If your dog was vaccinated at the Countryside Humane Society in Racine, Wisconsin it might have been done with an expired vaccine. I guess nobody was looking at the dates on the vaccine over the last few months, so if you are from that area you might want to check it out to be safe.
I wonder how many dogs have been vaccinated around the world with an expired vaccine. Maybe it would be a good idea to asked the person to check the date on any meds that are given to your pet.
Read the article here.
Sunday, May 30, 2010
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Here's One Company That Takes Pride In Having Dogs In Their Work Place
Silverado Senior Living 'Chief Pet Officer' Proves Dogs are Execs' Best Colleague
From the early stages of planning his company 15 years ago to now, with his organization employing over 2,000 people in four states, Silverado Senior Living President, CEO and Board Chairman Loren Shook has had a constant partner at his side. While trusted partnerships are important in business, this one is a little different. Shook's close colleague has been his Labrador retriever Candy. She accompanied the chief executive to meetings with private equity firms in Los Angles skyscrapers in those initial days and has reported to the corporate headquarters with him since Silverado opened for business. Of course, Candy is expected to come to the office on Take Your Dog to Work Day, June 25.
Involving Candy in Silverado Senior Living "just seemed like the natural thing to do," said Shook, who believes that America's customary ban on dogs and other animals in the workplace "is a misunderstanding of the value of pets and what they can do for us. Pets reduce stress, help promote interaction between co-workers, and can be ice-breakers that help people start talking."
Candy has been given the title of "chief pet officer" and it's more than just a cute moniker. Silverado believes the presence of animals benefits the memory-impaired in its care as well as its employees, providing them with stress reduction, loving companionship, and the sense of reward that comes of helping care for them. For this reason, Silverado mandates that its memory-care communities adopt dogs and other pets to reside on the premises and be part of daily life. Like Candy, Silverado's pets are rescues, adopted from shelters, rescue organizations, and individuals unable to care for them.
Residents are also encouraged to bring their pets to live with them at Silverado, which takes responsibility for the animals' care even if their owners no longer reside at its communities. Silverado staff is asked to bring their animals to the workplace, too.
"Having dogs, cats, and other pets at Silverado for more than a decade has been incredibly positive for those in our care, our associates, and our whole company," Shook said. "I would encourage other businesses to consider inviting pets into their workplaces, too. Of course, there need to be rules; animals must be well-behaved and groomed and they can't be a distraction that keeps people from getting their work done. But at Silverado, we've shown it can be done successfully and that the benefits are tremendous."
Silverado Senior Living offers assisted living care for those with Alzheimer's disease and other forms of memory impairment as well as home care, care management, and hospice care through its Silverado At Home and Silverado Hospice service lines. Silverado is based in San Juan Capistrano, Calif. and operates in 34 locations across California, Texas, Utah, and Arizona. Visit www.Silveradosenior.com for more information.
From the early stages of planning his company 15 years ago to now, with his organization employing over 2,000 people in four states, Silverado Senior Living President, CEO and Board Chairman Loren Shook has had a constant partner at his side. While trusted partnerships are important in business, this one is a little different. Shook's close colleague has been his Labrador retriever Candy. She accompanied the chief executive to meetings with private equity firms in Los Angles skyscrapers in those initial days and has reported to the corporate headquarters with him since Silverado opened for business. Of course, Candy is expected to come to the office on Take Your Dog to Work Day, June 25.
Involving Candy in Silverado Senior Living "just seemed like the natural thing to do," said Shook, who believes that America's customary ban on dogs and other animals in the workplace "is a misunderstanding of the value of pets and what they can do for us. Pets reduce stress, help promote interaction between co-workers, and can be ice-breakers that help people start talking."
Candy has been given the title of "chief pet officer" and it's more than just a cute moniker. Silverado believes the presence of animals benefits the memory-impaired in its care as well as its employees, providing them with stress reduction, loving companionship, and the sense of reward that comes of helping care for them. For this reason, Silverado mandates that its memory-care communities adopt dogs and other pets to reside on the premises and be part of daily life. Like Candy, Silverado's pets are rescues, adopted from shelters, rescue organizations, and individuals unable to care for them.
Residents are also encouraged to bring their pets to live with them at Silverado, which takes responsibility for the animals' care even if their owners no longer reside at its communities. Silverado staff is asked to bring their animals to the workplace, too.
"Having dogs, cats, and other pets at Silverado for more than a decade has been incredibly positive for those in our care, our associates, and our whole company," Shook said. "I would encourage other businesses to consider inviting pets into their workplaces, too. Of course, there need to be rules; animals must be well-behaved and groomed and they can't be a distraction that keeps people from getting their work done. But at Silverado, we've shown it can be done successfully and that the benefits are tremendous."
Silverado Senior Living offers assisted living care for those with Alzheimer's disease and other forms of memory impairment as well as home care, care management, and hospice care through its Silverado At Home and Silverado Hospice service lines. Silverado is based in San Juan Capistrano, Calif. and operates in 34 locations across California, Texas, Utah, and Arizona. Visit www.Silveradosenior.com for more information.
Friday, May 28, 2010
Why …..Tell Me Why Do People Do This To Their Pets
First of all how is it that nobody ever even seen all these animals at Doretha Harbinson’s home. When the police arrived they found some ninety animals living in a boarded up mobile home. There was also some fifty dead animals that were found in some containers and nobody seen any of this going on.
So now this person named Doretha Harbinson is being charged with animal cruelty and improper disposal of dead animals. How could anybody in their right mind do this, it’s just so sickening and to top it off the Cleveland County Coordinator of Health Services said they have visited Harbinson's home multiple times.
So who was sent there a blind person… sorry I didn’t mean to offend anyone but dam somebody had to see that something was wrong. The story always the same, it’s normally to late when someone finally takes some kind of action. I feel bad for all the animals that either had to die or live though this kind of hell.
Read the article by Carrie Hodgin here.
So now this person named Doretha Harbinson is being charged with animal cruelty and improper disposal of dead animals. How could anybody in their right mind do this, it’s just so sickening and to top it off the Cleveland County Coordinator of Health Services said they have visited Harbinson's home multiple times.
So who was sent there a blind person… sorry I didn’t mean to offend anyone but dam somebody had to see that something was wrong. The story always the same, it’s normally to late when someone finally takes some kind of action. I feel bad for all the animals that either had to die or live though this kind of hell.
Read the article by Carrie Hodgin here.
Thursday, May 27, 2010
What Happens When You Put 261 Dogs In A 3000 SF Home

Photo's by Polk County Jail
This is what the so called mid-floridaretrieverrescue place looked like.

Photo by Polk County Sheriff's Office
Well that’s what a couple named Diana & Charles O’Malley from Polk City, FL had in their home when the local Sheriff’s came and found all these dogs in their home. Can you just imagine two hundred plus dogs running around in their home and to top it off the dogs were malnourished and infested with fleas?
The Sheriff’s arrested and charged the two with neglecting their dogs and set bail at one hundred and thirty thousand each for animal cruelty.
Polk Sheriff Grady Judd said: To call it horrific or shocking those are just too common to describe the total filth in this house. If you check their website, they make you put up twenty five dollars. They want to check you out to make sure you're the right fit, that your home is clean and safe, these animals have been neglected, mistreated, and were living in deplorable conditions.
Well it’s great to see another puppy mill shut down, hopefully the dogs will find a new place to call home.
Read the article by Keith W. Kohn here.
Update: The Judge Let's These Two Walk.... Read the article by Keith W. Hohn here.
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
What’s The U.S. Department of Agriculture Office of Inspector General Have To Say About Puppy Mills
The U.S. Department of Agriculture Office of Inspector General report detailing the mismanagement is too long to post, so here is a PDF file that you can read and see their report here.

Here are a few photos from their report that were taken from two different puppy mills in Oklahoma, sickening is in it.

