Monday, September 29, 2008
Bark Busters Tips For Halloween
Guidelines from the world's largest dog training company help ensure canine companions don't get 'spooked' during the year's scariest holiday.
Englewood, CO (PRWEB) September 29, 2008 -- Keep dogs safe during Halloween -- the most dangerous holiday for dogs -- with tips from Bark Busters, the world's largest dog training company. Based on the expertise of Bark Busters' network of dog behavioral therapists, who have successfully trained over 400,000 dogs worldwide, these guidelines for dog owners help ensure the safety of pets during fright night.
"Throughout our network of 255 franchises nationwide, we hear about more dogs dying or straying during Halloween than any other holiday," said Liam Crowe, CEO and master dog behavioral therapist of Bark Busters USA. "Halloween is intended to scare and startle us--making it a haunting holiday for dogs, too. By being more sensitive to dogs' fear-driven 'fight or flight' instincts, we can help keep our furry friends safe this Halloween."
Halloween brings a fun time for most of us, but for some of our much-loved four-legged family members, Halloween can be a nightmare. Dog owners may not be able to control external surroundings, but they can care for their dog's safety and well being by observing the following tips from the world's largest dog training company, Bark Busters:
-Don't leave your dog outside. Even if you have a fenced yard, bring your dog inside where it is safe. If your dog is usually kept outside, bring him in a few times before the big night to get him used to being indoors. Your dog may be used to strangers, but so many little ghouls and goblins running about may be too much. Remember also that it is a natural instinct for dogs to protect the family from strangers, and on Halloween there will be no shortage of strangers.
-Keep your dog restrained. If your dog is timid or scared, or if he tends to love people a little too much, it is best to put him in a separate room away from the front door to limit his excitability, aggression, and chance of running outside and becoming lost.
-Reassure your dog. The best thing you can do for your dog when he is feeling unsettled by Halloween activities is to act as you normally would. By over-reassuring your dog or giving him an unusual amount of attention, you inadvertently can communicate to him that because you are acting differently, there must be something to worry about.
-Have your dog get used to costumes. Your dog may see his family members as strangers once they don their Halloween costumes. Before the kids put them on, allow your dog to scent the costumes. If your costume has a mask, keep the mask off when you are with your dog because dogs can become confused when they can't see our faces.
-Check your dog's ID tag. Be sure identification tags are secure on your dog's collar -- just in case.
-Keep candy away from your dog. Many candies -- especially chocolate--are toxic to dogs. The severity of the toxicity depends greatly on factors such as breed, age, size, and how much candy was ingested. Problems may range from a mild upset tummy to vomiting and diarrhea, or even death. If you have any concerns at all, consult with a veterinarian immediately. If you want to keep your dog safe, make certain that sweets, including their wrappers, are kept well away from your dog.
-Protect dogs from candles and pumpkins. Excited or agitated dogs can easily knock over a lit candle or pumpkin. Be sure those items are away from your dog's reach, or consider a battery-powered candle that does not burn
-Think twice about dressing your dog in a costume. While some dogs might enjoy being dressed up, many don't. Experiment first to see if your dog likes being in a costume. If so, fine--he'll most likely enjoy himself and the extra attention it brings. However, if he shows any resistance, don't do it. Dogs feel enough stress around Halloween without also having to endure the discomfort and peculiarity of wearing a strange costume.
-Be prepared. If you take your dog with you while trick-or-treating, be prepared at all times. Do not let your dog approach the door of a house, and stay clear of possible gags or gangs of goblins who will gather at the door. Dogs do not understand that the person jumping out at you will not hurt you; they often think they can only help you by acting aggressively. Neither children nor adults in costumes should approach a dog without the owner's consent.
-Have fun but think of your dog's safety. Finally, if you want your dog to be included in Halloween festivities, think about his safety much as you would the safety of a small child. Your dog does not understand Halloween, so he needs you to provide the guidance and safety that you always do.
Bark Busters dog behavioral therapists are renowned authorities on correcting dog behavior. The Bark Busters training system can successfully train any dog, including a puppy. The company's natural training technique leverages the same communications methods--body language and voice control--that dogs follow as part of their instinctual pack mentality. For more information or to locate a trainer, call 1-877-500-BARK (2275) or visit
About Bark Busters:
Bark Busters, the world's largest, most trusted dog training company, started in Australia in 1989 and came to the United States in 2000. Since inception, nearly 400,000 dogs have been trained worldwide using its dog-friendly, natural methods. With 250+ franchised offices in 42 U.S. and more than 400 offices in 10 countries, Bark Busters is continuing its mission to build a global network of dog behavioral therapists to enhance responsible dog ownership and reduce the possibility of maltreatment, abandonment and euthanasia of companion dogs. Bark Busters is the only international dog training company that offers a written lifetime guarantee. SPCA International selected Bark Busters dog behavioral training services as the "Best of the Best" in its category. No other training company or dog trainer has received such a distinction. To fetch a trainer in your area, call 1-877-500-BARK (2275) or visit, where dog owners can complete a Dog Behavioral Quiz to rate their dogs' behavior.
Dog Toy Recall & Fundraisers For Shelters
Read the article by LYE here.

Photo by nbbusinessjournal
The Corey Pet Food company has upped their ante on giving and started to help supply the Federicton Pet Food company with not only free Pro Series dog food, they are also helping out with a guide on how to take care of your dog.
The Executive Director of the Fredericton SPCA Stephanie Walsh said: The packs are great because they are just something else we can give to people when they adopt from us, and they are a nice way to send home with some information and some value.
Read the article by Chris Fox here.
The Humane Society for Greater Nashua that holds it’s Walktoberfest at the Belgium Merrimack brewery will be teaming up with Anheuser-Busch and others to help raise money for the Humane Society.
You can get a registration form at or pick one up at the shelter: 24 ferry Road in Nashua.
They will also have the NASDOG Fly Ball Team on site along with the Hudson and Nashua Police Departments and their K-9 unit.
Sounds like a fun day for the family and friends.
Read the article by Kathleen Palmer here.

Photo by southportvisiter
One more day left to vote for Sally for the North West Rescue Dog of the Year which ends on the 30th of September.
Sally is a therapy dog that works with children and the disabled.
Read the article by Jo Kelly here.
You can just vote for Sally here.
Sunday, September 28, 2008
A Click To Give For The Dogs & A Laugh
Seattle, WA, September 28, 2008 --( Visitors to the Animal Rescue Site ( donated more than $86,000 in September to help the animal victims of the Hurricanes Gustav and Ike.
Through the site’s Gifts That Give More™ program, the money donated in September for the relief of animal victims was quickly distributed by (the 501c3 charitable partner of The Animal Rescue Site) to the International Fund for Animal Welfare to support their work in Louisiana and Texas.
The Animal Rescue Site began raising money for Gulf Coast rescue work on the day that Hurricane Gustav made landfall and was able to raise more than $26,000 for IFAW’s megashelter in Louisiana at the beginning of September. Equally fast response to Hurricane Ike enabled The Animal Rescue Site to collect more than $60,000 for IFAW’s teams in Texas.
“IFAW did amazing work in providing shelter for the pets of evacuees during Hurricane Gustav and rescues for pets and animals impacted by the flooding following Hurricane Ike. We are delighted to support them in this and other animal rescue projects,” said Tim Kunin, CEO of GreaterGood Network, the parent company of The Animal Rescue Site.
During the height of Hurricane Gustav, the IFAW megashelter in Shreveport, Louisiana, protected more than 1,300 pets.
