I will call it a recue but you can call it a seizer of William Thomas Allen dogs from his so called Mason Creek Kennels in North Carolina. The Caldwell County Health Department had obtained a warrant due to the conditions of the so called kennel.
Caldwell County Animal Control Director Greg Greene said: Mason Creek Kennels has been under investigation for quite a while, but it's taken a little while to get enough evidence for the warrant.
The seizer took a lot of help from the Caldwell County Sheriff's Office, the Caldwell County Animal Control, the Burke County Animal Control, the Catawba County Animal Control, and the Union County Animal Control.
Hopefully the dogs will be able to find a real home after living in this rat trap of a kennel.
Read the article Jeff Rivenbark here.
Anyone wanting to make donations for the care of the animals and their upkeep should contact Donna West with the Caldwell Humane Society, PO Box 1991, Lenoir, NC, 28645. Phone number 828-292-2925 or email at caldwell4pets@gmail.com.
I am so totally disgusted with this situation. The pet owner should go to jail for a very long time and not be charged with just "Animal Abuse." Seems to me like North Carolina, as well as South Carolina, both share in tragic pet care events. Thanks to everyone who has gotten involved and trying to make a better life for the pets.