Here’s an article from the Last Chance for Animals
U.S. Department of Agriculture Office of Inspector General Releases a Report Detailing Mismanagement and Abuse of Animals Under APHIS' Enforcement Confirming What LCA Has Been Saying for Decades Regarding the Puppy Mill Industry
LCA Demands Congressional Oversight of APHIS and Hearings into the Lax Enforcement of the Animal Welfare Act by the USDA Overseeing Dog Breeding in the U.S. LCA Also Requests an End to the Loophole That Allows Breeders Selling Dogs Over the Internet Exemption From the AWA
Last Chance for Animals (LCA) has been at the forefront of investigating puppy mills and B-Dealers around the country for years. They have documented countless violations of the Animal Welfare Act and have been appalled to find large and small scale breeders operating with seeming impunity from the USDA.
For the last 20 years the OIG has conducted an audit on animal care and concluded in 1992, '95 and 2005 that APHIS could not ensure the humane care and treatment of animals at all dealer facilities as required by AWA. They stated that "APHIS did not inspect dealer facilities with reliable frequency, and it did not enforce timely correction of violations found during inspections. Moreover, APHIS did not timely penalize facilities found to be in violation of AWA." In 2005 the OIG concluded that "APHIS offered other concessions (to breeders and research facilities) making the fines basically meaningless. Violators considered the monetary stipulation as a normal cost of business rather than a deterrent for violating the law."
In their latest report on APHIS released May 25, 2010 the OIG found:
Out of 4,250 violators of the AWA, 2, 416 repeatedly violated the same statute, including 863 reoffending in the same subsection.
That inspectors typically take no enforcement action against first-time violators, even if a direct violation is found.
Inadequate enforcement against repeat violators -- and when instructions specified a stronger action such as stipulation or litigation, inspectors were allowed to recommend a more lenient option.
Even in extreme circumstances where animals are dying or suffering APHIS added a provision requiring that the violator be given a final opportunity to take corrective action before confiscation can occur.
Last Chance for Animals President Chris DeRose is available for comment on this issue. Please contact (310) 271-6096 x22 siu67@lcanimal.org to schedule an interview.
Last Chance for Animals (LCA), a national animal rights organization based in Los Angeles, has been active for more than two decades. Founded and led by animal expert, author, and actor, Chris DeRose. LCA fights for the rights of animals by conducting investigations that expose animal cruelty. For more information, visit www.LCAnimal.org.
Here’s a follow up from the ASPCA
The ASPCA Issues Statement Regarding the Office of the Inspector General's Audit of Large-Scale Dog Breeder Industry
The ASPCA® (The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals®) was horrified and saddened to read the Office of the Inspector General's audit detailing the U.S. Department of Agriculture's lax and ineffective enforcement of the Animal Welfare Act (AWA) against licensed large-scale dog breeders and brokers known as "puppy mills." The report found that despite regular inspections, breeders are allowed to operate facilities where dogs live in inhumane conditions—kennels overflowing with pools of urine and feces, food laden with dead cockroaches, dogs infested with ticks, and unattended injuries such as a mutilated leg, among other atrocities—without penalty. Unfortunately, we were not surprised. The ASPCA has been painfully aware of the cruel conditions to which dogs are regularly subjected at the hands of puppy mill operators who put profit above providing the most fundamental standards of care.
We commend the Office of the Inspector General for its important audit and urge consumers to avoid purchasing dogs from pet stores—retail or online—and instead adopt from their local shelter or a breed rescue group, or buy from a responsible breeder.
For more information about puppy mills, please visit http://www.aspca.org/fight-animal-cruelty/puppy-mills/
About the ASPCA®
Founded in 1866, the ASPCA® (The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals®) is the first humane organization established in the Americas and serves as the nation's leading voice for animal welfare. One million supporters strong, the ASPCA's mission is to provide effective means for the prevention of cruelty to animals throughout the United States. As a 501 [c] [3] not-for-profit corporation, the ASPCA is a national leader in the areas of anti-cruelty, community outreach and animal health services. The ASPCA, which is headquartered in New York City, offers a wide range of programs, including a mobile clinic outreach initiative, its own humane law enforcement team, and a groundbreaking veterinary forensics team and mobile animal CSI unit. For more information, please visit www.aspca.org.

Here are a few photos from their report that were taken from two different puppy mills in Oklahoma, sickening is in it.

Here’s an article from the Last Chance for Animals
U.S. Department of Agriculture Office of Inspector General Releases a Report Detailing Mismanagement and Abuse of Animals Under APHIS' Enforcement Confirming What LCA Has Been Saying for Decades Regarding the Puppy Mill Industry
LCA Demands Congressional Oversight of APHIS and Hearings into the Lax Enforcement of the Animal Welfare Act by the USDA Overseeing Dog Breeding in the U.S. LCA Also Requests an End to the Loophole That Allows Breeders Selling Dogs Over the Internet Exemption From the AWA
Last Chance for Animals (LCA) has been at the forefront of investigating puppy mills and B-Dealers around the country for years. They have documented countless violations of the Animal Welfare Act and have been appalled to find large and small scale breeders operating with seeming impunity from the USDA.
For the last 20 years the OIG has conducted an audit on animal care and concluded in 1992, '95 and 2005 that APHIS could not ensure the humane care and treatment of animals at all dealer facilities as required by AWA. They stated that "APHIS did not inspect dealer facilities with reliable frequency, and it did not enforce timely correction of violations found during inspections. Moreover, APHIS did not timely penalize facilities found to be in violation of AWA." In 2005 the OIG concluded that "APHIS offered other concessions (to breeders and research facilities) making the fines basically meaningless. Violators considered the monetary stipulation as a normal cost of business rather than a deterrent for violating the law."
In their latest report on APHIS released May 25, 2010 the OIG found:
Out of 4,250 violators of the AWA, 2, 416 repeatedly violated the same statute, including 863 reoffending in the same subsection.
That inspectors typically take no enforcement action against first-time violators, even if a direct violation is found.
Inadequate enforcement against repeat violators -- and when instructions specified a stronger action such as stipulation or litigation, inspectors were allowed to recommend a more lenient option.
Even in extreme circumstances where animals are dying or suffering APHIS added a provision requiring that the violator be given a final opportunity to take corrective action before confiscation can occur.
Last Chance for Animals President Chris DeRose is available for comment on this issue. Please contact (310) 271-6096 x22 siu67@lcanimal.org to schedule an interview.
Last Chance for Animals (LCA), a national animal rights organization based in Los Angeles, has been active for more than two decades. Founded and led by animal expert, author, and actor, Chris DeRose. LCA fights for the rights of animals by conducting investigations that expose animal cruelty. For more information, visit www.LCAnimal.org.
Here’s a follow up from the ASPCA
The ASPCA Issues Statement Regarding the Office of the Inspector General's Audit of Large-Scale Dog Breeder Industry
The ASPCA® (The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals®) was horrified and saddened to read the Office of the Inspector General's audit detailing the U.S. Department of Agriculture's lax and ineffective enforcement of the Animal Welfare Act (AWA) against licensed large-scale dog breeders and brokers known as "puppy mills." The report found that despite regular inspections, breeders are allowed to operate facilities where dogs live in inhumane conditions—kennels overflowing with pools of urine and feces, food laden with dead cockroaches, dogs infested with ticks, and unattended injuries such as a mutilated leg, among other atrocities—without penalty. Unfortunately, we were not surprised. The ASPCA has been painfully aware of the cruel conditions to which dogs are regularly subjected at the hands of puppy mill operators who put profit above providing the most fundamental standards of care.
We commend the Office of the Inspector General for its important audit and urge consumers to avoid purchasing dogs from pet stores—retail or online—and instead adopt from their local shelter or a breed rescue group, or buy from a responsible breeder.
For more information about puppy mills, please visit http://www.aspca.org/fight-animal-cruelty/puppy-mills/
About the ASPCA®
Founded in 1866, the ASPCA® (The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals®) is the first humane organization established in the Americas and serves as the nation's leading voice for animal welfare. One million supporters strong, the ASPCA's mission is to provide effective means for the prevention of cruelty to animals throughout the United States. As a 501 [c] [3] not-for-profit corporation, the ASPCA is a national leader in the areas of anti-cruelty, community outreach and animal health services. The ASPCA, which is headquartered in New York City, offers a wide range of programs, including a mobile clinic outreach initiative, its own humane law enforcement team, and a groundbreaking veterinary forensics team and mobile animal CSI unit. For more information, please visit www.aspca.org.