“Following the devastation of Hurricane Ike, the generous donations of visitors to The Animal Rescue Site helped put 18 animal rescuers on the ground in Texas: one team to rescue abandoned and stray animals around Anahuac and two teams to shelter and care for rescued animals. From those two locations in Texas, IFAW was able to care for nearly 400 animals—from dogs and cats to sheep and pet birds—and are now engaged with returning animals to their owners,” said Cassandra Koenen, IFAW’s director of online campaigns and marketing. “Donations also helped defray the very practical costs of emergency work such as tents for rescuers, radios, dry suits, and all the tools needed to care for animals under very difficult situations.”
IFAW works to improve animal welfare around the world by creating solutions to problems that benefit both people and animals. More information about the organization can be found at
More on The Animal Rescue Site
Created in 2002, The Animal Rescue Site provides funding to animal rescue charities through three important channels: the company’s innovative Click to Give™ program, direct donations through such site programs as Gifts That Give More™, and contributions paid for by items sold through The Animal Rescue Site’s store. Foundation, the Fund for Animals, and the North Shore Animal League are all beneficiaries of the Animal Rescue Site’s Click to Give™ program.
The Click to Give™ program allows visitors to The Animal Rescue Site to provide food and care for a rescued animal living in a shelter or sanctuary by simply clicking on the purple button located at the top of the homepage ( Each Click to Give™ on the site’s homepage is paid for by advertisers and 100% of this ad revenue goes directly to support the work of the charities listed on the site. In 2007, clicks on The Animal Rescue Site funded the value of more than 42 million bowls of food for animals in need.
The totals of the 2008 Click to Give program are posted on The Animal Rescue Site’s results page and are updated daily.
The Animal Rescue Site also partners with charities throughout the world to create Gifts That Give More.™ The Gifts That Give More™ allow visitors to The Animal Rescue Site to directly support projects. Recent additions to the Gifts That Give More™ program include assistance to charities aiding animal victims of the U.S. Midwest floods, funding for the VSPCA programs in India, and support for IFAW’s programs to rescue and feed both domestic and wild animals in the United States and abroad.
Each Gifts That Give More™ donation is tax-deductible in the U.S.A., and donors will receive a receipt from (100% of each Gifts That Give More™ goes directly to the charity as GreaterGood Network stores do not receive any profit from the sale of any Gift That Gives More™. has ultimate authority and discretion with regard to the distribution of its funds. All expenditures made are consistent with the exempt purposes of
The Animal Rescue Site has repeatedly proved the power of the Internet to focus on a specific need and provide significant support for animals in need. Starting September 29, The Animal Rescue Site will give away an additional $100,000 to shelters and rescue organizations throughout the United States, Canada, and Puerto Rico registered with Visitors to the website will be able to decide where the money goes by voting for their favorite shelter (please see after September 29 for further information on the Shelter+ Challenge).
The Animal Rescue Site is part of the GreaterGood Network of websites. To learn more, visit or
The Animal Rescue Site is part of the GreaterGood Network of websites:,,,,, and is devoted to addressing the health and well-being of people (particularly women and children), animals, and the planet. In FY 2008, and GreaterGood Networks/ gave more than $3 million to charity.
Contact Information
GreaterGood Network
Rosemary Jones
The Video is called: Prison Break (Canine Edition)
Posted by fecks
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Thursday, September 25, 2008
A Pet's Ten Commandments & Top Ten Insured Dog Breeds

This dog, BRUTUS, is truly an amazing animal!
The K9 above is Brutus, a military K9 at McChord. He's huge - part Boxer and part British Bull Mastiff and tops the scales at 200 lbs. His handler took the picture. Brutus is running toward me because he knows I have some Milk Bone treats, so he's slobbering away! I had to duck around a tree just before he got to me in case he couldn't stop, but he did. Brutus won the Congressional Medal of Honor last year from his tour in Iraq . His handler and four other soldiers were taken hostage by insurgents. Brutus and his handler communicate by sign language and he gave Brutus the signal that meant 'go away but come back and find me'. The Iraqis paid no attention to Brutus. He came back later and quietly tore the throat out of one guard at one door and another guard at another door. He then jumped against one of the doors repeatedly (the guys were being held in an old warehouse) until it opened. He went in and untied his handler and they all escaped. He's the first K9 to receive this honor. If he knows you're ok, he's a big old lug and wants to sit in your lap. Enjoys the company of cats.
K-9 Congressional Medal of Honor Winner
Thought you'd find this interesting. Talk about animal intelligence and bonding with humans!
Remember that they can't do a lot of things for themselves and that they depend on you to make their life a quality life!
1. My life is likely to last 10-15 years. Any separation from you is likely to be painful.
2. Give me time to understand what you want of me.
3. Place your trust in me. It is crucial for my well-being.
4. Don't be angry with me for long and don't lock me up as punishment. You have your work, your friends, your entertainment, but I have only you.
5. Talk to me. Even if I don't understand your words, I do understand your voice when speaking to me.
6. Be aware that however you treat me, I will never forget it.
7. Before you hit me, before you strike me, remember that I could hurt you, and yet, I choose not to bite you.
8. Before you scold me for being lazy or uncooperative, ask yourself ifsomething might be bothering me. Perhaps I'm not getting the right food, I have been in the sun too long, or my heart might be getting old or weak.
9. Please take care of me when I grow old. You too, will grow old.
10. On the ultimate difficult journey, go with me please. Never say you can't bear to watch. Don't make me face this alone. Everything is easier for me if you are there, because I love you so.
Take a moment today to thank God for your pets. Enjoy and take good care of them.Life would be a much duller, less joyful experience without God's critters Now please pass this on to other pet owners. We do not have to wait for Heaven, to be surrounded by hope, love, and joyfulness. It is here on earth and has four legs!
Nation's Largest Pet Insurer Reveals Top 10 Insured Dog Breeds
Nearly Twice As Many Labrador Retrievers Insured Than Any Other Dog
BREA, Calif., Sept. 25 /PRNewswire/ -- True to its name, the Labrador
retriever keeps coming back. Year after year, the Labrador retriever is
America's most popular insured dog breed. Veterinary Pet Insurance (VPI),
the nation's oldest and largest provider of pet health insurance, recently
analyzed its insured database to find the top 10 insured dog breeds of
2007. The Labrador retriever was first, while the golden retriever came in
a distant second followed by the Yorkshire terrier.
Breed Number Average Non-Routine
Insured Medical Costs Per Year
1. Labrador Retriever 38,591 $287
2. Golden Retriever 19,313 $279
3. Yorkshire Terrier 14,074 $245
4. Shih Tzu 13,149 $207
5. Boxer 10,281 $295
6. German Shepherd Dog 8,829 $296
7. Chihuahua 8,581 $215
8. Maltese 8,064 $241
9. Pug 7,404 $249
10. Cocker Spaniel 7,187 $252
According to registration data from the American Kennel Club (AKC), the
Labrador retriever has also been the most commonly registered breed for the
past 17 years. The breed is the only one to occupy the same position (No.
1) on both the VPI and AKC lists. While the AKC's registration numbers
indicate a large amount of registered beagles (No. 5), dachshunds (No. 7),
poodles (No. 8) and miniature schnauzers (No. 10), none of these breeds
were among VPI's 10 most commonly insured breeds.
