appealed directly to the city mayor. So I went back and forth between the city’s municipal office and the public health department, and asked to be permitted inside the zone, but it just could not be done.
The other day, on April 28, the public health department went inside the 20 km zone for the purpose of doing research; however this was for inspection only, so they could pick up wandering animals from the road. But no helping hand was extended for the cats and dogs who were left inside homes. When you rescue animals, time allowance is needed to carry out the task, but being told “it starts tomorrow” so suddenly, I was not able to carry out rescue.
At evacuation centers, there are MANY people who were told the same way and could not even prepare for evacuation, nor could they take their pets with them to evacuate. Those people are so worried about their pets living without them, their heartache is so severe that they can’t sleep for nights; they can’t even eat [and] many of them are emaciated. Please help those of us who are worried about our animals and our pets.
Twelve many days have already passed since the off-limit zone order took effect on April 22. Pets also have lives, so I worry at the possibility of them not being protected in time. Please help to remove the disaster victims’ worries and heartache. I felt nothing would become of just being quiet, so I made a picket sign by myself and stood in front of the municipal office and collected this from those in similar circumstances.
[Holding up papers:] I started this on April 30 and it’s been three days since. I collected accounts from fourteen people suffering similar problems, right here with information of their pets they had to leave behind.
[Holding up copies of the news papers:] This activity has been featured in the local newspapers, here is Mainichi newspaper and Fukushima Min-Yuu.
There are people who are in trouble deep as you [can] see, because they had to leave their pets behind. Their faces look different now even. What I'd like to ask of you to help us, is to make it possible for us pet guardians to be able to visit our pets periodically,
accompanied by the SDF [Self-Defense Force] or policemen, so that we can go to provide them food and water.
Concurrently with that process, I'd like the government [to] do two things: Rescue the animals and keep the rescued animals under protection [shelter].
Those who believe that animals' lives are also precious, please, we are the cohabitants of the planet earth that we share. Please help us. And please support the animal protection groups who have been hard at work.
Hasn't Japan been progressing towards the country which is respectable? Just standing by and watching animals die when we have the chance to save them, how could this country become a nation that the world looks [upon] with respect?
It is hoped that Japan embraces the little lives of our animals too and aspire to become a country that is truly respected. Everybody in Japan, please help us. Please. That is all. Yes.
[Citizen bows head.]
The Hachiko Coalition is repeating our previous request and calling for the organized, and immediate evacuation of all uncontaminated domestic animals and livestock inside the exclusion zone.
While this triple disaster (earthquake, tsunami, radiation) may be unprecedented that does not mean it is unmanageable. Japan has vast resources and technical know-how, it simply needs to exercise the resolve and solve this problem and demand emergency evacuation funding from TEPCO disaster insurance pools.
The Hachiko Coalition believes the current "starve them out" plan to deal with these animals is unacceptable and reprehensible to the many people witnessing the events as they unfold.
To follow the most recent developments of this ongoing emergency, please visit the website:
Persons wishing to sign a petition requesting rescue of these animals should see:
To voice your concerns to the Prime Minister of Japan and His Cabinet, please use this form:
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