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Bayer Animal Health Presents The Undercover World Of Parasites
Take a Peek at the Undercover World of Parasites
Launch of Online Video Tour Showcases the Fascinating World of Parasites
Who said that learning about bugs was boring? An amazing new journey through the wonderful world of parasites launches on YouTube today. Four exciting videos, inspired by the 'Parasites Life Undercover' exhibition at the Berlin Natural History Museum and developed by Bayer Animal Health, showcase some fascinating highlights from the exhibition and provide useful information about protecting your pets.
Join celebrity vet, Scott Miller, as he discusses all kinds of parasites including fleas, mosquitoes and even vampire bats, and watch as he shows us how they can harm our pets and what we should do to protect against them. Scott says, "As a vet I would strongly recommend that owners understand how their pets can be affected by parasites and these videos provide a great way to learn about these unwelcome pests." Scott also highlights the impact that urbanisation and climate change have had on the prevalence of parasites.
Whether you have a cat or a dog or you're simply interested to learn more about parasites, visit http://www.youtube.com/user/parasitesundercover1 to view the online video tour.
Margaret Fairhurst, Head of Global Marketing at Bayer Animal Health, says, "The launch of these videos provides a wonderful opportunity to learn more about parasites in a fun and entertaining way. We hope, however, that viewers will also learn more about the inherent dangers some of these creatures pose to our beloved pets and the steps owners can take to protect their pets from them."
These engaging and educational videos reflect Bayer's continued commitment to the health and wellbeing of animals. With 100 years actively working in the field of parasite control, Bayer is well positioned to provide this fascinating insight into the parasite world. In addition to the introduction of spot-on techniques for the treatment of parasites, the company has also developed state-of-the-art combination products that simultaneously combat both external parasites such as fleas and ticks and internal pests such as worms.
About Bayer HealthCare
Bayer HealthCare, a subsidiary of Bayer AG, is one of the world's leading, innovative companies in the healthcare and medical products industry and is based in Leverkusen, Germany. The company combines the global activities of the Animal Health, Bayer Schering Pharma, Consumer Care and Medical Care divisions. Bayer HealthCare's aim is to discover and manufacture products that will improve human and animal health worldwide. Find more information at http://www.bayerhealthcare.com.
With a turnover of EUR963 million (2008) Bayer HealthCare's Animal Health Division is one of the world's leading manufacturers of veterinary drugs. The division manufactures and markets more than 100 different veterinary drugs and care products for livestock and companion animals.
Forward-Looking Statements
This news release contains forward-looking statements based on current assumptions and forecasts made by Bayer Group management. Various known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors could lead to material differences between the actual future results, financial situation, development or performance of the company and the estimates given here. These factors include those discussed in our annual and interim reports to the Frankfurt Stock Exchange and in our reports filed with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (including our Form 20-F). The company assumes no liability whatsoever to update these forward-looking statements or to confirm them to future events or developments.
Kathrin Statz
Launch of Online Video Tour Showcases the Fascinating World of Parasites
Who said that learning about bugs was boring? An amazing new journey through the wonderful world of parasites launches on YouTube today. Four exciting videos, inspired by the 'Parasites Life Undercover' exhibition at the Berlin Natural History Museum and developed by Bayer Animal Health, showcase some fascinating highlights from the exhibition and provide useful information about protecting your pets.
Join celebrity vet, Scott Miller, as he discusses all kinds of parasites including fleas, mosquitoes and even vampire bats, and watch as he shows us how they can harm our pets and what we should do to protect against them. Scott says, "As a vet I would strongly recommend that owners understand how their pets can be affected by parasites and these videos provide a great way to learn about these unwelcome pests." Scott also highlights the impact that urbanisation and climate change have had on the prevalence of parasites.
Whether you have a cat or a dog or you're simply interested to learn more about parasites, visit http://www.youtube.com/user/parasitesundercover1 to view the online video tour.
Margaret Fairhurst, Head of Global Marketing at Bayer Animal Health, says, "The launch of these videos provides a wonderful opportunity to learn more about parasites in a fun and entertaining way. We hope, however, that viewers will also learn more about the inherent dangers some of these creatures pose to our beloved pets and the steps owners can take to protect their pets from them."
These engaging and educational videos reflect Bayer's continued commitment to the health and wellbeing of animals. With 100 years actively working in the field of parasite control, Bayer is well positioned to provide this fascinating insight into the parasite world. In addition to the introduction of spot-on techniques for the treatment of parasites, the company has also developed state-of-the-art combination products that simultaneously combat both external parasites such as fleas and ticks and internal pests such as worms.
About Bayer HealthCare
Bayer HealthCare, a subsidiary of Bayer AG, is one of the world's leading, innovative companies in the healthcare and medical products industry and is based in Leverkusen, Germany. The company combines the global activities of the Animal Health, Bayer Schering Pharma, Consumer Care and Medical Care divisions. Bayer HealthCare's aim is to discover and manufacture products that will improve human and animal health worldwide. Find more information at http://www.bayerhealthcare.com.
With a turnover of EUR963 million (2008) Bayer HealthCare's Animal Health Division is one of the world's leading manufacturers of veterinary drugs. The division manufactures and markets more than 100 different veterinary drugs and care products for livestock and companion animals.
Forward-Looking Statements
This news release contains forward-looking statements based on current assumptions and forecasts made by Bayer Group management. Various known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors could lead to material differences between the actual future results, financial situation, development or performance of the company and the estimates given here. These factors include those discussed in our annual and interim reports to the Frankfurt Stock Exchange and in our reports filed with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (including our Form 20-F). The company assumes no liability whatsoever to update these forward-looking statements or to confirm them to future events or developments.
Kathrin Statz
Monday, May 24, 2010
Fort Myers Woman Arrested And Charged With Animal Cruelty
Why do people get dogs in the first place if they aren’t going to take care of them?
A woman named Frances Rochford’s has been charged with animal cruelty for neglecting her three dogs.
What I don’t understand is why it took the investigators three months to take the last dog away from this person where one was dead and the other had to be put down and the neighbors watched as all this happen to the dogs. I wish more people would come forward to report the neglect of an animal when they see it and not just wait for the authorities to come to the rescue.
The article said that Frances could get up to five years in jail, well why not for what she did. It’s just sickening to read about what she did.
Read the article here.
Friday, May 21, 2010
How Many Dogs Have Been Taken
We all have read about missing dogs, but up in Iowa the sheriff from Madison County has said that about fifty dogs have been taken from their yards.
So who is stealing these dogs and why, could they be selling them in another state or are they using the dogs for something else. It makes you wonder how come when all you need to do is go to any shelter and you will find a lot of dogs there looking for a new home.
Read the article by Dan Winters here.
So who is stealing these dogs and why, could they be selling them in another state or are they using the dogs for something else. It makes you wonder how come when all you need to do is go to any shelter and you will find a lot of dogs there looking for a new home.
Read the article by Dan Winters here.
How Many Dogs Have Been Taken
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Did You Read The New Dog Handbook By ALPO

Actor Taye Diggs Reads Excerpts from Newly-Released ALPO® "Real Dogs Eat Meat" Handbook to Audience of Drooling Dogs
Want to discover the best places to bury a bone? What about tips for rolling in mud or where to hide when someone wants to put a sweater on you? Real dogs need look no further than the ALPO® "Real Dogs Eat Meat" Handbook that is now available for free browsing or download at www.ALPORealDogs.com. This common sense guide to help dogs be dogs again takes readers into the hearts, minds and mud-covered "soles" of 20 real dog "paw-thors" who share their infinite wisdom about life's greatest pleasures. Forget about doggie spas and designer clothes -- real dogs prefer drooling for dinner, scratching wherever it itches and afternoon naps.
To celebrate the release of the ALPO "Real Dogs Eat Meat" Handbook, actor, TV star and real dog owner Taye Diggs hosted a first-of-its-kind virtual book reading event for dogs at The Chelsea Market in the Meatpacking District of Manhattan. Real dogs from all walks of life gathered ‘round Diggs to hear him read excerpts from the handbook, which offers a good dose of canine common sense in chapters titled: Leaving My Mark, Birthday Suits and Miss Manners. In addition to the live event, real dogs and their owners across America participated virtually via live streaming video on www.ALPORealDogs.com, where an archive of the video is now available.