"Labrador retrievers have a strong reputation as loyal, obedient dogs
that do well with children and adapt easily to their surroundings," said
Dr. Carol McConnell, vice president and chief veterinary medical officer
for VPI. "Whether it's the affection of a Yorkshire terrier, the
protectiveness of a German shepherd, or the playfulness of a pug, each of
the most commonly insured breeds has qualities that lend themselves to a
meaningful human/animal bond that pet insurance can help to protect and
VPI also calculated the average amount its policyholders spent on
non-routine veterinary care for each of the top insured breeds in 2007. The
medical care costs (the average annual submitted claim amount) appear
directly related to the size of the breed, with larger breeds costing more
than smaller ones. The disparity of expense is most likely due to the fact
that larger breeds can require larger doses of medication. While claimed
amounts can total thousands of dollars depending on the condition and
treatment, the highest average claimed amount for non-routine medical care
in 2007 was $296 for German shepherd dog owners.
About Veterinary Pet Insurance
Veterinary Pet Insurance Co./DVM Insurance Agency is the nation's
oldest and largest pet health insurance company. Providing pet owners with
peace of mind since 1982, the company is committed to being the trusted
choice of America's pet lovers and an advocate of pet health education. VPI
Pet Insurance plans cover dogs, cats, birds and exotic pets for multiple
medical problems and conditions relating to accidents, illnesses and
injuries. Optional Pet WellCare Protection(SM) for routine care is also
Medical plans are available in all 50 states and the District of
Columbia. More than 1,600 companies nationwide offer VPI Pet Insurance as
an employee benefit. Policies are underwritten by Veterinary Pet Insurance
Company in California and in all other states by National Casualty Company,
an A+15 rated company in Madison, Wisconsin. For more information about VPI
Pet Insurance, call 800-USA-PETS (800-872-7387) or visit
2 New Dog Sites To Check Out, a leading online dog breed gift store, launches an affiliate program to help shelters, dog organizations, rescue leagues and individuals earn money for their cause.
(PRWEB) September 25, 2008 --, a retailer of embroidered and personalized dog breed items and other dog-related gifts, has launched an affiliate program to help dog organizations earn money for their causes. Organizations and individuals can sign up at the site to become a member of the program. Armed with specially coded banners, these members can then receive a percentage of any sale derived from their web site.
"We've donated quite a bit to help dog organizations' fundraisers over the years and wanted to find a way to give all year long," says Amy Vansant Brunell, owner of "Using our DoodleSport affiliate program, now these organizations can earn money just by adding our banner to their web site."
Ms. Brunell said many organizations were already sending referrals to since the site offers so many items related to over 130 different breeds. In addition, other online stores that specialize in one breed or another were contacting about adding DoodleSport products to their stores. The affiliate system seemed the perfect way to service both charities and other web site owners who wanted to offer more.
"This should be an especially good program for those with hard to find breeds," added Ms. Brunell. "If an organization supports a breed or a common mix not featured on we encourage people to let us know! We can create a custom embroidered logo and add that breed to the site. We're already the only site we're aware of with embroidered Labradoodle and Goldendoodle logos."
Organizations and individuals can navigate and click on the "Affiliate Program" link to sign up. Applications are reviewed and approved by email within 24 hours in most cases. The new affiliate can then log into their new account at, download the graphics and/or code to put on their site and from then on checks for 10% of all sales originating from the affiliate's site will be mailed to the affiliate or dropped in their PayPal account.
"We really hope as many charitable dog organizations as possible take advantage of the program and that their supporters are careful to use the link on those sites so they get credit," said Ms. Brunell. "Nothing makes us happier than supporting those who protect man's best friend." Launches Dog Breeds of the World. Endless Types of Dogs and Breeds, From Herding Dog Breeds to Toy Dog Launches Dog Breeds of the World. Endless Types of Dogs and Breeds, From Herding Dog Breeds to Toy Dog Breeds
Released Thu. Sep 25, 2008 by Animal-World, a well known website recognized for connecting people with pets and animals to help create a rich and rewarding pet care experience, today announced the launch of its newly created Dog Breeds of the World resource available at Dog Breeds of the World includes information for pet owners and animal enthusiasts on a wide array of types of dogs, including Herding Dogs, Hound Dogs, Sporting and Non-Sporting Dogs, Mixed Dog Breeds, Terriers, Toy Dogs and even Working Dogs. Launches Dog Breeds of the World. Endless Types of Dogs and Breeds, From Herding Dog Breeds to Toy Dog Breeds
Ridgecrest, CA (IPRWIRE) Thurs. Sept. 25th, 2008 -- The new Dog Breeds of the World section includes dogs from the following eight categories of breeds: Herding Dogs, Hound Dogs, Sporting Dogs, Non-Sporting Dogs, Mixed Dog Breeds, Terriers, Toy Dogs and Working Dogs.
Within each category of Dog Breeds of the World are many different types of dogs that fall within each specific category of breed. Once a visitor has identified the specific dog breed they are interested in learning about, they will find a photograph of a dog representing that breed as well as an immense amount of information about the breed. Some of the interesting information available on each breed includes common name(s) used for the breed, details of the breed type, interesting background information about the breed, as well as a detailed description of the dog breed including additional information on care and feeding requirements, housing recommendations, social behaviors, handling and training recommendations, common health problems, and much more.
In addition, Animal-World has now posted comments received on individual animals from visitors on each pet page. And, to make it easier to see what others are saying about their pets, they are also posting the pet comments in the forums. Check out the forum for each type of pet and find the category with "All Kinds" (like "Freshwater and Tropical Fish - All Kinds") to read the lastest comments on the page. It makes it a lot easier to answer questions too.
"You guys are the best! You tell me about everything I need to know about having a squirrel. I just got one and no other website could tell me what you did! You guys tell us about even more then just how to take care of your pet... you tell us all about them! And not just house animals... thousands of different animals. Really, you guys are a miracle. Everyone should visit the website, it is the best and it tells you everything you need to know about animals! Thank-you, you were a really great help," said Monika, proud squirrel owner and fan.
"My oldest daughter came home and said, 'Daddy, I found a mouse.' I took notice that she (aka) Cracker was doing small, quick laps in a circle, always in a clockwise motion. I did a Google search and the first link I clicked on was the Animal-World website. It told me two possibilities. My wife came home and was instantly attached to her. I told her what your site said then she called the vet. She took the mouse in and came home with some antibiotics to put in her water. It was an inner ear infection. The family would like to thank you for helping us save a cold scared abandond new pet," said Stephen Kesig, proud mouse owner and satisfied user of
To learn more, visit
Animal-World is about responsible pet ownership as well as preserving and honoring our world, the environment, and its inhabitants. With years of experience in the care and husbandry of many exotic and domestic pets and animals, has evolved as a place to share this information.
For over a decade Animal-World has provided pictures and education about different pets and animals. At Animal-World, visitors find out about the background and development of each exotic pet and how this relates to their keeping a healthy happy pet. Each visitor is invited to be an active participant in this community by sharing their pet experiences on each animal page, contributing pictures of their pets to the site, and joining in pet and animal discussions.
Animal-World provides pictures, information and videos to help people connect with their pets and make their relationship with their pet a wonderful experience. Animal-World offers information on hundreds of different types of animals, from freshwater and salt water fish, reef corals, birds of all sorts, domestic cats and different types of dogs, reptiles, amphibians and even invertebrates.
( An Press Release )
Contact Info:
Name: David and Clarice Brough
Address: 217 South Gateway
City: Ridgecrest
State: CA
Country: United States
Zip: 93555
Web Address:
Business Blog:
Phone: 760-375-3125
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Dog's For The Cause
The University College of Veterinary Medicine and Health & Science University Cancer Institute in Oregon thinks that a drug which is used on dogs for cancer might one day help humans.