"I've performed in front of all kinds of audiences throughout my career but this experience was definitely a first," said Diggs, actor, dog owner and host of the ALPO® "Real Dogs Eat Meat" Handbook virtual book reading event. "As a dog lover, it was fun to be part of such an original event."
The ALPO "Real Dogs Eat Meat" Handbook features fun, entertaining stories (ghost written by the "paw-thors'" owners) about what it means to be a real dog. The "paw-thors," including Hank, Bear, Thor and 17 other candid canines, won a national photo/essay contest that searched for real dogs as part of an ALPO movement to celebrate a more common sense approach to pooch pampering.
To browse the ALPO "Real Dogs Eat Meat" Handbook or download it for free, or to watch the book reading launch event hosted by Taye Diggs, visit www.ALPORealDogs.com.
About Nestlé Purina PetCare Company
ALPO is manufactured by Nestlé Purina PetCare Company, one of the leading global players in the pet care industry. Nestlé Purina promotes responsible pet care, humane education, community involvement and the positive bond between people and their pets. The North American headquarters for Nestlé Purina PetCare is located at Checkerboard Square in St. Louis, Missouri, where Ralston Purina was founded more than a century ago. The company is part of the Swiss-based Nestlé S.A. — the world's largest food company.
It's Snakebite Season So Keep On Eye On Your Dog
Snakes in the Grass Can Be Fatal to Dogs
Now that it is spring, pet owners will be taking their dogs outside more for walks, hiking, and camping. While fun is anticipated, pet owners should be cautious about their animals' safety, as snakes may pose a danger to dogs and humans.
About 90 percent of snakebites occur between April and October throughout the U.S. During summer months, snakes show increased aggression and venom yield. The majority of snakebite deaths to humans and animals are caused by rattlesnakes – the only poisonous snake native to California.
The U.S. has four types of venomous snakes: rattlesnake, copperhead, cottonmouth or water moccasin, and coral. Rattlesnakes are found across the U.S., while coral snakes are found primarily in Arizona, Texas, and Florida. Copperheads and water moccasins are found in Eastern and Central U.S., and their bites are the most common due to their proclivity for living near humans, according to Dr. Karl Jandrey, assistant professor at the University of California, Davis School of Veterinary Medicine.
"Americans love the outdoors; we have many lakes, rivers, parks, and wilderness areas to enjoy. Just remember to take care of your dog's safety when having fun," says Mark Nunez, DVM, president of the California Veterinary Medical Association. "Taking extra precautions can make all the difference."
Avoiding snake habitat is the best way to prevent your dog from being bitten by a snake. Keeping a dog leashed and under control at all times during walks and hikes may prevent perilous encounters with venomous snakes.
Should your dog get bitten by a snake, walk − do not run − away from it. Do not attempt to kill the snake, but make a note of what it looks like, if possible. Veterinarians know of their local population of venomous snakes, and identification is not always essential. Immediately make your way to the nearest veterinarian. Do not give your dog any over-the-counter medications, and avoid ice, hot/cold packs, sprays, incisions, suctioning, and tourniquets. The signs and symptoms that develop often will guide your veterinarian to the appropriate therapy.
The California Veterinary Medical Association is the largest state veterinary medical association in the United States, with more than 6,000 members. For more information, visit www.cvma.net.
Now that it is spring, pet owners will be taking their dogs outside more for walks, hiking, and camping. While fun is anticipated, pet owners should be cautious about their animals' safety, as snakes may pose a danger to dogs and humans.
About 90 percent of snakebites occur between April and October throughout the U.S. During summer months, snakes show increased aggression and venom yield. The majority of snakebite deaths to humans and animals are caused by rattlesnakes – the only poisonous snake native to California.
The U.S. has four types of venomous snakes: rattlesnake, copperhead, cottonmouth or water moccasin, and coral. Rattlesnakes are found across the U.S., while coral snakes are found primarily in Arizona, Texas, and Florida. Copperheads and water moccasins are found in Eastern and Central U.S., and their bites are the most common due to their proclivity for living near humans, according to Dr. Karl Jandrey, assistant professor at the University of California, Davis School of Veterinary Medicine.
"Americans love the outdoors; we have many lakes, rivers, parks, and wilderness areas to enjoy. Just remember to take care of your dog's safety when having fun," says Mark Nunez, DVM, president of the California Veterinary Medical Association. "Taking extra precautions can make all the difference."
Avoiding snake habitat is the best way to prevent your dog from being bitten by a snake. Keeping a dog leashed and under control at all times during walks and hikes may prevent perilous encounters with venomous snakes.
Should your dog get bitten by a snake, walk − do not run − away from it. Do not attempt to kill the snake, but make a note of what it looks like, if possible. Veterinarians know of their local population of venomous snakes, and identification is not always essential. Immediately make your way to the nearest veterinarian. Do not give your dog any over-the-counter medications, and avoid ice, hot/cold packs, sprays, incisions, suctioning, and tourniquets. The signs and symptoms that develop often will guide your veterinarian to the appropriate therapy.
The California Veterinary Medical Association is the largest state veterinary medical association in the United States, with more than 6,000 members. For more information, visit www.cvma.net.
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Foreclosures Are Hurting Our Pets Too
This video just shows how the foreclosures are hurting our pets when the owners just get up and leave them behind.
Read the article by Christopher Sign here.
Read the article by Christopher Sign here.
Hallmark Channel and Best Friends Animal Society Partnership to Find Homes for Pets
Hearty Pawshake Seals Hallmark Channel - Best Friends Movie Premiere Partnership Deal
Lucky Dogs Everywhere Benefit from Hallmark Channel and Best Friends Animal Society Partnership to Find Homes for Pets. Hallmark Channel’s Premiere of You Lucky Dog Teams Up with Best Friends’ Adoption Option to Raise Awareness for Pet Adoption.
Lucky Dogs Everywhere Benefit from Hallmark Channel and Best Friends Animal Society Partnership to Find Homes for Pets. Hallmark Channel’s Premiere of You Lucky Dog Teams Up with Best Friends’ Adoption Option to Raise Awareness for Pet Adoption.
Hallmark Channel and Best Friends Animal Society have shaken paws over a new partnership to help raise awareness of the issue of homeless pets in conjunction with Hallmark Channels’ premiere of the original movie You Lucky Dog. The movie, starring Harry Hamlin, Natasha Henstridge and a border collie named Lucky, premieres on Hallmark Channel June 26th with a hopeful and heart-tugging message about rescuing pets and making them a celebrated part of the family.
Best Friends Animal Society, known for its efforts to build a better world through kindness to animals, is working with Hallmark Channel to showcase the movie while championing ”No More Homeless Pets®,” and encouraging pet-lovers everywhere to consider adoption from a shelter or rescue organization when their next pet comes into their lives. Best Friends recently launched an adoption pledge, and the organization hopes that visibility from You Lucky Dog will lead people to think more seriously about pet adoption in the future.
“Hallmark Channel embraces pets as part of the family, and with the story told in You Lucky Dog it was natural to extend our love of pets beyond the television screen to make a difference for adopted animals and families who bring them into their lives,” said Bill Abbott, President and CEO of Hallmark Channel. “Working with Best Friends Animal Society has brought tremendous stories of pet devotion to light, and we’re proud to be a part of such an effort.”
Hallmark Channel and Best Friends will work “paw-in-hand” to cooperatively market the movie premiere and the adoption option pledge campaign, promoting the initiative at local animal adoption events and public outreach opportunities associated with the movie premiere.
“We are excited to partner with Hallmark Channel to promote the life-saving value of adoption in conjunction with the movie release,” said Vicki Kilmer-Rinker, Director of Marketing for Best Friends Animal Society. “By combining Hallmark Channel’s dedication to families and their pets and Best Friends’ focus on helping all pets find loving homes, we’ve found the perfect fit to make a PAWsitive impact for pets and their families across the country.”
From on-air Public Service Announcements and advertising and program tie-ins including celebrities associated with the partners and involved in You Lucky Dog, targeted media and publicity attention, all three program partners will be bringing attention to the pet adoption message through the premiere of You Lucky Dog and beyond.
You Lucky Dog and Hallmark Channel will be participating in the LA Spring Adoption Festival on May 23rd in Los Angeles, as well as the first Tri-State Super Adoption event June 12-13 in Livingston, N.J.
Visit http://pledge.bestfriends.org for more information on the adoption option pledge.
About Hallmark Channel
Hallmark Channel, owned and operated by Crown Media Holdings, Inc., is a 24-hour basic cable network that provides a diverse slate of high-quality entertainment programming available in high definition (HD) and standard definition (SD) to a national audience of 90 million subscribers. The top tier program service is distributed through more than 5,450 cable systems and communities as well as direct-to-home satellite services across the country. Hallmark Channel consistently ranks among the highest-rated cable networks and is the nation’s leading network in providing quality family programming. Hallmark Channel’s sibling network is Hallmark Movie Channel, also available in HD and SD, which focuses on the greatest family movies of all time. For more information, please visit www.hallmarkchannelpress.com.
About Best Friends Animal Society
Best Friends Animal Society is a nonprofit organization building no-kill programs and partnerships that will bring about a day when there are No More Homeless Pets®. The society's leading initiatives in animal care and community programs are coordinated from its Kanab, Utah, headquarters, the country's largest no-kill sanctuary. This work is made possible by the support of a grassroots network of members and community partners across the nation. In 2009, Best Friends celebrated its 25th anniversary.
Nancy Carr
Hallmark Channel
ncarr (at) hallmarkchannel (dot) com
Pam Slay
Hallmark Channel
pslay (at) hallmarkchannel (dot) com
John Polis
Best Friends Animal Society
johnp (at) bestfriends (dot) org
Lucky Dogs Everywhere Benefit from Hallmark Channel and Best Friends Animal Society Partnership to Find Homes for Pets. Hallmark Channel’s Premiere of You Lucky Dog Teams Up with Best Friends’ Adoption Option to Raise Awareness for Pet Adoption.
Lucky Dogs Everywhere Benefit from Hallmark Channel and Best Friends Animal Society Partnership to Find Homes for Pets. Hallmark Channel’s Premiere of You Lucky Dog Teams Up with Best Friends’ Adoption Option to Raise Awareness for Pet Adoption.
Hallmark Channel and Best Friends Animal Society have shaken paws over a new partnership to help raise awareness of the issue of homeless pets in conjunction with Hallmark Channels’ premiere of the original movie You Lucky Dog. The movie, starring Harry Hamlin, Natasha Henstridge and a border collie named Lucky, premieres on Hallmark Channel June 26th with a hopeful and heart-tugging message about rescuing pets and making them a celebrated part of the family.
Best Friends Animal Society, known for its efforts to build a better world through kindness to animals, is working with Hallmark Channel to showcase the movie while championing ”No More Homeless Pets®,” and encouraging pet-lovers everywhere to consider adoption from a shelter or rescue organization when their next pet comes into their lives. Best Friends recently launched an adoption pledge, and the organization hopes that visibility from You Lucky Dog will lead people to think more seriously about pet adoption in the future.
“Hallmark Channel embraces pets as part of the family, and with the story told in You Lucky Dog it was natural to extend our love of pets beyond the television screen to make a difference for adopted animals and families who bring them into their lives,” said Bill Abbott, President and CEO of Hallmark Channel. “Working with Best Friends Animal Society has brought tremendous stories of pet devotion to light, and we’re proud to be a part of such an effort.”
Hallmark Channel and Best Friends will work “paw-in-hand” to cooperatively market the movie premiere and the adoption option pledge campaign, promoting the initiative at local animal adoption events and public outreach opportunities associated with the movie premiere.
“We are excited to partner with Hallmark Channel to promote the life-saving value of adoption in conjunction with the movie release,” said Vicki Kilmer-Rinker, Director of Marketing for Best Friends Animal Society. “By combining Hallmark Channel’s dedication to families and their pets and Best Friends’ focus on helping all pets find loving homes, we’ve found the perfect fit to make a PAWsitive impact for pets and their families across the country.”
From on-air Public Service Announcements and advertising and program tie-ins including celebrities associated with the partners and involved in You Lucky Dog, targeted media and publicity attention, all three program partners will be bringing attention to the pet adoption message through the premiere of You Lucky Dog and beyond.
You Lucky Dog and Hallmark Channel will be participating in the LA Spring Adoption Festival on May 23rd in Los Angeles, as well as the first Tri-State Super Adoption event June 12-13 in Livingston, N.J.
Visit http://pledge.bestfriends.org for more information on the adoption option pledge.
About Hallmark Channel
Hallmark Channel, owned and operated by Crown Media Holdings, Inc., is a 24-hour basic cable network that provides a diverse slate of high-quality entertainment programming available in high definition (HD) and standard definition (SD) to a national audience of 90 million subscribers. The top tier program service is distributed through more than 5,450 cable systems and communities as well as direct-to-home satellite services across the country. Hallmark Channel consistently ranks among the highest-rated cable networks and is the nation’s leading network in providing quality family programming. Hallmark Channel’s sibling network is Hallmark Movie Channel, also available in HD and SD, which focuses on the greatest family movies of all time. For more information, please visit www.hallmarkchannelpress.com.
About Best Friends Animal Society
Best Friends Animal Society is a nonprofit organization building no-kill programs and partnerships that will bring about a day when there are No More Homeless Pets®. The society's leading initiatives in animal care and community programs are coordinated from its Kanab, Utah, headquarters, the country's largest no-kill sanctuary. This work is made possible by the support of a grassroots network of members and community partners across the nation. In 2009, Best Friends celebrated its 25th anniversary.
Nancy Carr
Hallmark Channel
ncarr (at) hallmarkchannel (dot) com
Pam Slay
Hallmark Channel
pslay (at) hallmarkchannel (dot) com
John Polis
Best Friends Animal Society
johnp (at) bestfriends (dot) org
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
It Sure Wasn’t Almost Heaven, Now Kennel Owner Goes To Jail
The owner of the Almost Heaven Kennel in Pennsylvania named Derbe Eckhart was finally sentenced to at least six months in jail for running as Pennsylvania dog warden Kristen Donmoyer put it: horrific conditions at the huge kennel, I’ll never forget the smell.
So hopefully this will be one less puppy mill that will be out there after a jury convicted Derbe on animal cruelty charges from back in two thousand and nine.
Read the article here.
Here’s an old video of the dogs.
I had to post this video by SabrinaFrankie even though it's about a cat.
So hopefully this will be one less puppy mill that will be out there after a jury convicted Derbe on animal cruelty charges from back in two thousand and nine.
Read the article here.
Here’s an old video of the dogs.
Over 200 dogs seized |
I had to post this video by SabrinaFrankie even though it's about a cat.
Monday, May 17, 2010
National Canine Research Council Study On Dog Bites
Good News About Dog Bites and How to Make it Better
Dog bites represent a tiny fraction of the injuries treated in the nation's emergency rooms. Dog bites are, on average, far less severe than injuries we suffer from other common enjoyments. The good news about dog bites will be even better, following a model of responsible pet ownership.
There are 308 million humans and 75 million dogs in the U.S. The majority of dog owners view their dogs as members of the family. Dogs provide us joy, companionship, love and laughter.
Bites constitute a tiny fraction of our hundreds of millions of daily interactions with dogs. Moreover, U.S. public health statistics show that the risk of bites from dogs is slight when compared with other risks Americans accept on a daily basis.
According to the Centers for Disease Control database, for the years 2000-2008, dog bites accounted for less than 1% of the injuries treated in the nation's emergency rooms.
A person injured by a dog is far less likely to be injured seriously than those who suffer other kinds of injuries. For example, over 5% of the 4.6 million Americans who went to an emergency department during those same years because they had been injured on a bicycle were subsequently admitted to a hospital or treatment facility. Over 9% of the 70 million Americans who went to the emergency room because they fell down were admitted.
Only 1.9% of dog bite victims were.
As the human and canine populations have grown - the canine population at a faster rate than the human one - reports of dog bites to major metropolitan health departments have fallen substantially. Even the U.S. Postal Service, for whom dog bites to delivery personnel have been a continuing source of concern, has seen reports of bites decline by more than 50% since 1983.