OSU veterinary oncologist and researcher Stuart Helfand, D.V.M. said; Over the years we have made the case that animals with cancer can be excellent models for human disease - they live in the same environment, their lifespan is long enough for study and their cancers mimic human cancers. Sometimes the line blurs: cat, dog, and people.
Read the article by Christine Decker here.

Dogs Helping The Young
The Mitchell Communications Group & Northwest Arkansas Young Professionals are using the dogs to help the NWAYP Scholarship Fund Trust that is oriented towards promoting business to the younger, professional populations of both Benton and Washington counties.
It looks like it will be a fun day for the dogs.
Dogs & Doc’s On Stage
Over in Pennsylvania they are doing a Canines for the Cure that will have an unconventional fashion show with doctors and pets to help benefit the ACMH Foundation, American Cancer Society and the Karen Szymborski Fund on Sunday the 28th.
Check it out the article by Donna J. Domin here.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Dangerous Dogs Are Making Their Marks
A women named Marjorie Knoller from California was sentenced to fifteen years due to the dog killing her neighbor Diane Whipple back in 2001.
The dog wasn’t really her dog but the true owner was a member of the white supremacist called Aryan Brotherhood prison gang named Paul "Cornfed" Schneider. The dog has caused Diane Whipple to suffered seventy seven wounds that left her with a crushed larynx and a severed jugular vein which caused her to die.
Read the article here.
While over in Warren Township, Ohio a little baby girl who was only three days old has been killed by the family dog. The poor family was family was devastated when they found their daughter.
Read the article here.
I can only say a Prayer for this family.
The Commissioners from Forsyth County, NC have voted that dogs which are deemed dangerous will now have to be covered with a Hundred Thousand Dollar liability insurance to cover any expenses due to an attack. They will also have to have a micro chip implanted.
Read the article by Mary Giuca here.
Before you run out and buy insurance for you pet, you might want to read the Dog Bite Law for some info first.
Monday, September 22, 2008
Today's News About Dog Food
WholeMeals(TM) Brand Food for Dogs Launches Charity Campaign to Rethink
Feeding and Help Animal Shelters Nationwide
FRANKLIN, Tenn., Sept. 22 /PRNewswire/ -- On September 24, the tables
of one of America's hotspot restaurants will be cleared of all bowls,
plates and utensils in order to serve the country's first "hands-on" feast
for dog owners and dogs. To celebrate National Dog Week, WholeMeals(TM)
Food for Dogs has partnered with The Farm of Beverly Hills(R) to launch the
"Eat with Your Paws for a Good Cause" charity promotion to benefit Much
Love Animal Rescue and animal shelters nationwide, as well as to give dog
owners and dogs across America a chance to experience a new, more natural
way to eat.
"We're excited to show dog owners that the way we traditionally do
things isn't necessarily the only way. We think from a dog's point of view,
and our research shows dogs prefer to eat with their paws like we do," said
Margaret Mitchell, director for WholeMeals(TM) Brand. "Only WholeMeals
shaped meals allow dogs to pick up and eat their food. So, we're turning
the dining experience upside down and tossing tradition aside to let owners
experience a more natural and satisfying way to eat with their dogs."
To help bring to life "hands-on" eating, WholeMeals(TM) Brand is
launching the program with a kick-off event that includes FREE meals for
owners who reserve a patio table and bring their dogs to The Farm of
Beverly Hills(R) at The Grove on September 24, 2008. Guests will dine on an
exclusive "hands-on" only, three-course feast developed by The Farm's
nationally renowned executive chef, Hans Goplen, while their four-legged
friends enjoy a complimentary WholeMeals(TM) shaped meal.
"The Farm is known for our innovative culinary approach, so we're
excited to put a twist on the dining tradition," said Fran Berger,
president of The Farm of Beverly Hills(R). "Many of our patrons are dog
owners and lovers, so we are thrilled to provide them with a truly unique
opportunity that gives back to the animal community."
There are three easy ways for dog owners and lovers to participate in
the national "Eat with Your Paws for a Good Cause" charity program:
-- Grab a bite of a FREE, "hands-on" meal for you and your dog on
September 24, 2008 from NOON to 7:00pm PDT at The Farm of Beverly
Hills(R) at The Grove. Advance reservations for owners and dogs are
required and can be made by calling the restaurant at 323-525-1699.
WholeMeals(TM) Brand will make a $10,000 donation to Much Love Animal
Rescue, an LA-based charity dedicated to reducing overpopulation, abuse
and neglect of domestic animals.
-- Dog owners nationwide can get their paws on the "hands-on" experience
online at Participants can download recipes exclusively
developed by The Farm of Beverly Hills(R), obtain a coupon for a bag of
WholeMeals(TM) Food for Dogs, and get top feeding and training tips
from national pet expert and author, Arden Moore.
-- For every purchase of WholeMeals(TM) Food for Dogs from a participating
retailer from September 24 through October 31, 2008, WholeMeals(TM)
Brand will make a matching product donation to needy animal shelters
nationwide, up to a total of $250,000 (aggregate retail value).
A More Natural Way to Eat
WholeMeals(TM) Food for Dogs is a breakthrough in feeding that lets
dogs pick up and eat their food with their paws -- a more natural and
satisfying way to eat. Developed with experts at the esteemed Waltham(R)
Centre for Pet Nutrition, WholeMeals(TM) Food for Dogs' unique shaped meals
were scientifically developed to fit natural canine behaviors, in order to
help increase overall meal satisfaction and enjoyment. Other proven
benefits include:
-- Lets dogs enjoy mealtime up to four-times longer, so there's more
enjoyment and less gulping.
-- Nutritionally complete and balanced for adult dogs with all the
ingredients and essential vitamins, minerals and proteins to help
support healthy skin, coats, joints and immune system.
-- Clinically proven to reduce plaque accumulation by 43-percent and
tarter buildup by 83-percent.
-- Helps owners better monitor and feed proper portion sizes.
"Mealtime is one of the most important and enjoyable parts of a dog's
day, so it's really important for owners to share in this experience," said
leading pet author and renowned animal expert, Arden Moore. "Only shaped
feeding like WholeMeals food allows owners to hand-feed their dogs, and
this personal interaction has been shown to build stronger emotional
connections and bonding experiences with dogs."
For more information about the "Eat with Your Paws for a Good Cause"
charity program, go to
About WholeMeals(TM) Brand Food for Dogs
Brand Food for Dogs is a major milestone in canine
feeding. Developed with The Waltham(R) Centre for Pet Nutrition, the
world's leading authority on pet care and nutrition, WholeMeals(TM) food
for dogs is the first shaped meal designed with scientists as a dog's main
meal. The product offers premium nutritional and health benefits designed
for the way dogs naturally enjoy eating. Visit
for more information.
About The Farm of Beverly Hill(R)
Established in 1997, The Farm of Beverly Hills(R) restaurant is known
for Innovative American Cuisine(TM). The restaurant boasts three locations
in Southern California with expansion plans for more.
(R)/TM Trademarks (C) Mars, Incorporated 2008
THE FARM OF BEVERLY HILLS(R) is a trademark of Beverly Hills Farms,
How to Understand Pet Food Labels
By JustTidBits
What's Really In Dog Food (Are You Slowly, Unknowingly Poisoning Your Dog Or Cat?)By CalloftheDog
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Do You Have A Labrador Retriever, You Might Want To Read This
Researchers at the University of Minnesota College of Veterinary Medicine have identified a gene in Labrador retriever dogs highly associated with the syndrome of exercise-induced collapse (EIC). After intense hunting or retrieving exercise, activities these dogs are trained to perform, affected Labradors start to lose control of their hind limbs. In most cases, their legs get wobbly and the limbs give out, and in rare cases the dogs may die. Labradors are the most common dog breed in the world and an estimated 3-5 percent of Labradors have this condition. The research is published in the journal Nature Genetics.
The research team identified a mutant form of the dynamin 1 gene as highly associated with EIC. The dynamin 1 protein normally functions to maintain proper chemical communication between adjacent nerves, also known as synaptic transmission. However, the mutated form of the dynamin protein appears to have diminished function, interrupting synaptic transmission during intense exercise, and causing the muscle-controlling nerves to not fire when directed to do so.
"This is very exciting because it is the first naturally occurring mutation of this gene identified in any mammal," said James Mickelson, Ph.D, professor of veterinary sciences at the University of Minnesota and co-principal investigator on the study. "Its discovery could offer insight into normal as well as abnormal neurobiology in both animals and humans."
Researchers also determined that up to 30 percent of Labrador retrievers are carriers of the mutation, and they developed a genetic test to indicate whether dogs have the normal or mutated forms of the gene.
"The test can not only help confirm the diagnosis, but it can also help dog breeders ensure that no dogs inherit two copies of the mutated gene," said Edward "Ned" Patterson, D.V.M, Ph.D., assistant professor of veterinary medicine at the University of Minnesota and co-principal investigator of the study.
Owners can have their dogs tested through their veterinarian by submitting a blood sample to the University of Minnesota Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory. Breeds such as Chesapeake Bay and curly-coated retrievers, which are closely related to Labradors, have also been found to have the dynamin 1 mutation. The research team is now determining what other breeds might be involved and more precisely defining the specific alteration in dynamin function.
The University of Minnesota research team was led by Patterson Mickelson and included Katie Minor, B.A., R.N; Anna Tchernatynskaia, M.S; and Kari Ekenstedt, D.V.M. Additional members are Susan Taylor, D.V.M., from the Western College of Veterinary Medicine at the University of Saskatchewan, and G. Diane Shelton, D.V.M, Ph.D., from the University of California San Diego School of Medicine. Shelton and Taylor have investigated EIC for the last 13 years in an attempt to determine whether the problem was muscular, cardiovascular, or neurological. Suspecting the syndrome had a novel genetic basis, Shelton and Taylor collaborated with the University of Minnesota researchers in 2001.
The research was funded by the Morris Animal Foundation and the American Kennel Club Canine Health Foundation.
Contact: Molly Portz
University of Minnesota
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Dog’s Donating And Helping In Today’s News

I caught an article about dog beds being donated by a company called Kuranda Dog Beds of Maryland that has help the Gallup-McKinley County Humane Society.
I think this would be a great cause to help these dogs out while they are stuck in these shelters. Just think about how they must feel; first being abandoned or dumped to the side of the road and then being stuck in a shelter just waiting to be adopted or killed.
If we all try and help these shelters out a little we can give a little comfort to our buddies.
Read the article by Gaye Brown de Alvarez here.
To make a donation for a bed in your state check out Kuranda’s
“Donate A Bed”
An Update on the News for today
The missing winner for the 2007 Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show called Bailey has been found.
Read the article by Jeff Morganteen here.

The Animal Critical Care & Emergency Services on Lake City Way has been getting help for some Pit Bulls that weren’t so friendly at one time. These dogs are now helping other dogs have a chance by donating their blood.
Read the article by Christine Clarridge here.
Watch the Dog & Her Tiger Cubs on the Today Show.
Friday, September 19, 2008
New Laws And Awareness Day For Puppy Mills
This what they are proposing:
- developing a public registry of licensed pet breeders that would allow the public to easily locate reputable breeders prior to purchasing a family pet
- requiring pet stores to be licensed including provisions that would require stores to keep records of the breeders from whom they purchase their pets
- requiring veterinarians to report suspected cases of animal neglect or abuse
- giving the chief veterinary officer authority to issue orders that would require owners to take action to relieve an animal in distress or to carry out their duties under the act toward their animals
- providing expanded powers to enter and inspect premises
- providing animal protection officials with specific authority to take abandoned animals into custody including animals left behind in rental properties, animals not retrieved from kennels and other temporary caregivers, and animals that are apparently ownerless
- increasing the maximum penalties for offences to $10,000 from $5,000 for a first offence and to $20,000 from $10,000 for a second or subsequent offence, and the maximum term of imprisonment to 12 months from six months for a second offence
- increasing the limitation period for prosecution of offences under the act to two years from six months
- implementing restrictions, as part of new licensing requirements, on the number of animals a breeder may have, based on individual breeding facilities.
Read the article by Jon Hendricks here.
Things are a little different in Pennsylvania
5th Annual Puppy Mill Awareness Day to Be Held in "The Puppy Mill Capital of the East Coast"
Last Chance for Animals President, Chris DeRose and Adopt-A-Pet Join Forces With Activists, Actors, and Musicians to Put an End to Puppy Mills
LANCASTER, PA--(Marketwire - September 18, 2008) - Last Chance for Animals (LCA) and Adopt-A-Pet are proud to announce their 5th annual Puppy Mill Awareness Day, Saturday, September 20th, 2008 in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, "The Puppy Mill Capital of the East Coast." Lancaster County is home to the largest concentration of dog breeders in the United States. It is estimated that 50% of the breeders in Lancaster are unlicensed, and therefore unregulated. Each year, approximately 500,000 puppies are bred in puppy mills nationally, facilities known for their filthy, overcrowded conditions and the unhealthy animals they produce. Only half of these animals make it to pet stores; the others die from the mill's squalid conditions, hypothermia, starvation or other horrors of transport.
LCA's Special Investigations unit has located and exposed numerous puppy mills around the country from Lancaster, PA to Lancaster, CA. Recently, LCA's investigations led to the release of several hundred puppy mill dogs and the closing of two Los Angeles based pet stores that sold dogs to the public from local puppy mills.
"It is extremely important for Americans to know what the cute puppy in the pet shop has endured to be sold," said Chris DeRose, LCA President. "There are so many adoptable and wonderful pets at shelters and rescues throughout the country. The purchase of a puppy through a pet store is simply irresponsible. If someone wants a specific breed or a young dog, they're all available without going to a pet store."
What: 5th Annual Puppy Mill Awareness Day
Where: Intercourse Community Park, Intercourse, PA 17534
At the corner of Old Philadelphia Pike and Royal Circle.
500 feet east of Intercourse
When: Saturday 9/20/08 11am - 5pm
Who: Special guests include LCA President and Founder Chris DeRose,
Rescue Ink and more.
For more information, visit
Last Chance for Animals (LCA), a national animal rights organization based in Los Angeles, has been active for more than two decades. Founded and led by animal expert, author, and actor, Chris DeRose. LCA's roots began in exposing the inherent cruelty of vivisection. LCA fights for the rights of animals by conducting investigations that expose animal cruelty, launching public awareness campaigns, pushing animal friendly legislation and helping prosecute animal abusers. For more information, visit
Thursday, September 18, 2008
There Is An Urgent Need To Help Save The Wild Dogs Called Lycaon Pictus

Photo by Anna de'Capitani
A group of wild dogs called Lycaon Pictus (painted or ornate wolf) are being threatened over in Africa that have declined to only three to five thousand left. These dogs are a very social type of dog that won’t attack a human, but will roam in a pack for their pray. These dogs don’t even attack each other they just coexist among each other.
The Males and Female each have their own ranking type system that allows the male or female leader to make the decision for each group. When they hunt for their prey they all share in the meal with each other and they sleep and play together. They are known to have forty two teeth which make a powerful bite and run up to forty five miles an hour. Now that’s fast and to be bitten by one of these dogs would be the end.