As low as the risk from dogs is, National Canine Research Council takes the occasion of National Dog Bite Prevention Week, May 16 - 22, to highlight a successful responsible pet ownership model that can reduce that risk even further. Studies of dog bite injuries by American researchers have usually concluded with reminders of an owner's responsibility for his or her dogs.
Calgary, Alberta's Animal & Bylaw Services has successfully translated those recommendations into a plan of municipal action. Calgary enacted what was titled the Responsible Pet Ownership Bylaw. (In the interests of full disclosure, we proudly point out that Animal & Bylaw Services Director Bill Bruce is an advisor to NCRC.) It codifies four simple principles: 1. License and provide permanent identification for your pets; 2. Spay or neuter your pets; 3. Provide training, socialization, proper diet and medical care for your pets; and 4. Do not allow your pets to become a threat or nuisance in the community.
The result in Calgary has been spectacular. For 2008, among the 1.1 million citizens of Calgary, there were only 145 dog bites.
Organizations nationwide are offering advice and educational resources to help children and adults be safe around dogs. NCRC urges Americans of all ages to take
advantage of those resources, so that we live companionably with the 75 million dogs in our midst.
And whenever dog-safety issues come up in the community, NCRC urges all Americans to remember how Calgary solved the problem.
About Karen Delise & The National Canine Research Council
Karen Delise is the Founder and Director of Research for the National Canine Research Council, and the author of The Pit Bull Placebo: The Media, Myths and Politics of Canine Aggression (Anubis Publishing) She can be reached at kdelise(at)ncrcouncil(dot)com. The mission of The National Canine Research Council is to publish accurate, documented, reliable research to promote a better understanding of the human-canine bond.
Dog bites represent a tiny fraction of the injuries treated in the nation's emergency rooms. Dog bites are, on average, far less severe than injuries we suffer from other common enjoyments. The good news about dog bites will be even better, following a model of responsible pet ownership.
There are 308 million humans and 75 million dogs in the U.S. The majority of dog owners view their dogs as members of the family. Dogs provide us joy, companionship, love and laughter.
Bites constitute a tiny fraction of our hundreds of millions of daily interactions with dogs. Moreover, U.S. public health statistics show that the risk of bites from dogs is slight when compared with other risks Americans accept on a daily basis.
According to the Centers for Disease Control database, for the years 2000-2008, dog bites accounted for less than 1% of the injuries treated in the nation's emergency rooms.
A person injured by a dog is far less likely to be injured seriously than those who suffer other kinds of injuries. For example, over 5% of the 4.6 million Americans who went to an emergency department during those same years because they had been injured on a bicycle were subsequently admitted to a hospital or treatment facility. Over 9% of the 70 million Americans who went to the emergency room because they fell down were admitted.
Only 1.9% of dog bite victims were.
As the human and canine populations have grown - the canine population at a faster rate than the human one - reports of dog bites to major metropolitan health departments have fallen substantially. Even the U.S. Postal Service, for whom dog bites to delivery personnel have been a continuing source of concern, has seen reports of bites decline by more than 50% since 1983.
As low as the risk from dogs is, National Canine Research Council takes the occasion of National Dog Bite Prevention Week, May 16 - 22, to highlight a successful responsible pet ownership model that can reduce that risk even further. Studies of dog bite injuries by American researchers have usually concluded with reminders of an owner's responsibility for his or her dogs.
Calgary, Alberta's Animal & Bylaw Services has successfully translated those recommendations into a plan of municipal action. Calgary enacted what was titled the Responsible Pet Ownership Bylaw. (In the interests of full disclosure, we proudly point out that Animal & Bylaw Services Director Bill Bruce is an advisor to NCRC.) It codifies four simple principles: 1. License and provide permanent identification for your pets; 2. Spay or neuter your pets; 3. Provide training, socialization, proper diet and medical care for your pets; and 4. Do not allow your pets to become a threat or nuisance in the community.
The result in Calgary has been spectacular. For 2008, among the 1.1 million citizens of Calgary, there were only 145 dog bites.
Organizations nationwide are offering advice and educational resources to help children and adults be safe around dogs. NCRC urges Americans of all ages to take
advantage of those resources, so that we live companionably with the 75 million dogs in our midst.
And whenever dog-safety issues come up in the community, NCRC urges all Americans to remember how Calgary solved the problem.
About Karen Delise & The National Canine Research Council
Karen Delise is the Founder and Director of Research for the National Canine Research Council, and the author of The Pit Bull Placebo: The Media, Myths and Politics of Canine Aggression (Anubis Publishing) She can be reached at kdelise(at)ncrcouncil(dot)com. The mission of The National Canine Research Council is to publish accurate, documented, reliable research to promote a better understanding of the human-canine bond.
Sunday, May 16, 2010
You Were Suppose To Foster The Dogs Not Sell Them
Could you imagine a person who was suppose to help foster rescued dogs had the gall to sell the dogs and pocket the money. A lowlife named Joseph Yaquinto from Shelby Township, MI was suppose to be helping out the Last Day Dog Rescue but instead this guy took in seventy five hundred dollars on the side that could have went to help take care of the dogs at the rescue.
Hopefully nobody will buy a dog from this thief and I hope word get out on the street so that this will not happen again.
Read the article by Melanie D Scott here.
Hopefully nobody will buy a dog from this thief and I hope word get out on the street so that this will not happen again.
Read the article by Melanie D Scott here.
Friday, May 14, 2010
It’s Called Music For The Dogs

This coming June the fifth there will be a concert just for dogs, that only dogs will hear. A special legend named Laurie Anderson has composed a twenty minute concert at the Sydney Opera House with glorious cacophony of sounds for the dogs to enjoy that will be performed with Lou Reed.
I wish I was able to go and watch how the dogs act when they hear this composite of sounds. Hopefully somebody will post the music that was performed during this concert.
Read about the concert for dogs here.
It’s Called Music For The Dogs
He’s Called Kanellos The Greek Protest Dog

Photo by Nikolas Giakoumidis
I don’t know if this dog really knows what’s going on at the demonstrations over in Greece. But apparently he’s been at so many of the protest over the past two years that he has become a legend of his own.
To top things off Kanellos has even gotten his own Facebook page to keep up with the world. You just got to love this dog because he just shows up and as the photo’s show he is having a good time.
Check out more of the photo’s here.
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Mail Carriers Are Asking Your Help In Preventing From Being Bit By Your Dog
Postal Service Needs Help Preventing Dog Bites
Letter Carriers, Victims, Doctors Promote National Dog Bite Prevention Week
Fifty-four Chicago U.S. Postal Service letter carriers were among the 2,863 postal employees attacked by dogs last year, yet that pales in comparison to the 4.7 million Americans bitten annually — the majority of whom were children.
According to the City of Chicago's Commission on Animal Care and Control, nearly 2,000 Chicagoans are bitten annually. Fortunately, dog bites are preventable through training, proper control of dogs and education.
These statistics are part of the reason the Postal Service recognizes National Dog Bite Prevention Week®, an annual event designed to provide consumers with information on how to be responsible pet owners while increasing awareness of a public health issue.
"We often hear two tall tales at the Postal Service — 'the check's in the mail,' and 'don't worry, my dog won't bite,'" said Delores Killette, Postal Service vice president and Consumer Advocate. "Given the right circumstances, any dog can bite. Working with animal behavior experts, we've developed tips to avoid dog attacks, and for dog owners, tips for practicing responsible pet ownership."
To spread the word that dog bites are preventable, the Postal Service is working with the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) and the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS). Other organizations include the American Society of Maxillofacial Surgeons (ASMS) the American Society for Reconstructive Microsurgery (ASRM) and Prevent The Bite.
"Warm and wonderful relationships are shared between more than 72 million pet dogs and their owners in the United States," said Dr. Gail C. Golab, director of the AVMA's Animal Welfare Division. "To protect those relationships, everyone must take responsibility for preventing dog bite injuries."
"Any dog can bite," Golab added. "Even the gentlest dog, if it is physically or mentally unhealthy, is in pain, feels threatened, or is protecting its food or a favorite toy, can bite. Not only is it important to understand how dogs behave, it is important to understand how our behavior may be interpreted by a dog. To prevent dog bites, we need to find a common language. Finding that common language is the focus of effective dog bite prevention educational efforts."