These dogs are on the list of endangered species by the UN Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species.
Read the article by Absalom Shigwedha here.
To learn more about these dogs check out African Wild Dog Conservancy
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Only 7 Guide Dogs In China…What Did They Do Eat Them
The bad news is that Ping was only able to walk her dog named Lucky from July 30 through September 20. And now Ping is unable to register the dog as a guide dog due to not having the right paper work.
There are twelve million people that have visual impairments living in China and they only have twenty more dogs that are being trained as guide dogs. What is wrong with that picture? I forgot that they like to eat dogs in China, so I guess that they would rather eat one then train one of these dogs.
Read the article by Yoa here.
New Daily Dog News Comming Oct. 1 will be the only news and information website to provide the 45 million US dog owning households and their 75 million dogs with daily breaking news and in-depth coverage of both the $20 billion dog product manufacturing and $10 billion dog service industries.
Los Angeles, CA (PRWEB) September 17, 2008 -- Dog Product News LLC announced today its plan to rename and expand their original website to include the latest news, information, and advertising from US dog care providers. The newly re-branded website - - will go live on October 1st, and be the only news and information website to provide the 45 million US dog owning households and their 75 million dogs with daily breaking news and in-depth coverage of both the $20 billion dog product manufacturing and $10 billion dog service industries.
With the October 1st launch of its dog product news section and December 1st launch of is dog services news section, Dog News Daily will become the most comprehensive news and information website for the anticipated 1 million monthly dog owning visitors in search of the latest information from both dog product manufacturers and retailers as well as care givers including veterinarians, groomers, and boarding facilities.
Alan Siskind, founder and publisher of, said that the decision to expand and re-brand the website to include dog care providers was due in large part to receiving hundreds of unsolicited e-mails from care giving professionals and dog owners who wanted the original website to include care giving services and news from veterinarians, groomers, trainers, and boarding facilities.
Siskind went on to say "We knew when we first envisioned that we were filling an obvious need by providing a much needed product information resource for dog owners, and a powerful communications platform for manufacturers. What we didn't anticipate was the incredible demand from dog owners and caregivers who also wanted an online news resource." will publish the latest news and information from and about dog product manufacturers and caregivers by product and service categories, sub categories, and zip codes. Utilizing this format, advertisers including dog product retailers, manufacturers, and caregivers will now be able to target their messages by product and service categories as well as location.
Headquartered in Los Angeles and founded by the nationally known consumer marketing and branding expert Alan Siskind, is the only independent online news service and information portal designed as both a marketing communications vehicle for the $30 billion dog industry, and a news resource for the 45 million dog owning households in search of the latest information to keep their 4 legged family members happy, healthy, and looking good.
Alan Siskind
310.479.3999 Office
12021 Wilshire Blvd. / Suite 428 / Los Angeles, CA 90025
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
12 Year Old With Brain Cancer Had His Puppy Shot

Photo by the Globe and Mail
A twelve year old boy named Nick Rose from Quadra Island, BC who is suffering from brain cancer was out with his little four month old Jack Russell dog called Seymour helping his dad. Out of nowhere the dog ran down the driveway where two hunters were standing and one hunter shot and killed the little dog.
The poor little kid who went though all kind of treatments for his cancer stood there while his new best friend was killed. I hope these hunters get the book thrown at them for what they did. How do you try and give a little kid hope after something like this. Little Nick has just lost his new best friend.
Read the article here.
Monday, September 15, 2008
RSPCA Pulls Out Of Two Dog Shows
RSPCA chief veterinary adviser Mark Evans said; Dog shows using current breed standards as the main judging criteria actively encourage both the intentional breeding of deformed and disabled dogs and the inbreeding of closely related animals. There is compelling scientific evidence that the health and welfare of hundreds of thousands of pedigree dogs is seriously compromised as a result. From a dog health and welfare perspective, such shows are fundamentally flawed and do our much loved pedigree dogs no favors. Intentionally breeding deformed and disabled animals is morally unjustifiable and has to stop.
Just maybe having a big sponsor like the RSPCA pulling out of the upcoming shows will help fight the cause of these poor dogs being inbreeded.
Mark Evans also said; When I watch Crufts, what I see is a parade of mutants. It's some freakish garish beauty pageant that has nothing, frankly to do with health and welfare.
Now that’s a bold statement that just might wakeup these breeders.
Read the article here.
See the BBC video here.
See the six part video on youtube here.
Sunday, September 14, 2008
What’s The Most Helpful Dog There Is ?
Calling All Angels
I came across a video by the German Shepherd Rescue and it brings it all together when you look back at just about any type of rescue there was you will see a German Shepherd there.
Here are two touching video’s by the rescue group that will touch your heart….Enjoy….
Don't forget to check out THE GERMAN SHEPHERD RESCUE, INC.
Did You Get Your Officially Licensed Dog Jersey

I came across a site today that sells officially licensed jerseys for your dog called that sells MLB, NCAA, NBA, NHL, NASCAR and NFL gear for your dog.
So now you can show off your dogs favorite team or driver to your friends.
Check them out here.
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Mars Pet Food Recall List
Debra Fair
Public Relations Manager — Central Marketing
(973) 691-3536
For Immediate Release
Mars Petcare US Announces Nationwide Voluntary Recall
Franklin, Tennessee (September 12, 2008)—Today, Mars Petcare US announced a voluntary recall of products manufactured at its Everson, Pennsylvania facility. The pet food is being voluntarily recalled because of potential contamination with Salmonella serotype Schwarzengrund. This voluntary recall only affects the United States.
Salmonella can cause serious infections in dogs and cats, and, if there is cross contamination caused by handling of the pet food, in people as well, especially children, the aged, and people with compromised immune systems. Healthy people potentially infected with Salmonella should monitor themselves for some or all of the following symptoms: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea or bloody diarrhea, abdominal cramping and fever. On rare occasions, Salmonella can result in more serious ailments, including arterial infections, endocarditis, arthritis, muscle pain, eye irritation, and urinary tract symptoms. Consumers exhibiting these signs after having contact with this product should contact their healthcare providers.
Pets with Salmonella infections may be lethargic and have diarrhea or bloody diarrhea, fever, and vomiting. Some pets will have only decreased appetite, fever and abdominal pain. Animals can be carriers with no visible symptoms and can potentially infect other animals or humans. If your pet has consumed the recalled product and has these symptoms, please contact your veterinarian.
The company stopped production at the Everson facility on July 29, 2008 when it was alerted of a possible link between dry pet food produced at the plant and two isolated cases of people infected with Salmonella Schwarzengrund.
Even though no direct link between product produced at Everson and human or pet illness has been made, Mars Petcare US is taking precautionary action to protect pets and their owners by announcing a voluntary recall of all products produced at the Everson facility beginning February 18, 2008 until July 29, 2008 when we stopped production.
The company is continuing to work collaboratively with the FDA to determine the nature and source of Salmonella Schwarzengrund at the Everson facility. Since it has not yet identified the source of the Salmonella Schwarzengrund at the Everson facility, Mars Petcare US does not plan to resume production out of a commitment to the safety of our pet owners and their pets, customers, and associates.
The top priority of Mars Petcare US has always been and continues to be the health and welfare of pets and their owners. Consumers can continue to have confidence in the quality and safety of the products produced at other Mars Petcare US facilities. Only those products which were produced at the Everson facility are impacted by the voluntary recall.
Many of the brands involved in the recall are national brands produced at multiple facilities. A chart for all products is below. For example, PEDIGREE® is manufactured in numerous facilities throughout the country, and Everson represents a very small portion of the manufacturing base – 2.7 percent of total PEDIGREE® production.
Mars Petcare US will work with retail customers to ensure that the recalled products are not on store shelves. These products should not be sold or fed to pets. In the event that consumers believe they have purchased products affected by this voluntary recall, they should return the product to the store where they purchased it for a full refund. Specific product details and other information can be found at
Please find recalled pet food UPC information below.
The products listed below are made at our Everson facility on behalf of a variety of retailers. All code dates, with the exception of PEDIGREE®, are listed in a similar format as noted below:
Consumers should look for “17” as the first two digits of the second line. Sample:
Best By Feb 18 09
17 1445 1
For PEDIGREE® the Everson code date format is as follows:
Consumers should look for “PAE” on the bottom line – the sixth, seventh and eighth digits. Sample:
PEDIGREE ® Small Crunchy Bites
Best Before 02/2009
808G1PAE01 12:00
In an effort to prevent the transmission of Salmonella from pets to family members and care givers, the FDA recommends that everyone follow appropriate pet food handling guidelines when feeding their pets. A list of safe pet food handling tips can be found at:
Pet owners who have questions about the recall should call 1-877-568-4463 or visit
Recalled Pet Food
Note: If you see a product you purchased listed below, please review the code date information samples from above to confirm that your product is included in the recall.
Product Name / Bag Size
Product Name / Bag Size
Country Acres Cat Food 40#
16603 02181
Retriever Bites & Bones Dog Food 8#
79818 96757
Country Acres Ration Dog Food 40#
16603 02333
Retriever Bites & Bones Dog Food 20#
79818 96634
Country Acres 18% Dog Food 40#
16603 02331
Retriever Bites & Bones Dog Food 50#
49394 05666
Country Acres Hi Pro Dog Food 50#
16603 02021
Retriever Gravy Blend Dog Food 50#
49394 05665
Doggy Bag Dog Food 40#
73893 40000
Retriever Gravy Blend Dog Food 8#
79818 96756
Members Mark Complete Nutrition Premium Cat Food 20#
81131 89881
Retriever Hi Protein Dog Food 8#
79818 96755
Members Mark Complete Nutrition Premium Dog Food 50#
05388 67055
Retriever Hi Protein Dog Food 25#
49394 00002
Members Mark Crunchy Bites & Savory Bones Adult Dog Food 50#
05388 67309
Retriever Hi Protein Dog Food 50#
49394 00003
Members Mark High Performance Premium Dog Food 50#
81131 75479
Retriever Mini Chunk Dog Food 8#
79818 96754
Natural Cat Food (Sam's Club) 15#
81131 89883
Retriever Mini Chunk Dog Food 25#
49394 00006
Natural Dog Food (Sam's Club) 25#
81131 89884
Retriever Mini Chunk Dog Food 50#
49395 00005
Ol' Roy Complete Nutrition 4.4#
81131 69377
Retriever Puppy Blend Dog Food 6#
49394 56221
Ol' Roy Complete Nutrition 8#
05388 67144
Retriever Puppy Blend Dog Food 8#
79818 96758
Ol' Roy Complete Nutrition 22#
05388 60342
Retriever Puppy Blend Dog Food 20#
49394 00004
Ol' Roy Complete Nutrition 50#
78742 01022
Retriever Puppy Blend Dog Food 40#
79818 96706
Ol' Roy High Performance Nutrition Dog Food 20#
05388 60345
Special Kitty Gourmet 3.5#
81131 17546
Ol' Roy High Performance Nutrition Dog Food 50#
78742 05815
Special Kitty Gourmet 4#
78742 53199
Ol' Roy Meaty Chunks 'n Gravy Dog Food 8#
81131 69629
Special Kitty Gourmet 7#
81131 17547
Ol' Roy Meaty Chunks 'n Gravy Dog Food 22#
81131 69630
Special Kitty Gourmet 8#
78742 53200
Ol' Roy Meaty Chunks 'n Gravy Dog Food 50#
81131 69631
Special Kitty Gourmet 18#
81131 15748
Ol' Roy Puppy Complete 4#
81131 79078
Special Kitty Gourmet 20#
78742 53201
Ol' Roy Puppy Complete 8#
81131 79079
Special Kitty Gourmet 25#
78742 54314
Ol' Roy Puppy Complete 20#
81131 79080
Special Kitty Kitten 3.5#
81131 17553
Paws & Claws Delicious Mix Cat Food 8#
79818 96632
Special Kitty Kitten 4#
78742 53198
Paws & Claws Delicious Mix Cat Food 20#
49394 05746
Special Kitty Kitten 7#
81131 17554
Paws & Claws Delicious Mix Cat Food 40#
79818 96676
Special Kitty Kitten 8#
81131 24739
Paws & Claws Premium Choice Cat Food 8#
79818 96633
Special Kitty Original 3.5#
81131 17557
Paws & Claws Premium Choice Cat Food 20#
49394 00008
Special Kitty Original 4#
78742 04930
Paws & Claws Premium Choice Cat Food 40#
49394 05747
Special Kitty Original 7#
81131 17562
Pedigree Large Breed Adult Nutrition 20#
23100 29158
Special Kitty Original 8#
78742 05744
Pedigree Large Breed Adult Nutrition 30.1#
23100 31484
Special Kitty Original 18#
81131 17559
Pedigree Large Breed Adult Nutrition 36.4#
23100 31479
Special Kitty Original 20#
78742 05794
Pedigree Large Breed Adult Nutrition 40#
23100 29154
Special Kitty Original 25#
81131 68869
Pedigree Small Crunchy Bites Adult Nutrition 4.4#
23100 05104
Wegman's Bruiser Complete Nutrition Dog Food 4.4#
77890 33654
Pedigree Small Crunchy Bites Adult Nutrition 8.8#
23100 05103
Wegman's Bruiser Complete Nutrition Dog Food 20#
77890 32988
Pedigree Small Crunchy Bites Adult Nutrition 20#
23100 14719
Wegman's Bruiser Complete Nutrition Dog Food 37.5#
77890 32994
Pedigree Small Crunchy Bites Adult Nutrition 32#
23100 31483
Wegman's Bruiser Puppy Dog Food 4.4#
77890 33621
Pedigree Small Crunchy Bites Adult Nutrition 40#
23100 31478
Wegman's Bruiser Puppy Dog Food 17.6#
77890 32991
Pedigree Small Crunchy Bites Adult Nutrition 44#
23100 05100
Wegman's Bruiser Small Crunchy Bites Dog Food 4.4#
77890 33618
Pedigree Small Crunchy Bites Adult Nutrition 52#
23100 05110
Wegman's Bruiser Small Crunchy Bites Dog Food 20#
77890 32982
Pet Pride Indoor Cat 3.5#
11110 74584
Wegman's Buju & Ziggie Complete Cat Food 3.5#
77890 10005
Pet Pride Indoor Cat 18#
11110 74585
Wegman's Buju & Ziggie Complete Cat Food 18#
77890 10004
Pet Pride Weight Management Dog Food 17.6#
11110 74578
Wegman's Buju & Ziggie Indoor Cat Food 3.5#
77890 12038
PMI Nutrition Bites & Bones Dog Food 50#
42869 00174
Wegman's Buju & Ziggie Indoor Cat Food 18#
77890 12039
PMI Nutrition Canine Advantage 50#
42869 00172
Wegman's Buju & Ziggie Kitten 3.5#
77890 12036
PMI Nutrition Feline Medley 20#
42869 00171
Wegman's Buju & Ziggie Original Medley Cat Food 3.5#
77890 10006
PMI Nutrition Gravy Crunches Dog Food 40#
42869 00033
Wegman's Buju & Ziggie Original Medley Cat Food 18#
77890 10003
Red Flannel Active Formula Dog Food 40#
42869 00063
Red Flannel Adult Formula Dog Food 20#
42869 00055
Red Flannel Adult Formula Dog Food 40#
42869 00054
Red Flannel Canine Select Dog Food 20#
42869 00068
Red Flannel Canine Select Dog Food 40#
42869 00067
Red Flannel Cat 10#
42869 00059
Red Flannel Cat 20#
42869 00058
Red Flannel Hi Pro Formula Dog Food 50#
42869 00065
Red Flannel Prime Dog Food 25#
42869 00052
Red Flannel Prime Dog Food 50#
42869 00053
Red Flannel Puppy 40#
42869 00056
Friday, September 12, 2008
What Happens When Deer Meets Dog
Photo's by unknown
I would like to know more about these pictures if anyone knows.