"Half of all children will be bitten by a dog by the time they're high school seniors," said Dr. Alison Tothy, chair of the committee on injury and poison prevention of AAP's Illinois chapter. "It's so important for parents to supervise young children around dogs at all times, and it's just as important for children to be taught from an early age how to keep from being bitten."
Plastic surgeon Loren Schechter of Morton Grove, IL, knows all too well how devastating injuries from dog attacks can be. "More than 30,000 reconstructive procedures after dog bites were performed last year, up eight percent since 2008. Unfortunately, many of these surgeries were performed on children," said Schechter, member of the ASPS, ASRM and ASMS. "Children are frequently bitten on the face, which can result in severe lacerations, infection or scarring."
Kelly Voigt, 18, was the victim of a savage dog attack when she was seven years old, and needed 100 stitches to her face as part of her recovery.
"Dog bite prevention education cannot begin early enough," said Voigt. The experience was the catalyst behind the creation of Prevent The Bite, a non-profit organization that promotes dog bite prevention to young children. To date, Voigt has spoken before more than 10,000 elementary school students.
To help educate the public about dog bites, the AVMA developed a brochure, "What you should know about dog bite prevention," offering tips on how to avoid being bitten, what dog owners can do to prevent their dogs from biting and how to treat dog bites.
Tips include: Pick a dog that is a good match for your home, consult your veterinarian for details, socialize your pet and avoid aggressive games with your pet. To access the brochure online, visit www.avma.org/press/publichealth/dogbite/mediakit.asp.
The Postal Service places the safety of its employees as a top priority. Letter carriers fearing for their safety due to a loose or unrestrained pet may curtail delivery and ask homeowners to pick up their mail at the Post Office until the carrier is assured the pet is restrained. In cases where carriers see the dog roaming, delivery could be curtailed to the neighborhood.
The Postal Service offers these tips as well:
How to Avoid Being Bitten
* Don't run past a dog. The dog's natural instinct is to chase and catch prey.
* If a dog threatens you, don't scream. Avoid eye contact. Try to remain motionless until the dog leaves, then back away slowly until the dog is out of sight.
* Don't approach a strange dog, especially one that's tethered or confined.
* While letter carriers are discouraged from petting animals, people who choose to pet dogs should always let a dog see and sniff them before petting the animal.
* If you believe a dog is about to attack you, try to place something between yourself and the dog, such as a backpack or a bicycle.
How to Be a Responsible Dog Owner
* Obedience training can teach dogs proper behavior and help owners control their dogs.
* When a carrier comes to your home, keep your dog inside, away from the door in another room.
* Don't let your child take mail from the carrier in the presence of your dog. Your dog's instinct is to protect the family.
* Spay or neuter your dog. Neutered dogs are less likely to bite.
* Dogs that receive little attention or handling, or are left tied up for long periods of time, frequently turn into biters.
The Postal Service receives no tax dollars for operating expenses, and relies on the sale of postage, products and services to fund its operations.
A self-supporting government enterprise, the U.S. Postal Service is the only delivery service that reaches every address in the nation, 150 million residences, businesses and Post Office Boxes. The Postal Service receives no direct support from taxpayers. With 36,000 retail locations and the most frequently visited website in the federal government, the Postal Service relies on the sale of postage, products and services to pay for operating expenses. Named the Most Trusted Government Agency five consecutive years and the sixth Most Trusted Business in the nation by the Ponemon Institute, the Postal Service has annual revenue of more than $68 billion and delivers nearly half the world's mail. If it were a private sector company, the U.S. Postal Service would rank 28th in the 2009 Fortune 500.
National Dog Bite Prevention Week® is a registered trademark of the American Veterinary Medical Association and is licensed for use to the United States Postal Service, the American Academy of Pediatrics, the American Society of Plastic Surgeons. the American Society of Maxillofacial Surgeons, and the American Society for Reconstructive Microsurgery.
Letter Carriers, Victims, Doctors Promote National Dog Bite Prevention Week
Fifty-four Chicago U.S. Postal Service letter carriers were among the 2,863 postal employees attacked by dogs last year, yet that pales in comparison to the 4.7 million Americans bitten annually — the majority of whom were children.
According to the City of Chicago's Commission on Animal Care and Control, nearly 2,000 Chicagoans are bitten annually. Fortunately, dog bites are preventable through training, proper control of dogs and education.
These statistics are part of the reason the Postal Service recognizes National Dog Bite Prevention Week®, an annual event designed to provide consumers with information on how to be responsible pet owners while increasing awareness of a public health issue.
"We often hear two tall tales at the Postal Service — 'the check's in the mail,' and 'don't worry, my dog won't bite,'" said Delores Killette, Postal Service vice president and Consumer Advocate. "Given the right circumstances, any dog can bite. Working with animal behavior experts, we've developed tips to avoid dog attacks, and for dog owners, tips for practicing responsible pet ownership."
To spread the word that dog bites are preventable, the Postal Service is working with the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) and the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS). Other organizations include the American Society of Maxillofacial Surgeons (ASMS) the American Society for Reconstructive Microsurgery (ASRM) and Prevent The Bite.
"Warm and wonderful relationships are shared between more than 72 million pet dogs and their owners in the United States," said Dr. Gail C. Golab, director of the AVMA's Animal Welfare Division. "To protect those relationships, everyone must take responsibility for preventing dog bite injuries."
"Any dog can bite," Golab added. "Even the gentlest dog, if it is physically or mentally unhealthy, is in pain, feels threatened, or is protecting its food or a favorite toy, can bite. Not only is it important to understand how dogs behave, it is important to understand how our behavior may be interpreted by a dog. To prevent dog bites, we need to find a common language. Finding that common language is the focus of effective dog bite prevention educational efforts."
"Half of all children will be bitten by a dog by the time they're high school seniors," said Dr. Alison Tothy, chair of the committee on injury and poison prevention of AAP's Illinois chapter. "It's so important for parents to supervise young children around dogs at all times, and it's just as important for children to be taught from an early age how to keep from being bitten."
Plastic surgeon Loren Schechter of Morton Grove, IL, knows all too well how devastating injuries from dog attacks can be. "More than 30,000 reconstructive procedures after dog bites were performed last year, up eight percent since 2008. Unfortunately, many of these surgeries were performed on children," said Schechter, member of the ASPS, ASRM and ASMS. "Children are frequently bitten on the face, which can result in severe lacerations, infection or scarring."
Kelly Voigt, 18, was the victim of a savage dog attack when she was seven years old, and needed 100 stitches to her face as part of her recovery.
"Dog bite prevention education cannot begin early enough," said Voigt. The experience was the catalyst behind the creation of Prevent The Bite, a non-profit organization that promotes dog bite prevention to young children. To date, Voigt has spoken before more than 10,000 elementary school students.
To help educate the public about dog bites, the AVMA developed a brochure, "What you should know about dog bite prevention," offering tips on how to avoid being bitten, what dog owners can do to prevent their dogs from biting and how to treat dog bites.
Tips include: Pick a dog that is a good match for your home, consult your veterinarian for details, socialize your pet and avoid aggressive games with your pet. To access the brochure online, visit www.avma.org/press/publichealth/dogbite/mediakit.asp.
The Postal Service places the safety of its employees as a top priority. Letter carriers fearing for their safety due to a loose or unrestrained pet may curtail delivery and ask homeowners to pick up their mail at the Post Office until the carrier is assured the pet is restrained. In cases where carriers see the dog roaming, delivery could be curtailed to the neighborhood.
The Postal Service offers these tips as well:
How to Avoid Being Bitten
* Don't run past a dog. The dog's natural instinct is to chase and catch prey.
* If a dog threatens you, don't scream. Avoid eye contact. Try to remain motionless until the dog leaves, then back away slowly until the dog is out of sight.
* Don't approach a strange dog, especially one that's tethered or confined.
* While letter carriers are discouraged from petting animals, people who choose to pet dogs should always let a dog see and sniff them before petting the animal.
* If you believe a dog is about to attack you, try to place something between yourself and the dog, such as a backpack or a bicycle.
How to Be a Responsible Dog Owner
* Obedience training can teach dogs proper behavior and help owners control their dogs.
* When a carrier comes to your home, keep your dog inside, away from the door in another room.
* Don't let your child take mail from the carrier in the presence of your dog. Your dog's instinct is to protect the family.
* Spay or neuter your dog. Neutered dogs are less likely to bite.
* Dogs that receive little attention or handling, or are left tied up for long periods of time, frequently turn into biters.
The Postal Service receives no tax dollars for operating expenses, and relies on the sale of postage, products and services to fund its operations.
A self-supporting government enterprise, the U.S. Postal Service is the only delivery service that reaches every address in the nation, 150 million residences, businesses and Post Office Boxes. The Postal Service receives no direct support from taxpayers. With 36,000 retail locations and the most frequently visited website in the federal government, the Postal Service relies on the sale of postage, products and services to pay for operating expenses. Named the Most Trusted Government Agency five consecutive years and the sixth Most Trusted Business in the nation by the Ponemon Institute, the Postal Service has annual revenue of more than $68 billion and delivers nearly half the world's mail. If it were a private sector company, the U.S. Postal Service would rank 28th in the 2009 Fortune 500.
National Dog Bite Prevention Week® is a registered trademark of the American Veterinary Medical Association and is licensed for use to the United States Postal Service, the American Academy of Pediatrics, the American Society of Plastic Surgeons. the American Society of Maxillofacial Surgeons, and the American Society for Reconstructive Microsurgery.
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
You Can Change The Name Of Your Pet Store But Your Still The Same
Apparently Jim and Gilda Anderson from Florida have set up shop under many names and have resulted in the same thing. These two are charged with selling sick dogs on multiple times over the years and this time the judge has order the forty five dogs be taken in custody while he decides what to do with these two.
So how many more names can these two get away with until they are handed a severe charge that might just make them think twice before they decide to open another store. I feel bad for all the dogs and for the people that brought a dog from these two.
Read the article by Susannah Bryan here.
So how many more names can these two get away with until they are handed a severe charge that might just make them think twice before they decide to open another store. I feel bad for all the dogs and for the people that brought a dog from these two.
Read the article by Susannah Bryan here.
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Not All Gum Is Safe For Your Dog To Eat, Some Might Even Be Toxic
I came across a great article that explains about a type of sugar free gum that just might be too toxic for your dog to eat. There happens to be an additive to the gum which is called Xylitol that is a white crystalline substance that looks and tastes like sugar.
After a couples two dogs consumed a pack of this gum the woman became concerned and called her vet to see if it was alright. Well that wasn’t the answer she received from the vet.
Dr. Austin Neely said: A lot of people are familiar with things like chocolate toxicity but you actually have to give your dog a lot of chocolate to make them sick…whereas for some small dogs…one or two pieces of regular chewing gum can be enough to show toxic signs.
I don’t know about you, but I will be making sure that there is no gum of any kind laying around in my home and be checking everything for this product.
Read the article by Jane Slater here.
After a couples two dogs consumed a pack of this gum the woman became concerned and called her vet to see if it was alright. Well that wasn’t the answer she received from the vet.
Dr. Austin Neely said: A lot of people are familiar with things like chocolate toxicity but you actually have to give your dog a lot of chocolate to make them sick…whereas for some small dogs…one or two pieces of regular chewing gum can be enough to show toxic signs.
I don’t know about you, but I will be making sure that there is no gum of any kind laying around in my home and be checking everything for this product.
Read the article by Jane Slater here.
Monday, May 10, 2010
Federal Judge Slaps Hand Of Two Involved In Dog Fighting
You would have thought that a Federal Judge would have sentence Jill & Andrew Makstaller to a more severe sentence for their part in a multi state dog fighting ring. These two are from Perry, Iowa and the judge just seemed to slap their hand with probation.
When are the judges going to take this more serious knowing that most of the dogs are hurt so bad that they have to be killed just so some sick people came wage a buck on the poor dogs.
I hope know one ever sells these two lowlifes a dog ever again.
Read the article here.
When are the judges going to take this more serious knowing that most of the dogs are hurt so bad that they have to be killed just so some sick people came wage a buck on the poor dogs.
I hope know one ever sells these two lowlifes a dog ever again.
Read the article here.
Saturday, May 8, 2010
Authorities Seize 25 Dogs From Possible Dog Fighting In New Mexico

Photo by Robin Zielinski
The Dona Ana County Animal Control have rescued twenty five dogs in Las Cruces, N.M. that might have been used in dog fights. The dogs were taken from David Swann on a search warrant and the place didn’t look to good when they arrived.
The County Animal Control Director Curtis Childress said: Equipment indicative of dog fighting, like a blood spattered wooden treadmill called a slat mill and jaw strengthening rope implements was discovered.
Read the article by Ashley Meeks here.
Friday, May 7, 2010
Joe Piscopo And Friends Help Autism Center Replace Stolen Dog
Not only did Joe Piscopo and his friends help out by replacing a stolen dog, they also help replace the items that were taken when someone broke into the Autism Center in Dallas last week.
A Big Thanks goes out to Joe and His Friends for helping out these kids that live there.
Read the article by Stephanie Lucero here.
A Big Thanks goes out to Joe and His Friends for helping out these kids that live there.
Read the article by Stephanie Lucero here.
Thursday, May 6, 2010
More Abandoned Dogs And Puppy Mill Rescues
The Loess Hills Humane Society and the local Deputies rescued twenty seven pit bulls from what looked like an abandoned home in Pacific Junction in Iowa. The report said that they were chained up to old car axles and had no water or food.
How could someone do that to these dogs and not even care about them. Two of the dogs had to be killed because they were in bad shape.
Read the article here.
Just looking at the video tells the story about a seventy seven year old women who just wasn’t able to take care of some eighty seven dogs that were Chihuahuas, Yorkies and Maltesees. Thanks to a tip from a woman who just brought a dog from Melissa Lyles in Chester County, SC which ended in her being charged with ill treatment to animals and running a puppy mill.
Now the Chester County Animal Control will have to take care of these dogs until they find them a new home.
Read the article by Glen Counts here.
How could someone do that to these dogs and not even care about them. Two of the dogs had to be killed because they were in bad shape.
Read the article here.
Just looking at the video tells the story about a seventy seven year old women who just wasn’t able to take care of some eighty seven dogs that were Chihuahuas, Yorkies and Maltesees. Thanks to a tip from a woman who just brought a dog from Melissa Lyles in Chester County, SC which ended in her being charged with ill treatment to animals and running a puppy mill.
Now the Chester County Animal Control will have to take care of these dogs until they find them a new home.
Read the article by Glen Counts here.
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Microwave Dog Needs Your Support
Photo by Hopalong Animal Rescue
A mixed Chihuahua-terrier who is called Mighty Mouse needs your support to help pay for all his medical needs from being Microwave by a four year old child by mistake.
You wonder how a dog could even survive even fifteen seconds in the microwave oven. The dog did receive damage to his colon and anus on which he has been going though surgeries to help relieve the pain.
Read the article by Kristin Bender here.
You can make a donation @
Hopalong & Second Chance Animal Rescue at P.O. Box 27507, Oakland, CA 94602
Or you can go online to donate @
Microwave Dog Needs Your Support
Monday, May 3, 2010
OK Who Took The Money From Jefferson County Humane Society Shelter
Tell me how some one could break into an animal shelter an take the safe with all the money that is needed to help feed the dogs.
Well that's what happened to the Jefferson County Humane Society Shelter in Tenn. this past weekend.
If you like to help you can send a donation to:
P.O. Box 653
Jefferson City, TN 37760
For more information, call Taffey Wilson at (865) 475-8930.
Read the article by Alison Morrow here.
Sunday, May 2, 2010
Have You Ever Seen A Dog With A Tongue Like This
Saturday, May 1, 2010
A Dog House Fit For A King

Photo by Chris Carlson
We all know about dog houses but this one is over the hill that cost some twenty grand. I will say the three little dogs will be loving this place that was built by La Petite Maison.
I just wonder how all the dogs that are in shelters feel about these lucky dogs.
Read the article by Sue Manning here.
A Dog House Fit For A King
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