It just shows you that even a deer will have feelings for a dog too. I think that Mom and Dad had the best time by looking at these pictures. Isn't nature great to see in real life.
There Is A New Dog Biscuit On The Market

Photo by WLBZ2
A guy named Chris Roberts has come up with a new type of dog biscuit and named his company Barkwheats Dog Biscuits.
Chris went from baker to dog biscuit maker which is a big change for Chris who tries to use only local products where he lives in Maine. Who knows where his business might lead him to?
I know that I would buy his dog biscuits knowing that they were hand made by local products and not some foreign products that might be tainted.
Read the article by Kara Matuszewski here.
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Tailored Dog Helps No Kill Shelters In Chicago
11 AM TO 4 PM
Join us for the launch of the first collection designed specifically for big dogs. Meet Puma, NBC5's “unofficial mascot”, and experience the line of fashion-forward visors, raincoats, fleece hats and coats, featuring customized details that flatter the broad figures of large dogs while protecting them from the elements.
A portion of Tailored DogTM proceeds benefit "no kill" shelters.
Present this invitation for preferred introductory pricing and receive a
special gift with your purchase.
Tailored Dog™ is manufactured by the Chicago Association for
Retarded Citizens (CARC), an organization that provides training and
jobs for adults with developmental disabilities.
For more information go to
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
40 Dogs A Day Getting The Gas Chamber Just In One Place

The town of Tulsa, Ok are killing 40 dogs a day in a gas chamber and now they are going to use lethal injection on these poor little dogs.
Why aren’t people adopting these guys or at lest they could try and send them to a no kill shelter. It’s just sad to read an article about my buddies being killed day after day. I wonder how heartless the town of Tulsa really is to just kill and kill these dogs day after day.
To top it off another town wants to buy the old gas chamber from the city of Tulsa. So there must be another heartless town nearby that doesn’t care either about dogs.
Read the article by Emory Bryan here.
Pet Owner Tips for Stress Free Traveling
Woman's furry best friend wins her a trip to Tinseltown in AIR MILES® Film It & Win contest
TORONTO, ONTARIO--(Marketwire - Sept. 9, 2008) - Knowing how much we love our pets - dogs, cats, rabbits or otherwise - the AIR MILES(R) Reward Program and Global Pet Foods have developed a list of key travel-with-your-pet tips, including what to do if you can't bring them along, for Canadian pet owners.
The pet travel list was inspired by Lynn Gervais of Kelowna, B.C., who recently won the AIR MILES(R) Film It & Win contest grand prize of a Hollywood escape for two, with a little help from, in this case, woman's best friend.
"Lynn's video was a warm reminder that pets are one of the family, and the care we provide for them is an important consideration before taking a trip," says Neil Everett, Chief Marketing Officer, AIR MILES(R) Reward Program. "Just like many of our Collectors, many of us here at AIR MILES have pets too - I know there's a lot of anxiety involved in deciding 'should I bring them with me or would they be better off at home?'"
Lynn's winning submission featured her talented tiny white Chihuahua, Lambert, in a starring role, as he set out on a mission, using his owner's AIR MILES Collector card, to get a well deserved vacation for the two of them.
"I call Lambert my furry son because he has a way of reading what I am feeling, and he has always been a very smart dog who learns quickly, which made this video easy to film," says Gervais.
AIR MILES compiled the list with specialty pet food partner, Global Pet Foods, Canada's health food store for pets.
Top 10 Pet Owner Tips for Stress-Free Traveling
Traveling with your pet
- Make a pet travel checklist - items can include favourite toys, medications, carrier, water bowls, plastic bags, grooming tools, leashes, vaccination records, tags etc.
- Schedule a visit with the vet - up-to-date veterinarian papers are usually required by pet-friendly vacation spots
- Plan dietary needs before - ensure there are no major changes to their diet
- Pack a simple pet first-aid kit - be sure to include products that are safe for pets and phone numbers of your veterinarian
- Carry a photograph of your pet - should your pet become lost, a picture will help your chances of locating them quickly and safely
Traveling without your pet
To reduce your stress level, you might want to consider leaving your pet at home with a trusted caregiver.
"For my peace of mind, we decided it would be best to leave Lambert with my mom and check in a few times while we're away," adds Gervais. "I know with her, he'll be rewarded and spoiled with treats while we're gone."
- If you are leaving your pet with a trusted relative, friend or putting them in a pet hotel, be sure to leave detailed instructions on their daily habits, dietary patterns, favourite toys etc.
- Leave contact information for your pet's veterinarian in case of emergency
- If you hire a pet sitter to come by your house, provide the name and contact information of a neighbour who has a key to your home in case of emergencies
- Position yourself as nearby - have the sitter play a home video so they can hear or see you
- Keep in touch - call and say "hello" on the sitter's cell phone so they can hear your voice - it's proven to be soothing for them
AIR MILES Film It & Win Contest
An extension on its' spring Free Movie Escape promotion, AIR MILES' Film It & Win contest invited Collectors to upload a self-produced, 60-second Drama, Action or Comedy to a microsite, and once posted, AIR MILES Collectors rated their favourites on a scale of 1 to 5 stars. From the top ten rated submissions, a panel of AIR MILES judges chose the most creative.
Second place went to Genevieve Draws of L'Ile-Bizard, Quebec, whose clip uses a conversation between two fish narrowly avoiding a divorce to describe some of the over 800 different products and services reward miles can be used for beyond air travel. Third place went to Dominic Raymond of Trois-Rivieres, Quebec for his submission demonstrating how easy it is to follow your dreams using an AIR MILES Collector card. Each of them received 5,000 AIR MILES reward miles and 2,500 AIR MILES reward miles, respectively.
Visit to watch all three winning submissions.
About the AIR MILES(R) Reward Program
The AIR MILES(R) Reward Program is Canada's premier coalition loyalty program. Founded in 1992, it has more than 9 million active Collector accounts, representing approximately two-thirds of all Canadian households. The AIR MILES(R) Reward Program offers Collectors over 800 different leisure, entertainment, merchandise, travel and other lifestyle rewards by shopping for products and services at one of more than 100 brand-name Sponsors. To find out more information on the AIR MILES(R) Reward Program, visit the website at
For more information, please contactPilot PMRNatalie Bomberry(416) 462-0199 x 35Email: natalie@pilotpmr.comorAIR MILES(R) Reward ProgramCorporate Affairs(416) 552-2346Email: mediaoffice@loyalty.comWebsite:
You got to see the winning video